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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4962298 No.4962298[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw Joseph left /sci/ forever

>> No.4962303
File: 58 KB, 500x461, 1344006417936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<div class="math">\mathit{sci~will~always~be~shit}</div>

>> No.4962307

wasn't he that underage pothead, spouting bullshit all the time?

>> No.4962318
File: 36 KB, 400x481, 1252791275260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw he actually completed a PhD in Mathematics and killed himself because he seriously never understood the $300k joke because he has too many asspie.

>> No.4962395

He knew a lot of math and physics. People like him leaving is why sci is shit nowadays

>> No.4962422

Not josef but I'm still about. I have helped with 1st and 2nd year carcurus and some 1st year physics.. I don't namefag though, sorry.

>> No.4962429

He was a very good poster.
It is a shame he left.

>> No.4962435

Why did he go?

>> No.4962444

Blackman is gone too. ;_;

There's no old tripfriends left. (EK doesn't count)

>> No.4962448

Why does she not count?
Just because you do not like her?

>> No.4962452

I stayed away from /sci/ (and 4chan) for like a year. Why did josef leave?

>> No.4962454

Because EK is dumb and doesn't know any science?

>> No.4962457

Hello, Harriet.

>> No.4962458

Apparently he did not like what this board had become, and chose to leave of his own accord.

>> No.4962460

The amount of shitposting on /sci/ was too much for him

>> No.4962461


>blackman good
even underage b& inurdaes was better.

why did mad sci go though ;_;

>> No.4962462

She is not dumb, I have seen her post quite a lot of science in her time.

>> No.4962463

His identify was revealed, and horrible false rumours were spread about him.
It is quite sad.

>> No.4962468

>OP of that thread
Is this this the same guy >>4961451?

>> No.4962470

I do not know.

>> No.4962472

He knew some biochem. Even though he was a shitposter for the most part, he brought a bit of comedy to /sci/.

>> No.4962476

/sci/ is not supposed to be for comedy.
People come here to learn, and to find interest in science.

>> No.4962490

Joseph was faggot who misunderstood some of the most elementary scientific concepts. I swear to god I had a 30 post argument with him wherein he tried to convince me that "1" can be considered a measuring unit (ex. meter for measuring length and seconds for measuring time; I don't know what quantifiable dimensions he thought "1's" could be used for, but he kept trying to make some bullshit semantic argument).

If any of you see him irl, do me a favor tell him anonymous said he is a fucking flaming faggot.

>> No.4962495

> I swear to god I had a 30 post argument with him wherein he tried to convince me that "1" can be considered a measuring unit
Source for your claims or bullshit.

>> No.4962497

Pretty sure you are the fucking retarded one there buddy.

>> No.4962511

I'm not going search through the archives for the thread, it was one of those stupid surveys (yes; /sci/ was always shit), one of the questions was >Favorite scientific unit: ...Joseph was trying to be edgy and he was called on it.


measurements measurement: a standard measurement whose multiples are used in determining quantity, e.g. an inch, degree, calorie, >volt, or hour
Microsoft® Encarta® 2006. © 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Don't be a fuckwit. That's not the only mistake Joesph made, granted he was one of the better trips, but he was also an idiot...just like every other idiot physics major who thinks earning a PhD at some sub-par uni gives him the right to say what ever he wants.

>> No.4962519
File: 14 KB, 752x90, josef-is-a-faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Josef was an arrogant douchebag and didn't know shit about math or physics. All he did was copypasting LaTeX code he didn't understand. He was incapable of answering simple undergrad questions.

pic related, it's him trying to into first year math

>> No.4962524

>i know how to edit an image
There's no way a grad student can be that retarded.

Excellent shoop, 8/10. Troll harder.

>> No.4962526

Thank you for proving my point(>>4962511).
Of course, fuckboys like >>4962497,>>4962524 will still wet themselves at the thought of Joseph posting because they're incapable of thinking for themselves.

>>4962524There's no way a grad student can be that retarded.
When you're older you'll realize that most professors and grad students are just idiots that were born before you.

>> No.4962528

The image is not photoshopped.
That being said, I liked Josef, he definitely was a good poster.
Even if what he said in that image is foolish, I do not actually know, then still, everybody makes mistakes, and one bad post does not prove he was a bad poster.

>> No.4962534

I'm almost certain that he's still among us. very certain.

>> No.4962539

From what I read in the archives, he was a decent poster, almost all of his posts are actually contributions to the thread they're in (as opposed to some of the tripfag regulars on here). Strange that I haven't seen him even once, despite being here since '10. Maybe we were in different time zones.

