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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4972917 No.4972917[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can you believe in evolution but also believe that black people are equal to whites?

>> No.4972920

Anyone at all...

>> No.4972921
File: 56 KB, 346x302, 1335562430724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you believe in evolution if its only a theory (a geuss)?

>> No.4972937
File: 21 KB, 473x352, 1342815686039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ cancer

>> No.4972942



>> No.4972943

they are, we are all from africa

>> No.4972947

they're different but we as humans attempt to treat all humans equally

>> No.4972951
File: 6 KB, 280x340, Aristotl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But we are not equal.

IQ statistics alone prove this, as well as bone structure and muscle mass.

We are not the same.

>The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal.

>> No.4972953

iq is an outdated test of fucking logic puzzles
>take person a give him an iq test
>now have him practice logic puzzles for 5 hour a day for a year
>what happens?

as well as bone structure and muscle mass.

err what?

>> No.4972954

How can you say that you believe in evolution without understanding it in the slightest?

>> No.4972957

>The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal.
That makes zero sense. Please go back to /pol/. They accept and even believe in your bullshit there.

>> No.4972959

You don't know anything about Osteology so let me break this into very simple terms.

>It is far, far easier to determine the race of a skeleton than sex
>there are massive differences in brain weight between races
>there are massive differences between organ function and muscle density between races

I know this is certainly not popular opinion, and for that I apologize for putting you in the uncomfortable position of knowing.

>> No.4972960

you dint even have to take messurements. just look att the last 100 nobel price winner, the 100 highest educated men and you will notice a quite clear trend

>> No.4972962

So Aristotle was just an evil white racist.

Lol, you people are insane.

>> No.4972964

you're trying to argue whites are superior yet you bring up muscle density, knowing that black people have more muscle than the average white?

>> No.4972969

Also, I never ONCE said superior.

That is your hang up, not mine. I said not equal.

>> No.4972968

It's not a matter of more or less, but placement and growth throughout the lifespan.

I'm glad you recognize the vast differences between human physical racial characteristics, at the very least.

>> No.4972973

Wouldn't more muscle mass be considered more primitive? Also I have noticed that most might have more muscle mass but equal strength to other races that have abit less but are still built.

>> No.4972977

For instance, the muscle density and bone structure of a chimpanzee is much, much bulkier than a humans. Bone density is dependent on structural muscle output potential.

Literally, your bones have to be strong enough not to break from the muscle usage.

As creatures evolve more and more to civilization and their place with that social structure the necessary muscle mass drops drastically, much the same as a vestigial tail would no longer serve a function.

The cooperation and usage of tools over brute strength is a sign of social evolution.

>> No.4972980

so you're saying whites are inferior? if you say not equal, you have to mean one or the other.

>> No.4972982

And they are less than the total differences between ANY two individuals. You think they're important because you can see them with your eyes, which is how uneducated people view reality ("what I can see is what exists!")

>> No.4972983

So blacks are less socially evolved?

>> No.4972986

Any two humans aren't equal either, so what's your point?
In fact any two objects cannot per definition be equal since by implying 'two objects' you're implying they are distinct - either in time, position or matter - which makes them not equal.

>> No.4972987

>IQ statistics
Let's just say, hypothetically, that 60% of black people are dumber than the average white person. That still means that 40% are smarter than the average white person.

>> No.4972988

Again, this status line is your own hang-up and not based on actual science or reality.

What is your need for racial hierarchy based on?

Either way, that is not at all my point. My point is that there are empirical scientific differences. Breeds, races, sub-species, ethnicity, whatever you wish to call it.

These groupings exist and go far, far beyond skin color and geographic location.

>> No.4972990


>> No.4972991

I am referring to empirical averages in racial types.

Can you leave emotion based arguments at the door please?

>> No.4972993

Or on the same level as the average white person.

>> No.4972995

>What is your need for racial hierarchy based on?

your bullish opening statement, you're not getting me mad, it's just easy to see that you're copping out

>> No.4972996

In so many ways, they are evolved to a different social structure. A more brutal tribalism patriarchy as opposed to a cooperative social patriarchy involved in agriculture or trade.

There is no better proof of this than the Ashkenazi Jewish people, who have de facto evolved along a different path than their European cousins. Yes, inter breeding has occurred but the religious social construct as well as the tribalism has led to VERY obvious and real differences.

