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File: 2.41 MB, 2048x3072, ITHASBEGUN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4923966 No.4923966 [Reply] [Original]

IT BEGINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Really, even if they cannot clone Dinosaurs, they could reverse engineer a bird to give it Dinosaurian characteristics.

Imagine pissed off toothed ostriches with claws and talons.



>> No.4923972
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>> No.4923978
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OP, I have my hopes up.

This better not disappoint me.

>> No.4923985
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I doubt it will happen, but I leave a pocket of hope for my childhood fantasies of Dinosaur Zoos into reality.

>> No.4923986
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1. God creates dinosaurs
2. God kills dinosaurs
3. God creates men
4. Men create dinosaurs
5. Dinosaurs eat men

...Women inherit Earth

>> No.4923987
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>> No.4923990
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>> No.4923991

so much samefag

>> No.4923994
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>Huge outdoor on the road with a T-rex on it calling you to see THE REAL JURASSIC PARK with real dinos that you can even get close and touch them and it's the most incredible scientific experience in the world, a trip back in time, an unforgettable day
>Take next exit
>Drive for 400km
>They show you a chicken
>a boring fat guy in shorts tells you the chicken is genetic modified so that its digestive trait is 35% more similar to its ancestor that was more or less of a dinosaur
>you can touch it if you want

Science will never be cool.

>> No.4923996

I dont even like regular animal zoos, they stink, do nothing, and suffer a life of boredom.

>> No.4923998
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Except for the fact that they can make the Chicken several times it's size, give it teeth, give it less feathers, extend the neck, turn it's wings into claws, and give it larger talons.

Genetic Engineering several times more easy then cloning a Dinosaur, while turning up a very Dinosaurian creature that looks like, say, a raptor

Pic related, it's the hypothetical end result.

>> No.4923999

Just don't hire any Dennis Nedry types and it's full steam ahead, you magnificent aussie, you.

>> No.4924005
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>> No.4924007

Lol, implying the dinosaurs wouldn't prefer the veal like tenderness of women since they sit on their ass all day while the man works.

>> No.4924025

There's a reason why God decide to kill the dinosaurs.

>> No.4924026

>clive palmer

this guy is an idiot, clearly no ausfags on /sci/

will not happen just like his bullshit about running for parliment and building the next titanic, the cia conspiracy theory he concocted and a few other really retarded things.

>> No.4924039
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Boring, now we know they were just large birds. We should petition Spielberg to digitally remaster the original with added feathers. It'll dissuade people from wanting the real thing.

>> No.4924042

Angry birds for real, yo.

>> No.4924043

Doesn't Australia have enough freaky, dangerous wild life? Why would they want more?

>> No.4924046

We could genetically engineer super intelligent pigs, that would snigger-snort when they escape predators.

>> No.4924071

What I would do if I were a billionaire, man . . .

>> No.4924072

Does this mean that when the White human race has died out the darkies can engineer us back into existence?

>> No.4924083

Are you insane? Ostriches are already terrifying.

>> No.4924108

But then you'd only have a bird with dinosaurian characteristics. Not an actual dinosaur.

>> No.4924253


>no. 4


>> No.4924256
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>forgot my face

>> No.4924273

Since it's Australia, they're already half-way there thanks to Cassowaries.

>> No.4924568

They have cassowaries down there, that's practically the legs and attitude of a small therapod.

>> No.4924604
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They are also rapist marauders who have no problem kicking you in the belly and spilling your intestines, much like their Maniraptoria brethren.

>> No.4924610
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>> No.4924615

>Clive Palmer
this is the same guy who is building a new Titanic

>> No.4924629
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>> No.4924635
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cassowaries are maniraptoran theropod dinosaurs...
just like chickens and hummingbirds.

>> No.4924640
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True, but with that much money, you can hire some people "speed-back" a flightless bird by giving it the rare embryonic deformities, such as long neck, teeth, talons, etc. that it's ancient ancestors had. Preventing it from being a misscariage, or simply losing them later in embryonic development, and making some changes here and there to make it stable, then you have the closest were going to get to a Dinosaur.

Imagine a Cassowary with teeth, talons, claws, a tail, and an even worse attitude. You basically have this.

>> No.4924638

He should just fund the breeding program for a Crocodile/Cassowary hybrid and be done with it

>> No.4924649

This is what happens when Australians have too much money

>> No.4924650
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Because that's not an actual Dinosaur.

You see, birds can have rare embryonic deformities like tails, teeth, claws, etc. all that dino jazz.

