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4975808 No.4975808 [Reply] [Original]

why all the hate for comp sci majors?

>> No.4975811

You spend your entire day masturbating in front of your computer.

>> No.4975815

I think you guys are alright. You use computers to make programs to test physics. The algorithms you guys put into the damn things is probably intense. Just watch, /sci/, these guys will be the ones to find the material and structure for the space elevator.

>> No.4975825

Because you could be doing Electrical Engineering and actually making robots instead of programs. GET ON THAT SHIT.

>> No.4975826
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>> No.4975839

>the fact that 199 out of 200 applicants for every programming job can't write code at all. I repeat: they can't write any code whatsoever.
>>Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of three print "Fizz" instead of the number and for the multiples of five print "Buzz". For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print "FizzBuzz".
> The majority of comp sci graduates can't.

>> No.4975852

because even the bio majors are smarter than you.

>> No.4975863

because most of the comp sci programs in the country are glorified trade school level programming classes. most of you don't do anything that can even remotely be called science

that and you act like high and mighty assholes whenever i come to get my printouts from the help desk in the comp lab

>> No.4975892

>why all the hate for comp sci majors?
Because /sci/ is an awful board.

>> No.4975913


Meh, a civil engineering student I had told me pretty much the same thing to my face when I was her lab instructor. Supposedly, I'm only a geologist because I was too stupid or too lazy to be an engineer or a real scientist. I never told her I got fed up with aerospace engineering after my first year and transferred to geology because I found it more interesting.

>> No.4975928

i wanna know where the gold at


>> No.4975930

What is trolling?

>> No.4975933

Which science/engineering fields are open to independent, free-lance work?

I've been reading this programmer's blog, he's a computer scientist and software engineer and he quit his full time job in order to work only part-time as a freelance programmer. I think he still makes around 100k a year but works half the time...

>> No.4975938

The main problem is that computer science isn't what you'd expect given the name. It is a branch of mathematics not strongly linked to any real life computer systems or the scientific method. I'm cool with compsci students bragging about how well they understand set theory and their abilities to "program" imaginary turing machines. They legitimately have a lot of education in those areas. I know they're either dumb or full of shit when they tell me they'll be ace programmers, scientific researchers, or understand hardware beyond logic gates once they've graduated.

>> No.4975953

I don't know, I'm envious of computer science and I'm in mathematics. You guys can basically run the world now with your skills, I can embarass loud mouths at bars trying to sound smart-at best! rock on comp sci

>> No.4975966

>tfw /sci/ is still basing opinions off generalizations and assumptions based on other people

>> No.4975968

This story has to be bullshit.

Non-programmers could at least come up with an algorithm for fizzbuzz

>> No.4975971

Buzzfizz, oh, sweet memories. Yeah, there was some cunt in one of my classes who would spend the three hours in lab surfing reddit and the Megaman wiki. True story.

>> No.4975973

>interview CS kids
>tell them to do Fizzbuzz
>they ask me what's Fizzbuzz
>I have no clue myself, i just have some pseudocode i was given that would be used to check their answer
>tell them it's no big deal
>throw their resume in the garbage afterwards

damn CS kids

>> No.4975978

fuck you capitalist.

>> No.4975980

Apparently it's true. Some dude posted about how he used it to screen people applying for work at his company. Afterwards it went viral as every programming forum everywhere got flooded with people wanting to prove themselves geniuses by writing different versions of fizzbuzz. The idea is that there should always be some basic level of screening for new applicants because for some reason people are just dumb.

Looking around some of the versions people were posting I did notice that many programmers did not realize the usefulness of factoring and ended up adding extra tests to deal with multiple of both 3 and 5 as a special case (if a number is divisible by 3 and is divisible by 5 then it is divisible by 15, no need to over-complicate things).

>> No.4975983

for(i=1;i<=100;i++) {
(i%3==0 ? (i%5==0 ? printf("FizzBuzz") : printf("Fizz")) : (i%5==0 ? printf("Buzz") : printf("%d",i) ) );

How can you fuck this upp

>> No.4975989


> i undeclared
> not even wrapped into a function

I'd never hire a lazy shit like you.

