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File: 33 KB, 470x313, Bored-Death-tv-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4963193 No.4963193[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>advancing the human species

Pick one.

>> No.4963207


he has a point, it was pretty unimpressive and pointless
America could've used that 2.5billion on their healthcare system or as an economic stimulus, built infrastructure, etc

we already sent shit on mars anyway, ya? what's the point--even if there is a point it's not a priority

>two giga-watts zap all you bitches

>> No.4963239

o look, a you-tube video with ignorant retards, this is new!

what the fuck is 2.5b gona help? that's not even 0.001% of the money being spend annually in the USA.

>> No.4963267


$2.5 billion could literally save thousands of lives

thousands of lives > remote control toy on mars


>> No.4963278

no, give a strategy to save thousands of lives for only 2.5b.

2.5b is less than half the food being burnt each year by Greenpeace.

>> No.4963307

This money doesn't just go into thin air, guys. It goes to the hard workers at Nasa, the people who sold the materials needed to make Curiosity. With space, we'll be able to advance our technology, and that technology will help people, and make our lives better. What's so wrong with that?

You guys REALLY need to sort out your priorities. Complain about something else.

>> No.4963355


>give a strategy 2.5billion saves ppl

use it to pay for emergency room visits, medical costs for life-threatening diseases (cancer, aids), medical insurance for low income families, orphanages, etc

if you can't figure out how to use it at home, send it abroad:

use it to for foreign aid support in countries you destroyed, Iraq and Afganistan for example, the families whose houses and schools you bombed, the kids left without parents, etc

obviously it can't help EVERYONE, but 2.5 billion divided by 1million people is 2500 grand per person

in afganistan their average income is like 800 bucks a year...so 2500 for 1million ppl would be super helpful--it will also reduce foreign hate/terrorism sentimentality, maybe

>> No.4963361

Money spent on space exploration saves lives too. If we aren't experienced with space travel, how are we going to build colonies on other planets, so we don't have all our eggs in 1 basket?

How are we going to deflect an asteroid if we suck at space travel?

>> No.4963365

> give terrorist sand niggers money to kill more of our soldiers
It would trickle into extremists hands faggot kill yourself.

>> No.4963368

>use it to for foreign aid support in countries you destroyed, Iraq and Afganistan for example, the families whose houses and schools you bombed, the kids left without parents, etc

wat the fuck? why not use some of the $700b spent on that war instead of the 2.5b from NASA? i right, the people have to get their $20b airconditioning.

>> No.4963371
File: 37 KB, 960x720, 2012-04-30-Presentation1-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2.5 Billion... You do know that that ALL of NASA consumes less than a penny of the tax dollar right? That's nothing, absolutely nothing. Now 2.5 billion is a lot on an individual level, to normal humans, yes, but for a national system, it might as well be loose change Uncle Sam found under his couch.

>> No.4963372

the annual money changing hands in medicine is in the trillions of dollars, and you want to take 400 million dollars from NASA to add to it?

>> No.4963375
File: 47 KB, 500x501, Jimmy my boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My anus just ruptured with pure mad
op, pic related

>> No.4963381

But see guys, the thing is, it doesn't matter how dumb they are. These guys are attractive. They will still reproduce.
They will, most likely, have more kids than everyone in this thread combined. Face it, nature does not favor the intelligent. Your intellect is a curse.

>> No.4963383


>space colonization
>a possibility ever

ya maybe for a handful of astronauts and a couple super-rich super-lucky, billionaires, maybe in 300 years from now



>wat the fuck? why not use some of the $700b

yes, use BOTH.
BOTH are useless.

>> No.4963385
File: 243 KB, 625x322, hodge 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they aren't dumb, if you watch their other videos they are pretty rational and funny and know a lot about sport nutrition/working out

they're good bros, don't hate

>> No.4963388
File: 29 KB, 299x265, 1333391654643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ cancer

>> No.4963396

Yeah, don't mind dem white boys in dis thread. Dey be mad jelly son. dey mad cuz dey NEEEERRDDDSS HAHAHAHA

>> No.4963404

>computers will only be used by maybe 5 research institutes in the world in the future.
30 years later
>computers fucking everywhere

>> No.4963408

I could really tell how rational they were by how they screamed "pile of shit" all the time as their main argument.

>> No.4963418

>blue eyes

>> No.4963444

another man's butthole

You have picked both.