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4980572 No.4980572 [Reply] [Original]

A NASA scientist has a doomsday message for the world....

can anyone pick this apart? Or does anyone think this may be legit? At face value, to me it seems legit, but this is unnerving as all hell.


>> No.4980581

North Korea is attacking South Korea

Russia and America are going to war soon.

China will help North Korea.

Israel will attack Iran.

The whole world is going to be brought into conflict again. The time is now

>> No.4980597


towards the end of the video the guy mentions magnetic variances disrupting animal and human nature. Think he said weak minded people will go crazy... politicians are pretty weak people... would be fitting

>> No.4980599



Oh god. This is as stupid as the people that think more crimes happen on a full moon.

>> No.4980603

We're made of 70% water.

If the tides are affected why wouldn't we

>> No.4980609



>> No.4980617


> NK attacking SK

lel no. Jong Un is opening Korea up for the first time in decades to other countries. He's actively trying to make his country less shitty.

> Russia and America are going to war

lel no. Russia is going down the shitter (declining population, civil unrest, Putin being a faggot), and America has no real troubles with Russia to start with.

> China will help NK

See part one. Also, China's going to have a fuckton of political unrest (as well as environmental and service sector problems) as their wealth begins to spread around the country. They wouldn't be able to sustain a prolonged war defending such an insignificant country as a quickly developing nation.

> Israel will attack Iran

Now you're just making shit up. There's no rationale for Israel to do so at this time.

>> No.4980619

>North Korea is attacking South Korea
That would be pants on head retarded. North Korea may be oppresive and secretive, but they're not stupid.

>Russia and America are going to war soon.
It's not the 1980's bro

>China will help North Korea.
Nah. China is just as tired of their bullshit as us. They won't back North Korea in any way situation, it would be suicide because you'd basically be declaring war on the USA and all Western democratic nations. They like having North Korea as a buffer between the USA (South Korea) and themselves, but they're not going to be backing them in any wars any time soon.

>Israel will attack Iran.
The Middle East have always and will always attack each other. It won't cause a world war.

>> No.4980622

Nice answer

>> No.4980624


You're obviously trolling. No one could possibly be stupid enough to think that the moon's gravity would have a noticeable effect on the water content of a human, or that it could produce violent actions as a result.

>> No.4980626

>lel no. Jong Un is opening Korea up for the first time in decades to other countries. He's actively trying to make his country less shitty.

>It's not the 1980s bro
Pay attention. The war in Syria has been going on for a year

Yes they will. China hates NK but they aren't going to let the world see them as pushovers

>Th Middle East wont cause a world war
It will when each side has nuclear allies, and Israel is crazy enough to launch

>> No.4980628


>> No.4980635


But there are more crimes in fullmoon.

Could it possibly be because there's more light perhaps?

Can't mug someone you can't see

>> No.4980636

You should spend less time on /pol/. War is expensive and nobody wants to start one.

>> No.4980640

>War is expensive and nobody wants to start one.
To a normal human yes, but jews and North Koreans aren't normal humans and are going to drag us into hell together.

And the Muslim Brotherhood is dragging us all into Syria.

White people are fucked because of insane faggots

>> No.4980646


No, there aren't. Many studies have shown that crime rates do not increase during a full moon, but people expect them to and thus have a confirmation bias.

>> No.4980651

war time presidents get re-elected.

>> No.4980657

>lel no. Jong Un is opening Korea up for the first time in decades to other countries. He's actively trying to make his country less shitty.

Neither their propaganda, nor their real life actions suggest this.

>> No.4980682
File: 25 KB, 381x380, 1334887483512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

World War 3 won't happen any time soon. If Israel preemptively attacks Iran with kinetic force, we likely won't support them. nK isn't making any preparations to attack sK, Even if they did attack they'd get steamrolled by South Korea's superior military. The whole syria conflict will fizzle out before the end of the year.

This isn't the 30's nations are so hesitant to get into wars now it's not even likely a large war (WW2) will even happen ever again.

Obama has already secured his reelection. Anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional.

>> No.4980685


>nor their real life actions

He's opened up a shopping centre, a theme park, and dismissed the head of the armed forces replacing him with himself.

He can't do much more without the military displacing him for becoming a decadent and liberal westerner. He's given them a warning already by firing the head general and not appointing a successor.

>> No.4980687


I spent 8 years working in an ER... the full moon shit is no myth.... as any ER doc/nurse/tech that has more than 1 year exp... also xmas has its most suicides and 4th of july has the most civilian burns... wednesday mornings are boring, monday morning is full of people not wanting to go to work... as with everything in nature..patterns emerge...

>> No.4980688

>The van allen radiation belt will drop to Earth.

>> No.4980696

>nK isn't making any preparations to attack sK,
They have been since April.

김정은 sent out warning that he was going to kill President 이. More recently he fired the old military generals and replaced them with new ones, and today he said a sacred war will be fought during the US combat test

>we wont support israel

>> No.4980700

>He's opened up a shopping centre, a theme park, and dismissed the head of the armed forces replacing him with himself.
김정일 did all of those things too.

>> No.4980703

>He's opened up a shopping centre, a theme park, and dismissed the head of the armed forces replacing him with himself.
You must be new to this whole communism thing.

Ever leader does this. Let us not forget that Jong-un fired artillery in 2010, the first major conflict since the 50s.

>> No.4980721

>I can write in Hangul therefore I know Korea

They aren't going to start a war. It would be completely self destructive which is precisely the only thing they have been trying to avoid for 50 years.

> fired artillery

Show of power. The US were conducting joint military drills in the area, a show of power. They retaliated with another show of power. It's just posturing.

>> No.4980729

Cool thread you ADD retards. How you idiots get distracted into a political discussion this easily is mind boggling.

>> No.4980733

>It would be completely self destructive which is precisely the only thing they have been trying to avoid for 50 years.

You must be new to to this whole communism thing

>> No.4980804

Dammit, I'm sure /sci/ was not always this retarded.

Take this shit to /x/

>> No.4983178
File: 122 KB, 253x329, hoax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a hoax.



>> No.4983208

>"It's entertainment!"