>> No.4975991

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int i;
for(i=1;i<=100;i++) {
(i%3==0 ? (i%5==0 ? printf("FizzBuzz") : printf("Fizz")) : (i%5==0 ? printf("Buzz") : printf("%d",i) ) );
return 0;

>> No.4975997


Anyone who thinks nested trinary operators are acceptable will never be able to write code that's actually maintainable and useful.

>> No.4976003

(defun anus (i)
..(cond ((zerop (mod i 15)) (format t "FizzBuzz~%"))
........((zerop (mod i 5)) (format t "Buzz~%"))
........((zerop (mod i 3)) (format t "Fizz~%"))
........(t (format t "~A~%" i)))
..(if (< i 100)
.....(anus (1+ i))))

Can i fizz your anus :3?

>> No.4976045

static void Main(string[] args)
short i;
for (i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
if (i % 3 == 0)
if (i % 5 == 0)
if ((i % 3 == 0) && (i % 5 == 0))
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue");
Having a degree != qualified. I don't understand why employers even care about them when they have to do screening anyway.

>> No.4976049

>return inside the for loop
>using c++
>programming to begin with instead of solving beautiful computational complexity problems.

>> No.4976055

CS is one of the most cheated in majors, it's not hard to believe people manage to get the degree and then fail at life

>> No.4976065

The return in the loop was a typo.

It's also C, not C++. You can tell because I have no namespace

>> No.4976071

main = mapM_ createFizzle [1..100]

createFizzle x
| x `mod` 15 == 0 = putStrLn "FizzBuzz"
| x `mod` 5 == 0 = putStrLn "Fizz"
| x `mod` 3 == 0 = putStrLn "Buzz"
| otherwise = print x

Math major is pig disgusting

>> No.4976072

What in the fuck language is this

>> No.4976074

Haskell :3

>> No.4976076

>You can tell because I have no namespace
Look guys, this bitch doesn't know C++ for shit.

>> No.4976077

>Look guys, this bitch doesn't know C++ for shit.
Why would you program in C++ without a namespace?

Who the fuck wants to type std:: for everything

>> No.4976078

>#include <stdio.h>

It's not c++

>> No.4976079

I think it makes sense.

Are the '|'s some sort of if statement in haskell? It looks fucking weird

>> No.4976082

stdio.h works in C++ too though.

But yeah it wouldn't make sense to use stdio when the streams are more safe.

And I didn't have a namespace.

And I used the C compiler to compile it, which is why it's C and not C++

>> No.4976083

>stdio.h works in C++ too though.

Sure, but it's stupid to call C code, c++ just because your compiler allows it and it's allowed in the standard.

>> No.4976094

>I didn't have a namespace

Do you even know what that means?
You sadden me.

>> No.4976099

>thread then becomes a bunch of retards wanting to prove they are geniuses by seeing how languages they can solve this problem in.

And this is why /sci/ is shit.

>> No.4976100

It can be compiled by both so I supposed you could say its both, but I compiled it with cc, not g++ so yeah

Yes I know what that means name it. There is no reason not to use standard namespace for a program of this size, otherwise I'd need to use scope resolution every time I needed to use an output stream.

If I replaced my printf with cout streams I'd need to type std::cout four fucking times. THere is no reason not to use a namespace

>> No.4976105

>Polluting the namespace std

>> No.4976111

Unless I'm working in an environment where variable names conflict, why wouldn't I use the namespace?

>> No.4976122


Guys I've got a question for you and a serious answer would be much apreciated:

I'm currently in my second year CS in a german university and I really like my major. As for later I'd like to do something with simulation or robotics (there are some courses for these subjects in my university)
My question now would be if I can get into that field with a cs major, because here on /sci/ everyone seems to think that doing EE or Math would be a much better choice for that. And is it true that I'll practically will write code 8h/day, because I prefer the more theoretical classes.

>> No.4976123

I am looking to get into a career in the computer field. I like Computer Engineering and Software Engineering.

Which one is better in terms of job outlook and benefits?

Any other careers I should be aware of? I don't want to go into a field that will doesn't have any jobs.

>> No.4976134

compE is better

>> No.4976135

get 'em coders. I have no idea why there is any prejudice against computer science. It's a difficult subject that requires technique and originality to do well and I think the people who have the minds to do it are awesome. I rank comp sci God tier alongside of maths and physics.

