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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4953681 No.4953681 [Reply] [Original]

>get into Georgia Tech for mechanical engineering
>everyone is a fat lonely neckbeard who goes on reddit just like me
>no women in sight

Looks like I'm going to stay a virgin forever!!!!

>> No.4953692

>who goes on reddit just like me
And you deserve it

>> No.4953694
File: 20 KB, 300x291, 1311295673303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel bro. I went to Waterloo for my undergrad in computer science. It's the only university in Canada with more men than women.

>> No.4953696 [DELETED] 

>everyone is a fat lonely neckbeard who goes on reddit
well then you aint got any competition!
optomism, hun.
make yourself the pick of the bunch.

>> No.4953702

who the fuck is he competing for? aint no women.

>men competing for woman
thats backwards, woman compete for men.

>> No.4953711 [DELETED] 

not in mech eng, but obviously he aint gonna be trying to pull while in classes.
he'll be socialising with other majors.

>thats backwards, woman compete for men
well, bit of both
we compete with each other to be the best looking, and then guys compete with each other to get the best looking girl.

>> No.4953718

>going to school to get women
I don't even.

>> No.4953720

but outside of classes he will have to compete with normal people, being the best neck-beard wont be enough.

>guys compete with each other to get the best looking girl.
thats not how it is around me then, all the girls around me are constantly fighting to get my atention, thei are so focused on that they dont even talk to me (and usually if one wants to she will be too intimidated by the rest to actually come up to me and just looks away when i look at her).

>> No.4953724

Why is this attention whore still here? Didn't she get doxed?

Man, step it up /sci/.

>> No.4953726

>girls everywhere

>> No.4953730

There's pictures of her floating around... She still wont leave.

>> No.4953732 [DELETED] 

ahahah! wow, i love how you dont count engineers as 'normal people'

>all the girls around me are constantly fighting to get my atention
ooh! lucky you.

>thei are so focused on that they dont even talk to me
wait, what?

yeh, they probably want you to go over and talk to them
in that situation ,you can basically just take your pick, hun.

>> No.4953735 [DELETED] 
File: 157 KB, 401x323, 534534534777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off 7/7/11-fag
its been more than a year and you're still retarded
get bent.
rose aint me!!

>> No.4953737

no, you are that girl from NASA.

>> No.4953741

Scottish neckbeard

>> No.4953738
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>> No.4953742 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 348x333, 654654654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also wrong, but thanks for playing

>> No.4953744

you are that girl from Brittan with some name.

>> No.4953745 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 387x344, 74563546546547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and wrong again.
3 strikes, your out, cunt.

>> No.4953746

That means >>4953741 is right.

>> No.4953747

Nope. Where is your evidence? The burden of proof is on you.

>> No.4953752 [DELETED] 
File: 265 KB, 450x359, 126549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well seeing as ive never even been to scotland, i think that'l do, moron.

>> No.4953756

You have the mannerisms of an illiterate Scottish man.

>> No.4953755

Post one of your IP addresses. You have a dynamic IP, so it is irrelevant.

It will be sufficient to see your geoip location.

>> No.4953762

what now?
did somebody leave a computer in the kitchen again?

>> No.4953763 [DELETED] 

arnt they all the same so that still posts my exact location?
erm, how about no?

>> No.4953768

It will not show your exact location, just your country/closest town to the EFM repeater. It will be sufficient.

>> No.4953771 [DELETED] 

i thought IPs are specific to the particular household?
fuck that, i aint doin it.

>> No.4953772


Weren't you permabanned a couple of hours ago? What about this community do you like if everyone here hates you? Go be fat somewhere else.

>> No.4953773

EK confirmed (for the thousandth time) for not knowing shit about technology.

>> No.4953785

>>4953735 rose aint me!!

Yes she is. She fucked off on holiday for several weeks coincidentally the same time you fucked off from here for several weeks.

Anyway, now that's out of the way please continue to help the helpless neckbeard, he needs it.

Universities are dripping with dripping vaginas. You will get sex easily if you focus on not being a retard.

