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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4960558 No.4960558 [Reply] [Original]

Why're we called carbon-based if we're mostly H2O?

>> No.4960566 [DELETED] 

organic compounds always have carbon in them
hydrogen and oxygen are far more prevalent, and are found everywhere; organic and inorganic matter.

>> No.4960626

>organic compounds always have carbon in them
that's by deifnition

>> No.4960975

but does organic mean alive?

>> No.4960982


>> No.4960985 [DELETED] 


>> No.4960989

Oh god, how retarded are you? Did you even bother to read the link?

>> No.4961008

Why is absolutely everyone on /sci/ retarded?

>> No.4961015

b/c they're scientists.

>> No.4961016 [DELETED] 

>"pertaining to or derived from living organisms"

>> No.4961020

>babby's first day on /sci/

>> No.4961029

That means they don't need to alive themselves. Tell me how a protein alone is alive, you fucking cretin.

>> No.4961035 [DELETED] 

the protein itself isnt alive, you fuck! the entire organism is alive!

>> No.4961043

It does not. Organic means that it has carbon in it. Sugars, lipids, et cetera are organic materials. Not everything containing carbon is organic, though - Pencils and diamonds contain carbon but are not considered organic, since they All life (that we know of) is organic, but not all organic material is alive.

Every time you respond to a dumb thing EK says, the terrorists win.

>> No.4961044

I hope you're trolling

>> No.4961047

But the protein is an organic molecule. Do zoologists not even get an introduction to organic chemistry? You are so full of shit, it's unbelievable.

>> No.4961050 [DELETED] 

im trolling??
you're the fucktard who thinks proteins are alive by themselves!

>> No.4961059

Shouldn't we be phosphurus based lifeforms

>> No.4961062

EK nigger please.
At least try

>> No.4961067


No person can genuinely be that retarded. Obvious troll is obvious.

>> No.4961070 [DELETED] 
File: 233 KB, 474x356, 01298436110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

course it fucking is!
proteins are manufactured by living organisms but are not alive themselves!!
which fucking bit are you having trouble with here??

>> No.4961075

You were the retard who claimed they were alive. You said organic means alive. Proteins are organic. Ergo proteins are alive according to you. I guess all the cocksucking has damaged your brain.

>> No.4961080

>but does organic mean alive?

>But the protein is an organic molecule.

>course it fucking is!
>proteins are manufactured by living organisms but are not alive themselves!!

>> No.4961091 [DELETED] 
File: 157 KB, 401x323, 534534534777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never said proteins are alive, i said 'pertaining to or derived from living organisms'
i even linked you to the fucking definition, you pleb!
dont be such a fucking aspie, you knew exactly what i meant, cunt!

you fucking aspie as well
fuck, alright, organic doesnt mean alive, but it does mean relating to life. i gave teh fucking definition in that first post. i linked to wiktioanry. if you guys are so fucking aspie/retarded that you couldnt grasp the simple meaing, then i fucking pity you!


>> No.4961097

Everything is made out of light.


>> No.4961099

>hurrr I was just pretending
No, you were not. You are fucking retarded.

>> No.4961101

Another entertaining discussion, courtesy of EK! Thanks, EK!

>> No.4961103 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 387x344, 74563546546547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[sarcasm] yes, coz thats exactly what i fucking said in my last post, i said i was pretending. not that you fucks cant read proper context [/sarcasm]

>> No.4961107

ek why do you continue to come here? i do not dislike you but it is clear that many do and you receive much abuse. what brings you back?

>> No.4961112

>but does organic mean alive?

Tell me how this "yep" should be read as a "no" in that context. I don't see it.

>> No.4961113 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 406x352, 56783393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you think a few fucking shitheads are enough to keep me away?
i dont get abuse from everyone, just a few fucking retards. theres a few funny and intelligent and interesting people here, and we get good threads. sometimes.
but yeh, theres a lot of shit.
but hey, if you gotta trudge through some shit to find some diamonds, you fuckin do it, hun.

>> No.4961115

>but yeh, theres a lot of shit.
For example you.

>> No.4961116 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 267x245, treatment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>but does organic relate to being alive?

and fuck you, i aint having this discussion with a fuckin aspie!

>> No.4961119

>too retarded for reading comprehension
>blames others

Good that you found the treatment for your disorder. Now please follow it.

>> No.4961120


Yeah, if only there were some kind of way that you could post on this board completely anonymously, so you could enjoy the good threads and converse with the funny intelligent people, but the 'annoying shitheads' couldn't tell who you were(!)

Oh and that's a sarcasm mark by the way. Stop using BBC tags like an autist.

I'll demonstrate once more.

EK is a smart and productive poster(!) I'm not going to sage this bullshit(!)

>> No.4961122
File: 34 KB, 485x364, faisal-shahzad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given evolution defines life as responding to accommodate physical conditions rather than being limited to prescribed physical conditions shouldn't the universe have life everywhere?

>Every time you respond to a dumb thing EK says, the terrorists win.

You're my favorite poster in this thread, other than myself, b/c you're clever.

>> No.4961125

I'm OP btw.

>> No.4961156

we are carbon based chemical reactions in a
solution of H20

the carbon based chemical reactions are the kicker, you have a fuckton of different compounds made using carbon but the H2O is always the same, the only thing that might change really is the salinity but for some reason the salinity of blood has been the same as sea water since our ancestors belly flopped their way out of the oceans

though the salinity may differ between cell membranes, apparently the body expends a lot of energy keeping potassium salts in cells and sodium salts outside cells in the blood

>> No.4961163

Please don't use a tripcode. Those are for knowledgable and competent posters. You are clearly underage and of low education. I'd suggest you better refrain from posting and learn by lurking.

>> No.4961168

That's wrong. Shitposting is reserved explicitly for the tripfags. It's easier to filter them that way.

There isn't a single good tripfag/namefag on /sci/.

>> No.4961186

Carl is pretty good. He posts lots of science and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.4961256

Stop it. Just stop.

>> No.4961319

damn, you really are a retard. go back to high school.