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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5000952 No.5000952 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else get the impression that no one gives a shit about biology?

Physicist call it a soft science and show it now respect.
Chemist think biologist are failed chemistry students.
Engineers don't care about biology because they can't build anything.
Investors had not really invested in biotechnologies until recently when compared to chemistry and physics.
The general public think of biology as what the see on animal planet or what their doctor tells them...

Mathematicians may be one of the few people who care about biology, but they like anything with numbers that can be crunched.

>> No.5000959

People are dicks, man.

>> No.5000970

Biology is the science of the future.

Gene therapy, stem cell research, customizable children... It's the future. The elimination of disease, ugliness, and perhaps even aging!

>> No.5000976

your sweeping generalizations are fairly unconvincing, allthough you are right that mathematical and computational biology are becoming legit fields

>> No.5000978

Depends how you look at biology.

Most people think biology is all about masturbating over a new species of protozoa found in some Amazonian jungle.

But for me, a chemist, plant biology for example is just fucking fascinating.

>> No.5000979

ah, an undergrad.
Or maybe just someone that lurks /sci/ too much.

in real life biology is more popular and better understood by the public than any other discipline.

also in real life biologists are respected and regularly work with chemists, physicists, geologists, and pretty much any other workers. However in real life the lines between working in one field or another are blurred. Biologists are generally chemists and physicists.

>> No.5000986

Pure biology, i.e. zoology and the like is really not worth studying at university.
But other biological disciplines are working very well together with all the other sciences.

Ever heard of biophysics?
What about genetic engineering?

do invest in biotechnology and gene manipulation

>general public
The general public consists of retards and taking them serious makes you a retard as well.

>> No.5001022

But, OP, none of what you said is true, except the thing where mathematicians are getting into biology? The people who shit on biology are only dipshit undergraduates who will not graduate and /sci/.

>> No.5001033

Actually arguably the most shit-on field is Astronomy. Not in that nobody respects it, because a lot of people respect it, but it doesn't get any grant money and it never will. A sad fact of life.

>> No.5001038

physicsfag here

I do like biology. It's a really cool science and fucking interesting.
But I wholeheartedly disrespect the faggots who study it in my university. They are douchebags and retards who fail to understand the most fundamental concepts of rigorous science.

>> No.5001041

You forgot that Social Sciences probably think it's ethically wrong.

>> No.5001048
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>Number crunching

What I think you mean is that mathematicians like anything with patterns.

>> No.5001056 [DELETED] 

>infantile cartoon

>> No.5001053

zoology is fucking dull
math is hard
violets are blue
i am not a yeti

>> No.5001063 [DELETED] 

But you're a zoologist.

>> No.5001078 [DELETED] 

Teacup is a zoologist.

>> No.5001074

No, he isn't. He's a physics or engineering undergrad.

>> No.5001093

We are just kidding, becaus biology is (still) on the edge of being a soft science Biology is a perfectly respectable major thought. Don't worry about it. We also don't really think all our engineer friends are gay, it's just a joke.

Please post some /sci/ence thought.

>> No.5001089

No, you retard.

>> No.5001108

As you say, there is plenty of money now (forget the past) so what are you worrying about? Alpha disciplines get on with the job without worrying what other disciplines think of them.

>> No.5001140

Me, as a physicist respect those biologists studying stuff like genetics and biotechnology and what not. These things strike me as very complex and involved, far too much so for me to want to deal with. Zoology and similar things I am not very impressed by, however, since it seems to be mostly "stamp collection".

>> No.5001146

>Please post some /sci/ence thought.

I'd rather like to see him posting science instead of /sci/ence.

>> No.5001163

I meant science. I am drunk and listening to tomorrowland compilations, sorry.

>> No.5001173


so much this! graduating soon (deadline for thesis about ATR-FTIR is next wendsday) and i am really sick of biology. such an mess that i decided to start all over agein with physic.

>> No.5003253

>What about genetic engineering?
Nowhere near the same as any other engineering. The only thing genetic engineering has in common with any other engineering is the word engineering. Most engineers will say that any kind of bio-engineering isn't really engineering.

>> No.5003275

I agree that it's a bad term, but I don't think people doing genetic engineering would ever actually claim they're doing real engineering work. Everybody in the field understands that what they really mean is just "Applied genetic science," but at this point it's too late to change it easily (also some scientists treat applied science like it's a contamination to their ivory tower purity, so they don't want to be reminded of it).

>> No.5003285
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Did somebody say genetic engineering?

>> No.5003311

I disagree. I think statistical engineering is still engineering, how is applying Walsh Hadamard transforms to sequences to demodualte information any different than Fourier transforms to EM signals? Also there are whole fields emerging whereby information is stored in genetic code, or large complex problems are solved through DNA sequencing.

>> No.5003345

Engineers do care. The ability to biologically code will greatly reduce some solutions.

>i.e. your black black heart can finally be replaced /sci/

>> No.5003367

What the fuck are you on?

As a Chemical Engineer I love biology, you can make all kind of stuff with it.

Also, what the future has saved for mankind in that field... we can only wait.