Every child born makes a difference in the future.

>> No.4972997

The only emotional one here is you, I employed a strictly logical conclusion.
Yes, any two objects are distinct - this is obvious, so what is the point in pointing that out?

>> No.4972998

It is a simple questions. How CAN you believe in Evolution and not consider the very real racial differences which exist?

Yes, it is quite bullish but it is nothing compared to the modern emotional need to deny any differences.

>> No.4972999

If you don't see value in the debate or study then I can't help you see value.

>> No.4973000

tinychat com/vidya4chan

there are a bunch of christians in this room discussing this, get in here

>> No.4973001

Why is it when there i a thread about the actual differences between races its considered racist?

>> No.4973003

I'm asking what you actually want to debate, people being different is obvious, so what is it you actually want to discuss?

>> No.4973007

It is considered inhumane to discuss intentional human breeding.

It is seen as Eugenics and popularized through fear and misunderstanding.

We as humans breed plants, animals and organizations to fit our long term needs and goals, but we have not yet reached the stage where we can begin to breed humanity itself for the long term survival of the species. There is too much emotion involved for critical discussion to often take place.

>> No.4973010

Who's denying any racial differences?

>> No.4973009

I would like to simply bring consensus that there are vast physiological differences between the races.

Try to remember this is largely denied by the majority of Western culture.

>> No.4973011

Don't play dumb with me. I do not have the patience for it.

>> No.4973012

There are many intelligent pure Africans. If their genetics can produce individuals that outperform most other people, then blacks' overall underperformance is probably related to other causes. Namely poor environment, counterproductive values, and flawed culture.

>> No.4973013

>I would like to simply bring consensus that there are vast physiological differences between the races.
This has been known in biology for centuries.
In medicine we have developed certain drugs that work better on Africans, we have identified certain diseases that are more likely affect Europeans compared to Africans, and Asians, etc.

>Try to remember this is largely denied by the majority of Western culture.
No, it isn't.

>> No.4973014

So you're talking about of your ass and been constructed a strawman this entire time then?

>> No.4973021

>Namely poor environment, counterproductive values, and flawed culture.

You will never, ever be able to take a multitude of Africans and transplant them into another environment successfully. Physiology and genetic outcome alone prevents this.

In the same way that if you took a multitude of Europeans and transplanted them into darkest Africa they would not live as the Africans do. They would clear forest, build permanent structures, roads, other things indicative of European culture.

The vast and telling failures of Haiti, Zimbabwe, Detroit, Oakland, and many many more tell this story again and again.

It's like getting dogs to stop barking on instinct. It's like getting cats not to stalk. These traits are inherent in the very make up of the creature.

>> No.4973027

I speak of blacks' impoverished environment that breeds ignorance. Ghetto culture also disregards education and puts forth warped values towards violence, crime etc.

If you took a large array of Europeans with no culture and had them start from scratch in the depths of Africa they'd be just as SOL as the blacks there. It is a largely inhospitable environment as covered in Guns, Germs and Steel.

Haiti had no allies or external support as they were the first successful slave rebellion nation state. In fact their resources were extracted out of the country since France forced them to pay debts from the rebellion. Places like Detroit, Oakland, Baltimore, were hit hard by the post-industrial economy and shifting of factory jobs overseas. Ghetto culture also plagues the abandoned inner cores of those cities. David Simon, creator of The Wire, goes over this very well.

In contrast, Nigeria and Kenya has been developing quite well since gaining more stable sovereignty over internal affairs. They've been growing at significant speeds and are poised to enter the middle income countries.

>> No.4973028


OP please become educated about the science of this matter then come back

The Science of Human Races, Part 1

and this one will explain
why it is that marathon runners are typically from Kenya or Ethiopia

>> No.4973031


That's is just speculation.

Also, Haiti actually did well for a period before the French taxed the shit out of them. Also, there are periods where whites did nothing. Dark ages are a big example of this.

Also, look at China today. China a hundred years ago was a city of poor farmers.

>> No.4973033

Your notion of 'impoverished' is completely foreign to the Afircan life. This is a western notion.

Africans are simply living in the same way that they have for thousands of thousands of years.

It is only through a western lens that we take pity on them and think them 'poor'.

Your insane drive to raise them all en masse to our level of living standard is a failure at the outset, because it is based on false pretenses.

>> No.4973038

Please try to see this from the right perspective.