>> No.4962540

Sometimes removing ones tripcode and posting anonymously can be advantageous.

>> No.4962550

>I liked Josef, he definitely was a good poster.
Right, I had more civil and/or decent conversations with the guy than unpleasant and/or bad. He was a good man overall, but he was no better than the 100's of other grad students on /sci/; the only difference being that he used a trip.

>> No.4962552

Do we really have that many grad students?

>> No.4962553

But one good reliable poster using a tripcode, can be quite useful.
Some people posting as anonymous are also quite helpful and interesting, but far more anonymous posters are trolls and flamers.

>> No.4962555

I still don't see the advantage of using a tripcode.

>Some people posting as anonymous are also quite helpful and interesting, but far more anonymous posters are trolls and flamers.
Same can be said of tripfags.

>> No.4962557

>implying you're not Josef samefagging

>> No.4962561

Tripcode users that are trolls or are foolish can easily be filtered.
And at least they are recognisable, and you know the bad ones, and can learn to avoid them.
For anonymous users, it is very much a mixed bag, and you have no idea if they are worth replying to or not, until you look into their posts further.

I promise you that I am not Josef.

>> No.4962562

Josef still posts here.

>> No.4962564

josef wasn't that good, but as far as tripfaggots go he was easily the best. just look at the trips we have, complete fucking retards, all of them.

>> No.4962568

EK is a good tripfriend. She's always polite and helpful and she knows alot about zoology.

>> No.4962571

I quite like the tripcode users that we have here.
Most of them are certainly not stupid, and I do find them to be quite interesting people.

>> No.4962575

>Tripcode users that are trolls or are foolish can easily be filtered.
True, but this doesn't show why good posters should use a trip. Being able to recognize good posters by their trip only leads to the poster being able to rely on his reputation, rather than be judged on a post by post basis (or perhaps thread by thread).

>> No.4962576

Haha, do I detect a hint of sarcasm?
Yes, she is often quite rude, but in actual fact she has been quite helpful to a lot of people here.

She does actually know a lot about Zoology. If you have any questions for her, she probably will not mind at all. Ask her when she is next online here.

>> No.4962577

Forgot your trip, Harriet.

>> No.4962581

True, but I still always judge posts on a post-by-post basis.
Especially for people like EK who are very up and down, it does not make good sense to treat any one post as having the same quality as any other.

>> No.4962584

Show me one quality post from EK.

>> No.4962585

It was not forgotten, I just do not use it anymore.
You do not need to point me out.

>> No.4962590

Even if she does make good posts every now and then, a quick glance at her post record in the archives shows that the vast majority of her posts are utter shit.

>> No.4962591

These meta threads always complain about how /sci/ is only filled with high-schoolers, the truth is that they're only the most vocal, but it's true that /sci/ is mostly undergrads and a few grad students...but the they have busy schedules and aren't on /sci/ often, also even when they are on they don't care enough to post anything related to their work (because it voids their anonymity if they go into detail), most people come here for fun and the occasional interesting scientific discussion.

People who browse (or used to...haven't been here myself in a while) /sci/ that have either proven their identity or that I know irl:
-Particle physicist who works at the CMS experiment.
-Ex arctic explorer
-Several professors and post-docs(incl. Math and other STEM fields)
-Several working professionals, including professional engineers and physicists working at national labs etc.
-A few md's and other people we don't really care about

Are you starting to see how ridiculous it is that you think anything of value was lost when Joseph left? There are plenty of anonymous posters "contributing" far more then he ever has.

>> No.4962594

Quality is subjective.

What you consider helpful or interesting, is not the same thing as what somebody else might consider to be helpful or interesting.
However, I have just found this in the archives.

It was relevant to the OP, at least.

>> No.4962596

That is in no way accurate. I'd hope the people of /sci/ don't just take the post I personally make, and chalk up its conclusion and overall worth to 'my reputation'. If Josef still posted under his trip, and he made some sort of mistake or error, I'd call him out and correct it, as I'd hope he'd do for me. Reputation has fuck all to do with a learned, intellectual discussion.

>> No.4962598

All of those haven't posted for months. Your argument is inavlid.

>> No.4962599

Unfortunately, yes, I have to agree.

>> No.4962604

So what? She posts in an off-topic thread about video games. How is that to be considered a science post?

>> No.4962613

How am I supposed to forget all the retarded troll posts you made under your trip? No matter how scientifically accurate or helpful your future science posts are, the fact that I have to associate them with your trip makes me rage because I remember my earlier experiences with your person.

