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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4947133 No.4947133 [Reply] [Original]

Currently a Mechanical Engineering major who is 3 hours away from a math minor. Those 3 hours don't count towards my major at all... Should I do it?

>> No.4947148


>> No.4947159

I suck at math and I went for it. I took Advanced Calculus and I got my first B in a math course instead of a C. Saying I was a physics major awes people, saying I was a physics major and have a minor in mathematics sounds even better, and at the end of the day the important thing is adding more words to your CV.

>> No.4947160

Future employers will care zero.

>> No.4947163


>and at the end of the day the important thing is adding more words to your CV

This is how you fucking people live.

Its disgusting>>4947159

>> No.4947168

I was naive. I focused on understanding the conceptual stuff instead of what would look good on paper. Whether we like how the system works doesn't matter.

>> No.4947170

so you took upper math courses? Which ones did you take?

>> No.4947172


>Saying I was a physics major awes people, saying I was a physics major and have a minor in mathematics sounds even better

Oh, fuck off with your not-so-subtle elitist qualities. Humility motherfucker, learn it.

>> No.4947175


the most advanced math course I've seen engineers take is linear algebra which is to say not very advanced at all for their level.

>> No.4947178

ok I got that having a better looking CV
Was it worth it though?

>> No.4947189

op must go to a shit tier uni where they consider baby calculus/intro LA part of the upper level math curriculum

>> No.4947194

yes if you can do it while graduating on time, no if not.

i highly doubt it will help with employment, but it won't hurt either.

>> No.4947196

do you know what a minor is, you tard?

>> No.4947199

Linear algebra

>not very advanced at all for their level.
Saying linear algebra is easy? hope so. if not see:
I got a 100 on the midterm and math majors were struggling in there. MATH < Me

Issue I'm addressing is if I should go out of my curriculum to get a math minor

>> No.4947207


ranked number 10 in my major and number 9 overall... yeah ok buddy.

>> No.4947208

yes you tard. My uni only considers 5 UPPER LEVEL math courses for a math minor. Baby calc,intro DE and intro LA classes don't count.

>> No.4947217

I have to take 9 hours of upper level classes.

And I'm not taking INTRO de/la, I actually took the classes.

>> No.4947224

how many classes would you have to take?

can you list the math classes you've taken?

>> No.4947229
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I must be getting trolled here.
We're now considered linear algebra as an upper level course? How in the fuck /sci/? I'd hope you could muster up enough intelligence to pass a goddamn LA exam. Congrats on that big guy.

I haven't received below a ~94% in any math course at the University I attend, nonlinear dynamics, complexity theory, algebraic combinatorics, ect. I'm about to take advanced algebraic topology, and geometry of manifolds this coming semester. I'll still have all A's.

Guess what,
Math > Me

Drop the elitism buddy, it'll do you no good in the long run.

>> No.4947238

I'm an engineer

>> No.4947272

he's not trolling he must just go to school that doen't really care about their math program and thus even engineers who just tale intro math classes aren't too far away from a math minor.

>> No.4947284

Thus since it's easy should I do it if most universities makes it considerably harder?

>> No.4947285


Did you find university math much more difficult than what you did in high school/ in AP's? I've gotten A's in all my math classes, but the highest level I've taken is community college Calculus I. Do you think I'll have too much trouble? I'm going to a state school. I'm sure this is a vague question... but if you have any advice for a budding math major I'd love to hear it.

>> No.4947304

That response was primarily directed at his over-inflated sense of self entitled elitism.

Do what you want.
Unless you plan on transferring or going to a top tier graduate school this question is completely irrelevant.

Work hard, pay attention, and study.
The classes are as easy as you make them.