When you get the time, this is an impartial documentary on the fall of the African colonial era.


>> No.4973042

this /thread

>> No.4973044


WTF you talking about. Go back a thousand years and most people would be farming i.e. Serfs.

>> No.4973046

how can you believe in number theory if it's only a theory (a gauss)?

>> No.4973047

Blacks in America do in fact live in very impoverished environments and as a result are more ignorant due to those disadvantages.

Africans also are impoverished both in modern terms and also in traditional terms such as accessible resources conducive to building a vast civilization. For example, the Saraha and central rainforests are impenetrable and prevent trade. Africa is also a mostly longitudinal continent meaning as you travel you move into different climates, as opposed to Eurasia and North America where you can travel west or east and maintain roughly the same climate. This geographic isolation has led to thousands of languages stifling contact/trade/unity. Africa also did not have the indigenous crops and animals that the Fertile Crescent and Eurasia had access to.

I recommend reading Guns, Germs and Steel. If you're not much of a reader I'm pretty sure there's a video documentary of it too.

>> No.4973050


Haiti was way more fucked up than that. The indigenous people in haiti were wiped out by the french settlers there. Then they brought in black slaves to work the land. It wasn't until the rebellion that the french bailed out leaving the blacks there with very few remaining resources. Which all lost their values as soon as people figured out how to make those expensive dyes elsewhere.

The only people who were supposed to live there were indigenous, and that was back when it was rich in resources. It's arguable that no humans should even be living there now. If it ended up being the case that French people got ditched there instead of Africans it would be doing just as bad if not worse.

>> No.4973070

Blacks in America have been given every opportunity as every other racial group on the planet in America.

Guns, Germs and Steel is liberal propaganda to make the plight of the third world the responsibility of the only race capable of alleviating it.

We are not the same. Africans walked over gold mines and diamonds for tens of thousands of years and never crafted a more intelligent tool than a spear, which itself was likely copied from a more advanced invader culture.

The European race is NOT the planets keepers, Africans are NOT our pets. Their way of life is their business and it's not up to us to judge the way they have been living for 20 thousand years.

This is just more installation of our moral code and value system onto them. It's unfair to both parties.

>> No.4973074

Africa is one of the most fertile continents on the planet dude. You know who the only people to STILL practice agriculture there are?

White European people trying to HELP the Africans. And they often get slaughtered, killed and raped violently for their efforts.

Rhodesia FED half of Africa for fucks sake. Then the newly empowered black government nationalized the farms of the whites and within a generation they were starving. Now the people of Zimbabwe cry for the return of the white European.

This is history in your life time and you should know it.

>> No.4973076

You missed >>>/pol/ . Sometimes I end up in /mlp/ when I'm going for /lit/, so it's okay.

>> No.4973075

>Guns, Germs and Steel is liberal propaganda

Stop politicizing this. At least try to contain the shades of the lenses you're looking at the world through. You say blacks in America have been given every opportunity in America, yet it was only until the second half of the 20th century that they could even APPROACH a white standard of living.

>> No.4973077

>Guns, Germs and Steel is liberal propaganda


>> No.4973084

Excuse me, in the 19th century the majority of European Americans were either agriculturally employed or employed in industry jobs.

Blacks were given every opportunity to partake in the planter system as well as industrial labor. I find your continued assignment of responsibility of the black condition away from the black himself to be absolutely counter to your purported claims to speak for them.

Why, in your way of view whites are 110% solely responsible for the condition of all blacks on the globe. Are they truly a race of bestial dependents, forever at the mercy of our whims and efforts?

You seem to have us believe so.

Again, the tribal structures we see sprout up in black ghettos from America to England, London to Ireland, Urban America to Suburban America is merely indicative of the WAY OF LIFE THEY HAVE HELD FOR 20,000 YEARS OR MORE.

They never evolved out of this.

>> No.4973087

And further more, this inclination to violent racial tribalism is waging low intensity warfare across our countries at this very moment.

A gang is merely another term for tribe after all. And what is the only response to aggressive counter-social racial tribalism? We lock them up, imprison a generation or more of black males.

We want so badly to mold them into our likeness that we would rather incarcerate them than let them do their natural inclination.

>> No.4973088

Those farms were run by agronomists with modern knowledge and equipment. Nationalizing them and handing them over to the largely ignorant masses would lead to obvious failures. If we nationalized all our farms in America and handed them over to a bunch of whites who knew nothing of mechanized agriculture, crop life cycles or soil science there would be mass starvation too.

