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4989975 No.4989975 [Reply] [Original]

I do not fear death. However, I am nervous about the unknown of what happens after.

Anyone agree?

>> No.4989976


>> No.4989977

Agree that you feel what you say you feel? Sure...

I don't fear the unknown of death. Seems pretty logical that it will be beautiful nothingness.

>> No.4989979

hey bitch, guess what. you do fear death. your body is fucking programmed to fear death, as most creatures do. there's no way to escape that.

the unknown however is unknown, no reason to fear something you don't know.

>> No.4989985


animals fear death. people fear the unknown. its why people fear the dark.

>> No.4989992

the dark is not unknown, however. it is the dark. people fear monsters, ghosts, the bogeyman, spiders in the night, but not the unknown. we come up with fears, creating a known in the dark that we become afraid of.

one who never knew to be afraid of the dark or afraid of any aforementioned creatures probably wouldn't be terrified of an unknown in the dark.

you can't fear what you don't know.

>> No.4989998

I don't want to die, but I do not fear death.

>> No.4989995

I do not fear death. I fear suffering often associated with dying. I am curious about what is after death, if anything.

>> No.4989996

we are afraid because we do not know what is in the dark. Hence, fear of the unknown.

>> No.4990034

Are you afraid of the state you were in, in 1800?
Probably not.
So why should you be afraid of the state you'll be in, in 2100?

I'm actually kind of excited, gonna be interesting to experience that final translation from sentience to non-sentience.

>> No.4990060

People are afraid of the dark because they are afraid of death, because death is the worst thing that could possibly happen.

A person who is unafraid of death would be unafraid of anything else.

>> No.4990068

>A person who is unafraid of death would be unafraid of anything else.
That does not follow.
There are other reasons - unrelated to death - for example; pain, social ridicule, irrational fears (phobias), etc.

>> No.4990080


Most people seem to fear death more than pain and social ridicule though.

>> No.4990085 [DELETED] 

everybody fears death
anybody who says otherwise is lying
on the internet no less

>> No.4990090

Most people fear the unknown, it's in their nature. However death is only a horizon and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.

>> No.4990092


If everyone fears death then nobody would commit suicide.

>> No.4990112 [DELETED] 

people fear pain more than death
i didn't say everybody feared death absolutely

>> No.4990374

Not necessarily true. They may just fear pain of living more than they fear death.

>> No.4990428

Flase, all fear is death based.
People have phobias of things that could kill them (spiders, snakes, heights, clowns)
Social ridicule is feared because of a human's instinct to survive, and the best way to do that is with others.
Pain is feared as it can result in death.

>> No.4990434
File: 132 KB, 450x281, 1344640227498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>When he himself might his quietus make
>With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,
>To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
>But that the dread of something after death,
>The undiscover'd country from whose bourn
>No traveller returns, puzzles the will
>And makes us rather bear those ills we have
>Than fly to others that we know not of?

>> No.4990441

I don't fear death at all. I do extremely fear having a very lingering very painful death.

>> No.4990447

>not afraid of death
>don't want to die (goals/wishes unfulfilled)

also, nothing happens when u die. Just darkness and silence.

>> No.4990478

Existentialism general.

>> No.4990500

>Just darkness and silence

Darkness and silence isn't nothing. It's darkness and silence.

>> No.4990517

Think of what you remember before you were born, OP. That's what it will be like after you die. When the thing doing the perceiving no longer functions, nothing can be experienced. Religious ideas about an afterlife are a bribe/threat so you will give money (etc) to the ruling priest class. Life after death is the oldest lie in the book.

>> No.4990538

being dead is very much the same as being not born, and you never had to fear or worry about that

>> No.4990546

What can be said to the dying, if they ask?

People who expect Nothingness will be in for a shock.

When one's body expires, the path taken is the one prescribed by the individual's consciousness and experiences/expectations.

The music stops and still you are there, in a new environment.

Consider it a sort of timeless pondering learning.

An open-minded researcher would do best.

But all do well ultimately.

>> No.4990577

>I do not fear death. However, I am nervous about the unknown of what happens after.
>happens after

I think your missing the point of death; "death" is when nothing "happens".

>> No.4990603


>People who expect Nothingness will be in for a shock.

This is the problem with humans. We judge without knowing.

>> No.4990643

Jesus Christ I'm not scared to die, I'm a bit little scared of what comes after. Do I get the the gold chariot, do I float through the ceiling?
Do I divide and pull apart?

>> No.4990647
File: 22 KB, 320x400, The-Best-Bat-Villains-Scarecrow_imagelarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go back to fucking /x/ you dipshit dick-sorcerer.

2/10 because so many retards actually posted.

>> No.4990655
File: 110 KB, 500x631, 1343529808330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you literally retarded? WTF?

You die and you are worm food. Plain and fucking simple. There is nothing after that.

>> No.4990659
File: 48 KB, 500x631, 1343533080142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unknown what happens after

It is not fucking unknown. We know exactly what happens to dead people, your body fucking ROTS. Your consciousness ceases to exist.


>> No.4990738
File: 13 KB, 414x264, infinityab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the conciousness the shedding of the body is not an end, it is more like a phase change.

The universe does not waste the experiences of its participants, it rather re-cycles and integrates them.

No god will judge you, you will do that yourself. This timeless contemplation prepares you for your next cycle.

Do not let organized religion fool you. You are eternally responsible for what you do to yourself and to otherselves.

There is no beginning and there is no end; all there is, is eternal transformation.

>> No.4990767


Just shut the fuck up already. Christ.

>> No.4990796



>> No.4990851

>Implying it isn't a popular swear word.
>Implying I didn't do that on purpose.

>> No.4990861

Shorted version of Christopher.

Nice guy.