>> No.4962615

>All of those haven't posted for months.
And how would you know? Aside from physics guy everyone else I mentioned always posted anonymously.

Sage for yet another retarded meta thread.

>> No.4962617

It was about a game that had a strong connection to biology and to evolution.
The post would also have been acceptable on /v/, but for that specific game, science-minded people are far more likely to enjoy it and to know far more about it.

The term 'off topic post' does not really make sense if you are talking about the OP.
The OP has the right to pick the topic at hand, and as long as it is not spam, and does not break rules, then I think that it is acceptable as long as it has some relation to science, which that thread did.

>> No.4962620

If they posted, I would have read their posts. Simple, isn't it? Occam's razor and the lack of evidence.

>> No.4962624

If you judge on a post by post basis regardless of a tripcode, then what's the point in having a tripcode?

You might not want people to do that, and people might not want to do that, but they probably do so subconsciously nonetheless. I myself was guilty of it yesterday when I defended a post on set theory by the emma stone avatarfag, which upon (not much) closer inspection turned out to be flat out wrong.

>> No.4962625

We have a board for video games. It's called /v/. Video games are childish nonsense and no scientist would ever play them, for scientists are mature people. Posting a thread on the wrong board is pretty much the definition of off-topic.

>> No.4962647

>If you judge on a post by post basis regardless of a tripcode, then what's the point in having a tripcode?
There is not one. Hence, why I removed mine.
I am only using one now because I have already been recognised in this thread.
I will remove it again soon.

Tripcodes only serve to cause unnecessary drama.

>> No.4962653

Not all video games are childish. Some of them are exceptionally challenging, and some of them have dark themes, sexual themes, violence, and gore. Many games are rate 18+, you must be at least 18 years old for them to be suitable.
I think that I enjoy computer games far more now, than when I was a child.

> and no scientist would ever play them
This is not true.
Scientists also like to have fun in their spare time.
Video games is one method of achieving this.

>Posting a thread on the wrong board is pretty much the definition of off-topic.
In my opinion, that thread would be appropriate on either /sci/, or /v/, considering that the entire theme of the game is evolution.

The OP was only trying to find the name of the game.
EK helped him.
It was Biogenesis.

>> No.4962682

You dropped the trip because you feared getting banned again. Now that you know you're gonna get banned anyway, you can continue using it.

If you are adult and enjoy video games, you are mentally retarded. Even more so, if you enjoy gore and sexual content.

>Scientists also like to have fun in their spare time.
>Video games is one method of achieving this.
Video games are childish and cannot be fun. Scientists are not supposed to have fun anyway. They have to dedicate their life to serious science.

>The OP was only trying to find the name of the game.
Definitely not science. >>>/v/

>> No.4962694

I did not fear getting banned. I was only banned once, and it was removed when I appealed that ban.
I have also seen ban screen for EK, but these are not my responsibility.

I originally removed the trip because a moderator took issue with my presence here, but I do not think that he has any problem with me posting anonymously.

I was just saying that sexual and gory games do exist, and hence, they are not for children. Not that I enjoy them. I prefer puzzle games.

>If you are adult and enjoy video games, you are mentally retarded.

>Video games are childish and cannot be fun.
I have already explained why they are not all childish. Most people find video games to be fun.

>Scientists are not supposed to have fun anyway

>They have to dedicate their life to serious science.
Recreation time is necessary for all Humans, even scientists.

>> No.4962699

I can see why you replied to the first part of anon's post, but why would you dignify the second part with a response?

>> No.4962708

A ban for EK is a ban for you as well. You share the same IP and you're not supposed to evade bans.

Not an argument. Try again. On /sci/ we have to substantiate claims with evidence.

>I have already explained why they are not all childish.
You haven't explained anything. Stating an uneducated opinion is not an explanation.

>Most people find video games to be fun.
Argumentum ad populum. A fallacy.

>Recreation time is necessary for all Humans, even scientists.
Obviously you have no idea how science works. Fun has no place in science.

>> No.4962722

Ah, a troll? Yes, I considered it to be a possibility.

>A ban for EK is a ban for you as well.
Unfortunately yes. It is quite irritating.
>You share the same IP
>and you're not supposed to evade bans.
Indeed. Which is why I do not do that.

Haha. Sorry, I am going to ignore the rest of your post.

Discussion is over, I think.

>> No.4962725

>cannot answer
>yells "troll"
>keeps evading bans

oh god, my sides

>> No.4962732

Blackman may have trolled, but he was actually funny and clearly intelligent. It's a shame that the only tripfags that post now are insane and angry bitches with no education.

>> No.4962733

Hello Blackman, you forgot your name field.

