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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 384 KB, 788x864, Vaginal_opening_-_english_description.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4952435 No.4952435[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When does a gynecologist see his first vulva? Do you have to complete a practical on the vagina of a woman while you are studying? Do they bring in women that allow you to examine them as part of your training?

>> No.4952444

Gynecologists probably have to go through GP courses before that move into gynecology. Logic would dictate that they know a whole lot about vaginae before becoming a gynecologist. I'd think they'd do work under established gynecologists first, so as soon as they're done school or join a co-op program they'd start dealing with vaginae physically.

It's not as pleasant as you'd think, OP.

>> No.4952445

>I'm a virgin, so I'm going to become a gynecologist to look at naked women

You know that most of the women you would be looking at won't be models, right? In fact, you would be looking at so many infected vaginas that you'll probably turn gay.

>> No.4952456

Surely while you are studying they must bring some volunteers for you to practise on? Where do these volunteers come from?

>> No.4952457

Beats me, I'm just guessing. Maybe. I've never been to med school.

>> No.4952460

They probably intern and get real patients.

>> No.4952490

You get rubber ones to play around with. My instructor has a collection, which he calls his box of boxes.

>> No.4952503

Are you just asking this because you are a pervert and just want to look at vaginas all day?
The picture is not Safe For Work.
Your thread should not be here.

>> No.4952555

Aspie/Autism detected.

>> No.4952561

Why do people keep saying that?
I just think that you should be following the rules. Pictures like that should not be here, and you could have easily asked the question without it.

If you want to be a gynaecologist, then do so, but you should act completely professional at all times, and the job will certainly not be sexy.

>> No.4952569

Strict adherence to the rules regardless of how it effects them personally is a dead giveaway of autism. Learn to stop being such a buzzkill and learn to enjoy the show.

>> No.4952572

This is not a 'show' and people do not come to /sci/ for pictures like that.

>> No.4952575

How is a labelled, anatomically correct picture of a vagina not science related? It's human biology, no need to spaz out over it.

>> No.4952576

Sick Vagina's are gross, yeast infections, STI's whatever.

Although if you actually considering it as a career I hear it pays pretty well.

>> No.4952578

Haven't you ever heard of training hospitals? Med students start practicing on actual patients from their 2nd year onwards depending on the uni.

It's annotated, no one is going to think it's porn unless they're seriously perverted, haven't you ever read an encyclopedia or fuck even wikipedia?

>> No.4952580

It is still pornography.
If I post Goatse, fully biologically labelled, is that then acceptable?

Infected penises are also 'gross'
Healthy ones are fine.
Same thing.

>> No.4952581

No, people don't come to /sci/ specifically for this, its really more of a bonus. I don't really see what there is to complain about it. I mean only a idiot would visit 4chan during work regardless of the board, so it's not like any non-retarded employees or students are getting trouble for it.

>> No.4952584

>Infected penises are also 'gross'
>Healthy ones are fine.

Gay and autistic confirmed

>> No.4952585

This is still a worksafe board.
Rules are rules.

>> No.4952586

It's a VAGINA, not a midget getting ass fucked by a shetland pony. Learning material can not be considered pornographic, they show this kind of imagery to 12 year olds.

>> No.4952588

I am not gay, I am a woman.

>they show this kind of imagery to 12 year olds.
No they do not.
Just because this is not the worst thing you could have posted, does not mean it is not rule breaking.

>> No.4952589

And please indulge me in your philosophical views as to "why" rules are rules, and why we should follow them without question.

>> No.4952592

They absolutely show this kind of imagery to 12 year olds. Did you not have sex ed when you were growing up?

>> No.4952596

Because otherwise people will just spam porn all over the science board.
Due to the rules, this thankfully is a rarity.

>> No.4952597

We had black and white line-drawings.
That was enough.

>> No.4952604

And do you believe complaining about it will
A. Make the poster realize their mistake and not do it again or
B. Feed the troll and make it happen more often.
Hint: This is 4chan.

>> No.4952608

Quite honestly, it could be either.
If A, then they will learn, and that is good.
If B, they will be banned, and their threads will be deleted.

