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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4985674 No.4985674 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /sci/ im from b never hanging much around here

but here is my question im pretty much interested in artificial intelligence. I would like to built one to help make me science!

give me all what you got /sci/

>> No.4985692
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self bump

>> No.4985693

You mean this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automated_theorem_proving

>> No.4985695

What are you present skills ? Do you know programming ? Mathematics ?

>> No.4985699
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>Can't form a proper sentence.
>Expects to create artificial intelligence
Good luck man.

>> No.4985704

>from /b/
>I want to build an AI
>help me make science
Guys, why are you replying to a troll thread?

>> No.4985722

No real present skills.Some c++ basic. I've a decent understanding of maths and a bit of overal science knowledge.

this comes close to the idea in my mind of an automated system.
But I'm thinking more of a way to create something that can learn and maybe modify itself in resemblance to the human brain itself.
But the first step would be more of a helper ai which actually helps you think models through with numbers etc. call it an advanced calculator that u can use with your head.

>> No.4985732
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You are talking about an AI that can solve equations on its own.. and thats a fuckload of data to enter.. and if you think you are going to make an AI that can learn on its on in the first place then you are either retarded or troll.. back to /b/

>> No.4985738
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>> No.4985755

Then https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neural_network

Build a huge one, train it day and night and eventually you'll get something out of it (you'll need a lot of processing power for a huge network though)

>> No.4985794


suggestions on building it?

Also you think its possible to built a program that can write itselfs code and add stuff etc ? Kinda like interacting with the program and the code uses you as a anchorpoint to adjust itself more and more to the point where its doing what it is supposed to?

>> No.4985809

because a basic knowledge C++ and some "maths" and "overall" science is not enough for you to make a learning AI.. You need more knowledge in everything.. There are people with doctorates and teams that are trying to do this and been working on it for years.. Do you honestly think with the knowledge you have alone will be able to make an AI of this magnitude?

>> No.4985829


The question was more aimed at the point of is it truly possible to create one not if i will create one and not if it will be tomorrow completely on my own.

But yes it must be a lot of work and difficult else it would already exist.

>> No.4985831

You got a better chance with raising a kid than creating AI.

>> No.4985833

But now anyone a suggestion where to put the feet on solid ground first so that i can learn on an example rather than pondering pure theory in excess without ever using it?

>> No.4985835


a kid is a ai if u think about it as we all are in some sense.

>> No.4985843

He said he wanted to build an AI and he said:
>"but here is my question I'm pretty much interested in artificial intelligence."

As you can see there was no question even asked.

>> No.4985865

Just read about the topic. There are a lot of free courses covering the topic (Artificial Intelligence,Digital Signal Processing,Machine Learning...). Make sure to read some scientific articles about it too to know what you can/can't do.

Yes, self replicating programs are possible, so it would be possible to create a program that adds stuff to itself.

Still, you'll have to remember that a neural network has to be trained (by a human being, usually) and that it's impossible to write a program that knows for sure if another program can enter in an infinite loop, so your program might "evolve" with lots of errors.

>> No.4985873

Oh, forgot to mention, using a neural network to generate code is a pretty bad approach. The output would be huge and it would be unfeasible to train it.

>> No.4985891

well it would need then a way to test its errors and see if its an improvment and if not boot from last stage and go on another branch not?

>> No.4985893


so the neural networks is pretty different from code?

Also what do you guys think about a way to convert spoken language into code like a compiler for the way we think.

>> No.4985927

well, nobody on this thread including yours truly has any goddamn idea of what you want to do with AI. But learn Prolog. It's the bee's knees.

>> No.4986473
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The only thing I can tell you about AI is that the guys at this site I'm lurking called LessWrong ( http://www.lesswrong.com/ ) are pretty damn enthusiastic about it. The guy running the site, Eliezer Yudkowsky, is a co-founder of the Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence, and apparently involved in AI research. (And always asking for donations for SIAI.)

LessWrong uses Reddit's site format, and you can contact Yudkowsky and the SIAI executive, Luke Muehlhauser (username lukeprog) through PM and ask where to start. Though that's something only a huge noob would do; better to lurk the site and, when you think your general training in cognitive science and programming matches the site average (which I have to say is pretty damn high), you can offer your contribution. Also, there are many other sorts of goodies on that site.