Talk to girls like they're people because apparently they are real people too and are fucking easy to get on with. Give them attention, have fun with them, give them space.

Also, wash yourself you smelly fuck.

>> No.4953786

You're some cretin. You create a suppressed correlative yet again.

You're lying, it's so blatantly obvious. Moderators can see your IP/hostname. One already stated you are from Scotland.

>> No.4953791


>> No.4953798

You have no idea how internet topology works, do you?

>> No.4953799

>>4953785 easy to get on with

Note I said "get on" not "get it on". Girls can literally taste your sleaze through any facade you put on.

>> No.4953803

>implying EK isn't just playing dumb because you're retarded
>she loves the taste of your tears

>> No.4953804

So your logic is:
>She's acting retarded because I'm retarded.
No John, you're retarded.

>> No.4953806 [DELETED] 

>Weren't you permabanned a couple of hours ago?
yeh. problem?

>Go be fat somewhere else.
lel, im slightly underweight, tard.

>Yes she is. She fucked off on holiday for several weeks coincidentally the same time you fucked off from here for several weeks.
youve been tracking when rose has her holidays!??
you obsessive cunt, wtf is wrong with you

>One already stated you are from Scotland.
hah, that was Blackman, and he was never a mod. in fact he got banned.

>> No.4953808

EK is a male.

>> No.4953812

>>4953806 you obsessive cunt, wtf is wrong with you

>reading facebook status updates as they appear in your list

Oh get a grip.

>> No.4953817

It was not Blackman. It was stated by a mod in IRC.

>> No.4953820 [DELETED] 

mods talk about me on IRC?
anyway hes lying, im honestly not from scotland. not even close.

>> No.4953824

Give one of your dynamic IPs then. You can paste one here and then reset your router.

This happened when me and some other anon went to IRC to try and get you permabanned btw.

>> No.4953826


+ basic observation + general awareness = I'm right

I care not for stalking you. I figured your interesting personality would result in the occasional interesting update/post. Alas, I'm still waiting.

>> No.4953828

>EK the undying horror of /sci/

>> No.4953833


>implying mods from /sci/ know their shit from their elbow

>> No.4953834 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 221x360, stonetold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This happened when me and some other anon went to IRC to try and get you permabanned btw.
wow, well you're obviously a massive faggot, why the fuck would i do anything you say?
get fucked

>> No.4953835

>o true Scotsman is an informal logical fallacy, an ad hoc attempt to retain an unreasoned assertion. When faced with a counterexample to a universal claim, rather than denying the counterexample or rejecting the original universal claim, this fallacy modifies the subject of the assertion to exclude the specific case or others like it by rhetoric, without reference to any specific objective rule.

That's exactly what you're doing right now.

>> No.4953852

Wow, threads really are shit when EK is posting.

>> No.4953862


Threads aren't derailed by EK, threads are derailed because of EK.

>> No.4953865

I love you.

>> No.4953873 [DELETED] 

its a fucking /r9k/ thread. OP is probably that guy with 150+ sadfrog images.

thanks hun! :)

>> No.4953882


I'm not blaming you, lol, I'm just saying how retarded everyone gets when you post. It's wonderful, actually, I'm enjoying every second of it.

>> No.4953886 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 512x517, HGH2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also 7/7/11-fags. fuck them, man

>> No.4953888

Indeed, this does look a bit like a /r9k/ thread. Well, keep doing whatever you are doing, then.

>> No.4953897


What is 7/7/11?

>> No.4953907

Also guys, is EK super-hot, or why are you going all nuts over her? From my unconfirmed information EK does not even study a hard science!

>> No.4953911

We're going nuts because EK has proven time and time again that she/he doesn't know shit about science or math and because of that we don't think she should have any say in any matter.

>> No.4953920

Excuse me, but in one Magic: The Gathering thread a few weeks ago EK solved the problem of finding probability of drawing at least one forest on your starting hand out of a deck with 7 forests. This is a feat few /sci/entists can reproduce.