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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 27 KB, 421x494, fuck me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4984360 No.4984360[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I know what I want to do with my life. I know what actions I must do to become the type of person I want to be.

But yet I continually fail to do so. All of my efforts of change are met with resistance in the form of anxiety.

The thought of me picking up my guitar or finishing Bertrand Russell's History of Western Philosphy gives me massive anxiety (tight stomach, heart beats fast, etc.)

Has anyone been through similar periods? Any advice?
Pic related, it's me and it makes me sick

I'm 16 btw

>> No.4984372


>> No.4984382

i know that feel op. you have to cut out the destructive things out of your life, they will always block you from your goals

>> No.4984393

>I'm 16
PROTIP: If you're underage don't visit 4chan. Check the rules.
And yeah, you're a child so your hormones are crazy and make you feel crazy.

>> No.4984417


Noted, i'll look into something like a "not to do" list.


I mostly stick to /fit/ and /soc/. I don't really think there's anything could really scar me. Throughout history, a good constant has been human nature. People are good, people are bad (assuming there's such a thing as objective morality), etc.

At rare times I'm angry or depressed; during these times, I'm able to notice and still think from a different perspective so rather than complaining, fighting with my parents, etc. I simply just wait for them to pass.

I'd hate to use hormones as a copout though, especially when there's many teens around the world who are moving towards their goals

>> No.4984430

How did you get that image?

>> No.4984437


"webtimer," chrome app
screen shot/print screen button

>> No.4984477
File: 582 KB, 2500x2250, macaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, what do you suspect to be the source of your anxiety?

>> No.4984500


>Throughout history, a good constant has been human nature. People are good, people are bad (assuming there's such a thing as objective morality), etc.

No, people aren't good or bad, they're people. Human behavior is far more complex and laden with variables than you may at your age realize. You may think you know much because you are a keen observer, but there is a world of difference between observation and experience.

Human nature is a meaningless term, human nature could be anything within the realm of human possibility.

>> No.4984506


I honestly don't know; I feel like there might be some underlying reason that makes me engage in less productive actions and self-sabotage my attempts of improving or maybe I'm just being a bitch and I need to stop complaining and do it.

If I had to guess I'd say fear of failure? Fear of not being the best I can be; of wasting my potential and waking up at 40 realizing that I've accomplished nothing.

>> No.4984522


Virtually all fear reduces to one fear, the fear of what we don't know. We may be apprehensive because we feel that we don't have the knowledge, skill, or experience we need in order to undertake those things we'd like, and do them successfully and appear competent, etc. Your own apprehension makes you frustrated and kind of compounds the problem. Does that sound accurate?

>> No.4984529
File: 113 KB, 540x931, pickup_artist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give up trying to be great.

pic related.

>> No.4984535

> No people aren't good or bad, they're people.

Good and bad are simply theoretical terms we use to denote certain human actions, terms which become unhelpful when we move into real life and take into account that humans are complex beings with many variables?

>You may think you know much because you are a keen observer, but there is a world of difference between observation and experience.

My ego is in check; "i know that i know nothing," as the saying goes. The point of that post was simply to say that i'm at an age where human actions (actions online of course. In real life, the actions of others definitely do affect me), won't scar, shock, or particularly faze me.

>> No.4984532

>implying we all haven't been here since we were 11

>> No.4984544

use your ability to create that resistance to deconstruct the resistance
for each thought you create you can create a counter thought which destroys it

>> No.4984552


this. no one that is successful actually tried to be successful. they simply did what they enjoyed, which also happened to be a thing respected by society.

if you don't actually wholeheartedly enjoy music or science, you will never excel at them, probably will never even grasp the basics.

>> No.4984566

I'll continue thinking about this, especially in regards to current and past actions and emotions.

> We may be apprehensive because we feel that we don't have the knowledge, skill, or experience we need in order to undertake those things we'd like, and do them successfully and appear competent, etc.

I've experienced those feelings before, and know what I must do to gain knowledge and get on the path. My apprehension/anxiety has been strongest during my first steps.


> I bought a book on mathematical logic a few months ago and hope to attain a basic layman's understanding of it. With a longterm goal being able to read and otherstand the work of logicians.
> Anytime I think about opening the book I'm met with massive anxiety.
> The one time I read it, it felt great but initially making myself open it, was a challenge.

Your own apprehension makes you frustrated and kind of compounds the problem. Does that sound accurate?

I'm sorry but what do you mean by "compounds"
Assuming you mean "builds" or "leads to," then yes it's very accurate

>> No.4984584


Do you enjoy mathematical logic?

>> No.4984590


You make a good point. I'm called not by greatness, but an instrinsic desire to do certain things. For ex:

Guitar - I listen to music for hours a day, play along in my mind, etc. I want to become good at guitar not to showoff or play for others but simply out of an instrinsic want.


> go through and existential crisis in 9th grade
> discover philosphy, realize how little i really know (assuming knowledge is possible :) )
> want to read classic works and study it

>> No.4984602

If you want to read philosophy go to /lit/ and ask them for some works to recommend.

>> No.4984607

I really don't know. I'm interested in it, curious about numbers and what they are, and occasionally think about the fact there's something which we're surrounded by but know so little about.

I have many philosophy book, on my ereader but have yet to go through them.

>> No.4984612

Deal with this problem of anxiety now; don't let it continue into your 20's or you'll end up working at a factory with a bunch of people that don't even speak english let alone understand how things work. It's the worst kind of feeling to be in that situation where you know you can do better but didn't. I know it all too well.

