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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4944653 No.4944653 [Reply] [Original]

is this ven possibl;e?

>> No.4944656

I'd say that depends on what the door was made of.

>> No.4944655

Shitty set door made of pretty much cardboard + Rampage Jackson = that

>> No.4944660

what about a door made of diamonds and Rampage Jackson made of diamonds

>> No.4944669 [DELETED] 

well diamond is the hardest metal known to man, so it'd be a lot harder to break through.

>> No.4944674

>diamond is a metal

Diamond is not a fucking metal

>> No.4944681 [DELETED] 

Due to extensive research done by the University of Pittsburgh, diamond has been confirmed as the hardest metal known to man. The research is as follows. Pocket-protected scientists built a wall of iron and crashed a diamond car into it at 400 miles per hour, and the car was unharmed. They then built a wall out of diamond and crashed a car made of iron moving at 400 miles an hour into the wall, and the wall came out fine. They then crashed a diamond car made of 400 miles per hour into a wall, and there were no survivors. They crashed 400 miles per hour into a diamond traveling at iron car. Western New York was powerless for hours. They rammed a wall of metal into a 400 mile per hour made of diamond, and the resulting explosion shifted the earth's orbit 400 million miles away from the sun, saving the earth from a meteor the size of a small Washington suburb that was hurtling towards mid-western Prussia at 400 billion miles per hour. They shot a diamond made of iron at a car moving at 400 walls per hour, and as a result caused two wayward airplanes to lose track of their bearings, and make a fatal crash with two buildings in downtown New York. They spun 400 miles at diamond into iron per wall. The results were inconclusive. Finally, they placed 400 diamonds per hour in front of a car made of wall travelling at miles per iron, and the result proved without a doubt that diamonds were the hardest metal of all time, if not just the hardest metal known to man.

>> No.4944682


Damn that joke went way over your head.

>> No.4944685

troll harder, still not a metal

>> No.4944686

>new here
>still wants to namefag
people are really desperate for attention

>> No.4944690 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4944691

she was giving you the copypasta where the joke came from and you still didn't understand it? damn, you know you're shitty when even EK corrects you.

>> No.4944693

Either 9/10 trolling or you're going to need a new trip; you got embarrassment all over that one.

>> No.4944694 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 408x473, mary_poppins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>damn, you know you're shitty when even EK corrects you.
Oi! i'm practically perfect in every way.

>> No.4944697 [DELETED] 
File: 268 KB, 472x348, 76756546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pick one, and hes only a namefag, not a tripfag

>> No.4944700

you sure are. tell me again how infinity breaks down our maths.

>> No.4944701

wut wuld happen if you smashed a sun made of diamonds and a sun made of rampapage jackson???/?

>> No.4944702

Realize you're still shit

>> No.4944704
File: 103 KB, 500x500, jimmyluigi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes yes, I'm new. I'll admit when I'm rustled. Momentary chemrage.

>> No.4944706 [DELETED] 
File: 265 KB, 450x359, 126549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ha, you still whining on about that shit??
you cant cut corners to infinity, shit changes when you actualy go to infinity, and its really a circle, that is really actually smooth, rather than cutting corners a finite number of times, leaving it still jagged.
i knew what i meant, i just didnt explain it well last time.

i dont think so tim.
theres a difference between knowing your shit, and knowing you're shit.

>> No.4944711
File: 31 KB, 500x357, 1311842459816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be newfagnamefag

>> No.4944734

>we are so mature because we know memes le lol
eat shit faggot

>> No.4944746

I think that was already established

>> No.4944748

I see why having a name is frowned upon (and that it's that easy to mimic).

>> No.4944757 [DELETED] 

oh fuck i love cocks!
i must find far more cocks to put in my mouth!

