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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4995674 No.4995674[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The eternal [Logos] is the Power of God, and the work, of the -eternal [Logos] is the world, which has no beginning, but is continually becoming by the activity of the eternal [Logos]. Therefore, nothing that constitutes the world will ever perish or be destroyed, for the eternal [Logos] is imperishable. All this great body of the world is a Soul, full of intellect and of God, who fills it within and without and vivifies everything.

Contemplate through Me [the Divine Mind], the world and consider its beauty. ... See that all things are full of light. See the earth, settled in the midst of all, the great nurse who nourishes all earthly creatures, All is full of Soul, and all beings are in movement. Who has created these things? The one God, for God is one. You see that the world is always one, the Sun, one; the moon, one; the divine activity, one; God, too, is one. And since all is living, and Life is also one, God is certainly one. It is by the action of God that all things come into being…

>> No.4995677

All that is, He contains within Himself like thoughts: the world, Himself, the All. Therefore, unless you make yourself equal to God, you cannot understand God; for like is not intelligible save to the like. Make yourself grow to a greatness beyond measure; by a leap [of intellect], free yourself from the body; raise yourself above all time, become Eternity; then you will understand God.

Believe that nothing is impossible for you; think yourself immortal and capable of understanding all, all arts, all sciences, the nature of every living being. Mount higher than the highest height; descend lower than the lowest depth. Draw into yourself all sensations of everything created, fire and water, the dry and the moist, imagining that you are everywhere, on earth, in the sea, in the sky; that you are not yet born, in the maternal womb, adolescent, old, dead, beyond death. If you embrace in your thought all things at once-all times, places, substances, qualities, quantities-you may understand God.

>> No.4995679

Say no longer that God is invisible. Do not speak thus, for what is more manifest than God? He has created all only that you may see it through the beings. For that is the miraculous power of God, to show Himself through all beings. For nothing is invisible, not even the incorporeal. The intellect makes itself visible in the act of thinking; God makes Himself visible in the act of creating

>> No.4995682

The intellect, is drawn from the very substance of God. In men, this intellect is God; and so some men are gods and their humanity is near to the Divine. When man is not guided by intellect, he falls below himself into an animal state. All men are subject to Destiny, but those in possession of the Logos, which commands the intellect from within, are not under it in the same manner as others. God's two gifts to man of intellect and the Logos have the same value as immortality. If man makes right use of these, he differs in no way from the immortals.

>> No.4995684

Newfag detected. You're probably from /b/ and have no idea how this board works.

If you really want to troll /sci/, you have to play an edgy teenage atheist from reddit. One that doesn't know shit about science but has to tell everyone how much he hates fairy tales, accusing everyone else of fallacies and claiming to be the only one who uses logic. This would make em mad. Not some stale bible copypasta. OP, you're boring and unoriginal.

>> No.4995689

The world, too, is a god, image of a greater God. United to Him and performing the order and will of the Father, it is the totality of life. There is nothing in it, through all the duration of the cyclic return willed by the Father, which is not alive. The Father has willed that the world should be living so long as it keeps its cohesion; hence the world is necessarily God.

>> No.4995690
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>implying the bible

>> No.4995691

You don't expect me to read all that shit do you?

Trolling is supposed to be subtle

>> No.4995694

Where could matter be placed if it existed apart from God [who is infinite]? Would it not be but a confused mass, unless it were ordered? And if it is ordered, by whom is it ordered? The energies which operate in it are parts of God. Whether you speak of matter or bodies or substance, know that all these are the energy of God, of the God who is all. In the All there is nothing which is not God. Adore this teaching, my child, and hold it sacred.

>> No.4995696

See? I didn't even read it. Neither your copypasta nor the bible. Enjoy your no replies and an incoming ban in about 12 hours.

>> No.4995697
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> butthurt angsty atheist detected

>> No.4995698
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>didnt read it
>has an oppinion of it
>thinks will get banned for it
> didnt read it

>> No.4995707


>> No.4995710

>using overly dressy language to hide the fact that it otherwise sounds like a sermon

yah no. thanks for trying. play again. Do not pass go. Don't let the door hit you where evolution split you.

>> No.4995717

Sounds like sophistry to me.

saged for good measure

>> No.4995723
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I really dont even know what exactly these niggers are trying to say

>> No.4995740

They are forever free who renounce all selfish desires and break away from the ego-cage of "I," "me," and "mine" to be united with the Lord. Attain to this, and pass from death to immortality.

>> No.4995780
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What you call 'God' is just the consciousness integral of 'all that is'; the universe, the cosmos, whatever you want to call it. It is *not* a separate entity.

Monotheism is a crime against humanity.

And so is the naïve materialism worshipped by the authoritarian followers of the church of scientism.

>> No.4995797

Sometimes I fuck in light, sometimes in darkness. I prefer a compromise between the 2, actually.

>> No.4995798


More sophistry from the master sophist himself