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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4962948 No.4962948 [Reply] [Original]

So what classes everyone takin next semester?

have to take it easy this semester n bring the gpa back up :/

>> No.4962957

>5h of class
why are you so lazy?

>> No.4962962

"have to take it easy this semester n bring the gpa back up :/"

last semester i had electricity and magnetism, quantum physics, and optics at the same time

>> No.4962964

Data Structures
Physics I
Calc 3
Ethics and Morals

>> No.4962969

5h is beyond "taking it easy", you can do at least 20h and still be taking it easy.

>> No.4962976

enjoy your marketing major

>> No.4962980

what yr/mjr?

>> No.4962983

2nd year, computer science.

>> No.4962989

ive never seen a sci/eng degree that had less than 30h of class a week.

>> No.4962997


>> No.4963007

Freshman reporting in.
Calc I (major req)
CompSci I (major req)
First-Year French I (humanities general)
Wellness (general)
Skills for Academic Success (required for all freshmen, bullshit joke class)

>> No.4963016
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Honors Mathematical Analysis I (3)
Introduction to Robotics and Computer Vision (3)
Introduction to Parallel & Distributed Programming (3)
Advanced Japanese (3)
Japanese Culture I (3)
Elementary Partial Differential Equations (3)
Linear Algebra II (3)
Topics in Computer Science: Introduction to Cryptography (4)
Graduate Electricity and Magnetism I (3)

Analog Electronics (3)

>> No.4963020

damn! kid
good luck

>> No.4963024

>Japanese pop culture
oh lord.

Good luck with all that. I thought my 21 credits last semester was stressful

>> No.4963027

Algebra II (structure theory of rings and modules), Algorithm theory (from what I've seen it will be about randomization in algorithms), Image analysis (idk wth that is, have to take it for my comp engineering degree)

>> No.4963033
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Living in the UK, I get to study what I chose to study all the time!

40 Credits Msci Project (something to do with correlated quantum systems)
Quantum Mechanics 4 (all about perturbation techniques and relativistic QM)
Viscous & High speed fluid flow
General Relativity
Many Particle and Quantum Field Theory
Fission & Fusion
Mathematical Finance.

The last two are kinda soft choices to ensure I stay top of the year. feels good to be king.

>> No.4963035

My fall classes are as follows:

>Partial differential equations
>Nolinear Dynamics

>Quantum 1
>Electricity and Magnetism

(all classes from the honors stream)

Everything looks fun except E&M - it's already a boring class and I slacked off hard in my first E&M class, so it's going to be even worse.

>> No.4963036


look ma, a weeabo

>> No.4963037

Looks super fun, I hope to take nonlinear dynamics together with functional analysis my last year.

>> No.4963043


I really want to do functional analysis too, but there isn't enough room in my major to do all the prereqed analysis and algebra, so I'm going to pick it up on the side... Like most physicists ;_;

>> No.4963046

Freshman Electric Eng Major
Chem for eng
Calc 3
Intro to eng/comp shttp://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/image?c=03AHJ_VuuFmIeVSRrRqt8GhgeejfRZI-LRADK9Yb1sVKRd6KOX9rRDC

>> No.4963047

3rd year here.

Software engineering
Graphical Applications Laboratory
Web languages and technologies
Logic programming
Computer networks

Overall, about 20 hours of class/week. Add another 20 or so of lab work/project development.

>> No.4963071

Mechanical Engineer, kind of sophomore-ish. Weird schedule because I have another degree so my I'm taking some really low level classes and some senior/jr level.

14 credits next term.
Cal II
Physics I
Lean Production
Intro to Materials Engineering

>> No.4963088

Quantitative Analysis
Principles of Organic Chem 1
Environmental Microbiology
Chem Seminar

Should be fun. I've been studying most of the summer on my own.

>> No.4963098

Mechanical Engineering here.

>Calc 2
>Physics 1
>Engineering Materials

>> No.4963109 [DELETED] 

Biophysical chemistry
Drug discovery in HIV prevention and treatment
Computers and society
Dante in English translation

>> No.4963113

Biophysical chemistry
Drug discovery in HIV treatment and prevention
Computers & society
Dante in English translation

I also do undergraduate research in organic synthesis and volunteer EMS


>> No.4963115

In my final year of mechanical engineering with a physics minor.

Advanced Power Generation
Senior Design Part 1
Static Vector Fields
Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers

Unlike what the freshmen here would have you believe, the amount of credits taken means absolutely nothing between schools so comparing is stupid.

>> No.4963151

Freshman 17 credits

Stellar Astrophysics
Multivarable/Linear Algebra
Fundamentals of Nuclear Engineering
Ballroom dancing

>> No.4963159

complex analysis
number theory
modern physics
junior seminar for math
gen ed whatever not important

>> No.4963162

might as well have said
>high school here

>> No.4963166

>Galois theory
>Introduction to smooth manifolds
>Measure theory
>Markov chains
>Elektromagnetism + relativity
>Some quantum computer stuff (vague course description)
>Some math phys stuff (course >description say the main goal is to apply QFT to knot theory)
>Some lab stuff (course description was very vague, but it's mandatory)

>It's gonna be a lot of fun.

There you go, my answer from the last time this was posted. Boy, these threads are original.

>> No.4963172
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Intro to ChemE
ChemE seminar
Physical Chemistry- thermo

>> No.4963177


you guys make me feel a lot better about my semester.