Preventing that from being miscaried or simply being lost, and ...



>> No.4924655

a cassowary already is a dinosaur.

it also has hand claws.

fuck this thread

>> No.4924658

Darkies will never be smart enough to work it out.

>> No.4924668
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A dinosaur in the biological sense, true.

But not in the tourist sense.

You know what I mean, when I say Dinosaur and Cassowary, while technically a Cassowary being of Dinosauria by being in Maniraptora, it still doesn't look like that to the public.

The whole point being that we want what they used to look like, not what they look like now.

>> No.4924679

have you read Horner's work on dinochicken?

he spent hundreds of thousands in grant moneys to almost get some teeth.

it's gonna take more than a couple billion to get this done.

>> No.4924680
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If this happens in my lifetime, I will die a goddamn happy man, a very goddamn happy man.

>> No.4924690
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I suppose you never heard of investors.

Think of it this way, look at the reactions of this thread. 99% of these have been positive.

"We're going to make a fortune off this place."

~Donald Gennaro

>> No.4924696
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But look what happened to him...

>> No.4924702

If evolution is real why don't birds re-evolve into dinosaurs and take over Earth?

>> No.4924708
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why do poor people always seem to think they know a good investment when they see one?

if you were actually that smart you wouldn't be so damn poor.

>> No.4924716

Why don't they evolve guns and nukes?

>> No.4924711
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because we can evolve faster

>> No.4924719

dino DNA in some turtle, alligator, and ostrich eggs and see what happens. just hope the yolk is close enough.

>> No.4924721

Because we did

>> No.4924725
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Do you have any possible idea how much money a park of Dinosaurs would fill, even being reversed-engineered birds?

Do you even know?

Walking with Dinosaurs: On Ice racked in millions, and it ahs nothing on this.

ITT: Apply yourself.

>> No.4924735
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>> No.4924738
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>Why make Billions when we could make.. Millions

>> No.4924754
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all the amber

>> No.4924758
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Ignoring the disgusting same-faggorty,

I'd like to point out that this park would make more then fucking billions.
This is not debatable, shut the fuck up, put your head into a metropolitan bus shitter, etc. etc.

>> No.4924764
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I wish I was samefagging, the dr. evil thing was pretty cool.

I'm not contesting the fact that the park will make billions.

I'm merely pointing out that it will also cost billions.

for a bit of contrast, disneyland makes billions and it didn't cost Walt billions to invent a mouse.

a wise investor will put their money in disneyland, a proven idea, rather than this thing which has a strong chance of failure.

>> No.4924765

check again faggot

>> No.4924779
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If Capitalism isn't about risk, then what the fuck is the point in it as a model for advancement?

>> No.4924787

In the US, R&D risk is largely subsidized by the government. In fact this same tech is being pursued by scientists on the government tab right now.

Being the second person to invent the wheel doesn't really pay much. It certainly can cost a bit though.

>> No.4924801


If there is a limitation to advancement in genetic engineering sciences, then there is a problem.

Science stands above all us the most important tool for humanity's future.

>> No.4924821


Risk has to be balanced with potential return. I'd say it's far riskier to put people up into space like Virgin Galactic, but in their case they plan use the tech to generate multiple streams of revenue.

There is far more known about near earth space travel than genetic engineering, despite that people still call Branson crazy.

Not to mention the ethical issues and regulations.

Risk is one thing, throwing money away is another. You need to be able to hire some pretty bright folks, and throw lots and lots of money at them. Hard to predict how well you could monetize it too. A thousand bucks a ticket plus travel isolates a pretty large market, but the initial investment to be able to support larger crowds and lower ticket prices would be tremendous.

Maintenance might be crippling by itself. When Dolly gets sick and dies unexpectedly, how many millions would that cost?

>> No.4924824
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the problem Horner and others ran into is that you can't do this by simple expression of existing genes.

this is going to require massive re-engineering of the genome, a technology we simply don't have.

we'll probably get there one day, but it won't be soon.


>> No.4924839
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It's simple, price admission at $500, it isn't that expensive, but expensive enough for steady profit return.

I get what your saying, but that still falls under risk. There is nothing earned from nothing tried.

There's a word for people who are to afraid to try, they call them pussies.

>> No.4924847
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Then...why not fucking hire people to find out ways in which you can do this? It's not hard, you also get to patent the technology, in which is sued for the new park, giving you even more money then the tourists.

>> No.4924854

I love pussies, we should have more of them.