>> No.4973091

Yes! Yes! There you go, use your excsssive intelligence to find ANY excuse to explain away their behavior and outcome than themselves. Yes.

Drought, technology, this, that. Any excuse which you can find to alleviate them of their responsibility. Anything but the most obvious and simple truth; they are not made to live like we live.

>> No.4973095

It's funny, when someone says something that doesn't accord to your PC views you scream /pol/, just like the far left who are keen on screaming "racist" whenever someone even mentions the validity of race.

You are scum, plain and simple. All you have to offer is ad-hominem and anti-intellectual stimulation. Please kill yourself.

>> No.4973096


Your implication that gold and diamonds are useful commodities in a barren wasteland, makes me question your intelligence.

>> No.4973098

Thank you, and glad to see someone else put aside emotion for reality.

>> No.4973099


typical /pol/ response

>> No.4973107

>barren wasteland

Oh my...

>> No.4973108

I didn't say whites were 110% solely responsible. Again, your shades are masquerading your genuine lack of any hard evidence supporting your allegations about blacks.

Speaking of such, do explain what this tribal structure is you mention. I'm curious if you actually have any knowledge of what a "tribal structure" is, beyond making it a mere talking point for you to parrot around.

>> No.4973109

this entire series is bullshit and has been debunked several times, although he won't dare respond to those videos that have debunked his work. That's only natural.



>> No.4973112

one again, you have nothing to say and rely simply on ad-hominem. You're only making you and your cause look worse.

>> No.4973113

In the face of you response I decline to continue this discussion. Not only have you ignored the majority of points I have made, but you seem intent on discrediting my intelligence.

If this is your way of debate, consider me in boycott. You can now claim total victory and ridicule me further.

>> No.4973116
File: 68 KB, 374x374, 1337143755518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most active thread on sci
>and for a while at that
>a shitpost from pol

>> No.4973118

But remember, you may ridicule me, scream "He doesn't know what he is talking about!" to all the heavens. But tomorrow we will STILL lock up blacks en masse for their inability to adapt to our way of life.

Africa will go one being African to the core, and you will still assign all responsibility to Europeans.

>> No.4973120

White? Black?
Are you people in the US still restricting your own gene pool by choosing partners based on their skin color?

Are you insane, or just retarded?

>> No.4973121

Aww, aren't you just the picture of martyrdom.
A regular white messiah. A bastion of aryan logic in a sea of niggers and kikes slobbering and throwing insults. White pride, nation wide, right?

Fuck off back to /pol/ and don't return. Maybe you can get in on the tail of an Ayn Rand circle jerk if you hurry.

>> No.4973123

It is liberal and biased as fuck. It ignores race and implies that 60,000 years of seperate development and culture had no impact on humans today and then goes on to say that it's all about the resources.

>> No.4973124

Their responsibility for what? That impoverished natives should have magically acquired a college education and all the knowledge plantation managers gathered over their entire career? I suppose the Irish Potato Famine was a problem of personal responsibility as well. Funnily enough, many people in the 19th century were openly racist against the Irish for reasons not so different than the ones listed in this thread.

>> No.4973125

Thanks for being you :)

Keep on trying to fit a round peg into a square hole. Continue your program of forcing Africans to live how we live. Enjoy squandering resources, energy and time to a very lost cause.

>> No.4973129




>> No.4973130


He doesn't need to, because you have no evidence to refute his claims that there are no evolutionary differences between blacks and whites, all test are made void because socio-economic and cultural differences between the races.

Black people with the same annual income as white people test and score exactly the same, and go on the achieve similar things in life. Are are pitting the entire black race vs the white race, where you know we are better off economically, technologically and educationally, so we score higher on everything.

It is like when they wanted to test the effect that porn was having on young males and they need to find a control group, the problem was, there didn't exist one. They couldn't find a single group of teenagers that didn't watch porn, so any result that the test would have would be void, as is the same with this discussion.

>> No.4973131

I thought you were going to decline to continue this? Just as I thought, you really don't have much scientific backing in your claims and just want to parade this argument further, demonization. By the way, I'm not >>4973121, I'd be the one you were running from, >>4973108.