Optics and Waves
Quantum Mechanics I

>> No.4963200
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>> No.4963221

cs 3rd semester:

computer science 3

seminar about the evil (philosophy minor)
seminar about Aristoteles

Japanese 3

maybe I should take one more cs class

>> No.4963229


seminar about how robots will control us in the future (philosphy derp)

>> No.4963289

Just by the name of those classes, I can already tell that you and I are on the same college, taking the same program.

4th year here:

- Agents and Distributed Artificial Intelligence
- Enterprise Management
- Software Development Laboratory
- Formal Methods in Software Engineering
- Information Systems

It's going to be one hell of a boring semester.

>> No.4963303

Algorithms and Data Structures
Biochemistry I
Capstone Course
Data Storage Systems
Probability and Theory of Statistics

Guess what I'm studying.

>> No.4963308

Too little of too much? That's not very marketable.

>> No.4963321

Organic Synthesis
Inorganic Laboratory

>> No.4963327


>> No.4963332

He's mocking you for taking classes that he will say high schoolers take.

>> No.4963333

You're full of shit. Most universities won't even let you take more than 21 because people start having psychotic breaks.

>> No.4963338

Calc 3
C++ programming & MATLAB
Intro to Classical Literature

The classics course is going to be interesting. I've been told that I read 8 different works in full along with 2 books on classical history since I purposely took the more challenging professor for it.

Thermo feels like it's going to be my rite of passage, so I plan on working my ass off to get a solid foundation.

>> No.4963345
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>not science

>> No.4963356

Oh. I always thought calculus and calculus based physics were college level classes.

>> No.4963359

At my university, each semester was 5 science, engineering, or mathematics classes that could include:
3 hours lecture / week
1.5 hours tutorial / week
1.5 hours lab / week

Where only about half of classes included a lab component. There was then 1 humanities class in addition to the above, which was 3 hours lecture per week. The minimum scheduled class time required to graduate in 4 years, therefore, was 29.25 per week. Fosh had slightly higher, seniors slightly lower.

>> No.4963362


Calculus based physics is definitely college level.

Some high schools teach Cal I and II but it's usually not as rigorous as a decent college.

>> No.4963367
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Bitches ain't got shit on me.

>> No.4963377

>universities won't even let you take more than 21 because people start having psychotic breaks

Bullshit. I took 27 credit hours last semester and know a bunch of other that regularly take 24, all of them without any psychotic break down.

>> No.4963393 [DELETED] 

Von Neumann got his Ph.D in math without studying while doing a Chem E. degree in another university.

>> No.4963409 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 993x342, scheduless12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

intro to electronics + lab
circuits 2
differential equations
intro to computer engineering lab

>> No.4963412

>Intro to Engineering
>Intro to Electrical Engineering
>Intro to Computer Programming
>Calculus 2
>University Physics I (we have calculus and algebra physics at my university, this is the calculus series) + lab

17 credits, second year, I'm a fucking idiot, when I came into university I didn't know what I wanted to do, now I'm 100% sure I want to do a math/electrical engineering double major, basically going to have to do 12 credit summers with full time fall/spring semesters, won't be able to take any series proof classes until next semester or the next summer semester

I just want some advice...would you guys rather do 20+ credit semesters or spread it out more over the summer?

Also, at my school you have to get dean permission to take over 18 credits, is this usually given as long as you have good grades or is it something you have to fight for?

>> No.4963413
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intro to electronics + lab
circuits 2
differential equations
intro to computer engineering lab

>> No.4963421

>still in school

sometimes i forget this board is infected with children

>> No.4963425

So, pops, what are you doing that's so cool these days?

>> No.4963431

children are annoying, please be quiet.

>> No.4963443
File: 64 KB, 913x868, schedule F2012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

second year Chem E

calc based probability and stats
thermodynamics 1
intro to microeconomics
intro to macroeconomics

>> No.4963445

>now I'm 100% sure I want to do a math

>> No.4963448


No dipshit, I've read books on graph theory and proofs in general in my spare time. I'm not a fucking idiot.

>> No.4963449

You didn't answer my question: what are you doing that's so cool these days? I suspect you're working a shit-kicker job that lets you take a holier-than-thou attitude towards people in education in this board.

>> No.4963462

>basically going to have to do 12 credit summers

That's borderline suicide, taking 24-28 credits during the school year is far easier and cheaper.

>> No.4963463

Oh, we seem to have a UCalgary fag in our midst. Leping Li is a monumentally large cunt. I didn't learn this until I was in grad school, though.

>> No.4963465


wtf, he has a good rate my profs score though

>> No.4963471

Do a lot of people go to your school during the summer? It's only worth staying at your institution in the summer if 1) you have the money to take the credits and 2) people are around so you don't get terribly bored.

>> No.4963474

2nd year of chemistry.
One year is 60 credits and this semester will count for 29 credits.

Biochemistry (30h lectures+24h labs/exercices) - 4 credits
OChem 2 (60h+70h) - 10 credits
Crystallography and molecular spectroscopy (30h+10h) - 4 credits
Math 2 (52,5h+37,5h) - 6 credits
English (30h) - 3 credits
And a religious/phylosophical classe (15h) - 2credits

>> No.4963483

Like I said, I had no issues with him when I was an undergrad. However, in the first year of my masters I took an advanced numerical methods course with him.