>> No.4924858
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Glad you came out as a spineless faggot.

>> No.4924862
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are you pretending that tens of thousands of geneticists aren't working on this right now for reasons of human health?

whatever, monkey.
a theme park will just be the scraps left over when the medical machine learns to manipulate genes.

>> No.4924868
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No, I realize that. My point being it never hurts to try to get it for yourself.

Capitalism bitch, get it before the Government does.

>> No.4924874
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in the US,
capitalism is supported by the taxpayer.

not sure why you'd risk your funds when you can risk someone else's instead. It doesn't change who owns the end product.

you take the risk, I get the reward

>> No.4924883
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And now you know why everyone is pissed off at the Government.

Because of this stupid shit. The Government forcing responsibility on the citizen for the private market.

Btw, were talking Australia, faggot.

>> No.4924888
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Reverse-engineering a chicken isn't good enough, it's not the same thing. You need real dino-DNA somewhere in the equation.

It's like if you went to a theme park filled with rides, attractions, and characters that someone had reverse-engineered from looking at vacation photos of Disneyworld. If you squint your eyes and pretend, you might be able to convince yourself but at the end of the day it ain't the real fucking Mickey, it ain't the real fucking Space Mountain, and it ain't the real fucking Disneyworld.

Instead, take the same approach being considered for cloning Wooly Mammoths. Find samples that are preserved well enough to reconstruct most of the genome from and use a related, existing species (elephants in the case of the mammoth, large birds in the case of dinosaurs) to produce a hybrid offspring. A few generations of selective breeding later and voila! You've got a mostly reconstructed dinosaur.

The hard-part is finding samples intact enough to get most of the genome.

>> No.4924895
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>but at the end of the day it ain't the real fucking Mickey.

If you have a clone, and your clone dies, does that mean you die? No, same for any replication, if something is genetically identical to the point where it expresses the same characteristics then for all intents and purposes it might as well be what it imitates.

>> No.4924897

I realize the article is talking straya, I'm contrasting to the US and pointing out why our system will ultimately win this race.

poor people hate our government. I can assure you that wealthy people do not.

The US government can invest billions in research but cannot generally own patents to non-military technology, nor can it engage in business. So we love it, they pay for our R&D and let us keep the profits.

Our "private" space industry is currently almost entirely funded by government contracts and grants. When republicans speak of private industry they mean government contractors.

>> No.4924899
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But that's fucking impossible.

This is as close as were going to get, and once you consider birds are actually Dinosaurs, it makes the fact that reverse engineering the genome can make lot's of diverse shapes.

>> No.4924905
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>Durr only poor people don't like it

Missing the point 101

>> No.4924906
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there is no non-avian dinosaur dna to be found. Incidentally the mammoth thing won't work either, for the same reasons.

dna doesn't last thousands of years, let alone tens of millions.

read some Schweitzer.

>> No.4924909
File: 51 KB, 400x352, frankly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're missing the point.

poor people have no qualifications to judge financial systems. That's why we founded a republic- so idiots such as yourself won't actually have a voice in government.

>> No.4924914
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Idiots like yourself?

Because you still are missing the point.

The Government is not responsible for the free market, and relying on the taxpayers is irresponsible faggotry.

>> No.4924923


Dinosaurs ARE birds with dinosaur characteristics.

That said, getting theropod dinosaurs is one thing, sauropods is another. That's the real trick.

>> No.4924928
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Those are your ideals.

the reality is that if it becomes possible to defraud the taxpayers, it will happen. Once it happens the competitive capitalist will take advantage of the possibility to the fullest.

also it works because private industry in general has neither the capital or the desire to do things like this on its own.

despite your big dreams, you can build a theme park and make billions without all this upfront investment. A few roller coasters, maybe an aquarium or two. The dinosaur idea isn't going to be able to charge much more than any theme park, nor will it be able to draw any more people than the other already filled parks.

like space exploration, this technology is too expensive for the free market to have any interest in.

>> No.4924932 [DELETED] 

Fuck you there's already enough dangerous shit in Australia that kills us.

Captcha: remorse eathtly

>> No.4924942

Fuck you there's already enough dangerous shit in Australia that kills us. We don't need fucking dinos aroudn when we have spiders, jellyfish, sharks, and snakes that can all easily fucking kill you.

>> No.4924937

To make a profit, a dinosaur zoo would have to be 1000 times more attractive to the public than a normal zoo. Can you really say for sure that it would be?

