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4947789 No.4947789 [Reply] [Original]

>distance from mars~ 167,000,000 miles
>bottom of the ocean~ 2-3 miles...
how is it we know more about Mars than our own oceans?

>> No.4947793

Answer: we know more about our oceans than we know about Mars.

>> No.4947795

>implying the entire bottom of the ocean is 2-3 miles deep.

>> No.4947796

stuff between mars and us: 1.5 atmospheres of air
stuff between us and bottom of ocean: 3 miles of water.

>> No.4947801

Almost nobody gives a shit about TRAVELING THROUGH SPACE so it's not surprising that even less care about their own planet.

>> No.4947803

because that's why the kracken (aka giant squid) was considered a creature of pure fantasy for a good chunk of modern history.

>> No.4947807

Because, space is cooler. And we sorta do know a lot about our oceans. We just haven't cataloged all the neat life there is down there. Even then, plenty of nature documentarys do that on their own, and it's not all that big of a deal.

life on mars > life in the ocean
>life on mars

>> No.4947809

We know more about mars than we do about what's in our belly buttons. Deal with it.

>> No.4947813

no we give a shit, but it seems odd we can't seem to properly explore both at the same time.

>> No.4947825

Wouldn't you love it if it was a requirement for all politicians to have a degree in hard science?

>> No.4947829

>no we give a shit

Are you seriously telling me that the vast majority of people on Earth care about their planet?

>> No.4947830

But that would be fucking terrible. Science is not the role of the government.

>> No.4947838

How? Get a bunch of smart people that go by hard facts to run government, and before long, you'd stop seeing all this emotional bullshit running our country.

>> No.4947840

space is (technically) empty

>> No.4947845


>you'd stop seeing all this emotional bullshit running our country

Mentalities like this are why. Emotionality is not what ails the nation.

>> No.4947851

Please, explain what "emotional bullshit" runs our country and how it's a bad thing. How would running our government according to "hard facts" even work, let alone be better for the country?

>> No.4947864

A degree in hard science is a bit much, but for a politician to make a decision regarding scientific research they should be very familiar with numerous branches of science. Preferably beyond introductory university courses. Hearing, "the scientific method," should not evoke a muttered curse and hail mary from our politician friend.

In american society at least (and probably all the rest), common people are too detached from the science they rely so heavily on. The connection between scientific research that was, in its day, frequently worthless (electricity is an easy one...) and technology many people "couldn't live without" is very existent but almost always ignored.

There are, unfortunately, better areas to spend money than space programs (for now). What's sad is they are seen as useless instead of eventually mandatory. Actually finding a sustainable power source and stabilizing the sociopolitical stage is more immediately important to ensuring humanity's survival.

Government must fund science, because private sector funding is rarely useful for projects that don't to immediate material gain. The Manhattan project would have never received funding from private sectors because there was (probably still isn't) no way to make money from it. Masers weren't even toys, and now they're in everything. There is a scope science reaches for that simply requires "public funding" because it reaches beyond what the common investor sees as useful.

>> No.4947877

The deepest known part of the ocean is 6.8 miles.

It's Because only hippy, environmental fags give a shit about the ocean, the governments interest in space is about what resources are out there, which is why we have not been back to the moon, there is nothing on that bitch.

>> No.4947880


To the contrary, the moon has quite a bit on it.
The ocean also has quite a bit underneath it. It's just substantially easier to explore space than to explore the ocean (travel time notwithstanding).

>> No.4947881
File: 26 KB, 433x675, American-Astronaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you get more pussy going to space than swimming.......dumbass

>> No.4947882

Ironically, it's much more difficult to get to the bottom of the ocean than it is to outer space.

>> No.4947887

The Olympic Village would like to have a word with you.

>> No.4947900

I want to become an Olympic athlete just so I can get in on one of their orgies

>> No.4947905

Not really. You just need a vehicle that can withstand the pressure. It's not like oceans were made of rock and lava, you know?

>> No.4947906


Who bangs more chicks astronauts or Olympic swimmers?

>> No.4947909

Olympic swimmers probably get more pussy during the Olympics than astronauts do their entire lives.

>> No.4947913

It's easier to build something that can withstand the low pressures of outer space than the insurmountably huge pressures of the ocean.

Or at least, I'm assuming it is. If it's not, and I would welcome anyone who can contradict what I've just said, then oceanic research is indeed severely underfunded.

Seems like they're willing to build cities above the ocean, if it means digging for oil underneath it...

>> No.4947914

Same here, but, at 24, I'm too old to get to that level at anything.
Don't get me wrong—I can do a half marathon in under 1:40, I do some martial arts, and I can do 150 pushups in a row with ease, but I'm not going to the Olympics no matter how hard I try and neither are you.

>> No.4947934

Mars is mostly still, unchanging, and the surface is easy to monitor.
The ocean is violent, dynamic, and difficult to monitor in while in a constant state of flux.

>> No.4947968

The oceans are dark and opaque past a relatively short distance. They cover a larger area than the surface of Mars (361 million sq km vs 145 million sq km). Not to mention the interesting stuff isn't just on the floor, it's in the water itself so you're talking about looking at the whole 1.35 billion cubic kilometers. Add to that much of this stuff is always moving around. It's logistically much harder.

>> No.4949043

>there was life on mars millions of years ago
>it all died
>center of mars is all oil

>> No.4949050

The Kraken is still pure fantasy.

>> No.4949073 [DELETED] 

giant squids exist, the only difference is in the name

>a rose by any other name, would still smell as sweet
>a kraken by any other name, will still rip your fucking face off.

>> No.4949091

Giant squids exist. I have yet to see one that would have the power to drag a galleon down to the ocean floor.

>> No.4949093 [DELETED] 
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> I have yet to see one that would
>i have yet to see...
... youve SEEN a giant squid??
the fact that youve even seen one is pretty fucking cool.

>> No.4949101

It's extremely easy to build such vehicle, as long as it doesn't have to sustain a human crew. I'm a mech engineer so I can tell.

>> No.4949143
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This post burns my eyes

>> No.4949164
File: 90 KB, 530x750, fairy tale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, not saying a hard science degree means you're always gonna be full of great ideas.

But the average hard science degree holder is 10x better in every measurable way than your average politician[1][3]. I'm tired of know nothing fuckbags spewing nonstop lies[2].

[1] D.Spewtan 1963. Politicial fuckbags vs Science gods.
[2] A. Jewnose 2004. In depth analysis of neoconservatives
[3] All great things

>> No.4949208
File: 2.00 MB, 277x247, v trying to play his new game.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>distance from mars~ 167,000,000 miles
>bottom of the ocean~ 2-3 miles...
>distance from your brain- 0, you are your brain

how is it we know more about Mars and the ocean than our own brains?

>> No.4949217

And once he was 30 years old he felt hollow and alone.
The world he was so in love with now considered him to be a creepy old man.
No longer able to attend parties or go to naked bars he began drinking himself to sleep each night alone on cheap wine, each day suicide becoming more and more appealing

>> No.4949224

>>4947900 I want to become an Olympic athlete just so I can get in on one of their orgies
I wish someone had told me about them when I was a child. My life would have taken a vastly different turn...

>> No.4949229


And that's game boys, time to close the thread.