Near the end of the semester he changed the schedule for examinations and a research report. I objected to this, as I had made arrangements around the schedule outlined prior, including attendance at a major conference in the US. When I complained that this report would be due in the middle of my conference, and that the final was scheduled only 5 hours after my return flight was scheduled to land in Calgary, his response was: "This shouldn't be a big issue for you". This was about 3 days before I was scheduled to depart, before I had begun preparing my talk at the conference (which today I would not mind, but your first major conference is a nerve-wracking experience). Apparently, rules regarding graduate-level courses are much more relaxed than for undergraduates, and so I wasn't able to actually overturn his scheduling change (and letters from both my advisor and the department head did not change his mind either). I had no choice but to work on some inane coursework in the plane and at my hotel.

He then gave me a B on the two documents in question - which is a pretty substantial slap in the face for a graduate student.

>> No.4963486

Another chemfag here: I'm surprised they grouped crystallography with molecular spectroscopy. That'll be a good course (barring a shitty professor) though!

>> No.4963500


fuck, that sounds horrible. Since your one of the rare Ucalgary people on here, want to share your opinion about these other profs I have.

Josephine Mary Hill
Les Sudak
Arindom Sen
Jalel Azaiez

>> No.4963502
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Introduction to Communication
Computer Concepts
English Composition II
Probability & Statistics

>tfw you're just killing time at school

On the bright side, if the shit hits the fan in December at least I would have had it academically easy for a while.

>> No.4963503

4rth Semester ChemE:
>Statistics and Probability
>Instrumental and analytical chemistry
>Thermodynamics for Chemical Engineers
>Electrical Engineering
>Mathematics (Systems of DE's, PDE's, power sequences and Fourier sequences)
>Numerical Analysis.

Quite looking forward to it.

>> No.4963526

I hope it will be a good course. I will have the second part of this course next semester (in january) and Physical Chemistry (which needs "Close coordination with the course of crystallography and molecular spectroscopy" according to the description)

>> No.4963544


So you suggest to pack up more during the semester? I'll try, only issue is that with electrical engineering there are lots of labs. The fucking labs take up 3 hour blocks of time, it makes it super difficult to pack together a cohesive schedule, I mean math classes generally have 3-4 sessions of the same class. What I'm trying to get at is that I end up being able to take some classes because literally my schedule, time-wise, is full. And school is my only obligation, no job.


Costs are the same, $375/credit regardless of whether it's summer or fall/spring. It's a certain discounted cost at 12-16 credits for fall/spring, then every credit over 16 is the per-credit fee. All summer courses go by the per-credit fee. I don't know how busy it is, I took a literature course this summer. For math classes, usually there are 2-3 sections of each class. Three-Four different "sessions," each session is 1-1.5 months during the summer, so it's not like I'm taking 4 classes at the same time during the summer.

>> No.4963549

Spectroscopy is basically what you do with quantum mechanics as a chemist -- NMR, IR, EPR, UV-Vis, etc. Basically you'll learn how it's applied in Spec and then the quantum to back it up in P.Chem.

>> No.4963553

If it's cheap enough and you think you'll be able to see people on the weekends when you're not working I think you'll thank yourself for taking it easy during the semester.

>> No.4963566


I really don't do much socially. I have a couple friends from high school I hang out with, one goes to a different university and other has become a NEET. I'm not worried about burning out.

So, sorry, I didn't catch exactly what you were saying. Should I pack a little bit more on the summers and ease up on fall/spring? Although, I may have to try to stuff as much as I can in every semester, just because I'm worried I'll get to my final semester, and I need certain classes, then I won't be able to take them because time-wise they overlap on one another. I would take discrete mathematics this semester, which is part of my math degree requirements, but it overlapped with a bunch of other classes so I couldn't take it.

>> No.4963571

Good luck with MAT157.
I was not ready for that coming out of highschool.

>> No.4963572

I'm in the mechanical department, so I don't know anything about Mary Hill, Sen, or Azaiez. Les is a good guy though. Actually, all of the continuum mechanics guys (Sudak, Epstein, Federico) are people you love to have a beer with. And I once saw his older son hit him in the back of his legs with a hockey stick. As far as his courses go, he is a mathematician first and an engineer second, and that does show up in his method. You will get a strong fundamental foundation in the nature of the problems you'll see in his courses; you will not be given practical examples outside of tutorial or homework problems. If you can think in that manner, which I found I could, you'll do well in his courses.

His senior-undergrad courses are normally a breeze, but you'll have to do a little bit of work for his junior-undergrad ones.

>> No.4963578

Autistic robot detected

>> No.4963581
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>> No.4963582

Yeah: I'd ease up over the fall/spring and shift some weight into the summer.

The only reason to go super hard during the fall/spring is if you have big plans over the summer that prevent you from taking courses. There's no reason to make it super hard on yourself when you can learn the same shit at a slower pace but still graduate on time.

>> No.4963594


Great, thanks.

>> No.4963619


damn, thanks for the heads up. good luck to you anon

>> No.4963624
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>> No.4963836


W-will I fail even if I'm naturally kinda talented and very hard working?

>> No.4964043

Ahahah. samefag here. Sup! I'm actually looking forward to mine

>> No.4964066
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they are on the bottom.

>> No.4964078

why post your whole transcript if it sucks

>> No.4964084

Hello, stonypal.

>> No.4964086
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Electromagnetism I
Quantum Mechanics I
Astrophysics I
(all of which are the first parts of year-long advanced courses)
Plus some other stuff on top of that to round out the hours (programming, advanced lab courses, etc), plus I've already started studying for the physics subject GRE.

This is year is going to be miserable.

Oh well, might as well make the most of it.

