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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4936028 No.4936028 [Reply] [Original]

Just a few hours left.


Lets get a chat going.

>> No.4936035

How good is the stream even going to be in terms of video quality?

>> No.4936034

bump. don't be a cunt in here. thanks.

>> No.4936062

Are they streaming the actual rover, or just the control room stuff?

>> No.4936070

Both. Get in here and educate yourself.

>> No.4936087

Sort of amazed this only cost 2.5 billion. We could do so much more if we quit wasting our money on other things.

>> No.4936092

bro story cool

>> No.4936119


>> No.4936129

> We could do so much more if we quit wasting our money on other things.

On the contrary, this rover is the very waste that you're speaking of, but you just don't know it. $2.5 billion for another round of pictures of a pinkish wasteland of dead rock? On a world that Humans will never actually visit? And even if they did visit (for at least a $500 billion expense), they wouldn't stay. And even if they stayed, they are at another useless bottom of a gravity well.

You Cheetos eaters on /sci/ like to pretend that you're educated about physics and space, but you're not. You have left too many orange Cheetos stains on scifi books. Scifi is propaganda, since almost all of it skips neatly over the impossible problem of Petroleum Starvation. It also skips over the impossible problem of the Silent Sky (which says directly that space-faring life doesn't exist).

The rover's $2.5 billion expense would have much better served Humanity by careful investment in solar, wind and geothermal technologies that can be brought to the masses. (Then again, the masses are pretty much doomed anyway.)

>> No.4936151


it's almost like you don't want to advance

>> No.4936161
File: 12 KB, 220x247, 220px-Mars_atmosphere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4936200


>> No.4936212

Sure is Lord Kelvin in here.

>> No.4936221

>Will I. Am

Jesus. What the fuck is this guy even talking about? He is the least compelling, most self-important person EVER.

>> No.4936227

Haha, you're such a self righteous douche. I spend most of my time on /k/ and /pol/ so blow it out your ass. Just pointing out that this project is much better (and the amount is microscopic) compared to the amount we spend on pointless foreign wars and aid to third world shit holes.

If you really think that we will run out of oil... well, you are a delusional doom and gloomer. There were plenty like you 50 years ago. Oh by the way, how did Solyndra work out for you?

>> No.4936237 [DELETED] 

Yo /sci/borgs

Nasa TV livestream: http://www.ustream.tv/nasahdtv

>> No.4936261

>Petroleum Starvation

Hello VSG, only you is enough faggot to capitalize your delusional future scenarios.

Also, why do you hate on scifi when your entire worldview reads like one? You even got The Great Oil War and Petroleum Starvation and other cliched and outdated science fiction scenarios written down as totally certain.

>> No.4936277

speaking of oil

could mars have oil?

we know it had oceans at one point so maybe it had life=oil

>> No.4936286
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If you don't think we can and will run out of oil... well you're beyond fucking retarded. There have been plenty like you thought history. Oh by the way how did all of man's blunders and shortcomings work out for you?

>Thinking the US doesn't have plans for the oil depletion.

>> No.4936297

>Martian Oil

That's a really interesting proposition, but they'd be more likely to have natural gas and stuff.
I'm pretty sure they've already detected that anyway.

>> No.4936305
File: 55 KB, 500x334, 1327012463230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that anon but I'm pretty sure oil is a finite resource

I type terrible things into recaptcha think anyone reads it?

>> No.4936316


>> No.4936321


Nice attempt at derailing topic

>> No.4936330

So, Eyes on the Solar System is pretty fucking cool. I'm gonna follow MSL on here while I watch it on the live feed. Only 14400 miles to go.

>> No.4936319


I would invest in terraforming the martian atmosphere instead of sending little fucking robots so the planet can habitable for life. Problem is the solar flares. I would also invest in a faster way to get there.

>> No.4936355
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>> No.4936412

this chat is full of /b/
join this one

>> No.4936456

can this rover start the reactor?

>> No.4936475


>> No.4936549

>And even if they did visit (for at least a $500 billion expense)

>> No.4936650

any other countries doing shit like this?

>> No.4936667


>> No.4936682
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>> No.4936684

will the live streams actually show the view of the probe how it approaches mars and goes through its atmosphere?
or will there only be faggots talking about it?

>> No.4936753

We can't even get telemetry of ships passing through our OWN atmosphere.

how the fuck will they do it on mars

>> No.4936757

You're here too? I thought you were trapped in /pol/ hurring and durring about how we shouldn't learn more about mars because science isn't worth anything.

>> No.4936772
File: 202 KB, 640x480, 1322292172814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hard earned tax payers money going to a bunch of atheist Jew scientist to send some cheap hunk of fucking metal RC car to a dead planet

What the hell is this thing good for? It doesn't cure cancer, it doesn't feed the hungry. It's a giant waste of money.

In case we didn't notice, we're in the middle of a RECESSION. We shouldn't be spending money on this useless crap.

now let's go drop bombs on brown people

>> No.4936790

this is completely crazy...

>> No.4936798

bumping this once