I would prefer A, but if B, then so be it.

>> No.4952611
File: 62 KB, 444x599, 444px-Vagina-anatomy-labelled2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anybody is interested in gynecology, here's some more learning material.

>> No.4952614

Nope, if this was another website maybe, but seeing as this is 4chan, the answer will always be B.

>> No.4952617
File: 23 KB, 226x282, shamone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4952624
File: 17 KB, 320x240, like_throwing_a_hotdog__down_a_hallway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OMG how many shetland ponies have been in that vagina? Her vaginal opening is HUGE.

>> No.4952682

why is the anus so small?

>> No.4952689

My dream has been setting up a gynecologist practice that only accepts young women, plays top 40 music, and has pre-warmed instruments.

I'll never read myself a gyno but who says I couldn't own a such practice and be the head of it.

>> No.4952733
File: 62 KB, 567x600, 567px-Clitoris_outer_anatomy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet you want to censer biology textbooks too right?

here is a draw one becasue the pic from wikipedia is already posted.

>> No.4952736

And no, of course not.

>> No.4952739

Could be that she's had a baby, one more reason not to knock up your girlfriend.

>> No.4952747

>coming out of vagina

i should not have expected /sci/ to know anything about vaginas or biology but come on.

>> No.4952776

>I am not gay, I am a woman.

Confirmed for EK

>> No.4952784

EK is not the only woman who comes here.
And she could be interpreted as being 'gay' actually, because she is bisexual.

>> No.4952790

This one time I was in the hospital because of pneumonia. When these 2 doctors walk in. "hello," said dr #1 "I'm training dr #2 here on how to use a ultrasound, would you mind if we use you as a test patient?"

"I do not mind," I replied. Only to find out later, they fucking billed me 500 dollars for the procedure. fuckers.

I bet you pricks get paid to learn about vaginas.

>> No.4952803

That is a nice vag, wouldn't mind going a round or two with that.

>> No.4952806

They should not be allowed to do that.
Any fees should have been negotiated beforehand.
They should not be able to surprise you with bills that you did not expect to receive.

>> No.4952809

No matter who the person is, or what their personality is like?
Shallowness is a poor personality trait.

>> No.4952810


I'm pretty sure that shit is illegal.

>> No.4952811

When I had a vasectomy the doctor first brought in a cute female med student, asked me if it was OK if she watched/helped. I said sure, no problem.

>> No.4952820

Is this some sort of half assed attempt at trolling? You either really despise this thread, or you're using the sage function as your personal identifier.

>> No.4952829

If doctor 1 was a doctor that was taking care of you then he was just asking if dr 2 could perform a procedure you were already scheduled for. He could charge you then.

If you had an unnecessary procedure done only so dr 2 could get experience then fight the fuck out of it.

>> No.4952839

I sage threads that do not deserve to be bumped.
threads that have a Not Safe for Work picture in the OP, fit this category.

>> No.4952848

1) its is NOT not safe for work
2) why are you in this thread if its a rule violation
3) saging a thread that is already the top thread dose nothing
4) you are retarded

>> No.4952864

1st year med school, they made us cut up corpses and lo and behold all the females had all their bits in place, atleast before we dissected them.

Live ones? 3rd year.

>> No.4952888

Why is it called land of the free if you have to pay for everything?

>> No.4952895
File: 21 KB, 460x476, 1e979de0-51e7-4ce2-850e-1c71ada880b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>land of the free

LMFAO. Nope!
Americans wouldn't know freedom if it fucking hit them in the face. American republicans actually teach people to hate freedom.

>> No.4952938

Heres some more material for anyone considering work as a gynecologist.

>> No.4952943

Dr 0 was my dr, these were just some randoms, roaming the halls for patients.

>> No.4952950

>Letting people scam you

I seriously hope you didn't pay them.

>> No.4952959

Insurance paid it. I called them up to let them know they were being given fraudulent charges, but they said they didnt care, and i should discuss it with the hospital.

Then i said ehhh, cause fuck it.