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4993891 No.4993891[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does the psychology field still consider transgender people mentally ill?

>mfw I see a disgusting tranny

>> No.4993910

People who consider trannies to be mentally ill are mentally ill. /thread

>> No.4993912
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>> No.4993915

If you're thinking about OP, I'm not him. I'm just tired of all the hatred towards trannies.

>> No.4993918

Gender identity disorder

It is a mental illness and the majority of psychologists agree.

thinking you are girl in a man's body is usually caused by sexual abuse as a child.

>> No.4993919


>Ignores science

why are you on /sci/?

>> No.4993920

>not accepting gender as a spectrum

>> No.4993925

It's you who's ignoring science. GTFO.

>> No.4993926


>> No.4993929


It's not... holy shit

how retarded are you?

>> No.4993933

But it is. You cannot deny science.

>> No.4993931

It's you who's retarded, you reactionary scum. Get out.

>> No.4993934


There is no fucking legitimate scientific research that states gender being a spectrum. you fucking twat.

>> No.4993939


Educate yourself.

>> No.4993941
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>wikipedia article

Are you freaks even trying?

>> No.4993943

Where's le problem? Is reading too hard for you?

>> No.4993945

>implying anything ending in -ology is a science

>> No.4993948

I'm sick of trannies and all their drama. Whether or not they get to be called "mentally ill", they are fucked up if they want to chop up perfectly healthy genitals and replace them with Frankencocks and taint caves.

>> No.4993951


keep being in denial, freak

>> No.4993965

>inb4 none of them are science

>> No.4993969

Confirmation bias.

Scientology is not on that list.

>> No.4993993


>> No.4993995


What kind of shithole do you live in that you even encounter actual transexuals?

>> No.4993998
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So if a guy, who used to be female, gets preggo, forms babby, and want to breastfeed, is he still a dude?

>> No.4994005
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Daily reminder that:

>41 percent of transgender people in the United States have attempted to commit suicide
>42 percent of people suffering from bulimia or homosexual
>30 percent of homosexuals are alcoholics (Compared to general population [10%])
>51% of homosexuals were sexually abused

Homosexuals and transgender people are mentally ill and their disgusting lifestyle is just the TIP of the ICEBERG of their fucked up psyche.

>> No.4994009

A mental illness is generally defined as something that is not normal in society and makes them unable to function within normal social bounds. There are many illogical and bizarre things that humans do that are not considered mental illness because they are so common. For example, religion and weddings.

Being transexual is extremely uncommon and makes it difficult to live in society. It is a mental illness. Keep in mind that scientific definitions don't go by if something is "bad" or "wrong". That is the realm of subjective pseudoscience. I think we can all agree that being transgender is not NORMAL though. The VAST MAJORITY of all humans on earth are NOT transgender; therefor it is not normal. Therefor it is a mental illness

>in b4 some butthurt liberal

>> No.4994017
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<--- The extent of Transgender "Science"

>> No.4994015

Step out of the way, it's time for /pol/ to take over and beat you skinny /sci/fag nerds up, along with you diseased trannies.

>> No.4994016
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I can't believe "gender studies" is accepted as a field of study.

>> No.4994020

Good info graphic. Saved.

>> No.4994021
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blacker every time I see him

>> No.4994019

Because of which exact reason is a tranny unable to function in a society?

>> No.4994022


Trannies themselves often say they cannot function in society because they feel they are in the incorrect body so every day is constant suffering for them.

You reap what you sow.

>> No.4994030




>> No.4994029

I was talking about post-op trannies. What prevents them from functioning normally in society? In my opinion, nothing, so they aren't mentally ill.

>> No.4994033

>implying you had better arguments

>> No.4994036


>implying I would hire a freak

>Also, 31% of homeless people are homosexual

>> No.4994042


My argument is what many transsexuals themselves say. Your argument is your personal opinion.

>> No.4994044

ITT: Trannies and sodomites try to justify their own degenerate lifestyles without providing substantial scientific data. And the data they do provide ends up proving that they are unable to function normally in society as they are, meaning they aren't normal, meaning they are freaks, meaning they are diseased.
Also, why should the majority of people give a fuck about what you tranny and homo minorities want?

>> No.4994045

Aand I'm a tranny.

>> No.4994047
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Mfw men can keep their penis, yet get their gender legally changed to female.

>> No.4994048


Then your opinion means even less because there is bias.

>> No.4994050
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>anything LGBTQQIA-related


>> No.4994053

I read some shit once that said 20 or 30% of transsexuals worked in the sex industry. There were a bunch of trannies then saying how that was normal and they were just trying to earn money for hormones so it was ok and 20% isn't high.

>> No.4994054
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>> No.4994059
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How is it normal to be a part of such a disgusting industry that creates a degenerate society?

Oh, that's right, because trannies are mentally ill and idea of normal is to be a pervert because their lives are driven by sexual promiscuity and transmit STDs

>> No.4994067
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>> No.4994092

They've always considered trannies mentally ill, and in their best judgment have decided that SRS and such is the best treatment.

What you're really asking is 'why isn't transsexuality considered a pathology, and why don't doctors tell them they're disgusting and to get out like I do.'

>> No.4994097


I thought it wasn't a mental illness now, but a "disorder."

>> No.4994122
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>find miserable people
>rub them in society's face

>> No.4994128
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I wish /pol/ would leave us alone.