>> No.4964088

because i use it for other threads and won't crop it to appease some tightass on 4chan. problem?

>> No.4964090


I think we talked in some other thread, I recognize your trip

>> No.4964103

Ouch... yeah you're pretty much fucked

>> No.4964128

whats so bad about it?
im not in college.

>> No.4964174

no idea. looks like pretty typical second year physics to me

>> No.4964193
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Guessing off of the class subjects those are probably third year courses. Doing third year EM and QM is already a lot to handle, throwing Astrophys on top of it is gonna be rough, especially if he's studying for the GRE on top of that.

I suppose if he was truly suicidal though he'd throw Stat Mech on top of that

>> No.4964202

Sophomore here.

Advanced calculus 1 (an intro to analysis class)
Modern Algebra 1
Linear algebra
Some 400 statistics class idk what it is exactly
French 101 lol
Fundamentals of computer science

>> No.4964208
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Calc I
History From 1776-Present Day
World Religions
Digital Media

>> No.4964212

Not bad. The modern and linear algebra courses will be fucking cake, especially compared to Calc I

>> No.4964218

APSC 450 - Professional Engineering Practice
CHEM 154 (lol) - fuck chemistry
EECE 453 - Communication Systems
EECE 458 - Power System Analysis
EECE 496 - Research project
EECE 498 - Optimization of Power System Operation

>> No.4964235

what is 3rd year EM and QM like? whats its level?

>> No.4964249
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BIO 235 is Genetics and CHM 160/161 is General Chem 1. Sophomore biology majorfag here.

>> No.4964278

Yeah I already took modern algebra 2, and it was really easy. I ended up making a B because I started skipping class and didn't study for the final, but if I hadn't been stupid it would have been an easy A.

>> No.4964284

Gen Bio w/ Lab
Intro to Soc
Wst Civ

it's like i'm really a humanities major.

>> No.4964319


Typically what most (not all) universities do is this: You'll have four introductory physics courses, they'll cover mechanics, E&M, thermo, and quantum/relativity/all the contemporary shit. Then your third and fourth years you'll take a series of advanced courses for each subject area.

Like intro mechanics will cover basic kinematics/Newton's Laws-type stuff whereas the advanced mechanics class will get into Lagrangians, Hamiltonians, etc.

Lots more math (especially vector calc and dif eq) and much more difficult concepts.

You'll usually go through the whole thing again in grad school - upping the difficulty again but by the end of that you'll have a pretty complete understanding of a lot of physics.

>> No.4964404
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>> No.4964492

I dunno... it's not THAT bad. It's basically just same shit - more math.

>> No.4964550 [DELETED] 

God damn, how do you guys handle so many classes? any tips?

>> No.4964560

Chemistry 103
Physics 103
Engineering 105 (Auto-CAD)
English 101
Calculus 1

It's a good workload, no?

>> No.4964595

To all the bros taking Algorithms and Data Structures...

Good luck! And fight hard

>> No.4964600


-Intro to PDEs
-Physics 1
-Civilization 1
-Java 1

Taking this semester easy... (I got raped by Intro to Mathematical Analysis in my freshmen year...)

>> No.4964605

Calculus I (4 hrs)
Computer Science I (3 hrs)
Composition I (3 hrs)
Intro to Engineering (2 hrs)
Technology and Society (3 hrs)

15 credit hours total

thoughts sci?

>> No.4964657


What's your Comp Sci 1 syllabus like?

>> No.4964667
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Molecular Biology
General Microbiology
Cell Biology
Cellular Physiology
Intermediate Organic Chemistry

Is my fall schedule.

>> No.4964680

>hard science

>> No.4964684

- Next experimental physics course in the sequence
- Quantum mechanics
- Electromagnetism
- Statistical thermodynamics
- Methods of mathematical physics
- fuck gen eds, acquire science

>> No.4964708

I'm then going for a MSc in Pharmacology.

Is everything other than math and physics useless to you? All medical advancement is just a waste of time? Learning how the body functions at the cellular level isn't hard enough for you?

>> No.4964728
File: 36 KB, 1107x479, 1st semester schedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digital Fundamentals
Elementary Composition I
Calculus for Tech I
Discovering Technology
Technical Graphics Communications
Intro to Engineering Technology

>> No.4964745
File: 67 KB, 615x514, fall2012 schedule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mechanical Design
Manufacturing Engineering
Thermo/Heats Lab
Controls Lab

Last semester for my dual AE/ME degree

>> No.4964754

Fellow U of T fag. Interesting to see that you're taking MAT157 when most programs only require MAT137 (and fucking CS recently cut that down to only MAT135, fucking plebs).

But why only four courses?

>> No.4964755

Sounds good. Don't disregard your composition class - as much as we like to bash non-technical classes here, communicating via the written word is super important, and your future bosses will notice if you can write professionally.

>> No.4964759


This man speaks the truth. I happen to be somewhat gifted when it comes to writing and as a practicing engineer I can tell you it has taken me far in life.

>> No.4964777

First year biology.

Themes in Bio
General Chem I
Calculus I
Irish Cinema

>> No.4964816


mech design is a joke, take it with Griffis
See you in Manufacturing

>> No.4964834

How do you like chemical engineering? It's near the top of the list of majors I have in my head just because of how much I loved AP Chem in high school, would love some perspective on it

>> No.4964860

Discrete Mathematics
Calculus 2
Statistics and Probability
History of Ancient Philosophy
Symbolic Logic

>> No.4964915 [DELETED] 
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>Symbolic Logic

I had the greatest professor for that class, ah the memories.

