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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 766 KB, 2044x1250, 1339426580887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4924739 No.4924739 [Reply] [Original]

So /sci/ why should we even continue to try and learn new things about science and technology, when all our electronics will be destroyed in the year 2013? There is basically no point in furthering our education, might as well get ready for warlords tyrants and such.

>pic unrelated
>only one off sci I have ever saved

>> No.4924753

bxuz den wii can stil maek spagooters, dummy
lol wtf is rong wit u?

>> No.4924760

Implying with everything offline on earth we can just easily jump back to where we were when it happens.

>> No.4924768

>being an electrical engineer
Mechanical eng master race.

>> No.4924766

>kaku not god teir

>> No.4924785

wait, what? why will electronics be destroyed by 2013?

>> No.4924800

>Confusing Euler and Euclid
>No Ramanujan, unless it's implied he's on his own tier above all this shit.
>Francis Bacon in top tier
op confirmed for retard

>> No.4924808

>Pop sci/futurist bullshit

I, for one, am overjoyed that summer is almost over.

>> No.4924817

>Euler in shit tier

>> No.4924819

>no Maxwell


>> No.4924822


>> No.4924831

very interesting picture, but you never put it up for a vote... you just decided the ones you liked

>> No.4924832
File: 32 KB, 311x311, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God tier

>> No.4924836

>posting picture more interesting to look at then your post
>expect results

>your post sucks
>still expecting something out of this thread

>> No.4924846

>shit tier

Why?? He's the reason I became a doctor.

>> No.4924845

His system for 3-phase AC power generation and transmission is the reason you or anyone else has power right now. Also he was by all accounts a genius with photographic memory (others claim it was an eidetic memory). His insights into electrical field theory advanced wireless communications by decades. In terms of electrical engineers he was the greatest of all time.

>> No.4924866

>with photographic memory (others claim it was an eidetic memory).

Fuck off underageb&

>> No.4924884

It's extremely rare. Those who work with him claim he had it.

>> No.4924902


>> No.4924921
File: 253 KB, 480x534, disappoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No mention of Van Allen in any of the tiers

>> No.4924956

>galileo low tier

shit list op

>> No.4924963
File: 62 KB, 480x480, 1266018382283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aristotle in God Tier
>Implying he didn't set the entire science of chemistry more than 1000 years back

>> No.4924981

Lol, I just saved a picture with all the names on it, I'm not into science as much you all are. I know a few about some of them that is it. Sorry to rustle jimmies.

2013 Solar Flare, NASA predicts could wipe out technology on a large portion if not all of the world if we can't find ways to detect when it will hit us and if we can create something to "protect" (for lack of better words) our electronics, could wipe out the whole grid, read somewhere it would put us back for the next decade. I don't really know about it though, was hoping sci would not just go apeshit about my picture

>> No.4924995

You should know better than to discuss scientists on /sci/.

>> No.4925001

As soon as I decided with that photo, I kind of regarded my decisions.

>> No.4925007


>> No.4925080


Goddamn it, everyone needs to gtfo of this board.

>> No.4925097

I assume you have a credible source for this

>> No.4925127

>only one off sci I have ever saved

And not exactly the best one, I'd say

>> No.4925128

I assume you don't realize that this thread is as dead as all the posters in it should be.

>> No.4925131

It's the rarest of all kinds - nonexistent.

>> No.4925147

I'm not that guy, but some autism people have it. It seems to be caused by some defect in the brain that keeps information from filtering properly. Normal human beings only retain the important shit. You can find video on youtube where autismfags are asked for sauce on a line and they'll cite the book, page number, and line number that it's from. Whether they actually understand it is another thing altogether though.

>> No.4925159

>makes wildly controversial statement
>cites unspecific videos on youtube

Extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence. Rigorous test is needed.


>> No.4925179

>have the internet
>refuse to use it

What the fuck bro

Look up Kim Peek, no I will not pull up more urls for you.

>> No.4925182

Uhh one sec. Cant find an exact source but just google, 2013 solar flare. I can find it everywhere, just not an exact link which makes it less creditable but none the less, we are taking precautions because if it does hit as hard as we believe chaos will surely follow

>> No.4925195

Actually in just a few years, Cern will have perfected time traveling along with other "out of this world" technological advances, making them the reigning world dictators.
Yet, we have a chance to stop them.
My name is John Titor and I have traveled back in time from the year 2036 to change the future.
Im looking for an IBM 5100

>> No.4925199


Lol fuck my sides :3


>> No.4925244

At least Kaku contributed things to science. Neil deGrasse Tyson is more of just a teacher than a scientist.