>> No.4976138

CS/EE double major > CE

>> No.4976153

What's wrong with SE (12% (About as fast as average))? It has better Job Outlook than CE(9% (Slower than average)) and EE (6% (Slower than average)) according to Bureau of Labor Statistics.

>> No.4976154

I didn't know the argument was now about job outlook

>> No.4976155

public class fizz {

public static void main(String[] args){
for(int count = 1;count<=100;count++){
boolean print = true;
if (count%3 == 0){
if (count%5 == 0){
print = false;

if(count%3 ==0){
print = false;
if (count%5 == 0){
print = false;
if (print == true){


>> No.4976163

not worth it. better to spend your energy on research and/or internships than unnecessary double major
SE has more jobs (although many are codemonkey jobs), but i chose CE because i found it more interesting, which is what counts. sure, SE has more jobs, but there are plenty of jobs in EE/CE, so its not like you would have to worry anyway (assuming you are hireable)

>> No.4976169

Do you not value learning?

>> No.4976186
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>implying research and internships != learning

>> No.4976444

>wants to do theoretical stuff for a living

I hate to break it to you but the only people sitting around doing theory is... well pretty much teachers and professors who don't have deadlines.

If you want robotics, EE sounds like your field. Simulation sounds more comp sci though.

>> No.4976450

>public class fizz
Java cannot be the correct language to use for this task.

>needing OOP for a fizzbuzz

>> No.4976455

You could cut out all of this:
if (count%3 == 0){
if (count%5 == 0){
print = false;


and replace println with print in the next two and it would still work.

>> No.4976458

Because they're annoyingly opinionated fools who say the most obnoxious things.
I'm a compsci major, btw

>> No.4976494


Pick one

>> No.4976506
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We hate comp sci majors because they have yet to bring about the technological singularity that will usher in a golden age for humanity, lazy fuckers.

>> No.4976534

Actually here is just a nicer way of doing it in Java all together as it seems to be.


This is my first time using Java in forever and this actually pissed me off. Why do if statements have to have fucking boolean operators in them?

Why can't I use the ! operator on an int? I originally tried going if(!(i%3)) which means basically if i is divisible by 3. This works in C but oh no in Java god forbid the ! is used on an int.

Maybe I'm just being buttmad. I guess it is good practice to only use booleans in a statement that uses boolean logic, but still I don't see why it would cause an issue.

>> No.4977867


This is one of the few non-crappy approaches to the problem that I have seen.

>> No.4977880

This entire time I thought Comp Sci was about programming and shit.

Then what is it?

>> No.4977899

I don't personally know any comp sci majors so I don't actually know what computer science is about. I think I heard on the internet once that computer science isn't a science and it's only as much about computers as astronomy is about telescopes.

Third hand experience with it though, I know a few friends of friends who are comp sci majors and they are either in a non computer related job or they work in a call center for tech problems for random companies.

I get the feeling they could be doing better but since I'm not familiar with the major I can't be sure.

>> No.4980409

>I'm cool with compsci students bragging about how well they understand set theory

But they absolutely don't deserve to brag about being mathematicians. Their working knowledge of set theory stops at DeMorgan's law. I have yet to find a single CS major or grad student that can prove even well known easy theorems like Cantor-Bernstein off the top of their heads. Hell most don't even know the punchline to cantor's theorem proof.

>> No.4980425

>Why do if statements have to have fucking boolean operators in them?

safety measure.

if you say

if (x = doStuff())

when you meant

if (x == doStuff())

it can be difficult to find the bug because the program might seem to fail arbitrarily.

>> No.4980436


it's like an if else if else if... else thing.

You should learn Haskell, it's amazing.

>> No.4980444

The problem is than in 'murica cs is another word for software engineering while in europe cs is taught by scientist who expect you to learn programming parallel to the courses and if you don't you will be fucked up at the second course. Also we have the same math lessons like mathematicians not the engineer version.

l2educationsystem fucking 'muricans

>> No.4980453

I absolutely adore the field, but I haven't had much experience with students, so I don't know what to think of them. What I do know is that most programs don't include the things which make me love CS. They're too applied, imo. I was talking to a CS undergrad recently, and he had no clue what lambda calculus was.

>> No.4980539

>if (x = doStuff())
But what if I wanted to do the assignment and am not a retard?
if (fptr=open()){
cerr<<"You a faggot!\a\a\a\n";