Anyways, here's mine.

>> No.4964918

3rd year kinesiology and athletic therapy

>Research Methods
>Data Analysis
>regional human anatomy 2
>athletic therapy 2
>exercise physiology
>human nutrition
>athletic injuries, body core
>clinical skills for athletic therapy

inb4 not a hard science

>> No.4964927

finishing physics and starting engineering

Quantum mech 3
Solid State
math 1200 (first year)
Intro to thermal (1st year engineering)
Intro to computer and electrical engineering

winter semester

Nuclear physics
Stat mech
Math 2720 So i can take a required 3rd year class
intro to statics (1st year engineering)
design in engineering

>> No.4964932


forgot to say, that Quantum 3 was always taught by the best profs and this year... the first time in 20 years someone else is teaching it, who taught optics and he sucked ass at that. Can't imagine how Quantum 3 is going to be.

>> No.4964939


> Can't imagine how Quantum 3 is going to be.

It's that good shit. If you're seriously interested in QM (as you obviously are), it's where things start to get incredibly engrossing.

>> No.4964942

Game Theory and Economic Behavior
Calculus III
Mathematical Structures
International Monetary Economics
Principals of programming with Java

>> No.4964959

so much first and second year in here it's unbelievable.

i can't believe this shit

>> No.4964981

Not everyone can be balls deep in their field.

>> No.4964982
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Calc3 is the only class of merit that I'm taking. And Yoga. Fuck yeah.

>> No.4964989


You know, when I first looked through this thread, I thought the same thing. But seriously, why the fuck are you criticizing?

>> No.4964997

Differentiable Manifolds
Algebraic K-theory
Reading course in model theory (sexy, sexy models)
I've taken the first two before in undergrad... but I decided to be a lazy ass.

>> No.4965003

because first/second years are scum

>> No.4965006

What have you done of consequence high and mighty junior/seniorfag? You have no right to criticize just because you're a babby further along in the system.

>> No.4965015

Why so butt rustled, friends?

>> No.4965027

In order of highest expected difficulty.

Set Theory (hrbacek)
Mathematical Statistics (khuri)
Linear Regression Analysis (abraham)
Mathematical Finance (capinski)
CS 101 lel (think python- downy)

>> No.4965045

>Set Theory (hrbacek)

>Linear Regression Analysis (abraham)

>> No.4965051

Physical Chemistry I: Thermodynamics and Kinetics
Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry
Biochemistry I
Instrumental Analysis

>> No.4965066

So I take it you just skipped first and second year and jumped straight into third the moment you started college. Right?

>> No.4965071

Hey /sci/

Wanna compare your classes with /lit/s?


>> No.4965077
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>> No.4965078
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"Physics for Poets" sketch by Patton Oswalt if you haven't seen it before.


>> No.4965080



I really can't wait to gradute though

>> No.4965086 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4965089

One class, Chemical principles of environmental engineering. Second year grad student, so I don't need to take much.

I plan to take all the Chinese classes for credit after I finish my main coursework, but besides that just auditing.

>> No.4965090
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>Head of the Physics Department
>Not knowing Sulu fired the phasers

>> No.4965103

-Intro to Trolling
-Advanced Shitposting
-The Theory (Geuss) of Evolution
-Physics of Colliding Suns

>> No.4965107

where can i find a pdf of

TECHNICAL PHYSICS by Bueche 4th edition

i don't know many book torrent sites and the ones i know don't have anything close

>> No.4965108

Lie Algebras

oh yeah

>> No.4965111

Organic Chemistry 1
H. Calculus 3
Analytical Chemistry + Lab
French 1

Not really too worried about any of that besides Analytical Chemistry Lab. Apparently the coordinator is an ungodly cunt of legendary proportions. That and accuracy is a major part of the grade. While that's fair that certainly makes the lab much more stressful than ones I've taken before.

>> No.4965184


I can't wait to get where you are.

>> No.4965190

Linear Algebra
Abstract Algebra
Modern Astronomy
Programming in C++
Social and Cultural Anthropology

>> No.4965209
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Differential equations
Probability theory/stats
Cancer biology
research project in biochemistry

hopefully getting a part-time job as well

>> No.4965222

Second Year Computer Science Major, Math Minor

Intro to Artificial Intelligence (For specialty in major)
Intro to Scientific Computing (Elective within major)
Linear Algebra II (For Minor)
Physics I: Mechanics (Elective)
Intro to Microeconomic Principles (Elective)

Object Orientation (Major requirement)
Intro to Computer Systems (Major requirement)
Analysis of Algorithms (Major Requirement)
Intro to Number Theory (For Minor)
Physics II: Waves and Modern Physics (Elective)

>> No.4965243

Quantum, Stat Mech, E&M, Advanced Lab, a part time job, and faculty research.

Man... I have done nothing to prep over the summer, this is going to suck balls

>> No.4965248

Random question - do you go to UMD?

>> No.4965272

>Energetics of Chemical Reactions
>Intro to Chemical Research
>History of Science II
>Electricity and Magnetism

4th Year Chemistry

>> No.4965277


My labs for my intro analytical labs were all out of 5 and you only submitted you're values.

