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4934704 No.4934704 [Reply] [Original]

will humans continue to evolve?

>> No.4934709

Nah, we aren't actually reproducing biological organisms and hence we don't experince evolution.

>> No.4934710

nope we're perfect we know all about science. our science is the complete truth. evolution is true. gravity is true. quantum mechanics is true.

>> No.4934724

Human evolution requires (1) random (2) genetic changes of (3) living humans, and (4) selection pressure.

(4) will exist for as long as humans do.

(2) will exist as long as humans are organic.

(1) will exist as long as humans are not genetically modifiable

(3) will exist as long as humans are not extinct.

All in all, I give human evolution less than two centuries/seven generations, which is way too little for significant change.

tl;dr no.

>> No.4934728

What's this evolution stuff you guys keep talking about? God created man perfect. We are his finest creation. Fucking moron, you probably think the earth is over 6000 years old too...

>> No.4934730

fucking fools evolution occurs no matter what.

the only genetic pressure will be whatever genes are present in those who reproduce the most, as long as their children go on to reproduce themselves.

as always.

>> No.4934727

i mean physically, obviously there will still be mutation, but will survival of the fittest still be the case, especially as medicine and technology continues to improve

>> No.4934732


I didn't know we ever started to evolve.

>> No.4934738

Cultural evolution effects the body because we adapt to cultural pressure. Sexual selection (buy into the media to get sex) (Reproduce) (Cycle)

We have no selective pressures other than for more intelligence where higher paying jobs require greater effort, discipline, and intelligence.

>> No.4934744

>more intelligence

You mean less intelligence. Sexual selection prefers a minimum of intelligence. High intelligence makes it impossible to be attractive to a woman.

>> No.4934761

because being an autistic bookworm is the only kind of intelligence

take a look at the filthy rich and the top tier pussy they're fucking. now realize you're an unintelligent undergrad plebe that'll never make it anywhere in life.

>> No.4934756


Money bro.

Also, no. You just need to learn how to be social and work on aesthetics. Surely someone with a superior brain and mind can be cunning and manipulative, to the point of possibly caring about hygiene and conformism for optimum solipsistic benefit?

All the greats were married, etc.
Except for that guy Tesla and Newton.

Sorry to break it you
Your Aspergers Syndrome != right to use biased criticism based on rampant emotion and anecdotal evidence you use to support a positon that you refuse to improve.

Tl;dr: Gb2/r9k/.

Correct me while you're at it.

>> No.4934767


You unleashed the emotions he's been repressing under the guise and self-deception of compensation and his superiority/inferiority under narcissism that he takes so much pride in on an anonymous and power-enabling image board!


>> No.4934769

Show me one woman that is not repelled by intelligence. Your wishful thinking doesn't change reality.

Since you are obviously not intelligent, you are not qualified to have an opinion on the topic.

>> No.4934777

you guys are really quick to mock other people when there are good points on both sides of the argument

>> No.4934788

>top tier pussy

You mean imbecile whores.

>> No.4934785

you remind me of the kissless virgins from my comp sci class. im sorry you dont know how to talk to women, there are many, many, many people smarter than you that do

>> No.4934791

Einstein was in fact, quite the pimp and socialite.

>> No.4934789

They are definitely not smarter than me. You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.4934794

Einstein was not intelligent. He was really bad at math.

>> No.4934798


Dat Dunning_Kruger_Effect

>> No.4934814

don't try to change the meaning of words to fit your theory. the man was obviously highly intelligent, he revolutionized physics and our perception of gravity. He may have had problems in some areas, but he was highly intelligent in others. no person in highly intelligent in every aspect. Again, being intelligent has nothing to do with the ability to talk to women. Most of the ones who think themselves intelligent though, just failed socially and had more time to devote to studies. Perhaps you are one of those people.

>> No.4934824
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>> No.4934831

>no person in highly intelligent in every aspect
I am.

>being intelligent has nothing to do with the ability to talk to women
Of course it has. An intelligent person can only talk intelligently and cannot behave like a dumbass. Women can and want only talk to dumbasses.

>> No.4934833


The fact you even have to ask this question proves you have absolutely no understanding of evolution. At all.

>> No.4934839

>will humans continue to devolve?

>> No.4934844

>implying evolution is true
>implying jesus didnt make humans in his image thus humans are perfection personafied

>> No.4934849

well, that is, after all, why i am asking it

>> No.4934857

however i wouldnt say i know nothing -at all-, i know that it works by mutation->adaptation->variation->reproduction of those that survive

although youre probably about to tell me thats all wrong in capslock

>> No.4934864

having fun =/= being a dumbass. what a boring life you must lead.
also, social intelligence is one type of intelligence. clearly you're not. apparently neither am i for responding to a troll, whatever I'm done.

>> No.4934868

>having fun =/= being a dumbass
Behaving like a dumbass =/= having fun.

>social intelligence is one type of intelligence
Social intelligence is made up bullshit for those to feel better about themselves who failed IQ tests and got low grades.

