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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 272 KB, 771x1080, God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4990209 No.4990209 [Reply] [Original]

Explain consciousness with science. Where is your Einstein now!?

>> No.4990240

>no responses
>Science fags:0

>> No.4990250

>Science can't explain it right now
>Therefore, science can never explain it
>God is real!

>> No.4990255

It's a computer program running on physical hardware that feels super special because we are that program.

>> No.4990260
File: 9 KB, 400x266, Dr-Jonathan-Crane-dr-jonathan-crane-scarecrow-26906040-400-266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can, but I won't.

>> No.4990280

Prove that you would understand the explanation first. Why should I waste time on lost causes?

>> No.4990292

Somebody has an explanation for consciousness? That is a new one on me. I guess you are implying that Christianity has an explanation? But don't the Buddhist and countless others also have explanations?

I actually think that the Buddhist notion that experience is primary and the objective universe is an illusion is actually a better starting point for explaining consciousness than Science will ever be able to provide. Christianity does not even begin to touch on the subject!

>> No.4990301
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Instincts that have become complex enough to force interaction between themselves.

>> No.4990320

read godel escher bach

>> No.4990324
File: 83 KB, 609x420, scarecrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just because you can't think of an answer doesn't mean other people are doing exactly that.

I already explained it so many times on this shitty board. Can't be bothered to waste my time yet another time.

>> No.4990331
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>> No.4990397

Conciousness is neither discreet nor continuous.


>> No.4990786


Yes it is.

>> No.4990826

not op, do you have a copypasta for me I'm rather curious to your answer

>> No.4990837

is that a power trio prog rock group?

>> No.4990926
File: 120 KB, 1024x768, Dr-Jonathan-Crane-dr-jonathan-crane-scarecrow-11686042-1024-768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It goes something along the lines of this:

>> No.4992453
File: 33 KB, 270x400, Consciousness.Explained-daniel.c.dennett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4992474


Needlessly long, didn't explain shit.

>> No.4992709

Just like that Suze Orman Money Class special that airs on pbs during their pledge drive days.

>> No.4992746

consciousness is an emergent phenomena of sufficiently complex neural ganglia


>> No.4992760


>> No.4992761
File: 20 KB, 321x475, Neuroeconomics - Paul Glimcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this book gave a really good explanation for it using just science, economics, and neuroscience along with a lot of experiments and models. At the end, I actually felt it was pretty common sense, and the best part is that the first thing it did was throw out dualism.

>> No.4992763

This + Penrose.

The problem isn't that science doesn't have an explanation for consciousness, rather it's that it has lots of them.

>> No.4992769 [DELETED] 

>quantum consciousness


>> No.4992774


qubit is only used for storage.

Besides, the only reason people are so against quantum principles in consciousness is because they're idiots tho think quantum interactions = lolrandumXD. Interactions at the quantum level are not random, they are probabilistic, which is exactly what one relies on in game theory with the nash equilibrium.

>> No.4992784

>the only reason people are so against quantum principles in consciousness is Occam's razor


>> No.4992788 [DELETED] 

>Interactions at the quantum level are not random, they are probabilistic, which is exactly what one relies on in game theory with the nash equilibrium.
You are mixing two entirely different concepts here.

You cannot create a stable compound system of such a size. A buckyball can barely withstand decoherence, nonetheless an object the size of the brain.

>> No.4992795 [DELETED] 

No. It takes femtoseconds for such a large scale system at ambient temperatures to decohere from interaction with the environment.


The brain is a classical system. Anyone who states otherwise either has yet to take QM, or is a partial crackpot like Penrose.

>> No.4992799
File: 59 KB, 760x600, what dualists really think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is true, though in the Orch OR model, it's not actually used probabilistically. A structure of cubits works together to protect create stability and is then only used for storage.


People create a hypothesis and run experiments against it. You aren't of course suggesting dualism as an alternative, are you?

>> No.4992802


watch the video, it provides several explanations for why decoherence and other shit doesn't happen in the orch or model. I've seen it posted in several /sci/ threads.

>> No.4992803

fuck i hate it when physicists attempt biology.

>> No.4992816

Its tragic in its own way.

>> No.4992824
File: 21 KB, 348x232, 1314729836427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

135 iq here

You think there's this "consciousness in your head" and "reality out of your head" but this is blatantly wrong.
The consciousness in your head IS reality. Consciousness IS the universe.
Universe as a 3D space is an illusion to survive Earth. Perspective problem.
Also you experience (sub)consciousness everywhere simultaneously but don't know it because what you "know" is just a bunch of neuron networks in your head.
You know nothing. "Knowing" means nothing. "To be" means nothing.

>> No.4992884

Consciousness doesn't exist.

>> No.4992914


start with a white room, fill it with whatever you want.
eventually you'll create the universe and become another infinite loop to be uploaded into the reality engine.

>> No.4993042
File: 35 KB, 613x307, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why does quantum mechanics not look like this more often.

>> No.4993076

>Explain non-existing nonsense with science.

We cannot scientifically explain something that has no evidence and no observable effects.

Fuck off back to >>>/x/

>> No.4993606

>Explain consciousness

What's that?