>> No.4965292

Aerospace Engr
Phys 2

>> No.4965293 [DELETED] 

Biochem freshman here:
Organic Chem + lab (4)
General Bio 1 (6)
Data Analysis (4)
Freshman symposium/"Discovery"(2)
Chem Safety (1)

17 Quarter Hours, should I go for beginner's German?

>> No.4965296

Pre-calculus (I'm a math major but I was hungover as hell on the day of the placement exam. Pissed me the fuck off. I did more advanced math in highscool)
Physics II
Intro to Programming (meh. you have to start somewhere)
Transition to College Success (Just so I have an excuse to not work full time anymore. Warehouse shit with a 46 hour work week. I have back problems because of this place so this class is a bit of a time waster.)

Needless to say, my list is nowhere near as impressive as the rest of the ones listed here. I've only been going to college for about a year and a half and I need to get my shot together.
Any advice for a wannabe mathematician?

>> No.4965299
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>get my shot together
*sigh* you know what I meant

>> No.4965305
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First year B.S. Physics

>> No.4965310

Physics II? Wtf.. Calculus is a prereq for any real physics class...

>> No.4965317


>> No.4965330

Sophomore aerospace engineer.

A Term
>Linear Algebra
>Intro to Program Design

B Term
>Stress Analysis

>> No.4965345

>A/B Term

any WPI fags in here?

>> No.4965346

intro to proofs
classical mech
advanced applied math
should be fun

>> No.4965348


Thermal and fluid physics
Fields and Waves
Differential Equations
Chemistry 2

>> No.4965367
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>mfw CC and am only taking 12 credits because I'm poor as fuck and couldn't afford more

I'm gonna be so bored taking so few classes that my grades might actually slip.

>> No.4965373

>Can't afford to take as many courses as you want to.
>Can't afford to learn.

We should really be increasing budgeting for federal grants, loans, and scholarships.

>> No.4965377

Sadly, the budget situation is really shitty in California.

>> No.4965379

Oh shit yeah I'm aware. You have my feels bro.

>> No.4965390

Really? Cc in my county was only 2k

>> No.4965398

It wasn't so much the total price, but the fact that I couldn't drum up enough money for more classes on time. My school recently implemented a policy where you must pay for all your classes upon registration or you're dropped from them the following day. Seats fill up incredibly fast.

>> No.4966440

is this too difficult for eleven weeks?

I only go to class two days a week. 2nd Year Electrical Engineering

>> No.4966446
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forgot to post schedule

>> No.4966460


I wanted to challenge myself, but I couldn't find more than four courses that didn't clash this semester. Such is life :/

>> No.4966469

Nah, you'll be fine. The history classes will be a breeze. Multivariable calculus is 10% learning how to work with multiple variables and 90% applying that to everything you already learned in single variable calculus

The logic class and lab will probably be the only genuinely difficult thing

>> No.4966623

Anyone want to tell me how aerodynamics or fluid dynamics is? Taking one or the other next semester. (School is fucking shit up, canceling classes and shit two weeks before school starts. my god.)

>> No.4966682
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Introduction Simulation Technology
Applied Mechanics I
Discrete Structures
Analysis I
Experimental Physics
Computer Programming and Software Development

>> No.4967687

where are all of your other 2nd year classes? (Linear Algebra, Physics, Circuits or Devices Analysis, C++/C programing, Probability, Communication networks)

>> No.4967722

You're a Birmingham TP/TPAM student (probably TPAM because you're not doing phase transitions)
>feels good to be king.
You sound like a twat.

>> No.4967768
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>mfw when high school and you all have interesting classes

>> No.4967771

I'm starting a masters program in mathematics next week. I'm taking a course on Complex Algebraic Curves. Also, I'm teaching high school math full time (Algebra 1 & 2). I just graduated in May. It should be an interesting semester.

>> No.4967779

Dat feel when you emailed your new professor if a certain book off Amazon is sufficient enough, since the book that is off their college bookstore ISBN is not listed anywhere. That feel when it's been almost a week and the professor still hasn't emailed you, and college starts next week.

>> No.4967799

Why would you do this to yourself?

Highschool math is one of the most curiosity killing experiences one has in their lifetime as a mathematician, why would you indulge in something like that? Do you hate your soul? Seriously, have you received your curriculum yet or are you going under the naive impression that you will somehow be able to make a difference?

>> No.4967912

What the fuck /sci/. I made one of these threads and got banned after 10 minutes, yet this has been up for the past day.
Eat shit, mods.

>> No.4967943

Real Analysis 1
Physics waves/mag lab
Data analysis for statisticians/actuaries
Phd. program microeconomic theory

gonna be great after this shitty summer, I worked part time and took 12 hours

>> No.4967950


whats up fellow ut dallas bro. shame we've got different majors.

>> No.4967952 [DELETED] 

qq 2 >>>\q\

>> No.4967953 [DELETED] 

qq2 >>>/q/

>> No.4967957

QQ2 >>>/q/

>> No.4967958 [DELETED] 

Question, since we're discussing courses. I'm looking at taking a comp sci course in the Fall (I'm in physics but I need to learn programming at some point and I figure sooner is better than later). I'm looking at the comp sci courses and I've got two with very similar descriptions.

>This is the introduction to programming using Python. It emphasizes object-oriented programming style and methodology. Concepts are presented in the context of working examples and exercises. Language syntax and computing paradigms are studied. Programming projects are used to reinforce key programming notions, including iteration, data types, functions, and objects. Projects may include graphics, string processing, and network applications.

>Introductory course in computer science and the study of algorithms appropriate for students in data-intensive disciplines. Topics include how computers work, simple algorithms and their efficiency, networking, databases, artificial intelligence, graphics, simulation and modeling, security and the social impact of computing. The course also includes a gentle hands-on introduction to programming concepts with Python.