>> No.4925260


>aristotle in god tier

Now stop that, you're just being silly.

>> No.4927148
File: 213 KB, 351x350, 1285535978586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaku makes a living spreading the idea that physics is so hard that to understand it, you need to buy his dumbed down books.

>> No.4927157


I prefer this sentence to the fixed one. Imagine a 150 year old Tesla hiding out somewhere.

>> No.4927162

I'm mechE too. Please stop with the masterrace/mymajorisbetterthanyourmajor-nonsense.

>> No.4927166

No one here is old enough to understand your acient(but funny) reference.

>> No.4927170

Indeed I'm a '92er and don't get it. Mind to elaborate?

>> No.4927178

da vince is above god tier , the same with archimedes

>> No.4927208
File: 69 KB, 627x429, 1343029469959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw it's a reference to an anime that came out last year

>> No.4927212

which was loosely based upon actual events that took place 10+ years ago

>> No.4927217


>> No.4927222

Since when was 10+ years ago ancient?

>> No.4927226
File: 77 KB, 844x960, 1342411475173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

considering 90% of the people on this board would have been between 5 and 10 years old back then, I doubt anyone would remember it

>> No.4927248

>not putting Jacob Barnett in god tier

>> No.4927250

Fuck Cox he needs a hair cut

>> No.4927263
File: 97 KB, 300x369, dirac_heisenberg1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why Dirac is more important than Heisenberg and Schrodinger?

>> No.4927266

phd psych says he has more in common with math majors phd insulting the god tier.

>> No.4927276


KAKU shit tier!!! But he makes things sound so cool!

>> No.4927278

because they are germans

>> No.4927280


Where should he be then?

>> No.4927285

He's more impressive than Heisenberg. Born and Jordan were just as important as he was in developing Matrix mechanics. Dirac's reformulation of QM in terms of state vectors was done alone. Dirac developed the Dirac equation alone. He discovered antimatter alone. etc.

Dirac was a god.

>> No.4927290

Why is Richard Dawkins low tier? Isnt he the founder of evolution?

>> No.4927297


The trolls are voracious tonight!

>> No.4927299
File: 27 KB, 406x707, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no von Neumann

>> No.4927302

>Hovind not in "Christian God Tier"
>Hubble next to Krauss
>Galileo and Liebniz in low tier
>Copernicus in shit tier

>> No.4927307

>contributed to string theory
>not total bullshit

>> No.4927844

hahahahahaha Tesla on god tier. shit you be trollin

>> No.4927849

yeah tesla belongs in shit tier with edison and freud

>> No.4927859

what kind-of pop-sci bullshit have you been reading?
> In terms of electrical engineers he was the greatest of all time.
of all time you say? Are you 12?

>> No.4927885
File: 881 KB, 2694x1204, sciencetierlist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tesla-faggots stay mad.

>> No.4927920

Hubble and Tyson on same level.
shiggity giggity

>> No.4927947
File: 622 KB, 280x120, 1343825210917.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first person to unify 2 forces (also followed by major technological impact)
>knowing the speed of light by knowing electric and magnetic constants
>noticing connection between energy and entropy
>first actual theoretical physicist
>badass beard

>> No.4927974
File: 4 KB, 202x202, tesla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most important scientists are honored by naming a unit after them. Like Michael Faraday, Joseph Henry, Simon Ohm, Lord Kilo Gram, Dr. James Candela and Sir Milo Metre. That's why magnetic flux density is measured in Nikola.

>> No.4927977

So Tesla is just as great as Newton since both have something named after them?

>> No.4927980


Good troll
old troll technic

>> No.4927989
File: 37 KB, 470x332, 1338197476012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lord Kilo Gram


>> No.4927994

Yo OP where the fuck is boltzmann at?

>> No.4928007

>picture of "Euler" is Euclid
>Euler below "scientists" like Dawkins and nigger de Tyson

>> No.4928029

Wolfram is the only living person who matters so fuck your list.

>> No.4928035

>Copernicus' discovery and unprecedented contradicting of such a powerful dogma was the undisputed spark of the Scientific Revolution.

>gets put in shit tier

>> No.4928041

But Kevin Bacon invented science.

>> No.4928047

are you blind faggot euler is in mid tier what the fuck are you talking about fucking retard fuck suck my dick fag what the fuck

>> No.4928052

That's Euclid you dumbfuck. Euler is the Roman guy who invented the Pythagorean theorem.