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File: 115 KB, 1000x710, MarsBase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4941281 No.4941281 [Reply] [Original]

It's year 2030. First bases on Mars are operating on their own, people are arriving, more bases are constructed. Resources are low and humanity on Mars is in deep shit if government doesn't do it's job right.
Which political system would be best for early colonies on other planets ?

>> No.4941286

Collectivism, evolving to democracy/republic as population grows.

>> No.4941295
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You don't really think that will happen, do you?

>> No.4941298

The free market will fix it

>> No.4941300

Make it at least 2050.

>> No.4941302

Most colonies will be run by multinational corporations. Order will be kept via security forces. Any dissent will be a violation of contract and will lead to imprisonment, fines, and/or deportation.

>> No.4941336

Too bad it's chinese not amerikkun

>> No.4941363

Performance-enhancing drugs will be legal, though.

>> No.4941367


Make that 2075

>> No.4941375

A human will land on Mars by 2050, then the administration will change four years later and we won't go back until 2100.

>> No.4941395

You guys think it will take as long as 2050 to have a man on mars? I think if we're lucky, we can get someone out by before 2020.

All we need is the political and financial incentive to fund it. Look at the moon landing.

>> No.4941399

Fascism. We need a benevolent dictator ala Tito.

>> No.4941411

Communism is the only viable system for low resource space travel. There is no excess to barter with. Capitalism cannot work.

>> No.4941412

>yfw Russias Mars-500 program already ended in 2010

>> No.4941442

You are expecting too much. 2030 seems to be way too early. We landed on the moon in the sixties, we still don't have a base there, what makes you expect we will get a base on mars within 18 years? Never mind the huge costs for low gains.

Face it, the first real science that a base on another planet can bring us is how to have a base on another planet. For most things of how humans act in space, we have ISS. Not to say I wouldn't like a base on mars, I just think its going to take a bit longer. Maybe if curiosity found some really interesting things up there.

>> No.4941450

Ok, but tell us, what is the political and financial incentive? Even the science incentive is pretty small. ISS is way easier to reach and still enough in space to do some science on humans in space. While certainly exploring mars would be faster if humans did it, the costs would be so much bigger than we have now, I doubt anybody will find it financially worth sending people there within the first few years.

>> No.4941474

Yeah, and maybe aliens will show up and take us across the universe with them. The "lucky" outcome is irrelevant. We are making realistic predictions here.

>> No.4941493

Red Faction was a good game. Therefore, the political system where you shoot corporate mercenaries and starve to death.

>> No.4941498

Communist, in the literal sense.

>> No.4941504


Make that 2100.

>> No.4941507

Platonism. We need scientists running shit.
Guards to keep peace. And people need to know their place. There is no room for greed.

>> No.4941506

Send religious people over there, for one they are over there. For two, they will surely outperform anyone even in life threatening situations, and even if the result is such. I mean come on its like living at the bottom of the ocean it isn't safe. Unless you have a whole compressed cave system.

>> No.4941512

>mars landing before 2050
>mars manned operating bases before 2080

take a load of this guy.. 3 more years op and we'll have flying cars around op didn't you watch back to the future 2?

>> No.4941908

What possible economic incentive would we have to go to mars? It needs to be sustained with shipments of fuel or oxygen from earth so even if earth is destroyed mars will go with it within a few months.

>> No.4941944

militant feminism

>> No.4944520
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> It needs to be sustained with shipments of fuel or oxygen from earth
Don't talk out your ass son.


>> No.4944527

if oppurtunity finds gold or other precious metals in easy to get to large deposits shit will hit the fan.

you could rally the country to it (we gotta get to mars because thars GOLD!) and science and space would be all patriotic again.

one can dream (._.)

>> No.4944544

Are you sure it isn't CO2?

>> No.4944545

The firsts bases will be populated with scientists and engineers. Not wal-mart cashiers and fast food workers. So I'm not sure why there needs to be any government. Is there a government on the ISS?

Other than protocols and an itinerary, nothing.

>> No.4944550

The FIRST base may be for research, but further bases will be owned by private companies. Multinational corporations will be the government of Mars, and space too.

>> No.4944567

>owned by private companies
>the catholic church
>everyone on mars kills each other

>> No.4944570


It also observed stable extremely briny liquid water in the open air

>> No.4944571

communism is the only answer, and coincidentally, the only time true communism is actually possible.