Could someone with more CS experience explain to me in simpler terms what the difference between these two courses is and which would be the better course to take?

>> No.4967960

AP US History
AP Biology
Honors English
Honors Chemistry
Algebra 2

>> No.4967963

Clearly this thread accomplished something yours did not. Perhaps you should blame yourself for not producing a better thread, rather than blame the mods for not deleting a good one.

>> No.4967982

california is a fucking cesspool, what the fuck is wrong with you.

>> No.4967983


Please tell me it's one of those innercity schools where you're going to try to make a connection with them. It can go one of two ways: (1) you teach them calculus, they all make 5's on the AP exams, there's an obligatory moment where they teach you how to dance, etc. or (2) you get shot.

>> No.4967987

>90% relearning everything you already learned in single variable calculus because you have since forgotten it.


>> No.4967988

>j. winkler
i chuckled.

>> No.4967990

even for someone in high school that's pretty piss easy

>> No.4968004

i emailed a professor regarding what book we will use since there is nothing listed for the class on the website or the book store.

also haven't heard back.

>> No.4968016


Don't know about aerodynamics (I studied NE, graduated in May), but fluid dynamics is pretty tits. I liked it, but it didn't really affect me because my nuclear thermo-hydraulic prof taught his class in a very particular way that negated everything taught in fluids. I will say heat transfer is an infinitely more awesome class that has a bigger impact if you did well in fluids (mostly for convective heat transfer).

>> No.4968032

i took fluid mechanic and heat transfer at the same time.

got a B in fluid mechanics and an A in heat transfer. who would have thunk it.

>> No.4968046


I got the exact same grades too, mostly because I took heat transfer as a summer class and knew a lot because I had taken the first of the reactor-thermohydraulics the spring before. Awesome shit though.

>> No.4968049
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I'll see you in class OP.

>> No.4968066 [DELETED] 

Any help?

>> No.4968081

any Programmers that don't need their www.myprogramminglab.com account? I had to buy a used Java book and obviously the code was redeemed already.

>> No.4968432

Advanced Logic
Principles of Computer Science
Philosophy of Language
Advancing Mathematics 3 (multivariable calc, double/triple integrals, linear algebra, etc)

>> No.4968439

Fall term:

Human Anatomy
Human Physiology I
Biology 1000

Winter term:

Human Physiology II
Biology 1001
Chemistry 1001
Stats and Analysis

Not really looking forward to chemistry.

>> No.4968756

Eurofag here
These are all at masters level:

Advanced quantum mechanics
Quantum field theory
General relativity
Advanced nuclear physics
Experimental particle physics
Fundamental particle physics
Condensed matter

In addition, my master's project is working directly with a comissioned experiment at CERN that will shrink the error on the CKM matrix element |V_td| from ~60% to ~10%

>> No.4969294

Last year baby!

- Math Methods
- Plasma Phys I
- Radio Astronomy
- Stat Mech

>> No.4969316

>intensive cell biology
>ancient greek seminar

>> No.4969328
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>tfw everyone here is engineering/physics/CS and you're chemistry with an organic focus

>> No.4969331

ik know dat feel bro

>> No.4969334

The solar system
Space flight orbit dynamics
Image processing with space applications
Remote sensing
Space engineering project

Can't wait

>> No.4969341

Any help here?

>> No.4969342

Computer Science at shit tier uni in UK

- Programming in C
- Creative client computing
- Computer systems
- Computational modelling

That is for whole year btw, not just a semester

>> No.4969345

Steel Structures
Structural Analysis
Project Scope, Time and Cost Management

>> No.4969346

my bro

>> No.4969461

>Multi-variable Calculus
>Modern Physics
>Methods of Physics
>Theory of Knowledge

>> No.4969473

I checked my second semester courses. It will count for 31 credits.

Physical chemistry (45h lectures+22.5h labs/exercices) - 6 credits
General chemistry 2 (30h + 54h) - 6 credits
Intro to analitycal an inorganic chemistry (30h + 50h) - 6 credits
General Physics 2 (60h + 60h) - 9 credits
Crystallography and molecular spectroscopy 2 (30h + 20h) - 4 credits

Anus is prepared

>> No.4969489


Which Uni?

>> No.4969493

2nd year Comp Sci:

Neural Networks
Robotic Systems
Machine Intelligence
Computer Architecture
Essential Algorithms
Advanced Databases

>> No.4969504

functional analysis
ring theory
mathematical optimication
don't know what it's called in english, but you use numerical analysis to solve pdes
theoretical physics I

>> No.4969516
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>Quantum Field Theory III

>> No.4969521

you're right, that is shit tier

>> No.4969526

I'm jealous of you fucks who are actually at a Tech Uni. I'm 2nd year physics at a liberal arts college. Granted, I am in a joint program with a decent tech school but I won't be going there for another 2 years.

General Chem
Uni Physics 1
Uni Physics 3
Archaeology of NYS
Metaskills (how to not be a lazy fuck)

>> No.4969558 [DELETED] 

PHYS275 = Experimental Physics
PHYS401 = Quantum Mechanics
PHYS404 = Stat Mech and Thermo
PHYS411 = Electromagnetism
PHYS604 = Methods of Mathematical Physics

>> No.4969562
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PHYS275 = Lab
PHYS401 = Quantum Mechanics
PHYS404 = Thermo and Statistical Mechanics
PHYS411 = Electromagnetism
PHYS604 = Mathematical Physics

>> No.4969605
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Also, 2nd year bioengineering

>> No.4969647
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>not being a Renaissance man
>not being well-versed in all manner of disciplines
>not understanding that all fields are connected

What an idiot.