>> No.4990864

a pig was on a ship in treacherous water. the entire crew was terrified for its life except the pig, who was just a stirred up by the rain.

>> No.4990894
File: 54 KB, 940x681, 1345261851889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Christopher. When he went on vacation he let me fuck his wife. Awesome fucking guy!

>> No.4990903

Maybe I just don't have enough retarded friends, but I don't know any adult who is actually afraid of the dark. Do you?

>> No.4990915
File: 32 KB, 450x375, romanesco-cauliflower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to exist as yourself again, next iteration of the universe.

>> No.4990920
File: 30 KB, 440x489, 1306343424220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw arachnophobia is more common that thanathophobia

oh human brain, you so crazy.

>> No.4990960

The guys saying nothing will happen that we will become wormfood etc Are no more right than guys thinking we will be reborn/consciousness transformed etc.

Stop raging and calling each other idiots. None of you are right, none of you know shit.

>> No.4990993


If you follow that pic you'll find a paper written by a theoretical physicist (advanced math, very rigorous) about the stucture of infinity. He shows how Penrose and Hawking got it wrong simply by being unclear and careless with their math.

>> No.4990995


Onus is on you to prove that ANYTHING happens after death.

>> No.4990998

I pretend that I'm immortal, because when death does come it'll be such a surprise... And I'd rather have one unpleasant surprise than irrational fear.

>> No.4991005

The only thing you should "fear" is what you are doing to make this planet better for the organisms that come to life after you die. Do you start a war or do you end one? Do you contribute to making your environment a "heaven" or a "hell" for those who follow?

You can't take it with you. What is your most prized possession? Your self, of course. When the body dies, so does the consciousness it brings into being.

> For we have brought nothing into the world, and so we cannot take anything out of it.
- I Timothy 6:7

>> No.4991039


If you guys are so confident about what happens after death, I think most of you are in for a big surprise, since statistically, most of you will be wrong, if not all.

>> No.4991050



Your disgustingly shallow understanding of the universe is showing.

>> No.4991048

>none of you know shit.
Nope, "know" implies a sense of certainty, which we are; as certain as we are of the speed of light in vacuum. We have proof, dualists don't, you're just ignorant of our proof. Idiot. To deny this you have to take a epistemological nihilistic stance, in which case you're just a faggot- go die in a fire please, remember to pray to your god beforehand.

>> No.4991052

Please see>>4991048

>Implying you know the the meaning of the word.

>> No.4991056

You, sir, are an idiot. Ask any reputable scientist and ask them what happens after we die. Not one will tell you that proof has dictated that there is no afterlife. Not only that, a few would show you the door, and another moderate percentage would probably laugh at the stupidity of such a question.

"That's philosophy, not science," they'd say as they planted a shoe up your anus as it kicks you out of their office. Good day, sir.

>> No.4991057

>making definitive statements about the universe with partial information

I don't know the true meanings behind life, death and consciousness so I don't say things "end of story".

>> No.4991063

right now I'm not scared of death. Rest assured, though, if someone walked here and put a gun in my mouth I'd shit and piss all over the place if it meant i could live on.
I think a lot of people would do the same.

>> No.4991077

You are your exist because you have a brain. When your brain stops working you don't exist.

That's the proof.

>> No.4991085

I'm not even going to list all the logical fallacies in this post

>>4991057>making definitive statements about the universe with partial information
It's called an EEG fuckwit. Again, you're just ignorant of the well defined mechanisms of life and conscious thought.

>> No.4991088

You are your exist because you have a dick. When your dick stops working you don't exist.

That's the proof.

>> No.4991101

Has to be something along the lines of the number of logical fallacies pretending to know something without proof and leaving no room for uncertainty. Sounds like god worship to me, christianfag.

>> No.4991103

Nice opinion you have there.

Your opinion won't exist after I've tracked you down and killed you.

>> No.4991110

>pretending to know something without proof
Show me where I did that.

>and leaving no room for uncertainty.
I can live my whole life waiting for entropy to reverse, because of "uncertainty" in the laws of thermodynamics, but it hasn't happened yet and probably never will.

>> No.4991113


You exist because you have a brain. When your brain stops working you don't exist.

I thank you for pointing out my huge grammar error.

Fuck you for being a huge faggot.

>> No.4991114


>> No.4991117

Ad hominem won't save you from logic. Next, you'll be telling me that an ancient book tells you what to believe. All I'm saying is that certainty is dead. There are only scientists and fools as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.4991120

Are you 12 y/o? That's not what Ad hominem means you goddamn idiot.

>All I'm saying is that certainty is dead.
Yes, and I'm saying you have a very rudimentary understanding of statistics and probability and you should stop pretending to know what you're talking about.

>There are only scientists and fools as far as I'm concerned.
And you are the latter

>> No.4991122

Entropy has nothing to do with this argument. Just because some things are proven doesn't mean you've proven there is an afterlife. Rather far from it.

>pretending to know something without proof
Here you are:
>Nope, "know" implies a sense of certainty, which we are; as certain as we are of the speed of light in vacuum. We have proof, dualists don't, you're just ignorant of our proof.

>> No.4991124

I never said anything about statistics.
Also, ad hominem won't save you from logic.

>> No.4991127

>Lumping all "religion" together in the same pie as 4chan does "niggers"
>using some of the same speech as some of the oldest known religions
>fucking /sci/

>> No.4991134

>Entropy has nothing to do with this argument.
ITT: We ignore the entire branches of biology and neurology. My analogy concerned the validity of scientific laws; which support my conclusions on death.

>Just because some things are proven doesn't mean you've proven there is an afterlife. Rather far from it.
Do you even reading comprehension? You do realize I'm trying to DISPROVE the idea of an afterlife right?

I'm out because you idiots have a pathetic attention span.