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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 144 KB, 797x843, Nikola Tesla Museum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4973052 No.4973052 [Reply] [Original]

Nikola Tesla is perhaps the greatest Scientist and Inventor in modern history. View the comic below to learn more about the chance at having a Nikola Tesla museum. Something that should have existed a long time ago.


>> No.4973054

OP here, bumping.

>> No.4973064


>> No.4973069
File: 242 KB, 1366x768, sci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look just below. :-)

>> No.4973072

>something or someone underrated
>internet culture compensates
>something or someone is suddenly the most important and popular thing to ever exist

I like the idea but let's not exaggerate shit. Science doesn't have idols.

>> No.4973081

>science doesn't have idols
People like Carl Sagan are the reason I got into Astronomy, and a handful of professors I looked up to are the reason I stayed at it. Science has idols at every level. Regardless of our preoccupations, we're still human.

>> No.4973086


>worships science
>gets mad when others don't

You're in the wrong here, child.

>> No.4973090

>being inspired by famous scientists
>science worship

Good luck pushing that here. I'm sure you began studying science because it's your civic duty to progress humanity, yeah? 100% practical and logical motivations, no inspiration at all.

>> No.4973102

>Making a museum for Tesla.
I don't see how this would benefit anybody... The whole thing is like "Tesla is this amazing loner scientist isn't he so cool lets jerk over his old stuff".

Pretty pointless.

>> No.4973105

i live 30 minutes away and nobody would go but it would be cool nonetheless

its really far from everything and anything of importance

>> No.4973110

>Making a museum for History
I don't see how this would benefit anybody... The whole thing is like "Lincoln was this amazing assassinated president, isn't he so cool lets jerk off all over his old stuff"

Pretty pointless.

>> No.4973114


>> No.4973171

Pretty sure every science museum in the world has a Tesla coil. What more could you want?

>> No.4973175

>someone trying to turn it into retail

Probably another shitty stripmall, just what America needs.

>> No.4973181
File: 11 KB, 251x220, 1345086439244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

11 KB

Edison was a liar and a thief, who stole and blackmailed his way through his tremendous business successes without inventing a serious thing himself.

In other words, he's a true American.

>> No.4973185

A true capitalist would be a better description.

>> No.4973188

I hate how this shit is written

It's goofy and it's like a cute girl going "HEY guess what? well YOU KNOW"

Fuck I want a girlfriend

The Oatmeal would sound better if an attractive female was writing it

>> No.4973191

Much like the late Steve Jobs, then

>> No.4973555
File: 67 KB, 512x321, Az2RvjmCYAEV5nL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great minds discuss ideas
mediocre minds discuss events
small minds discuss people

>> No.4973586
File: 30 KB, 200x129, 1339530054447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edison of the greatest you fucking faggot.

>> No.4973590


By greatest, I mean entrepreneur, inventor, and scientist

>> No.4973632

stopped there.

I'm tired of this whole chic geek "fuck yeah science" shit that the internet has spawned. You can tell these are the people supporting this without a second thought. They don't think, they spend 10 dollars then pat themselves on the back for being such a smart science geek.

>> No.4973635

who is nikola tesla?

>> No.4973639

Oh don't be such a cunt. I'd rather a million dumb high schoolers fake being nerds and vaguely support the sciences than spend their time kicking the shit out of the real nerds and spewing anti-intellectual rhetoric.

If you're so desperate to keep up your persecution complex, just start sucking cock or worshiping the devil or something. Damn.

>> No.4973664

reading this melts my brain. its so propagandistic that it hurts.

>> No.4973688

>still believe that museums dedicated to a single person should be erected
Fuck you and every person who has ever wanted a museum for (insert name here)
Discovery is a collective achievement

>> No.4973689

You've got some emotional issues bro

>> No.4973691

i dont know how to feel about shit like this. maybe im a cynical person but i can't stand how this reeks of try-hard pseudo-intelligence, even though it's probably not going to hurt anyone and might even do some good.

>> No.4973696

You know Churchill and Truman said the same thing when Stalin wanted to switch sides

>> No.4973698

It's not the Museum of Tesla's Discoveries.
It's a museum about Tesla himself.
His life. His education. His contributions to science.
He's an important figure in scientific history. That's why we want a museum for him.

>> No.4973700

>implying more than one person

>> No.4973702
File: 87 KB, 390x513, JuliusCaesar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me be clear so you may not raise your brow any further in my direction
You, and the rest of your kinda are a blight on humanity.You do not care about the furthering of humanity,you do not care about scientific discovery,and you do not care how ignorant you truly are.
You are a mockery to our existence and should be treated as such.
There has yet to be a single person in the entirety of recorded history to deserve such an honor, and any such person would forbade the existence of such were it asked of him.