>> No.4973134

>there are no evolutionary differences between blacks and whites

Oh my. As a student of Osteology I just have to say that you may want to reconsider your fantasy.

>> No.4973135
File: 58 KB, 500x400, brevflag2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ has neither arguments nor evidence to contest OP

/pol/ wins. Your board sucks.

>> No.4973136

Clearly you are emotionally invested in propping up racist views.

I kindly invite you to take this shit to your echo chamber in /pol/

>> No.4973137

I'm not the same person he was responding to. I just can't stand that sort of attitude constant among 4chan as a whole.

It's anti-intellectual by all means.

>> No.4973139

Right, keep on calling Africa impoverished (a gross insult) for living the way of life they have always lived.

Continue with your cultural colonialism then.

>> No.4973142

>I am simply attempting scientific discourse, I do not understand these "get back to /pol/ ad hominem attacks"


>> No.4973143


Name 50 genetic differences between us and black people, name 50.

>> No.4973141

Hmmmm, I have an idea.

What if we FORCE other people to live like we do? Isn't that a great idea? I like how we live, so everyone will like it too.

What? They break our laws? Lock them up, I say. Criminals.

>> No.4973147

That's not even how Genetics works.....

We are 98% identical to chimpanzees.

>> No.4973148

>Force people to live like we do
and they love it. This has even been seen under imperialism several times.

>> No.4973150

Nothing can go wrong!

>> No.4973154


Yes, those 2% account for about 6000 thousand genes, so again name 30 genes that differ between the races. 30 should be easier.

>> No.4973156


>> No.4973159




>> No.4973161
File: 32 KB, 413x395, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 the person who asked for sources denounces these sources

>> No.4973172

It's inevitable.

The left will play Devils advocate at any opportunity they have to lick the ass of a minority, or risk being called a "bigot" by his colleagues.

>> No.4973174
File: 8 KB, 200x200, old man laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you know the old adage. Anyone who is young and right has got no heart. Anyone who is old and left has got no brains.

>> No.4973178


Read it, again it states IQ differences, Doesn't mention a single genetic difference between the races. Human beings posses about 300k genes. The modern basis of evolution is the mutation and spread of these genes, this entire argument is that how can someone believe in evolution when, while at the same time believing that blacks and whites are genetically the same.

The answer is simple, we have the same genes, like 99.99% the same genetic coding, coming from the same source. Your link refers to differences between IQ, a western test and we know that people who come from a higher annual income do better on it, so the test is flawed when comparing races that differ so much in income and education.

Your logic is so extremely flawed, that you must be an idiot. What if suddenly Africans started saying that we white people must be fucking retarded, because if we were ever put into the serengeti we would die, therefore we are retards.

You know that 1600 is a more prettier square number than 1700, they know how to make fire and kill a zebra or survive being a child soldier. The environment in which you perform these tests matter.

Again take 10,000 medium income black families and compare their results to 10,000 medium income white families and they will score the same.

It is the same fucking retarded reason that people think asians have such high IQ's, they literally study way more math than we have ever done. In Korea they have mandatory 4 hour study hours after school, and they use it on math. I have never done any homework in my life and I don't know many people that have.

>> No.4973180
File: 12 KB, 123x150, SmilingBoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like clockwork, the source asked for has been denounced.

You read it again.


>> No.4973184
File: 29 KB, 522x392, billie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a time traveler?


>> No.4973194


Sorry but I asked first, name me the genetic differences between blacks and whites, don't give me some shitface link. Name them. Genes have codings, give them to me.

>> No.4973199

The research still needs to be done. In truth, it doesn't matter what I post you aren't going to give it credence. You're going to believe that Africans can be culturally colonized to overcome 20,000 years of living by another culture.

You're going to believe that Africa SHOULD be culturally colonized at any cost to the European race and the Africans themselves.

You're going to continue to feel pity for a people who have lived in such a way since the Sumerians crawled out of the stone age.

>> No.4973202

Another thing worth noting:

When people say 'genetic differences', it's obviously a codeword for whites and Asians being smarter.

But historically, the north Africans (Nubians, Egyptians), Mesopotamians (Assyrians, Babylonians), Indus peoples and Chinese were the earliest civilizations. The south Americans, considering their resources, also made tremendous progress.

So if they were historically among the first to develop truly great civilizations, why does the average person living in Egypt, India, South America and China have lower living standards than western Europeans and North Americans?

