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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4942080 No.4942080[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, why do you guys like science so much? Is it because you've failed as people?

>> No.4942084

>implying anyone on /sci/ likes science
>implying this is a science board
>implying we are more than a worksafe version of /b/
>implying your shitposting isn't welcome

>> No.4942091

enjoy your Rose permaban

>> No.4942089 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 277x277, 1331668064902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitch, please
i've seen tards posting CP here

>> No.4942097

>hoverhanding your fake anime gf

>> No.4942096

>not worksafe
neckbeard, please
ive seen people get banned for posting woman with an exposed face.

>> No.4942110

>calling others tards

>> No.4942112

>being jelly of tripfags

>> No.4942116 [DELETED] 
File: 265 KB, 450x359, 126549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitches, please
banned about 12 hours later, with the threads sitting there the whole fucking time, at which point everyones finished with it and its sinking to the bottom of about page 8

mods are fucking shite at their jobs, yo.

>> No.4942123

I study physics and I still get laid, because intelligence is sexy. You fail at your troll attempt, faggot!

>> No.4942124

I will be sure to apply as a janitor to /sci/ next week, get accepted, and delete your posts within the minute they appear

>> No.4942126

You get laid because you're a douchebag and I highly doubt that you're intelligent.

>> No.4942130

whatever, keep fapping on /u/, dear friend!

>> No.4942137 [DELETED] 

jans abusing power, lose it.

physicists are usually considered to be fairly sexy.

>> No.4942141

You're permabanned. It wouldn't be abusing power.

>> No.4942138


>> No.4942147

So, why do you guys hatescience so much? Is it because you've succed as people?

>> No.4942150 [DELETED] 

kinda is
and jans cant ban anyway.

>> No.4942165

No, it is not, you pederast.

>> No.4942163

It would give any janitor all legitimization to delete everything you post.

>> No.4942174

>kinda is
No it isn't. You're permabanned. Stop posting crazy.

>> No.4942184 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 732x408, avatarDIF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

possibly,.altho i doubt they could be arsed to put in the effort.
if they did, i guess it'd force me to go anon again.

meh, fair enough

>> No.4942193

All of your posts are shit posts. It wouldn't matter if you went anon.

>> No.4942195
File: 54 KB, 380x526, calmly-watching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Janitor applications? LOL

This is gonna be fun. Just imagine one of the extreme autists of /sci/ becoming a janitor and deleting all the content he doesn't like and all the other autists flooding moot with complaints about their new janitor.

>> No.4942204

>possibly,.altho i doubt they could be arsed to put in the effort.
I would.

I would also delete every single post from you. I don't think people would disapprove it.

>> No.4942214

You'd make an excellent janitor.

We would always have a cool probability theory and astrophysics thread on the front page

>> No.4942211

Just so you know why this Carl idiot deserves to be muted forever off the internet, just look at everything he's posted:


That's right, everything is shit.

>> No.4942212 [DELETED] 
File: 276 KB, 450x354, 126551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably would, good luck finding me
>tfw if a persistent jan decides to curb all shitposting on /sci/, traffic is probably reduced by about ~70%, and /sci/ virtually grinds to a standstill.

>> No.4942215

See? This is why you shouldn't become a janitor. You're not supposed to arbitrarily delete and censor what you don't like. ;)

>> No.4942224

A few quality posts/posters are by far better than endless shitposts.

>> No.4942220

But you have been acknowledged as notorious shitposter.

>> No.4942221

All my quality posts! Did you even read them?


>> No.4942228

Acknowledged by whom? By you? Geuss what: Your autistic opinion doesn't mean shit.

>> No.4942238
File: 180 KB, 453x302, TearsOfJoyImg1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit that would be awesome. Science threads everywhere on my /sci/. Would feel like day 1.

Well I suggest everyone who doesn't know you to take a look at your "quality" posts and judge you by themselves.

>> No.4942235 [DELETED] 

im pretty sure some jan picking on random tripfags that they dont like would end up getting snipped.
if not, you force all tripfags that you dont like, to either change trip, or go anon.

if moot wanted forced anon on /sci/, he'd enforce it.

FYI, turns out that haz still sometimes posts, just as anon, and i never even noticed until a few days ago.
you wouldnt either.

>> No.4942244

If only you had a name and we could judge you by your post quality ...
I bet you're even worse than me.

>> No.4942245

There are many, many good tripfags on /sci/. But Carl (aka Carl Sagan !SAGANw60Qg aka Richard Feynmann !Hwop/gspA) has been producing nothing but shit for months, perhaps years.

>> No.4942251

>random tripfags
You're permabanned

>> No.4942252

I never was Richard Feynmann. Btw I used to make alot of good posts with some of my other trips.

>> No.4942250 [DELETED] 
File: 213 KB, 393x349, 126550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nazi-ish moderation acts as a huge deterrent, even to 'good' posters.

you think? i reckon it'd end up being so slow that almost no1 would bother. its a pretty slow board as it is, even without overactive jans.

i guess we might find out.

>> No.4942257 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 413x384, orly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

name 3 (that still currently post, at least slightly regularly)

>> No.4942256

Were you GL?