>> No.4994131

I read and view various media, you silly. The trannies also seem to be 20% of every chat board.

>> No.4994148
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>> No.4994152


I'm not a bigot, I just recognize that transsexuals are mentally ill. There is something wrong with them. I think that due to their eagerness to get gender reassignment surgery or whatever it's called, they agree that there is something clearly wrong with them that prevents them from living their lives if they feel the need to get reconstructive surgery to correct the problem.

>> No.4994153
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mfw /pol/ opinions are never present on any /sci/ thread which requires advanced mathematical knowledge or complex reasoning. So much for their master race.

>> No.4994162

>I have a bigoted opinion, but I'm no bigot!!
"Trannies" are people too, they are individuals and they can function within society better than you, at least they're not bigoted towards other human beings, like you.

>> No.4994164
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It's a well-established fact that bigotry stems from one or several of three root causes:
-feelings of inadequacy
-bigoted upbringing

Fortunately these can be alleviated by educating and informing the bigoted.

Unfortunately bigoted people are often also bigoted against education and information, making the job rather a difficult one.

>> No.4994170


they have to amount to far less than 1% of the population and yet they account for 20% of internet chats?

What you have is
1) Trolls
2) Homophobia

Protip: You're a closet fag.

>> No.4994171


I never said they weren't people, tranny. I said they're mentally ill people. Many of them cannot function in society, and they themselves will often say how they cannot function in society because they are the wrong gender/sex/whatever and it causes them constant pain and stress.

Even assuming that I was completely unable to function in society, they would still be unable to function in society largely by their own admission. Many lawsuits filed by trannies over the use of bathrooms, or what sex is listed on their driver's license, shows that they cannot adapt to society and insist society adapt instead to their needs. If this does not show inability to function in society, what more do you need?

I am not bigoted towards other human beings, I just call a spade a spade when I see it.

>> No.4994172
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Transgenders are bigoted against his bigotism!

>> No.4994174


>>ITT: Trannies and sodomites try to justify their own degenerate lifestyles without providing substantial scientific data

Why should we have to justify our lifestyles to you? Why should I need to provide scientific data to get surgery and wear certain clothes?

Doctors have already decided that what I want to do is acceptable. Why don't you justify to them why they should change their standards of care?

>> No.4994188

This interview captures the humanity of the tranny while acknowledging the absurdity of the reality.


>> No.4994194

I am not a "tranny", bigot. I am a straight white male, okay :). Simply put, your opinion is bigoted because you assume that "trannies" somehow have to adapt to society, and not the other way around, they deserve equality in the social sense, "adapting" to a society engineered to be bigoted against them is nearly impossible, imagine if the roles were reversed and "straight" couples were the anomalies in society? Do you think they would be able to adapt easily, bigot? Your tiny brain isn't capable of grasping that concept, you are a bigoted caveman.

>> No.4994196

Listen here, jerkface. Far more people have multiple sclerosis and lupus, but I never read about their lives in these chat boards. Please, if any of you have lupus, speak the hell up.

>> No.4994211


U Mad? go to /b/... see if the pictures of 'Traps' turn you on...........

Mystery solved!

>> No.4994213


So let me get this straight, tranny supporter. You acknowledge that trannies are a minority and anomaly, yes? In that case, society has not been "engineered to be bigoted against them." Society is what is normal. The trannies are unnatural, in the grander scheme of society. It is not society's fault that abnormalities exist. Society is not obligated to accept abnormality.

In this situation, the minority should attempt to adapt to the norms of society. Instead, they try to force others to accept their abnormality, which is an action hostile to society.

Also, you are resorting to ad hominems and relativist conjecture. You have lost this argument. All you have really done is go "bigot bigot bigot" which does not prove your point, but only shows you are incapable of having a reasoned discussion based on facts.

>> No.4994216


> imagine if the roles were reversed and "straight" couples were the anomalies in society? Do you think they would be able to adapt easily, bigot? Your tiny brain isn't capable of grasping that concept, you are a bigoted caveman.

What does this even prove? If the majority was suddenly the minority and the minority was the majority shit would be the same? Well duh.

>> No.4994236

>Does the psychology field still consider transgender people mentally ill?

Alternate answer to question not asked: The field of psychology isn't very /sci/ at all. Not labeling transgendered people as mentally ill is simply political correctness masquerading as science.

>> No.4994266


>>Instead, they try to force others to accept their abnormality, which is an action hostile to society

I put on womens' clothing and frolic about. I'm not forcing anything on anyone. If you don't like it, that's fine but you have no right to stop me.

>> No.4994278
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>describing something that exists

>> No.4994282 [DELETED] 

Soejima can draw normal looking hands, it's just part of his style to give young people/young women especially really thin and tapering fingers. Probably to make them look more waifish.

It's called style. This is like saying HOW COME ALL ANIMU ISN'T PHOTOREALISTIC?

>> No.4994401
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correlation =/= causation.
Since ICD-10 homosexuality is no longer regarded as a mental disorder.
Transgenderism still is, but I think it will vanish from the list when ICD-11 (or DSM-V for that matter) arrive.

Also, kudos, Carl. Yet again, we have the same thoughts and opinions on a topic.

Question answered. Move on now, folks.

>> No.4994530

I've never understood why homosexuals and trannies are fucking attention whores, why?

>> No.4994557

Why don't psychiatrists treat people who think they are Napoleon by putting them in charge of France?