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4985982 No.4985982 [Reply] [Original]

/pol/ here. X-post from >>>/pol/4954001

How can chlorofluorocarbons travel from the surface up about 40km to the stratosphere to deplete ozone if chlorofluorocarbons have several times the molar mass of air molecules?

CFC's were a cheap, safe, non-toxic and non-flammable substanceand had several commercial applications that made many technologies, such as air conditioning, refridgeration and asthma inhalers, affordable by those of loinhalers, and, just as with most regulations, the global ban on CFC's hit the poor the hardest, forcing people to replace a generic, safe and affordable substance with protected and expensive hydro-fluoroalkanes, impoverishing citizens and households,especially the poor.

What leftists are doing is pure terrorism: they present something that enriches our economy and well-being as an evil that will kill us all in a cosmic fire, and use that fear to impoverish our nation by stripping us of economic liberty and putting in power an ever-growing leviathan state.

>> No.4985987

>fucking gases, how do they work

>> No.4985993

We are talking about the stratosphere, in which convection does not apply as it does in the troposphere because temperatures are at the lowest at the tropopause and highest at higher levels of the stratosphere due to radiation and the absorption thereof by ozone. The troposphere is relatively uniformly mixed due to high temperatures and convection from the heat of the surface, but this effect diminishes as gases travel higher, especially heavy gases such as chlorofluorocarbons and halogen ions.

>> No.4985992

>scientists lyin' and gettin' me pissed.

>> No.4986000

If the CFCs were in a static room they would certainly sink, but the atmosphere is not still. Wind, convection and even expulsions of gas from volcanoes force the mixing of atmospheric molecules and can move them towards the stratosphere

There are alternatives to CFCs like HFCs (hydrofluorcarbons) that have a short lifetime and break down before reaching the ozone layer. These alternatives have largely replaced CFCs.

>> No.4986013 [DELETED] 

We are talking about the stratosphere, in which convection does not apply as it does in the troposphere because temperatures are at the lowest at the tropopause and highest at higher levels of the stratosphere due to radiation and the absorption thereof by ozone. The troposphere is relatively uniformly mixed due to high temperatures and convection from the heat of the surface, but this effect diminishes as gases travel higher, especially heavy gases such as chlorofluorocarbons and halogen ions.

>> No.4986020

what about diffusion process?

>> No.4986021

The ozone layer sits between 20-30 km. The turbopause (the point at which wind ceases to generate turbulent mixing) is at 100 km. The ozone is well within mixing range.


>> No.4986041

Riddle me this, OP: How come the atmosphere doesn't separate out into an oxygen and a nitrogen layer? They have different weights after all.

>> No.4986079

Ozone is heavier than air molecules so if CFCs can't get up there why can ozone?

>> No.4986121

The troposphere is characterized by high levels of turbulent mixing from convection furled by heat from the surface, but most convection stops at the tropopause, where the thermal lapse rate turns negative and temperatures begin to rise as height increases. This explains the uniform chemical composition of the troposphere, but the chemical composition of the stratosphere is different.
Ozone is produced in the upper stratosphere by sunlight via the ozone-oxygen cycle. After that, ozone dissipates downward until it is converted into oxygen. Some free radicals such as hydroxyl, nitrous oxide and halogen ions catalyze this process. 400 million metric tons of ozone are produced every day by this process, which comprises 12% of the ozone mass in the ozone layer.

Another thing to consider is how such radicals such as nitrous oxide and halogens can go to the stratosphere naturally. Chlorine from oceans and chemicals from volcanic eruptions certainly dwarfs any anthropogenic chemical output, so regulation against CFC use would ultimately be ineffective.

>> No.4986185


>> No.4986873


There you got two professors answering your question

>> No.4987215 [DELETED] 

Omg just shut the fuck up /pol/. You are the most nagginest psychotic bitch on 4chan.