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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 182 KB, 640x601, YouveBeenCultrallyEnriched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4929277 No.4929277[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, I come from a land far away called /pol/

What does /sci/ think about the different races?
Is race just a social construct?
Does genetic variation between the races in any way account for social realities(achievement gap, crime rates, religious indices, ect.)?

>pic is to get those jimmies rustling....

>> No.4929283

fuck off /pol/
we don't like yer kind 'round here

>> No.4929287

>still arguing about policies
>not just using science to find out what works best
go away

>> No.4929291

goddamnit /pol/ no one will take you seriously as long as you use pseudoscientific terms from the 1900's. At the very least base your arguments on haplogroups.

>> No.4929295

In the of chance you don't know where pol is i will guide you way


>> No.4929299

sorry /pol/ rules are rules. You now have to get paddled all the way to page 15.

>> No.4929302

Your post is so fucking retarded that I have to bump the thread.

The OP EXPLICITLY states that he is from /pol/ and wants to hear /sci/'s opinion.
How can you be so FUCKING RETARDED?
Did you never learn how to read?

>> No.4929304

>Implying this is /pol/

Here let me guide you


>> No.4929307


Spoken like a true anon from /pol/. Samefag detected.


Have at thee!

>> No.4929308

>Implying that there are 15 pages

>> No.4929309

How stupid are you? Such retardation should be banned. I was always agaist euthanasia, but now your unlimited idiocy completely changed my view. Do the world a favor and remove yourself from the gene pool.

>> No.4929312

Haha, no. I don't give a fuck about the OP. It's just this retard what enrages me.

>> No.4929314
File: 18 KB, 395x387, reaction lol glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat delicious /pol/ rage

>> No.4929317

Not even from /pol/. Never been there. Just hating retards.

>> No.4929319

Well i'm giving him the benefit of doubt that he just got lost on his way to /pol/ so i decided to help him to find a home

>> No.4929322

Are you incapable of reading comprehension? Have you never been to elementary school? Your IQ must be lower than 50.

>> No.4929325


>> No.4929327


>> No.4929337
File: 37 KB, 444x500, 1306885057089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is the worst board on all of 4chan. It actually filters retards out of /b/

>> No.4929344


>> No.4929346

have you ever visited /mlp/ or /lit/?

>> No.4929349

Have you ever been to /sci/?

>> No.4929351
File: 24 KB, 400x250, laughing carl sagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying they're not thousands of times better than /pol/.

People there still believe god made perfect man in the caucasus mountains and use the term 'aryan' without being ironic.

>> No.4929352


>implying race doesn't exist

read in on some medical science and come back

>> No.4929353

/sci/ confirmed for post-modernist anti-scientific faggots. Go back to calculating your sexist speed of light.

>> No.4929356


>implying Aryans weren't a proto-European-Indo-Persian people

You can trace them back to a common ancestor actually

>> No.4929361
File: 37 KB, 350x403, rolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask retard to use real science like haplogroups instead of social science from the 1900s
>be called anti-scientific

>> No.4929359
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>> No.4929364


If you want to be an organ donor, you have to mark down your race. Not your haplogroup, your race. Because race is an actual molecular factor when it comes to immune systems.

>> No.4929367


>> No.4929368


What mt-dna or y-dna haplogroup would that be? inb4 looks at haplogroup charts and realizes that all of those people are completely different haplogroups having diverged a fuckton of time ago with Q (american indigenous) actually being the closest related to R1a/b (eurofags who whine the most about this shit).

We mapped the human genome at the turn of the millennium, why the fuck do people still rely on non-genetic markers and bullshit like craniology?

>> No.4929371

Get out of here

>> No.4929373


No, it's not, and you mark down your ethnicity, not your "race". American isn't a race, Canadian isn't a race, Mexican isn't a race, etc..

>> No.4929377
File: 26 KB, 375x500, poutin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You upset because you can't into rigor?

>> No.4929383

Somehow I feel as if all the cancer is spreading out of /b/, /mlp/, /r9k/, /v/, and /soc/ and into the other boards. It's sad watching this site go down the drain.

>> No.4929392 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 501x585, jew-bwa-ha-ha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all going according to plan

>> No.4929390

This is 4chan, you goddamn summerfag.

>> No.4929432

mfw everyone who didn't sage is samefag.
mfw i have no face.

>> No.4929463


This is how 4chan works. The quality of posts on almost all boards decreases during this time and for some reason most of the regulars almost seem to give up and disappear. The boards you mentioned get even worse and you see a group of people give up on them and decide to migrate ; they end up here and keep an eye on their own boards for a while. At the end of summer, some of them go back, some of them stay; we generally recover and the vibe of the board returns to normal. The boards you mentioned don't return to the way they were entirely and the spiral of shit continues forever. The shitboards get shitter, the rest occasionally decline and fluctuate with little consistency.