>> No.4924944


Except at least in theory the most advanced forms of space exploration have unlimited profit potential.

This is all trying to compete for people's discretionary income. Not nearly as appealing.

>> No.4924952

when an unlimited supply hits a limited demand the result ISN'T unlimited profits...

>> No.4924991

But they're not talking about actually cloning dinosaurs - they're just engineering existing birds to bring out ancestral genes.

If I manipulate your baby to have the prominent brow and jaw of a neanderthal, it doesn't mean I cloned a neanderthal, it just means I made your baby a freak.

Engineering a chicken to have teeth and clawed hands doesn't make it a fucking dinosaur, it just makes it a freak chicken.

>> No.4924999
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except of course a chicken is already a dinosaur.

and of course we have demonstrated by now that they don't have the genes for teeth at all any more.

>> No.4925018

chickenraptors would be great.
i know very little of advanced biology or organic chemistry, but i hope one day we find some way to harvest genetic material from dinosaur marrow, if it's even possible.
perhaps hijack some ecoli (they always seem so willing to do whatever we went) to infiltrate the bone, absorb the genetic information and then be harvested with "capsules" of dino-dna. it would have to be something delicate and without needing exposure to the air at all.

>> No.4925024

>if it's even possible

it almost certainly isn't

>> No.4925035

i had read somewhere of some pretty convincing arguments that the actual DNA molecule can survive some pretty serious shit if it's encased properly. being inside a calcified bone seems to be enough.

or maybe it's just one of those things

>> No.4925037

A chicken is no more a dinosaur than a man is a synapsid

Just because they shared a common ancestor hundreds of millions of years ago doesn't make them the same fucking thing.

>> No.4925038


>> No.4925047
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Mary Higby Schweitzer is the current expert on the subject, having spent the last decade looking for biomolecules in dinosaur bones. She's found hem, collagen, various other proteins.

she hasn't found a single fragment of DNA, and she doesn't expect to. Her expert opinion is that it is impossible.

I've never heard of anyone that seriously disagrees with her on that.

>> No.4925053
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... damn, now I really want to see a "Dimetroman" to go with the "Chickenosaurus"

>> No.4925060

cladistically speaking both are members of the ancestral group.

however a chicken is more of a dinosaur than a human is a synapsid since a chicken retains ALL of the diagnostic characters of the Dinosauria.

when we say that birds are maniraptoran, coelosaurian, theropod dinosaurs, it is only because they have all of the anatomical characters required to belong to each group.

>> No.4925140


not finding DNA is expected, but what about finding some form of leftover fossilized mark.

>> No.4925167
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yeah, no.
cellular structures are almost never preserved. Molecules inside of structures inside of cells aren't going to leave any trace.

our best bet for understanding extinct dinosaurs is still to look at extant birds and crocodiles.

>> No.4925177


That's all Nedry's fault.

>> No.4925189
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Nedry, fuck yeah!

captcha: derpsee

>> No.4925192

>Imagine pissed off
What makes you think they're angry.
It would be just like any other zoo. The animals sleep all day and pretend you don't exist

>> No.4925205
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we'd have to poke them with sticks to get the rage that our customers have come to expect.

>> No.4925212

I think I'm in love Op.

>> No.4925215
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>> No.4925224


Ostriches are almost always pissed off though. Imagine a mutated dinosaur ostrich. FUCK.

>> No.4925230


Or maybe we just don't have the initial capital.

It's hard to get loans when you make barely over minimum wage, and all your money is going to feed yourself and put a roof over your head.

>> No.4925232
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you say ostrich and all I think is fixed femora and the non-septate avian lung.

I want a dinosaur to cut open and examine.
unfortunately what this process will produce is only what we think a dinosaur should be, not what a dinosaur really was.

>> No.4925237

it's an irritating fact that banks only lend money to people that don't need it.

this is the main reason that investing is mostly for suckers. If it's such a great idea, what do they need your money for?

>> No.4925825
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Cloning full fledged Dinosaurs will never happen, what your looking for is reverse time travel, which is equally impossible.

It's sad, but it's the truth.

But modifying the genome of birds to keep the rare embryonic deformities, like tails, teeth, claws, etc. is the only way.

Shit, they could probably change the hips while they're at it. Cloning Dinosaurs will never happen, but this is the next best thing.

>> No.4925837
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To be fair, the Dinosaurs at Jurassic Park weren't actual Dinosaurs either, more-so, they were collages of different animals with Dino-DNA thrown in there, modified to be what they thought a Dinosaur would look like.