>> No.4934891


I have high iq and I can socialize.

What now?

Oh wait, you're not going to answer. You're simply going to correct my grammatical error in which I didn't capital the acronym, "IQ" and use that as an anecdotal and non-definitive exemplar of my, "Low IQ".

>> No.4934894

What's your IQ?
FYI: 130 does not count as "high".

>> No.4934899

We will become weaker, we won't evolve. Because we are keeping alive the weakest, we also become the weakest.

>> No.4934896


Adult test.
SD 15.

Sad, I know.

>> No.4934901


My IQ is 230.

>> No.4934902

>taking IQ scores serious

Thanks for proving that you are not intelligent.

>> No.4934921


Well, he asked, so I satisfied his primitive urge.

>Implying he wouldn't berate me senselessly if I had replied and said that IQ is meaningless.

Yes, I just satisfied my self. Get over it bbg <3 XOXO.

>> No.4934935

130 is smarter than 99% of the population though..

>> No.4935035

99% of the population is full retards.

>> No.4935031

Extinction is a part of the evolutionary process. So yes, we will be extinct. In about 100 years.

>> No.4935066

no. retards are those below IQ or 70-80. Most people fall under the 90-100s average

>> No.4935074

retard detected

>> No.4935143


No it's 98%

>> No.4935399
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We encourage the worst specimens of human life to procreate through welfare. The best specimens choose to marry late and often have 1-2 kids.

You do the math.

>> No.4935533

No.Modern society kinda rules "classical" natural selection out.There will probably be some changes but , no.

>> No.4935553
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Not naturally.

>> No.4935566

Why do you feel you need to answer to this thread even though you haven't touched a book on biology since high-school? And even though people more knowledgeable than you have already given an answer in this thread.

It's like when you post "what's (9+4/3)*5" on facebook and get 50 different wrong answers calling the rest stupid

>> No.4935599


>We're perfect

>The testes are on the outside where they're easily injured and can be sat on

Yeah, god's idea of perfection is shit.

>> No.4935609

Mankind will no longer adapt to the world around us because we now have the technology to make the world adapt instead.

>> No.4935615

Our tastes will continue to evolve and that will affect what genes we splice into our children.

>> No.4935639

Did you read a book by richard dawkings and think you're hot shit now?

>> No.4935643


>> No.4935666

> will humans continue to evolve?

Will? They are. Survival selection has little effect now, but sexual selection has a huge effect.

>> No.4935768

Well that, dumb, bro.
Bet you think that film "idiocracy" has actually a valid premise.

>> No.4935794
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>what is mechanical evolution

>> No.4935858

People lying about their IQ and pretty much having a contest to bragging about how much bigger their dick is.

>> No.4935863

no, we'll bioengineer our race before we await the slow motion of evolution to alter us any further. We'll probably all me digitally scanned into a virtual paradise soon enough.

>> No.4935880

I believe our next step in evolution will be based on the cyber level more in the theory of augmentations. I mean what sets us apart from animals is our ability to reason and adapt through our senses, but with new found machines built into us we will be gods.

>Instant calculations
>extended memory
>wireless thought communications

shit we will be lazier than ever.

>> No.4935905
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> nice trips sir
When it comes to genetic variation, this seems to be the most likely scenario, especially since the first GMO babies were born a few months ago.
This is also very likely. There are even a few articles floating around where researchers are using high-intensity lasers to directly interface with neurons by effecting the chemical reactions taking place inside of them.

In addition to this I believe there may be more interest in human/animal chimerism. genetic manipulation may stop rejection of non-human cell colonies. This would not be the same as evolution, for the physical traits in the parent would
not be passed on to the offspring. I personally cannot wait to have my pitiful human musculature replaced with woven feline muscles.

>> No.4935909


I'm with this guy, humanity will most likely artificially engineer itself in no less than 300 years to better combat diseases, old age and to increase various desirable traits (intelligence, aesthetics, sociability etc...)

>> No.4935926 [DELETED] 
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>mfw that's Optimus Prime

>> No.4936553
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>300 years
>Implying it's not happening within the next few decades

Do you know how far we've come in the last 300 years? That pace is only speeding up.

>> No.4936749

>Implying our concious devlopment into science isn't our conciousness(es?) realizing that we can't wait around for evolution in many cases, thus taking charge of evolution itself by manipulating our environment and our bodies.

>> No.4936902

I mean...are we really going to evolve? All my friends that simply finished high school or dropped out have children and we just hit 22 years old, while my college friends are very adamant about wanting children. I'm not saying they can't take care of there kids...just that they might not be the best people to have multiple ones.

>> No.4936963

I'm perfect, no need for evolution

>> No.4938980

Nope, people all collectively just decided to quit fucking yesterday, didn't you get the email?

>> No.4939006

>not joining the technological evolution of men that will change the way we understand humanity.
Fucking Cyborgs man.