>> No.4929533

I've been browsing 4chan off and on for the past 5 years, and for some strange reason, it seems that every summer some genius decides to make a comment very similar in composition to yours, often more than once. While it's true there is an influx of trolls and underage b&, that doesn't mean you won't find quality scientific posts. All it means is that the boards are more cluttered and you need to have a bit more patience. So do try to think it through before endowing onto us your judgement as the supreme and unequivocal authority of what make 4chan boards shit.

>> No.4929537

Funnily /sci/ is among the boards whose quality improves in summer.

>> No.4929556

The primitive ways that the retards from /pol/ define races are laughable.
SKIN COLOUR? Hahahahahahahahahaha, wow. Just how stupid are you guys?
You think that just because two people have the same skin and eye colour their part of the same race? No wonder you're always wrong about everything

>> No.4930708

Wellp, at least one someone needs to treat your question seriously,OP, and seems I drew the short straw.

1- I mostly inhabit /tg/, so I can't answer what /sci/'s opinions are.
2-yer skin's a pallid off-white, and his is what everyone seems to call 'olive' colour, yes, race is a thing.
Though that's obviously not what you meant, so here: first, genetics is nowhere near as powerful as people think, there are limits on how much a human cell can change. a whitey can be every bit a berserker as a Maori warrior, given the same upbringing.
Second, every last one of us, barring clones, has a father, grandfather, his father's father, etc. way the hell back when, doing stupid shit ended with banishment from the tribe-not ideal for social creatures continual living.If a race has, say, a propensity for sociopathy, it's going to be 1 in 250 has a 12% increased chance (chance,note) of being effed in the head in this way.
It's been a pleasure to talk at you, and I invite you to cherry pick freely from this rant to support your arguments.

>pic is to get those jimmies rustling....
God damn it, it took me way too long to think 'troll?'. Oh well, posts away.

>> No.4930724 [DELETED] 

This is science related.

>> No.4930726


Pretty much this.

1) There are genetic variations between breeds of man, resulting in both physical and intellectual (which, in the end, are the same thing) differences.
2) At the loss of some accuracy, it is possible to break up the continuum of these breeds into "races" sharing similar traits.

However, the common "white" and "black" labels are utterly retarded. Any meaningful definition of Caucasoid would have to include both Arabs and Berbers, and maybe stretch as far as Ethiopia. Whereas Negroid means nothing at all. There is an incredible amount of genetic diversity in Africa, probably because much of the continent hasn't undergone a true agricultural revolution up until relatively recently.

>> No.4930735


Race isn't real, genetics are. race has very little to nothing to do with genetics.

>> No.4930738
File: 12 KB, 200x257, neven sesardic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is nowadays a dominant opinion in a number of disciplines (anthropology, genetics, psychology, philosophy of science) that the taxonomy of human races does not make much biological sense. My aim is to challenge the arguments that are usually thought to invalidate the biological concept of race. I will try to show that the way ‘‘race’’ was defined by biologists several decades ago (by Dobzhansky and others) is in no way discredited by conceptual criticisms that are now fashionable and widely regarded as cogent. These criticisms often arbitrarily burden the biological category of race with some implausible connotations, which then opens the path for a quick eliminative move. However, when properly understood, the biological notion of race proves remarkably resistant to these deconstructive attempts. Moreover, by analyzing statements of some leading contemporary scholars who support social constructivism about race, I hope to demonstrate that their eliminativist views are actually in conflict with what the best contemporary science tells us about human genetic variation.

>> No.4930741
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>There is an incredible amount of genetic diversity in Africa, probably because much of the continent hasn't undergone a true agricultural revolution up until relatively recently.

not to mention it's fucking gigantic.

>> No.4930739

>social generalizations

>> No.4930742

I fear that /sci/entists have been brainwashed into marxism.

>> No.4930743
File: 92 KB, 380x400, Richard Dawkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is genuinely true that, if you measure the total variation in the human species and then partition it into a between-race component and a within-race component, the between-race component is a very small fraction of the total. Most of the variation among humans can be found within races as well as between them. Only a small admixture of extra variation distinguishes races from each other. That is all correct. What is not correct is the inferene that race is therefore a meaningless concept. This point has been clearly made by the distinguished Cambridge geneticist A.W.F. Edwards in a recent paper “Human genetic diversity: Lewontin’s fallacy.” R.C. Lewontin is an equally distinguished Cambridge (Mass.) geneticist, known for the strength of his political convictions and his weakness for dragging them into science at every possibile opportunity. Lewontin’s view of race has become near-universal orthodoxy in scientific circles.