>> No.4962736

If you are referring to EK, then it is not accurate to call her 'insane', and she does have education.

>> No.4962742

oh look, another EK thread

>> No.4962743

The permaban is for you as well. Quit breaking the rules and leave

>> No.4962744

It is actually a Josef thread, but you should have expected that the conversation might have moved on to comparison with other tripcode users.

>> No.4962746

Are Harriet and EK the same person? All I ever see them post is retarded shit.

>> No.4962749

The permanent ban was actually not for me, but yes, I have read that, and that is why I stopped using a tripcode, for the most part.

Time to continue not using it, I think.

>> No.4962750

No they live in the same house. They are two insane delusional shitposters who never leave. We know their identities.

>> No.4962753

No. Read it again. You were permabanned as well idiot.

>> No.4962760

Only due to having the misfortune of having the same IP.
The ban was never directed as me, specifically, and I never actively evaded any ban.

Consider me to be collateral damage.

>> No.4962762

josef was a cool guy, one of the few posters on here (probably the only trip) who actually understood math and physics at a pretty high level. A poster who contributed with science and math.

This thread is just sad. GTFO Harriet, you are supposed to be permabanned.

>> No.4962768 [DELETED] 

He's nothing compared to Jacob Barnett.

>> No.4962769

OE is a trip who knows their shit, I believe.

>> No.4962781


>Not an argument. Try again. On /sci/ we have to substantiate claims with evidence.
>Video games are childish and cannot be fun ... If you are adult and enjoy video games, you are mentally retarded.

Care to back up your own claim with evidence sir? This is embarrassingly retarded nonsense.

>> No.4962791

He was a troll.
Best to ignore him, I think.

>> No.4962792

Are you an adult and still play video games? Oh god, how pathetic.

>> No.4962793

Then how do you spend your free time?

>> No.4962796

Either you're the troll samefagging or you fucking retarded.

>> No.4962797

>Best to ignore him, I think.
That's sound advice, why won't anyone take it?

>> No.4962800

Still not a substantiated argument. Try again.

>> No.4962802

I only asked a question.
You do not have to be rude, you can just ignore my post if you do not want to answer me.

Most people who do.
You do not notice the people who do not reply to trolls.

>> No.4962806

Recognize the troll.

>> No.4962807

By doing science. How else? Are you retarded?

Put the fucking trip back on, Harriet. You're gonna get banned anyway.

>> No.4962809

Holy shit, the first psychology related post from Harriet.

>> No.4962815

He was studying at my university before he went to the USA, never found out who exactly he was but it was funny recognizing everything when he posted pictures

>> No.4962818

I am not retarded. And if science is your occupation, it is likely to be not all that you do. You will do other things in your spare time as well. Doing just science 24/7 would drive one insane.

It is unlikely that I will be banned, I do not think the moderators will specifically target me. However, it will not make a difference anyway because EK is regularly banned.

Haha. I am anonymous now. There have been others.

>> No.4962828

Given the unfortunate departure of Josef and the woeful inadequacy tripfags currently festering on this board, I've decided to become a tripuser myself, to fill the vacuum and contribute positively.

>> No.4962833

>Doing just science 24/7 would drive one insane.
[citation needed]

>It is unlikely that I will be banned
I geuss by now several anons will have reported you for ban evasion. I didn't btw.

Oh god, please no.

>> No.4962837

There's no reason for becoming a tripfag. You can stay anonymous and still try make positive contributions.

>> No.4962842

>make positive contributions

Good one, anon. Comedy gold.

>> No.4962847

Doing science 24/7 would imply that you'd be awake 24/7, so it might not drive you insane, but it'd definitely drive you dead.

>> No.4962850

>hurr durr durf

>> No.4962858

Insane first.
death is a result of forced sleep deprivation, but first the unfortunate victim is driven insane.

>> No.4962860

Oh I'm sorry,

>> No.4962864


At least use a proper tripcode.

>> No.4962872

/sci/ would be a better place if everyone who wants to talk about science and math topics, and is knowledgeable on these topics, became a trip. leave it to the trolls/idiot anons to engage with the likes of harriet.

>> No.4962873

what is your educational background and research experience?

>> No.4962877

lol no

Tripcodes are for jerks.

>> No.4962884

Don't you insult my waifu.

>> No.4962890

>/sci/ would be a better place if everyone who wants to talk about science and math topics, and is knowledgeable on these topics, became a trip.
Why is that? So far I've only seen cons (tripfags able to rely on reputation) to this, and not one pro. Why do we need tripfags?

>> No.4962905

This guy knows whats up.