>> No.4942265


You would be one of them. XD

>> No.4942263 [DELETED] 

>You're permabanned
only because i evade bans that i dont consider to be legit, because the original ban wasnt legit, so i have no moral conundrum with ignoring it.

>> No.4942266

Suddenly, everyone becomes Carl.

>> No.4942267

That one guy who posts all of those pony pictures
That one guy who posts all of those red heads
That one guy who posts all of those Einstein pictures
That one guy who knows his shit about Relativity
Mad Scientist

You're still infringing 4chan's rules and a janitor can delete your posts without any remorse.

Day 1 /sci/ was awesome though.

>> No.4942276

Take it up with moot retard

>> No.4942274

Full retard. Except for "scientist" none of them posts anymore and "scientist" is a retard troll coming here for religion and philosophy pseudo-intellectualism.

>> No.4942286

Scientist wasn't using a trip. But you're right, most of them barely post anymore.

>> No.4942280

This would be awesome. /sci/ quality suddenly improved by 20%.

>> No.4942289

CNS still posts

>> No.4942287 [DELETED] 

non-tripfag avatarfags dont count. and are still potentially banworthy considering that the overzealous cuntmod occassionally purges that shit.
pascal hasnt posted for nearly a year, and TN5 since around FEB/MARCH
i was asking for regulars.
Josef is old as well, so are...most, on that list i think.

>You're still infringing 4chan's rules and a janitor can delete your posts without any remorse.
ce la vie
then i'll be anon.

>> No.4942295

The "scientist" who recently posted had a trip. He ended up in my filter.

>> No.4942288

>Btw I used to make alot of good posts with some of my other trips.

>Carl Sagan
>12 year old
>Enjoy Your Ban
>IQ fundie
>Peak oil fundie
>Richard Feynmann
>Neil deGrasse Tyson


>> No.4942296

doesn't post
doesn't post
doesn't post
>That one guy who posts all of those pony pictures
doesn't post
>That one guy who posts all of those red heads
rarely posts
>That one guy who posts all of those Einstein pictures
doesn't post
>That one guy who knows his shit about Relativity
doesn't post
doesn't post
>Mad Scientist
doesn't post
doesn't post
doesn't post
doesn't post
rarely posts
rarely posts
never heard of this guy

>> No.4942297 [DELETED] 

i strongly doubt that moot is even aware of my existence. he never posts on /sci/ and has better things to do than worry about random tripfags.

>> No.4942298

Only 4 of them were me. The others are bad imitators. I'm the one who creates the original OC.

>> No.4942307 [DELETED] 
File: 517 KB, 1229x1094, pony ban.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pony guy might still post, its just that ponyavatarfags get banned
FYI, physicsfag is old, doesnt post anymore,

>> No.4942308

0/10 troll harder

>> No.4942315

How do I "troll harder"? You seem to have more experience regarding these techniques.

>> No.4942314

What about me?

>> No.4942310

That list is old, and "Scientist" is common enough to be usurped by someone else.


>> No.4942319

What tripcodes are yours?

>> No.4942320

You don't know? Lurk moar.

>> No.4942325

Tell him I said hi to his gf

>> No.4942323

Holy shit I think I know that Psistar guy. I attended the same school as him last year. What the fuck.

>> No.4942330

He admits to mathgenius, femanon, Carl Sagan, and IQ fundie.

I'm sure he has many more.

>> No.4942338

I remember finding this board back in august last year and ek was a drama queen and josef had only just moved to america and economist was a fucktard and that guy teacup claimed tortoises didn't have spines and their supposed existence was a conspiracy against him while i shitposted on lit under the name caroline and asked cm if they discussed biology cos an anon here said it belonged their.
I came back now to find nothings changed except a few tripfags aliases.

>> No.4942340
File: 89 KB, 251x251, 1325463956897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously though, I read the whole archived thread and I recognized every single person he was talking about. I've seen him post without noticing anything. What the goddamn flying fuck. My mind is being thoroughly destroyed.

>> No.4942343

Cool story. Go be insignificant somewhere else.

>> No.4942342
File: 59 KB, 420x403, 1339815960893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ will always be shit


Josef will never come back


>> No.4942345

I could already have said hi to his gf in person for all I know.

>> No.4942347

What's his gf like?

>> No.4942356

I'm not really sure about his identity but it's really narrowed down. There are only a few PSI* who acquired gfs within the same school and who had exams this year. I could be friends with her for all I know.

>> No.4942412

I hate all of you.

>> No.4942550

Fuck, I wish I were in that thread. My mind is definitely bogged down.

>> No.4942601

>posting in a shitposter's thread

>shiggy diggy /sci/, shiggy diggy

>> No.4942606

but all threads on /sci/ are shitpoasting :{

>> No.4942610 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 474x354, 4479162_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bumping the thread

>> No.4942626

Thread became suddenly interesting when that guy realized he knew Psistar irl.

>> No.4942646

In the year 2525,
if sci is still alive,
if ek can survive,
what will they fiiii-iiiiinnd?