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4953618 No.4953618 [Reply] [Original]

Athletes: Most superstitious idiots in the world?

>> No.4953624

is that just paint?
I thought it might be some fancy deep heat type shtuff

>> No.4953634

If they're so dumb, then why do they perform better than you in sports?

>> No.4953632

Placebo is a hell of a drug

>> No.4953637

Personally, I'd see it like a boss fight where their weaknesses are highlighted

>> No.4953642

Do they wear those power wrist bands that synchronise your magnetic forces to make you hulk or whatever?

>> No.4953641


Because they're all rich as fuck and can afford the highly tuned diet and training?


It's actually a tape that is supposed to align with their natural healing energies and also it holds onto the muscle through the skin.

So, total bullshit and just placebo effect.

>> No.4953650


I don't know if they're allowed to wear jewelry and stuff like that. So acupuncture before the match and wear magic tape during and right after thank god for doing everything.

They focused on nothing but physical training, so it's no wonder they're all dumb rich kids.

>> No.4953697

this proves the placebo effect works

>> No.4953706 [DELETED] 

God damn you faggots are retarded.

>Pay athletes(cash, or designer roids) to wear your product
>Plebs see it and assume it works cuz top athletes use it
>Swim in your giant pool of jewgold

shits not complicated

>> No.4953708

God damn you faggots are retarded.

>Pay athletes(cash, or designer roids) to wear your product
>Plebs see it and assume it works cuz top athletes use it
>Swim in your giant pool of jewgold

shits not complicated

>> No.4953749


physio tape. it's just a type of bandage to help with muscle pain and joint injuries, it's design lets you keep your full range of motion

>> No.4953757

>Because they're all rich as fuck

you'd think so but no, a lot of them just go back to whatever shitty life they had before if they don't get sponsorships and contracts from athletic companies. I think they get something like $25,000 for each gold medal

>> No.4953790

>I think they get something like $25,000 for each gold medal
most countries don't pay for medals.

>> No.4953795

Then they have to pay taxes on that and on the sort of the medal.

>> No.4953807

And there are some that pay insane amounts.
One country, that had never won a medal, some guy was offering up a gold bar to anyone from his country to win one, or maybe just for a gold.

>> No.4953815


But there is no scientific evidence that it has any benefit.

So it's just another superstition that it works.

>> No.4953821


Oh yeah, olympic atheletes train at their local YMCA, have no money, and eat at mcdonalds.

I buy that.

Except not. Poor people from poor countries never win.

>> No.4953876

I don´t like you.

>> No.4953899

If something is not scientifically tested, then it does not mean that it does not work, but that it has not been tested yet.

Once it is scientifically tested (several times from different research groups at best) and they found that it has no positive effects, than that means that it does not work.

My opinion is that, if the athletes wear it, it most likely works. Why else should they wear it? If you feel pain and you use something against it, it should not be very difficult to determine whether or not it stops or eases the pain.

>> No.4953923


Athletes and people in general do stupid things, though. Just because they use them doesn't mean it works - It might just be a fashion trend. It's that kind of reasoning that leads people to wrong conclusions: "Person A uses product X, and A is good at activity Z, so X must make you better at Z." This is not necessarily true, correlation and causation are not always(and usually not) the same thing. Maybe their coaches saw other top athletes use this stuff, saw that they were doing well, and figured that their athletes should use it too?

People also often reason like this: "Product A might not help, but it definitely won't hurt, so what's the harm? I better play it safe."

It might work, it might not work.

>> No.4953941


There have been multiple studies saying it does not work.

You should never believe something because celebrities do it.

That is like ingesting silver because that dumb fuck libertarian senator took it to protect himself from Y2K.

>> No.4953957

Well silver isn't harmful so better safe than sorry hurr