It has nothing to do with the inferiority of Hispanics, Arabs or Asians.

>> No.4973205


LOL just read it, you are basing your proof on a 84 year old man who again did not mention a single fucking genetic difference between blacks and whites in the article, only that he stated he believes there is one.

> "Watson reasserted that there are definitely genetic differences in intelligence. But he says we don't know very much about these differences though because psychology is "totally dominated by political correctness.""

He is again the same as you confusing socio-economic backgrounds, which are the reason for differences in psychology between poor people and rich people, and again medium income people.

This guy co-lead to the discovery of DNA, but has had no involvement in the humane genome process what so ever, you think he has any great insight into genetic variations?

I have a question, do you frequently watch fox news aswell?

>> No.4973213

The South Americans, Asians and Egyptians were obviously splits from the original Sumerian civilization. Mythos, art, architecture, politics, social formation etc. all point to this.

Not to mention every single culture passes down the Sumerian history of advanced people showing them how to do everything.

And before you claim Sumeria was only retelling legends and myths remember they were the first civilization. They could not have recorded myths from an earlier people because there was no earlier people.

My theory, take what you will, is that some culture colonized all these peoples and had to nearly enslave the native populations to civilize them. When these people either left or died out the civilizations degenerated into chaos once more.

No different than the Cargo cults of the South Pacific.

>> No.4973215 [DELETED] 

>84 year old man

I would say the father of modern Genetics. You are too foolish to converse with. Too quick to dismiss.

>> No.4973220

>84 year old man

Dismissal, ridicule and ad hominem. The culture of liberal debate.

>> No.4973218

>believes in genetic differences in intelligence between races
>"do you frequently watch fox news aswell?"

Oh wow, this shit is gold. I'm not the same person you're responding to, but holy shit.

I also have several sources if you want to read them, btw. I'll post them anyway.

>> No.4973226
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>> No.4973230
File: 19 KB, 225x185, 1318916269588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can you believe in evolution but also believe that black people are equal to whites?

How can you believe in evolution but also believe in free will?

I guess that makes "you" insignificant.

>> No.4973232

>/sci/ in charge of self-respect and valuing its time

>> No.4973233


I never stated anything in any of my posts of about helping or civilizing Africa. In my opinion about 6 billion people should be wiped of this planet, so that we can live a sustainable existence, where we can all prosper. This planet can't sustain 7 billion people.

I would either wipe out every other race than white, or i mix the gene pool so much that there would be no phenotypicall difference between anyone. The reason for this is because differences breed conflict, conflict slows progress and progress leads to discovery, which in my opinion is what is important for humanity.

But saying there is a evolutionary difference between any race is moronic. Chinese kids are thought that they have an ancestor different from ours, i.e they are not homo sapiens but something else. This has been refuted by every single scientist outside China, and even by scientists in China. There is no evolutionary difference between the races, just cultural.

And you are sort of basing your ideas on concepts of violence and money. If you go to like the bush men of the serengeti, they have no idea what violence is, it is an unheard of concept, they don't have any money and have no idea what is it, but you call them less evolved because of it. Your logic is flawed, you are basing your views on blacks from a personal perspective, you know some niggers in america that act like cunts, then you just assert they are less evolved.

Watch less fox news plz.

>> No.4973234


Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.4973237

>violence and money
>money and violence

And you need to listen to far less NPR haha :)

As far as your points regarding race and over population I can not be further from agreement. I denounce the concept that we are over populated. We are under worked, meaning we have far too much indigent population doing nothing but eating and their will through the hours.

I want to see the solar system literally teeming with people who have ten fingers and ten toes. Right now we have all our eggs in one basket, it is not tenable. No, while we pay farmers not to farm we do not yet have over population.

As for your idea of genocide well, I can't even entertain that notion.

>> No.4973242


I am assuming NPR stands for national public radio and they are lefties? Not from america. No we pretty much are over populated, you look at it from a farming stand point, but there are so many more resources that go into our production to give us the life we have today.

Didn't say genocide, I just implied it. Birthing license would do just fine, or forced sterilization, either works.

>> No.4973247








>> No.4973250

Again, we have the human resources to provide the food, we are just not using them.

We are too far wrapped up in this laize faire existence where our every whim must be gratified.

>> No.4973256


Not going to read any of those, cause I asked you to write them down.

