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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4963484 No.4963484[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

college. wat do

>> No.4963490

LMFAO faglord. Kill yourself.

>> No.4963492
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>> No.4963493

First day of college? if so keep in mind that everyone there will be as lost as you

>> No.4963496

dont fuck up

your peers are only there for competition
>no parties
>no girls
>no drugs
>in bed by 10 every night

and thats how you get a good job after college

>> No.4963504

1 1/2months of summer still here in England

fuck, summer sucks

>> No.4963514

Haha you stupid goyim fuck.

>> No.4963515 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4963516

I got back August 26th

I'm repeating the college summer cycle.

By the 4th week of summer I'm really bored, but after like the two and a half months I suddenly don't want to go to back and I want to keep playing vidya games all day.

>> No.4963517
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>mfw quarter system
>mfw 1-1/2 month break between Summer quarter and Fall quarter

>> No.4963519

Haha we should punish the goy shouldn't we?

>> No.4963522

Easier said than done. Of course I have no problem with no parties, no drugs and going to bed early, but how to I deal with the problem of women? Even if I don't see any I constantly think of them.

>> No.4963524

Yes the goyim deserves to suffer for living such a life of privilege.

>> No.4963525
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>> No.4963531
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>> No.4963532

We should slowly tear apart his society with cultural-marxism.

>> No.4963534

Agreed, I think this goyim is in serious need of some diversity.

>> No.4963541 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 620x612, obamabuiltit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf back to /pol/ with you faggots

>> No.4963547

wtf back to /pol/ you faggots
>implying /pol/ is intellectually stimulating at all
>implying its not full of stupid trolls

>> No.4963551

an hero

>> No.4963555

1.5 months of nothing? that sounds fucking terrible.

>> No.4963558

I have to try

>> No.4963585

Does really nobody have an answer, or tips for this?

>> No.4963595

You need some serious cultural enrichment young man.

>> No.4963598

I get 6 weeks for christmas and about May 15th-Sep 1st for summer.

That's a really long fucking break.

In exchange, I get basically no in-semester holidays off

I get one day for thanksgiving, I don't even get a full week for spring break, I'm on Long Island and I don't get the Jewish Holidays, I don't get MLK day... etc

>> No.4963604
File: 27 KB, 350x426, oh-for-fucks-sake-rbWVSc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gtfo of /sci/

>> No.4963608

Are you against multiculturalism?
Are you a racist?
Fuck off to >>>/pol/

>> No.4963613


this is probably some of the most unintelligent antisemitism I've ever seen

I mean, there isn't any intelligent antisemitism, but this is pretty pathetic

at least try

>> No.4963614

are you responding to the right guy?

>> No.4963622

Then why did you post it?

Yes. I'm responding to the guy who doesn't want multiculturalism on /sci/.

>> No.4963628

After all these 100s and 1000s of years of science, we still have no answer?

>> No.4963636

ur a dumb troll shitposting anti-semitic bullshit in a science-edu board. you fuck off to >>>/pol/

>> No.4963647

what college?

>> No.4963653

>science-edu board

Le fuck? This is no edu board, you cretin.

>> No.4963658

Commit to your work and maintain your interest in it instead of being a whiny little bitch.

>> No.4963659

>HS dropout
back to >>>/pol/

>> No.4963669

Come back when you finished highschool, you pathetic moron. You are the cancer that is killing /sci/.

>> No.4963675

did you not get that OP is in college?

>> No.4963679

People like you are the reason we have anti-semitism, shut up.

>> No.4963686

I was calling you a dropout, a faggot that trolls /pol/ all day and has nothing else better to do, cretin

>> No.4963687

1. That post wasn't OP. He would have used "OP" in his name field, like he did throughout the thread.
2. College students are just as bad as highschoolers. Get that shit out of my /sci/.

>> No.4963697

I have never been to /pol/ and other than you I am a graduate student. Get the fuck out of /sci/, you pollution of our genepool. Your subhuman retardation is unbearable and an insult to the intellect of humanity in general.

>> No.4963701

ooooh, a grad student, and an anti-semite?

>> No.4963714

>calling someone a subhuman
>claims to not frequent /pol/

>> No.4963715

Two parties, one hook up every two months sounds like it could work.

>> No.4963719

>the top academics are jewish

>> No.4963722

You're so full of shit. Where did I ever say I was anti-semitic? Take your idiotic /pol/ troll shit where it belongs.

>> No.4963725


>> No.4963740

I seriously doubt anyone on /sci/ is anti-semantic, this place is autistic as fuck.

>> No.4963741


>> No.4963742

He never said he was jewish. Anyway I called his subhuman not for his ethnicity but for his severe retardation. Seriously, this guy must have an IQ below 50.

>> No.4963749

then who was trolling "goyim"?

>> No.4963754

>then who was phone?

Not me. Are you too retarded to tell two posters apart?

>> No.4963757
