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4960251 No.4960251 [Reply] [Original]

What would be the best thing to grow on a hydroponic farm in zero gravity?

>> No.4960259 [DELETED] 


>> No.4960275

Corn, the most sophisticated crop on the planet. Not that wuss ass sweet corn that Europeans eat either but a proper indigenous corn treated with nixtamalization like hominy (without this process you'll get all sorts of malnutrition and could succumb to a bunch of disease outbreaks as did many Europeans who started farming corn but didn't nixtamalize).

Also beans and squash.

>> No.4960282
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>> No.4960288
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>smoking at 0G

That would be an intense trip.

>> No.4960295 [DELETED] 
File: 214 KB, 462x503, 654654877434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know, rite!

btw, so is going swimming :D

>> No.4960321


>> No.4960323


>> No.4960326



>> No.4960341


Never heard of DMT? Or PCP? Or dare I say even marijuana(yes, it is a psychoactive drug that can and will cause hallucinations)? Or the multitude of other hallucinogens that can be smoked?

>> No.4960342 [DELETED] 

can kind of use 'tripping' as a synonym for any drug experience, not just hallucinating
but some types are actually a bit trippy, actually
not like on the level of shrooms, but still a bit.

>> No.4960346

And another potentially interesting science thread got derailed by EK's shitposting.

>> No.4960347

>zero-gee agriculture

Does it even work? I thought plants used gravity extensively in their growth.

>> No.4960352

Junior bakers confirmed.
You don't "trip" on weed.
Spare yourselves the embarrassment now and stop using that word

>> No.4960354 [DELETED] 

nah, they can still grow.

>> No.4960358 [DELETED] 

the term is usually 'high' but if people wanna say 'trip' then im not aspie enough to start getting buttmad over it.
also: >>4960341

>"Or dare I say even marijuana(yes, it is a psychoactive drug that can and will cause hallucinations)"

so you can say 'trip', and it's sometimes accurate.

>> No.4960373
File: 723 KB, 900x1081, Maize-teosinte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True indigenous wild corn the way it was before human control (teosinte) is on the left. Maize is on the right. Hybrid in the middle.

Corn is a big plant and requires a lot of space. I would say some kind of bio-engineered algae would be best, purely for production of O2.

Also, it's hard to say how things will grow in 0G. Plants are very dependent on specific factors to grow, one being gravity (vegetation up, roots down), others being sunlight and water.

>> No.4960410


In retrospect I had poor word choice. I should've said corn grown by the original indigenous inhabitants of the Americas. Modern corn grown nowadays throughout the US and Canada is mostly a GMO variety of Sweet Corn. It has little nutritional value (not because it's GMO, just because of the variety of corn) and largely useless as a food source, not to mention you'd have to get a license from monsanto to grow it lest you want to be sued for copyright infringement.

Teosinte is a cousin of corn that was not domesticated very much. Though yea, it's more or less what original corn looked like before the Indigenous Americans started breeding it.

It's a very good staple food in combination with beans and squash, and the three have been historically grown together in what's called a Milpa. Which provides a number of benefits in terms of not only nutrition but also space efficiency and soil nutrient efficiency. The mesoamericans called them "The Three Sisters" for this reason.

You're probably right about 0G making them grow all fucked up though. Maybe mostly underground plants like beans and potatoes wouldn't grow fucked up in space? As far as choosing a variety of beans or potatoes, that's well beyond me. For potatoes you'd have to ask someone from Peru or from that crazy island near chile, they have 500+ and 400+ varieties of potatoes each respectively (different ones have different flavors, nutritional values, colors, sizes, and are capable of growing in very different environments).

>> No.4960411

Please get the fuck out of here, you are the definition of a shitposter

>> No.4960447

on efficient nutrion production

>> No.4960462

In the common vernacular of drug users

Drugs that get you "high
>weed (marijuana, cannibis)

Drugs that will make you "trip"

>> No.4960472

>>4960288 here

What a mess. English is not even my first language. I use "trip" to anything that makes my mind travel. Like weed. I didn't know you were so restrictive about the term.

>> No.4960484
File: 88 KB, 618x640, nutri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4960498

another video about the

>> No.4960517

I sense an irish potato famine scenario.

>> No.4960528

I always hear people say that you hallucinate while under the influence of cannabis. I just wanted to know what people define as hallucinations because I have never believed this to be true.

>> No.4961143

I would assume herbs or simple salad greens, if you're looking for a quick output with limited growing room.

>> No.4961195


From what I've experienced I've seen merging patterns, light streaks, altered vision as a whole like vibrant colors, and altered time perception brings it's own experiences like seeing things speed up and slow down. It's all pretty subtle I suppose if you've done heavy hallucinogens.

There only hallucinogen I've tried is salvia so maybe it brings "flashbacks" of sorts to that but I have nothing else to compare them to. I'd still consider that all very mild hallucinations as it's not normal perception.

>> No.4961261

God fuck you druggies