>> No.4925852

I'm sick of being poor. What books/resources did you use to come about your education?

>> No.4925865


If you ask yourself that question, you're probably going to stay Mid-Class.

Not a bad thing at all, only that you have to start really really fucking early.

But here's a tip, save wherever you can, buy enough to not starve, but not in excess. Save, save, fucking save.

>> No.4925883

I don't want to stay mid class.
I get the saving part. What else should I do? I am very serious about this and am willing to take into practice any advice you have to give. Please, I want you to understand your advice means a lot to me.

I'll be waiting here or if you want to email me your advice here is my temp email address

>> No.4925887
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Hey, I'm not the same guy. I'm not rich, just Upper-Middle Class. I'm not the guy to talk to, I just followed what my parents told me to do, go to college, etc etc.

Want to be rich? Be a Dentist, do something in the Medical Industry.

>> No.4926012

at the age of 18 I joined the USMC, at the age of 21 I applied and was accepted to the colorado school of mines geology program which I paid for primarily with the g.i. bill. I spent much of the next ten years as a geologist in mining and industry, eventually figuring out that management made twice what I do and contractors make even more.

I bought a small environmental contracting business, I paid for it by working for free for an entire year while everything I made went to the previous owner. I lived that year on my wife's salary as a teacher. Two years later I landed my first million dollars in contracts, and now ten years later I've finished several million dollars worth of work and have several million more to do. About ten years ago I went back to school and studied zoology on my own dime because I like paleontology.

If you want to be crass about it, I'm a fucking janitor that studies dinosaurs in his spare time. I'm also a guy that retired at 32. I don't think following my footsteps will yield the same results though.

>> No.4926037

That is not what reverse engineering means. You have made me weep tears of pedantry.

>> No.4926055

I'll give you the condensed version in case you check this thread again.

forget saving, don't bother investing.

if you want money you need a business. services are best because they require very little investment to get into. Something that can be done from home in your spare time is perfect. It doesn't have to be something new- there may be 200 landscaping companies in your town but most of them are probably making millions. Same with any other biz, there may be tons of gas stations or carpet cleaners or whatever, but you can be pretty sure most of them are doing better than you are. So you just need a business, it can be like any other business. If you sell your own time and expertise the profit margin is almost 100%.

So if you want to be wealthy in the US, study business, manage other people's businesses for a while, and then go start a few of your own. Most of them will fail, but you only need one success...

>> No.4926075


>>at the age of 18 I joined the USMC

Some of us aren't qualified to join the military.

>>I lived that year on my wife's salary as a teacher

Some of us don't have wives or anyone to lean on financially. Some of us have wives, but also children who eat up our money. We can't work for free for a year.

It takes money to make money, and we have none. It's not our fault and we aren't stupid, as much as rich people like to tell themselves that.

>> No.4926098

joining the military did nothing for me except pay for some of my schooling. Assuming you can get loans and grants for a BS from a cheapish college you're right where I started, actually a couple years ahead.

I had one kid when I bought my biz. I also had a house payment and a couple car payments. We were pretty broke for a year.

I'm also a lot older than most of you, and that's where the real advantage is. Eventually you'll have similar oportunities if you look for them.

I don't think poor people are stupid. I think poor people that jump on a worthless but flashy investment and thus stay poor are stupid. How many poorfags dumped their savings into the Facebook IPO? lol

>> No.4926115


>>Most of them will fail, but you only need one success...

And while they're failing we're staving to death and getting kicked out of our apartments.

>> No.4926118


I have two bankruptcies on my record and I've spent entire years of my life living in a tent or my truck.

the largest obstacle to making tons of money is worrying too much about what'll happen if you fail.

>> No.4926151


Have you ever had nothing to eat, and no gas in your car? No shoes on your feet, wearing clothes that were multiple sizes too small for you?

We're not talking about bankruptcy here. We're talking about literally starving to death, sitting in a car with nothing to do and nowhere to go. If it wasn't for my mother's ex-husband, me and my family never would have had a future. I have no idea what would have happened.

What you're basically saying is, don't worry about the very real and ruinous consequences of your actions. You can't drive yourself into living like a hobo and spring back, unless someone comes along with free money.

>> No.4926177

This thread went from talking about dinosaurs and genetic engineering to MY PAST SO DARK... CRAWLIIIING IN MY SKIIIIIN THESE WOUNDS THEY WILL NOT HEEAAALL

>> No.4926466

yes, like most former homeless people I've been hungry, I've been cold, I've been wet and I've been dirty. None of those things is likely to kill you.

you see it as "oh my god I'm poor and I'm gonna die!"