>> No.4969686
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First year physics

>> No.4969693

Have fun. What exactly is covered in your "analysis" class?

>> No.4969695

Linear algebra with applications
Mechanical dynamics
Statistics for scientists and engineers
Electricity and magnetism
Machine shop experience
2 credits of biotech research

MechE master race

>> No.4969705

This semester is easy for me, 16 units

>Engineering: solid mechanics dynamics

>Calculus 3

>1st year Chemistry

>Intercultural Communication

>> No.4969718

ETH Zürich?
I'm going there next year!

>> No.4969726

He's from germany, so it's compareable to calculus, I guess.
It's pretty proof based and you do some sequences, infinite series, derivatives and integrals

>> No.4969732
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mfw niggaz taking 200 lvl math in college.
I'm a freshman taking math 375 so I'm basically top shit

>> No.4969736 [DELETED] 

diff eq
intro to electronics with lab
intro to comp e lab
circuits 2

>> No.4969741

Ah. I figured. but I was a little thrown off that he was taking physics before finishing that.

>> No.4969743

Uh... congrats. Did you take your 200-level classes as a high schooler with dual enrollment?

>> No.4969744
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Starting my sophomore year:
Uni Physics III
Uni Physics II Lab (Couldn't fit it in last semester)
Calc III
Gen Chem II
Bio I
Bio I Lab
And also some gen ed class that I'm just going to do online.

>> No.4969749

yea. Even though my school was stupid and spread AB and BC calc into 2 years, I think that did help me get into honors math

>> No.4969752

Linear Algebra
Digital electronics
Technical Mechanics
Network and Circuits
Intro to Computer Science

I expect this to be quite easy, but I'm sure in the end it will get quite stressing because I've been slacking of half the semester...

>> No.4969767

What about multivariable calculus, linear algebra, and differential equations? Are those just listed as 300's?

>> No.4969798

Advanced Experimental Techniques and Analysis

Advanced Quantum Mechanics
Magnetism in Condensed Matter
Statistical Mechanics
Advanced Mathematical Methods

>> No.4969812

Gen Chem II
Genetics + Lab
Weather Disasters
Calc II. (Repeating since I failed over this summer)

Chemistry BA. Started with Software Engineering, but decided med school would be of more interest to me.

>> No.4969816
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>> No.4969845

SJSU bro?

>> No.4969887

ya linear alg is like 320. my 375 calc covers that

>> No.4969906

Sounds fun. Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calc, and Diff Eq. are great fun when you take them together.

>> No.4969918
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How fucked am I? 24 years old.

>> No.4969921

damn nigga you old

>> No.4969923

>taking a remedial reading class

Damn. Good luck in college, bro. If you're that far behind then it's going to take a long time to get on track.

>> No.4969924

Medical Microbiology
Biomedical Analysis
Clinical Immunology
Clinical Biochemistry
Practical Research methods.
Fuck this is going to be a busy semester.

>> No.4969955
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>> No.4969965

lol. linear algebra and calculus are first semester in europe. at what age do you guys normally go to college?

>> No.4969968

Metric Spaces
Group Theory
Number Theory
Linear Control Theory
Real and Abstract Analysis

>> No.4969978


Most American students enter college at 17 or 18. Calculus is also a first semester course for many students in America, but Linear Algebra and Diff Eq are usually put off to sophomore year although most science and math majors could probably take it freshman year and be fine.

>> No.4969984

same as eurofags. Damn eurofags always seem to have a better educational system

>> No.4969985

Fuck that sounds like fun. What major are you in?

>> No.4970037

Organic Chemistry I
Analytic Chemistry I
Nuclear Chemistry
Polymer Chemistry

Shit is getting serious

>> No.4970043

Me too. I'll look out for the weirdest looking guys I can find on campus and just assume it's one of you two.

>> No.4970169

You could always, you know, do the same. No reason an American student couldn't likewise take calculus, linear algebra, and more as a freshman.

>> No.4970243

its just that i feel the high school system in America is a little behind Europe and may slightly hinder the path of education.

>> No.4970256
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>> No.4970257

Honor's Real Analysis One
Algebra II
Introduction to Cryptography
Literary Theory and Analysis
Detective Fiction

>> No.4970353
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>> No.4970455

General Chemistry II (have to retake because of lazy last semester)
Organic Chemistry I
Cell Biology
Wildlife and Ecology
World Music (gen ed)

>> No.4970543


It'll either be fun or terrible

>> No.4970548
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Yeah sure, i'll join the fun.

>> No.4970574

modern algebra
math logic
2nd year spanish
Linguistics of the Human Mind
Linguistics of Meaning
Advanced asian pussy fucking.

>> No.4970724
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Only 15 credits, but I'll be taking a bunch of online courses and reading some books.

>> No.4970971

someone comment on my schedule ;-;

>> No.4970978

which is yours?

>> No.4970979

>be incoming 4th year
>still not finished with GEs
>12 units
>cant get needed classes because they are either full, conflict with important design classes, or not offered year round

no schedule. too embarrassed to post it

>> No.4970986
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Hey OP, you at MSU?

Go green...

>> No.4971001


>> No.4971110

Analysis III & IV

>> No.4971119

electromagnetism and optics
analysis 2

10 european credits each