>> No.4944770


>> No.4944774

i don't get why your type chooses to distinguish themselves from everyone else when your knowledge/contributions are rather poor. take your fellow non-anon here >>4944706 the bitch doesn't even know calculus if i recall correctly and is rather ignorant on every subject she speaks of. Yet she's posting with a trip and you with a name despite not understanding even a basic things. I'm not a bfag that is just "hurr trips bad. legion", but the use of trips seems to attract rather poor users.

>> No.4944778 [DELETED] 

i do know basic calculus, i just never took math any further than that.

>> No.4944780

ITT: newfag learns about trips, memes, and namefagging. Hilarity ensues.

>> No.4944781

Where did you get your engineering degree?

>> No.4944782
File: 54 KB, 660x495, Industrial_diamond_super_abrasives_CBN_powder_JSCBN850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Industrial diamond is fucking metal. Look at how black this shit is. You can't get any more metal than that.

>> No.4944786 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4944794

I literally cannot stop sucking cocks.

>> No.4944825

how does that khan academy thing work? it seems strange to me that they'd let you be one of their math people if your knowledge of it extended no further than basic calc. Also, why are you up this late? (i assumed you were american)

>> No.4944830 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 383x186, wait,what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

britfag, actually. it's morning.

>it seems strange to me that they'd let you be one of their math people if your knowledge of it extended no further than basic calc.
i literally have no idea what your talking about, i dont work for khan academy, and ive no idea how the fuck you jumped to that conclusion.

>> No.4944837

^^ That's the Tripfag thing right? Am I learning? I take it shouldn't do that either.

>> No.4944848

I've punched through a door and I'm not even a seven foot tall roided up wrestler.

>> No.4944852

I don't know. i saw a thread once about khan academy, someone posted a link to one of their videos, and another anon responded with "don't bother, it's EK".

>> No.4944860 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 582x358, 13693458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ha, you must be new here.
im a regular tripfag, and tards always come up with bullshit theories about who i might be, none of which were ever true.

i was suspected of being some journalist, and then soem scottish person, and then some girl woking at nasa, and then this otehr tripfag called 'teacup' and then this other /a/ tripfag called
>'elizabeth kagume, OMG EK coinincidence?? no waaiiiI!
and otehr bullshit...

seriously, they're fucking retarded, and you should ignroe all that shit.

>> No.4944869

>and tards always come up with bullshit theories about who i might be, none of which were ever true.
All we know is that you're definitely not the girl you're obsessed about, always posting her picture, and you're definitely a pathetic male who craves attention.

>> No.4944875 [DELETED] 

>All we know is that you're definitely not the girl you're obsessed about
ha, i know. i never claimed to be. i always made it clear that im a fan, whenver anyone asked:

>and you're definitely a pathetic male who craves attention.
nope, im actually female, and i dont crave attention at all.
almost all the attention i get here is bad attention, people being rude jackasses. if i actually wanted attention, i'd go someplace else.

>> No.4944877

>bullshit theories about who i might be

you are EK

>> No.4944878

>dont crave attention at all.
>Is tripfag on 4chan
Choose one and only one.

>> No.4944880

you trip for the attention though, at least admit that.

>> No.4944886 [DELETED] 

what, the bad attention? not really
and everyone who posts, even as anon, wants attention to their post
you wouldnt post anything at all if you didnt think anyone would be able to read it.

as for the trip, yeh, i guess i kinda like being a regular here and being recognised, in some way.
i do stand out, even when i posted as anon for a long time, people still managed to recognise me.

>> No.4944887

You are just fucking stupid. It is plain as that. Why do you post this shit that nobody cares about on the science board?

>> No.4944891
File: 30 KB, 400x400, sad‑face‑thumb343186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have some sort of severe metal retardation EK. It is obvious. Just admit it!

>> No.4944896 [DELETED] 

>Why do you post this shit that nobody cares about on the science board?
they asked, i answered. simples.

i dont have any form of retardation at all, but i suggest you shut your fucking face anyway!

