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4974261 No.4974261 [Reply] [Original]

Why do creatures like humans come with two digestive exists, why do we need to seperate the exclusively fluid stuff from the rest?
Which animals don't do that?

>> No.4974276

No. The urine is for removing salts and other things that could cut us up if not with water.

>> No.4974280


>> No.4974282

The only animal I can think of are birds. Everything, including their young, come out the same hole. Its evolutionarily advantageous for birds to dispense their waste like that because its all part of being lightweight enough to fly.

>> No.4974289

Feces and urine are entirely different things. Study some basic anatomy, maybe.Feces is essentially food from which all useful substances have been extracted as well as a modest amount of bodily waste(eg hemoglobin degradation products). Urine, on the other hand, isn't your diet coke with all the sugar extracted. It's your blood, first filtered and then passed through a series of tubes which extract any useful ions and molecules and also secrete any excess ions and molecules into it.

>> No.4974294
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So if humans find a way to pee out of their buttholes they can fly?

>> No.4974298

Biologically speaking yes. Apart from, you know, all the reasons that it's bullshit.

>> No.4974314

I think itd be more reasonable if we pooed out of our urethras.

>> No.4974324

As well as amphibians, reptiles, and monotremes.

>> No.4974377

The urinary tract isn't a digestive exit. It has no direct connection to the stomach or intestines; it's connected to the kidneys. Sure, the blood that absorbs nutrients from the intestines gets filtered through the kidneys, but then again, all blood does.

>> No.4974604

from a developmental biology point of view, that which is now our mouth formerly was the asshole.