But will say this, there is no correlation between the size and mass of your brain, and how intelligent you are.

>> No.4973260
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>there is no correlation between the size and mass of your brain, and how intelligent you are.

>> No.4973262

The correlation is about 0.30, which is a shotgun blast on graphing paper.

>> No.4973263
File: 401 KB, 2499x1521, 1344196162513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wanting to bang sexy black girls

>> No.4973268

And that's why whales have developed sentient A.I. and intergalactic travel. You know, since they're brains are larger, ergo, more intelligent.

>> No.4973273

>You will never, ever be able to take a multitude of Africans and transplant them into another environment successfully. Physiology and genetic outcome alone prevents this.

That is a foolish statement. I was born in Africa, and came to America when I was around 6 months old. The environment that I grew up in determined my intelligence and behavior more then my race. If race were a factor, then I would be acting ignorant and "ghetto". Yet, I am a productive member of society.

>> No.4973281

Are you a multitude?

No, you are not a multitude. Yes, it would be ohhhh so wonderful if European society could singularly displace every African child and raise them with our own kids for a better outcome.

This would be a great thing, to eradicate the african way of life and replace it with the European. But it is simply not possible to do this.

Why, why would the Europeans go through the energy, the cost, the time, the resources to do this?

Why, why can't Africans do this on their own?

>> No.4973285

>Why, why can't Africans do this on their own?

Because of whites, obviously. The only problem in the world is white racism against non-whites. When whites finally completely step aside and hand the other races their society and culture then the world can progress.

But whites are not superior to anything obviously.

>> No.4973287

I wish I was black so everyone would explain away my failure.

>> No.4973292

My parents did this on their own, though. They saved up for years before getting enough money to move here. It may have taken them menial labor to do it, but it was achieved.

The thing that really solidifies my point, is the fact that I can consider myself more intelligent then my parents. I have had to explain things that, to me, were simple concepts.

I am living proof that, given a proper environment, one can grow and surpass those of a separate race. If I had grown up in Africa like I could have, then I would surely be uneducated and ignorant.

>> No.4973301

>My parents did this on their own, though

Oh, your parents built a safe, sane, organized Western Civilization?

No, the very real fact is that you are akin to the Cuckoo bird. The Cuckoo bird is an animal we have in America. Let me tell you the parable.

A Cuckoo bird does not build nests of it's own. Instead, the Cuckoo bird will either eat, destroy or push an egg out of another bird's nest and replace it with it's own egg. The victim bird then raises the Cuckoo bird's offspring as it's own, feeding it, warming it, nurturing it.

This is the story of your existence in the West. You took up western resources, western space for western children and asserted your place among them. Not only are you NOT grateful for your overwhelming luck and privilege not to be raised wherever you came from, but you now try to tell Western children that we are all equal and that the only problem is our racism.


>> No.4973303

>science thread
>Posts: 11, Images: 5

>race thread
>Posts: 180, Images: 34

>rustling jimmies everywhere, everytime.

>> No.4973340
File: 163 KB, 377x398, 7779-confucius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you believe in evolution but also believe that white people are equal to asians?

>> No.4973342
File: 45 KB, 400x400, crb714036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh come on, without whites who would the Asians copy? If we all disappeared tomorrow, the world would stagnate at 2013 forever under Asian rule.

>> No.4973346


>> No.4973352

This is because people confuse racism for racialism. Racism is discrimination against a race, while racialism is a belief in differences among the races.

>> No.4973355

awww, first shit post of the thread. figures it's from a yellow dog

>> No.4973358

Westerners built modern civilization

>> No.4973359


>> No.4973364
File: 27 KB, 407x286, 1344677192405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>This coming from an anon who forgets that "western" civilization is comprised of borrowed philosophies and activities from other cultures not of western descent.

>This coming from an anon who forgets that the "western" civilization essentially got their increased smarts from the scientific equvalient of a one night stand out of wed lock with neanderthals.

>This coming from an anon from 4 chan of all places.

Get over yourself you autistic manchild.

>> No.4973371

Yes, yes, yes.

Whites are not superior but everyone wants to live next door to one, move to their nations and live how they live. Tell that joke again, it's my favorite.

>> No.4973382

This is the end result of applying scientific thinking to human interaction.

Also, does anyone have a link to that study that demonstrates that the IQ difference between a black child adopted into a white family is quite similar to that of a white child adopted into a white family?