>> No.4944902

so you're not that girl who posted that circle and pi=4 video? you seemed to imply that you were when you responded to the guy here

>> No.4944899

No, people didn't recognize you as anon and those are more of your vain delusions about being popular on an image board. But i applaud you for admitting you want the attention and that's why you trip.

Because honestlly, I don't give a shit about you posting but the inconsistency between your actions and what you said were your motivations was bothersome. POST ON, EK!

>> No.4944901
File: 94 KB, 484x400, congratulations_retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am seriously impressed you are capable of using a computer

>> No.4944907 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 1063x675, sherlock_anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, people didn't recognize you as anon and those are more of your vain delusions about being popular on an image board.
no, they actually did.
this happened yesterday

>> No.4944909
File: 490 KB, 280x159, 3zvPb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did your parents not love you? Do you think they ever will? Are they still ashamed of you?

>> No.4944913 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 350x494, mathstroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, we were talking about an old math thread where somebody posted this, and i answered vaguely, and then that guy presumed i was shit at math, and then it kinda became a thing, and they kept bringing it up over and over again in other threads.

>> No.4944914
File: 30 KB, 377x603, 46872d1250060649-new-york-city-best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EK is just a moronic and nonsensical attentionwhore. Stop replying to his/her garbage.


>> No.4944915

you claimed yourself in that image that it only happened 3 times in a month. anyways though, why do you trip if not for attention?

>> No.4944917 [DELETED] 
File: 649 KB, 398x262, y9BST.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i get along very well with my parants, dickhead.

>> No.4944919

Don't bother her anymore, she does it for the attention but who cares? If you want attention like she gets, become a tripfag. nobody is stopping you

>> No.4944920

Well? How big are your breasts?

>> No.4944922 [DELETED] 

well its not really 'for attention' not anymore than any other tripfag anyway.
i just like that /sci/ has a pretty small recurring community, and we all kinda know each other now, so it sorta makes sense to trip, coz we can like bring up old conversations, and carry them on later.
you get to know people.

>> No.4944926

How bipolar are you?

>> No.4944930

>then that guy presumed i was shit at math, and then it kinda became a thing
it's because you are. it wasn't a one event thing that stuck. You consistently shitted up math threads with your poor understanding of it. I know for a fact there are countless screen caps of your stupidity. I don't even know why you choose to respond to threads which deal with things you don't understand.

>> No.4944931
File: 60 KB, 485x458, obvioustroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is a Scottish man with MPD

>> No.4944932 [DELETED] 

if i know, i help
if i dont know, i learn.
the threads still have something for me

>> No.4944935
File: 46 KB, 258x215, 1329009405967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can you even solve? A grade school algebra problemn? LMFAO.

You are just a circlejerk of total lack of usefulness and recitation of vacant facts obtained from google. You do not have a university level education, and therefore you should not post on the science board.

/x/ <<< would be better for you

>> No.4944938 [DELETED] 

>You do not have a university level education, and therefore you should not post on the science board.
i do; zoology is a science

>What can you even solve? A grade school algebra problemn? LMFAO.
fine, so im not that good at math. so what? i dont need to be, and some people here are, so let them answer.
if i do know, then i'll answer, and even if i dont know, sometimes its interesting to think about.

>You are just a circlejerk of total lack of usefulness and recitation of vacant facts obtained from google.
fine, sometimes yes, but so are many anons.

>/x/ <<< would be better for you
hahah. no.

>> No.4944942
File: 19 KB, 586x486, dumbshit-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a freshman understanding of zoology.

>fine, sometimes yes, but so are many anons.
GTFO retard! This is the science and math board. Not the diary of a pretentious low intelligence tripfag.

You are a horrible troll, not even mad, 0/10

>> No.4944944

>i do; zoology is a science
Sure it is
>pick one

Also stop posting in here

>> No.4944978

>zoology is a science
not really

>> No.4945007

Given that you sound very very mad, you should give her more than 0/10.