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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 53 KB, 220x311, LN1053_1i220px-Albert_Einstein_%28Nobel%29[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4969523 No.4969523 [Reply] [Original]

Einstein was nothing more than a patent clerk who claimed to invent the things that were put in front of his face as filings.

Prove me wrong!

>> No.4969530

i want to patent mass times the speed of light squared.

>> No.4969528

Prove you right, show me a patent for relativity.

>> No.4969544

It's silly to claim that he stole the ideas from the patents, but it's clear that he received sole credit for ideas that were floating around the academic physics scene at the time, and would almost certainly have emerged at approximately the same time if he had never been born.

He was well-networked, a competent theoretical physicist for his time, and had charisma and a talent for expressing ideas well. This made him his day's spokesman of science, which caused him to be unreasonably credited with inventing the theories he presented to the world.

>> No.4969567

that is true for SR, but not his other work. it would have eventually been done, just like any pother physics, but it would have taken 20 or 50 years more time.

>> No.4969575 [DELETED] 
File: 1.17 MB, 1995x2990, 1342038565908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think one needed quite high education for this kind of patent job and there weren't so many academia positions anyway.
I too find it sad that so many other people are unknown to the public (I work with a guy from the air force and today when I nutoriously talked about turing machines during lunch he told me he wouldn't know eighter Turing, von Neuman, Hilbert or Gödel...srlsy?).

>> No.4969578
File: 55 KB, 300x300, 9mm_bullets_can_stop_alien_invaders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think one needed quite high education for this kind of patent job and there weren't so many academia positions anyway.
I too find it sad that so many other people are unknown to the public (I work with a guy from the air force and today when I notoriously talked about turing machines during lunch he told me he wouldn't know eighter Turing, von Neuman, Hilbert or Gödel...srlsy?).

>> No.4969582

einstein getting credit for formalizing things like special relativity doesnt bother me

it's shit like edison getting hailed as greatest inventor ever or similar shit that annoys me

>> No.4969588


I heard once that that's true for a lot of his early work, but general relativity genuinely was a masterpiece that wouldn't have been discovered for a long time without him.


>> No.4969592

That's like saying Stephan Hawking isn't a huge contributor to our knowledge of black holes, or that Isaac Newton was irrelevant to the development of calculus.

Of course humanity would have learned the same things eventually, of course they had help. No-one with a brain would every say otherwise. But to deny their importance is just as stupid.

>> No.4969593
File: 238 KB, 500x600, fucking_nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was Hilbert though.

here is certainly stuff about him

>> No.4969598

Plebs don't know anything that doesn't directly impact their lives. Nothing at all.

I've met fully functional adults who didn't know there were planets beyond the solar system.

>> No.4969599

It was actually a part-time job he took to support himself while he worked on his PhD thesis, when he couldn't get a teaching assistant job.

>> No.4969601

Steve Jobs is considered the best contributor to computers. Ignore what the idiot masses think, their opinion has no value.

>> No.4969603

It's you who is wrong here. Pluto isn't a planet anymore.

>> No.4969606
File: 662 KB, 2016x3136, 1315274966924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Turing machines not impacting everyones lives
no, I know what you mean.

Ah, btw. funfact, this theory came shortly before GR:


here is a classification of all dem theories:


while here are some more modern ones listed too:


>> No.4969614


>> No.4969624

>or that Isaac Newton was irrelevant to the development of calculus.
But he was, some other guy invented calculus independently at about the same time, if newton had died before "releasing" caluculus, it would have been developed pretty much the same.

>> No.4969626

That is for people who are thinking of computers as practical and familiar devices relevant to casual users; and they'd be mostly right.

Those are NOT people talking about specific technology, invention or development from a CS or EE perspective.

>> No.4969629

You didn't read that statement correctly; it had nothing to do with Pluto.

>> No.4969637

Are you stupid?

>> No.4969640

Ok, I'd like to see how you'd do in a world without his work. Even if he was wrong in many areas, his works have been a basis that lead to the true facts. We'd still be in the dark if he hadn't come along.

>> No.4969643

I am definitely not stupid.
Here was the statement:
>I've met fully functional adults who didn't know there were planets beyond the solar system.

your reply:
>It's you who is wrong here. Pluto isn't a planet anymore.
my reply to you:
>You didn't read that statement correctly; it had nothing to do with Pluto.

You see, the statement was about bodies outside our solar system, so Pluto isn't part of the statement in any way.

>> No.4969646

The only known planet outside our solar system was pluto. Now that it isn't a planet anymore the problem is solved.

>> No.4969652


Babbies first troll

>> No.4969654

All planets are within our solar system by definition. Every time a planet is discovered orbiting another star, it becomes part of our solar system.

That is why we must cleanse them of filthy Xenos.

>> No.4969657


Wtf happened to you guys /sci/?

figure your trolls would at least be clever. Not just /b/'s " lol durrrr tard" style

>> No.4969665

FYI: This was one of our more subtle trolls.
Enjoy your stay, summerfag.

>> No.4969902

Wots dat ya git? WAAAGH!!!