>We can all happily agree that human racial classification is of no social value and is positively destructive of social and human relations. That is one reason why I object to ticking boxes on forms and why I object to positive discrimination in job selection. But that doesn’t mean that race is of “virtually no genetic or taxonomic significance.” This is Edwards’s point, and he reasons as follows. However small the racial partition of total variation may be, if such racial characteristics as there are highly correlated with other racial characteristics, they are by definition informative, and therefore of taxonomic significance.

>> No.4930754


In case you didn't realize it, approaching race from a taxonomical standpoint defeats the purpose you are trying to argue. I.e. It would allow you to group anyone regardless of genetic background into whatever race based entirely on their physical characteristics. If you define race as that then you have to accept it from that standpoint under the realization that you may not necessarily belong to whichever race you think you do. Moreso that the distinctions between race would be largely arbitrary with little real meaning. In other words, it's useless to science.

>> No.4930794

I'm going to bump this thread because of all the idiots sageing in a /sci/ related thread.OP clearly stated he wants a /sci/ opinion.

>> No.4930801

Methinks we should go shitpost in /pol/
4-5 threads on this shit and they keep being bumped to the front page.

>> No.4930804


>Implying /sci/ can raid any board larger than /lit/

>> No.4930806

That would be like peeing in a septic tank. They probably wouldn't even notice.

>> No.4930807

/sci/ isn't exactly a raiding type of board.
It's more of a "wait untill the raid is over and then badmouth the raiders" type board.

>> No.4930867

So how should we approach race?

>> No.4930885

It depends. What do you mean? The social/cultural groupings, or just the genetic ones?

>> No.4930905


If you must, then you could use real genetic markers and run them through a clustering [machine learning] algorithm to sort the people into "races". However, these "races" won't necessarily mean the same thing that the 1900's definition did. It would probably be hundreds of times more useful. I.e. Doing IQ testing and such based on genetic markers instead of skin color or "write down what race you think you are".

Machine learning has progressed to the point where it can do clustering in hundreds of thousands of dimensions. Something that no human can do by hand.

>> No.4930927
File: 35 KB, 419x315, genetics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Recent research on the human genome challenges the basic assumption that human races have no biological basis. In this article, we provide a theoretical synthesis that accepts the existence of genetic clusters consistent with certain racial classifications as well as the validity of the genomic research that has identified the clusters, without diminishing the social character of their context, meaning, production, or consequences. The first part of this article describes the social constructionist account of race as lacking biological reality, its main shortcomings, and our proposed solution: the concept of clinal classes. The second part discusses the character of the group differences that would be consistent with clinal classes and introduces the concept of genomic individualism, which extends an emerging model for understanding biosocial causation to include the genetic effects of ancestry. The third part develops the argument for a “bounded nature” reformulation of racial constructionism that reconceptualizes racial and ethnic categorization as the social perception of ancestry. The final part summarizes the article’s contributions and outlines implications for future research.

>> No.4930933


>> No.4931027

>let's start with a conclusion and find evidence to support it.

>> No.4931032

What is your evidence that they are using motivated reasoning? You know they summarize their conclusions in the abstract, right?

>> No.4931038


Because if they were working the other way around they would find different more diverse racial groups than the ones social science pushes.

>> No.4931059

The "number" of groups they identify is just a function of how strictly they require that members of a group be similar. If you go far enough in requiring in-group similarity, we're nearly 7 billion groups of one individual each, all with distinct genomes (except maybe twins, but even they have slight differences). On the other end of the spectrum, we're all the same species.

You're assuming a lot about what level of same-ness you want them to require for a grouping, and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with race. Isn't their main conclusion that no matter how you slice it, there aren't any genetic groupings that correspond to what people racially self-identify as?

>> No.4931136


This is true, but it is generally handled in intuitive ways with learning algorithms, not completely arbitrary ways guided only by social science.

>> No.4931204


Perhaps they realized that no matter what the divisions would be completely arbitrary so they might as well use an already existing 'standard'

>> No.4931252

>Social construct

Yes, the pigmentation of my skin is a social phenomenon.

>> No.4931258

The pigmentation of your skin isn't a "race", it's the pigmentation of your skin.

>> No.4931299
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I reckon we might soon discover epigenetics are behind alot/most racial differences

>> No.4931301


>calling different ethnic groups races
I thought that was a nazi thing

>> No.4931323

>tfw not white
>tfw not black
>tfw not religious
>tfw not nationalist
>tfw my jimmies remain unrustled forever

>> No.4931346
File: 60 KB, 530x715, 1296155666230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying White Race, Brown Race, Black Race

you dumb