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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4983025 No.4983025 [Reply] [Original]

When does /sci/ think that human enhancement will become scientifically and politically possible?

>inb4 op has been playing Deus Ex (yes I have, pic related)
>inb4 op can't inb4

>> No.4983041


>> No.4983046

Steroids and enhancementt drugs are frowned upon, so will all other kinds of enhancement

>> No.4983069
File: 121 KB, 600x750, frisby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it allready is possible to some degree and will be more so in the not so distant future. Everyone is so fucking pumped to get their ipods installed in their ears or their computers sewn onto their frontal lobe but no one is going to want to have surgery every two years because their "ipod-neuro!" shit out on them again.

the more advanced a piece of tech is the harder it is to repair/maintain and any sort of advanced cybernetic enhancement is going to be a pain to repair or replace. so when the sigularity hits dont be an early adopter (aka unpaid beta tester) wait it out a bit

>> No.4983082
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they're only frowned upon by individuals who believe they are harmful to the individuals using them or by using drugs they are somehow cheating.

once you get out of school most people understand there is no "cheating" in the game of life. Anything goes and you'd be a fool not to make your self the best you can possibly be.

>> No.4983090
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>> No.4983094

I always liked that image. Too bad it's bs, though.

>> No.4983153
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>When does /sci/ think that human enhancement will become scientifically and politically possible?

Human enhancement comes in many forms.

Things like myostatin inhibition (http://wiki.transhumani.com/index.php?title=Physical_Enhancement#Myostatin_Inhibition)) and augmented reality are already here. Augmented reality doesn't bother most people, but myostatin will probably be regulated in the same terminally future-shocked way steroids are.

Cognitive enhancers are also already a reality and available commercially, but I'm sure eventually they'll be regulated. Nobody can stop you from building your own tDCS machine, though.

>> No.4983190
File: 111 KB, 500x500, 1300212268376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>quadrupling of muscle mass in mice

My body is not ready.

>> No.4983243

If it's done for military purposes, of course. The military is always the one on the frontier of progress.

>> No.4983251


When people trust vaccines implicitly, i'll change my mind.

When people no longer consider souls existant, i'll change my mind.

Cosmetic prosthetic arms and legs and other parts will never become fashionable.

>> No.4983288

>a man with his legs amputated has run in the 400m semifinals in the olympics

you can bet your ass that enchancement is starting. (okay pistorius had an accident, but the fact is that his artificial "legs" let him run in the olympics... in a near future we could see artificial limbs which actually do better than the original ones).

>> No.4983291


>in a near future we could see artificial limbs which actually do better than the original ones).

No you won't. If it gives an unfair advantage they will be disqualified.

They wouldn't even let the swimmers wear that high tech suit back in 2008 because they have a massive double standard about how it's wrong to spend thousands of dollars on a suit, but okay to spend thousands of dollars training.

The olympics are about human competition and effort. Cyborgs need not apply.

>> No.4983321

They made a special olympics, so why not a cyborg olympics?

>> No.4983330

I'd fucking watch the shit out of that

>> No.4983334

The same reason there isn't a steroid Olympics.

>> No.4983338


It's called the Para olympics.

It's pretty sad, actually.

>> No.4983343

Yeah but they like it

>> No.4983381

Politically possible is the big one. Imagine the riots in Deus Ex but replace all the purists with religious-fags who think we're tampering with God's creation (so....still purists I guess)

>> No.4983392


The religious are just one aspect of it. If people can be made better than normal humans just because they have the money to do so, then we effectively go back to the society of Immortal god-like Nobles Vs Serfs.

It's not like the prices are ever going to come down. This is why you rarely see advanced prosthetics on anything other than soldiers.

>> No.4983417


Why aren't the characteristics you are born with an unfair advantage and why is the effort spent training qualitatively different from effort spent earning the money to buy prosthethics?

>> No.4983425


Double standards all around. Everyone likes to believe that they achieved everything on their own, and didn't have help from friends, family, money, trainers, sponsors, and a whole host of other peoples and services.

The Olympics is a rich-only competition. How many medals did Ethiopia and Zimbabwe win? 7 and 0 respectively.

How many did the US and UK win? 104 and 65 respectively.

It's just disgusting. Fucking Dressage, something you can only do if you make more than 200k a year, is an olympic event.

>> No.4983557


Exactly. Athletic success depends so much on money that to think it has anything to do with "human" effort is just silly.

Drugs and prosthethics are not qualitatively different, but apparently they are legally different, from spending hours researching muscle mechanics to obtain a minuscule performance gain that barely scratches what is lawful.