>> No.4984617
File: 15 KB, 212x254, alanwatts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Use your ability to create that resistance to deconstruct the resistance

?? Please expanded

Pic related it's you

>> No.4984627


That's the goal. I doubt this is just teenage angst and hormones (although i'd love it if that were the case) and feel like this is legitimately the biggest problem in my life.

>> No.4984666

examine it happening, assess how it's happening, do the opposite

>> No.4984689

You need to put aside and if necessary schedule time to take on these things you want to learn. If you are still unable to undertake them then maybe you need some craft or subject that grasps you more viscerally.

How far are you through Russell? I listened to the audiobook. Didn't want to spend hundreds of hours stuck at a desk. Personally I think you'd be better off starting with whatever thinkers or schools of thought most interest you and fill in the background stuff later.

>> No.4984692

Well, I feel the same way and I'mthesameageasyoudon'ttellanyone! So perhaps it is. It's probably not though.

>> No.4984702

>scar me
I'm 16 too I'm just not a faggot I go on /b/ all the time and I'm fine
inb4 unerageb&, I don't shitpost, I try to help people out where I can.
Also, that much time on Reddit, really?
But to be honest I have found myself having the same problems. I wish I could just sit down and get things done instead of wasting my time away with vidya/internet, etc.
Motivation can be hard to come by.

>> No.4984706

>Criticizes Reddit
>Goes on /b/

Get your shit together, son.

>> No.4984707


reddit confirmed for greatest timesink ever

>> No.4984710

>Implying Reddit and /b/ are even remotely similar, in values or content
Reddit is full of superiorfags that can't admit that they are wrong. It has plenty of good content, don't get me wrong, but it's full of morons. I also dislike the karma system, makes everything way too streamlined and liberal, in a bad way that only encourages stale thinking with no room for innovation.

>> No.4984712

Secret's safe with me bud.
Not sure if I should be happy that there's someone like me or sad that there's someone like me. Good luck on your side

More self-knowledge then? Interesting, physically noted

About a chapter in. I love his use of language; it's distinctive and new to me.

There's quote I read earlier today,:

>One of the most profound concepts in psychology is this:
>When you act (or do something),your feelings (emotions) follow along behind.If you wait around to feel good or to feel non-anxious, you'll be waiting forever. You need to start doing, and then you'll become.

It's sunk deeply and rather than looking/waiting for motivation i've just been trying (and failing to act.

>> No.4984715

Both are horrible. If you said this on almost any board on 4chan you'd be hounded. But I guess /sci/ are just really nice guys, and I like that about you /sci/.

>> No.4984717

Thats fucking brilliant. Brb trying it.

>> No.4984728

You do know /b/ is 30% of 4chan's traffic right? Not to mention the fact that people who use /b/ also use other boards. Without /b/ 4chan wouldn't be nearly what it is. /b/ is the backbone of 4chan. It filters in the newfags, making the other boards much more clean. It accomplishes amazing things (the recent mountain dew thing, for one). Without /b/ this website would just be a generic imageboard, nothing special. Everyone I know that uses 4chan uses plenty of different boards, I don't know anyone that only uses one or two boards (sure you don't visit all of them on a regular basis, but you still visit them).

>> No.4984734

Oh, I'm aware of all of that, and I agree. /b/ is still a pretty terrible amiedgyyet kind of board. Nothing to really get too into though, especially in this thread.

>> No.4984738

>I know what I want to do with my life. I know what actions I must do to become the type of person I want to be. But yet I continually fail to do so.

That's pretty much the definition of akrasia. Look it up.

But honestly? Your description of anxiety in the face of the decision to start something productive seems a bit ridiculous. You sound as if you were afraid of working the same way we're afraid of predators or fucking up in a social situation. I.e. as if it's not a decision you take that improves your life, but a situation that's forced upon you and makes your life a little more shitty or painful. This makes no sense.

Are you sure you can't just learn to dissociate such feelings from the pursuit of your goals, and just force yourself into the perspective that, if it's a task you consciously want to complete, it should also give you emotional satisfaction?

>> No.4984751

satanic trips!!! The lord hath spoken

>> No.4984764


>or fucking up in a social situation.
That's exactly how i feel when pursuing my goals. ie. like i've screwed the pooch or I'm talking to approaching a girl
>i.e. as if it's not a decision you take that improves your life, but a situation that's forced upon you and makes your life a little more shitty or painful. This makes no sense.
No I can't say it does. Especially when pursuing/moving towards my goals would probably pull me out of my minor depression/suicidal thoughts and me happier.
> Are you sure you can't just learn to dissociate such feelings from the pursuit of your goals, and just force yourself into the perspective that,
That's the big question. I'm not sure how I would go about dissociating such feelings at all.
>if it's a task you consciously want to complete, it should also give you emotional satisfaction?
That's what I previously thought, but I guess it's not the case.

>> No.4984863


Both of these feelings seem to have fear of failure as their common substratum. Can you name any other area of your life when fear of failure is such a strong disincentive for you not to attempt something, aside from the example you've already named?

>That's the big question. I'm not sure how I would go about dissociating such feelings at all.

By putting them in a context which makes you comfortable, or beginning to do them out of habit to bypass what sounds like an emotionally costly decision process, or by feeding yourself (allusion very intentional) positive reinforcement upon successful completion of a task you were meaning to do. Example: read philosophical works that sound entertaining AND reference Russell's book often; put some pleasant music in the background that doesn't distract you from studying, and allow yourself some candy or snack you find tasty after completing 5 pages.

>> No.4984929

> Can you name any other area of your life when fear of failure is such a strong disincentive for you not to attempt something, aside from the example you've already named?

Romance, social events, and essays. I actually ended up not doing an essay out of fear... I know

Thanks for the advice, I will try that