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4985615 No.4985615 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/bros!

Going back to school soon, and I've been considering nootropics for a little bit of an edge for a while.

Money isn't a huge concern, but safety, efficacy, and value are a large concern. Where do you get yours from, and what blends/amounts/types/etc are you using?

>> No.4985620
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OP again - figured I'd submit what I have worked up as a baseline blend for your approval/use/mockery.

>1g choline CDP
>750 sulbutiamine
>250mg pramiracetam
>1500mg aniracetam

>1g choline CDP
>750mg sulbutiamine
>3g piracetam
>1.5g oxiracetam

>> No.4985662

nootropics in general are a bad idea. You get more and more dependent on them especially as your school goes on into senior year/ graduate school and even more so once you're in the workplace. You'll never feel the same studying without them and feel like a shell once you finally decided to kick it. Also, a good number of them mess with your dick.

So stop being such a pussy and medicating your problems away. Get some self discipline.

>> No.4985668

Got a source on that? (seriously, if there's any data on negative side effects I'd like to be aware, haven't seen much of note, I can understand a mental dependency on them even if there aren't sides though)

And wanting to be better isn't medicating problems away, I was an A student the last time I went to school, drug-free.

>> No.4985682

The good news is they're quite safe with few side effects. If you take lots of choline prepare for explosive diarrhea. Also might cause problems with word recollection. The bad news is that other than placebo they don't work.

You're better off taking fish oil and multivitamins.

>> No.4985690

That'd be disappointing... Already take those, longtime /fit/nerd...

I've read many studies saying they work - and the results don't scream "placebo" to me, at least not in the mentally infirm patients, haven't seen data on healthy subjects. Don't think I have Alzheimers yet. Yet.

Overall opinion of them seems extremely low here, which I find kind of surprising, to be honest, but I appreciate the candor.

>> No.4985705


If you read up on those in pubmed you'll soon find out the efficacy of nootropics is very much in doubt. No conclusive results suggest that they beat placebo in anything. Except if you're a goldfish or recently comatozed.

Personally I've tried piracetam and choline, and they only gave me stomach pains and made my ocd worse (fucking choline).

If you're interested in getting actual effects, you need methylphenidate, amphetamine or modafinil.

>> No.4985710

Not familiar with methylphenidate - but I'm sure pm/google/wikipedia can solve that for me...

And yeah, the more I look at it the more it seems like they're more for making up a gap in brain function, rather than supplementing the function of a healthy person.

>> No.4985723


Methylphenidate = ritalin/concerta

Amphetamine works in very similar way. Modafinil is totally different. I've done them all and there's nothing vague about their effects. It's not subtle and no placebo required. Note that they're not wonderdrugs and won't replace hard work. Their main function is to help you work harder. If you don't have much of a bottleneck in your brain's dopaminergic pathways it's unlikely that they'd be of much benefit. Basically the more problems you have with attention and motivation, the better they work.

>> No.4985730

op is already convinced and is only looking for validation.

>> No.4986277

Well, if I were convinced, I wouldn't need validation... Was looking for an informed opinion. So far, out of people who are or should be well informed, I've gotten enthusiastic yays, and enthusiastic nays, and everything in-between...

I *was* looking for recommendations, now I'm actually more skeptical. Regardless, looking for more hard data before I blow $150 for a 30 day supply.

>> No.4986298


Only reasonable answer.

>> No.4986420


>Regardless, looking for more hard data before I blow $150 for a 30 day supply.
>looking for more hard data before I blow $150 for a 30 day supply.
>looking for more hard data

OP confirmed for toxigenic fungi and mycotoxin infiltrations!

There is no "hard data", see >>4985730

>> No.4986462

the actual fuck are you on about?