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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4946430 No.4946430[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alright /sci/, enough of this highschool babby bullshit, lets get us some real discussion goin'.

Consider the Lagrangian:

<div class="math">\mathbf{L}=-\frac{1}{4}F^{\mu v}F_{\mu v}-\frac{1}{2}m^{2}A_{\mu }A^{\mu }-i\bar{\psi }(\gamma ^{\mu }\partial _{\mu }-m)\psi -eA_{\mu }\bar{\psi }\gamma ^{\mu }\psi</div>

What's the momentum space propagator <span class="math">D_{\mu v} (k)[/spoiler] for the massive fucking vector field <span class="math">A_{\mu }[/spoiler]?

>> No.4946447

Do your own homework.

>> No.4946461

>implying I can't already do this...

I'm just trying to initiate some ACTUAL mathematics / physics discussion and collaboration.

>> No.4946465

What's the stress energy tensor? Standard QED?

>> No.4946472

I haven't been doing QFT for quite some time now, so please correct me if I'm wrong. I assume that you know a little bit, and I'm too lazy to TeX it down.

First you write your Lagrangian in a way that your fields A appear as bilinears and drop the terms that don't - so screw the last term, which is only a vertex for A. The terms between the fields A is then a differential operator in real space.

Then you simply do a Fourier transform and replace the derivatives by plus or minus (i k), depending in which direction the derivatives act!

The propagator is then the inverse of that differential operator in momentum space.

A good example is shown in Greiner: Field Quantization, section 7.6 page 188 - available on Google Books.

>> No.4946478

90% of /sci/ doesn't know what a Lagrangian is.

grad school circle jerk =/= "actual" math or physics discussion

>> No.4946481


>> No.4946483

Well, there clearly is an explicit mass term, bright as fucking day, isn't there?

>> No.4946484

>grad school
this is 2nd year undergrad physics. but yes, a very limited amount of people here know field theory

>> No.4946486

You sir, are on the right track.
I'm quite sure I know the answer to this, it is relatively easy rQFT. I was primarily curious as to how much of /sci/ is familiar with, and can solve such a problem. I know for sure there's some smart people out there.

>> No.4946493

So should we dumb-down discussion to compensate, effectively making /sci/ a more prominent shit-hole then it already is?

>> No.4946494

yes, but the Lagrangian is wrong.

>> No.4946497

Surely you must be joking, Mr. Organic.

I only read popular science, what is this math of which you speak

>> No.4946504

I assure you, it is not.

>> No.4946505

>grad school circle jerk =/= "actual" math or physics discussion

that's actually literally what math or physics discussion is

fuck off

>> No.4946509

No, why should it be wrong? Sure, it's not gauge invariant anymore and the A's arent gauge fields (like photons), but QED wasn't even mentioned here.

>> No.4946523
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>dat feel when complex fermion mass

that sceme will work out fine.

not much

It wouldn't be uninteresting to see someone rant about the Yang Mills mass problem (e.g. the need for the higgs mechanism) so go on. I'm actually not sure by heart if the problem applies for the commutative gauge group (as OP is impling U(1)).

But I mean you know that the propagator will just turn out to be the green function, so you can go streight ahead and apply your formal inverse differential operator magic for DG=1
See e.g.

That is (D+m^2)G=1 <=> G=int exp(-ipx)*/(p^2+m^2)

where D is the d'alambert.

There must be a \mu\nu somewhere, so I figure you plug in another \eta

>> No.4946524

> it's not gauge invariant
that's why. i don't believe in working with gauge variant fields. this is post-higgs after all.

>> No.4946533

<div class="math">D_{v\sigma }(k)=\frac{-i}{k^{2}-m^{2}+i\epsilon }[\eta _{v\sigma }-\frac{k_{v}k_{\sigma }}{m^{2}}]</div>

Glad to see you're still around man.

>> No.4946535 [DELETED] 

might well be that the operator is more difficult than just the Klein Gordon one, but not *really* more difficult.
In anyway, I remember the general computation and there the massless propagator being much more a pain in the ass.

>> No.4946536

Not every quantum field theory requires gauge fields. I would even say that most phenomenological models don't use gauge invariance - think of e.g. Walecka model.

>> No.4946540

You're the definition of a faggot. Go ahead and make a relatively straight forward problem into an autism rage fest with a yang mills non-commutative gauge group

>> No.4946543

they arnt fundamental

>> No.4946547

calm down. do you prefer people argue over if evolution is true rather than if fields should be gauge invariant?

>> No.4946548

And what makes you think this field here is fundamental? Why do I bother? I should go to bed.

>> No.4946545

So, how about...

Show that in the large momentum limit, <span class="math">D_{\mu v}(k)[/spoiler] scales as O(1). Show that in terms of momentum counting, <span class="math">A_{\mu }[/spoiler] has an effective dimension 2.

>> No.4946555
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It's a fucking practice problem. I can define massive vector fields all day blindfolded.

Do they necessarily exist?

Are you some kind of assblasted experimentalist or just a troll?

>> No.4946559

Fuck /sci/, this place has gotten even worse.
What the hell happened.

>> No.4946566

Eh, it was never that good. Once in a while an interesting thread like this comes along, but not long until it is bombarded by pedantery or trolling.

A good night to you sirs, I'm off to sleep.

>> No.4946575
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*higgs rant*
yeah, so appearently one can "easily fix" the theory.

Don't know what "scales as Z_2" means...
Anway, I'd blingly guess in the large momentum limit the boson becomes the photon with two helicity states?

Going to bed now.

>> No.4946591

It looks like some renormalization exercise. I haven't touched Weinberg for a while, but I think you're supposed to rescale the wave vector

>> No.4946597
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Sorry, it was too good to pass up.

>> No.4946598

>rescale the wave vector

Yes sir.

>> No.4946604

>infantile cartoon

>> No.4946607

Something about redoing the photon interaction thingy and keeping track of the mass term with the positive k-powers?

anyway, gn.
come back with an actual discussion, not questions where you have the answer :P

>> No.4946617

looks like she has some nice titties

>> No.4946620

>fapping to cartoons

How pathetic are you?

>> No.4946622
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I've tried that man, a sustained discussion just never takes off. But if I run across something of interest I suppose I'll post it up here.

>> No.4946624
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>calling people pathetic on 4chan
you poor soul

>> No.4946631

U mirin' my alphaness, nerd?

>> No.4946633

>being an underage high school student shitting up a science thread

>> No.4946636
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>> No.4946647

You're all pathetic, enough shit-posting.

Gonna delete this now.