I see it as "cool, now I've got nothing to lose and I get to go camping for a while."

however you sound like the sort of idiot that might starve to death instead of going to a restaurant and asking to wash dishes in exchange for some lunch.

in that case, no- you will never be rich and yes, it is your fault.

>> No.4926476

/sci/ doesn't know shit about dinosaurs or genetics.

I've pointed out at least twice itt with citations that the technique being discussed is demonstrably impossible.

>> No.4926946


Kind of a late reply, but I don't think you understand the situation I was in.

>>yes, like most former homeless people I've been hungry, I've been cold, I've been wet and I've been dirty. None of those things is likely to kill you.

Have you ever gone for days without a single morsel of food? That was the situation my family was in.

>>however you sound like the sort of idiot that might starve to death instead of going to a restaurant and asking to wash dishes in exchange for some lunch

In the situation I'm referring to, my father applied for a job at pizza hut because they were giving away a free pizza to anyone that applied. We did do that. Similar set ups were the only way we got anything to eat at all.

You sound like the sort of idiot who's never truly known what it's like to be homeless and penniless. Living on a shoe-string budget in your car isn't the same thing. The fact that you have the gall to compare it to camping, a leisure activity, proves it.

And again, I don't have the capital to invest in anything. This doesn't make me stupid. The world isn't as easy as you seem to think it is, or else no one would be poor or hungry if they could get out of it with a little hard work and budgeting.

>> No.4926971

It's not that things are easy, it's that you complain a lot when it gets a bit rough.

yes, I've gone days without food.

it sucks, you move on.

you can't have one hellish experience and then avoid life from then on because you're afraid it might happen again.

I feel sorry for you is all. we've both suffered some of the same hardships. Your experiences seem to have broken you while the same type of things strengthened me.

you can't take care of others when you can't take care of yourself. It's a matter of courage, not just intellect.

>> No.4927011

>mfw you could fake the entire thing with holograms.

>> No.4927057


>>It's not that things are easy, it's that you complain a lot when it gets a bit rough.

Actually, I never quite knew at the time how deprived I was. It's hard for me to hold a grudge over something that didn't even phase me at the time.

What I'm objecting to is your delusion that you can pick yourself up by your bootstraps. Unless someone hands you the money, you're not going anywhere. You went somewhere because you were either rich to begin with or got lucky. There are tons of people who were in situations like ours who turned out even worse then I did.

>>you can't have one hellish experience and then avoid life from then on because you're afraid it might happen again

I'm not avoiding life. I know that if I sever myself from the umbilical cord of my job, I'm going to be homeless and foodless again. It's not a fear, it's a fact. A fact that you don't want to accept because it shows just unfair our economic system is. You would rather believe in a fantasy world where all poor people are dumb and all rich people are smart.

>>we've both suffered some of the same hardships

No, we clearly haven't. I was born dirt poor, raised dirt poor, and am still dirt poor because I'm poor. The cycle can't be broken without an influx of money.

>>Your experiences seem to have broken you while the same type of things strengthened me

You've never faced real poverty. I'm going to ask again, have you ever gone without shoes? As in, not had a single pair to your name?

>> No.4927074

>have you ever gone without shoes?


dude, I'm not going to trade sob stories with you all day.

if you live in the US you can do what I did. I got a fucking job and saved all the money I wasn't spending on rent and I got back into middle-class rat racing.

if you're not in the US, or in some southern state so poor it might as well be Mexico, well I invite you to move to one of our more enlightened states and seek your fortune where the money is.

if it comforts you to believe that I'm just lucky, or born with a silver spoon in my mouth, well that's fine. Your opinion has no particular effect on my bottom line. I can't help someone that wants to be a victim though.

>> No.4927101


>>I got a fucking job and saved all the money I wasn't spending on rent

After rent, utilities and food, I have a few tens of dollars left every week. I save it for when horrible things happen, like when my car breaks down because I have no money for a new one.

>>if you're not in the US, or in some southern state so poor it might as well be Mexico, well I invite you to move to one of our more enlightened states and seek your fortune where the money is.

I live in New Hampshire now, but I was indeed born in the South. Moving takes huge amounts of money, just gas costs thousands. Then you have to get the money for a deposit, and a thousand other things. The fact that you think of moving across country as an easy thing proves that you've never actually wanted for money. It's something my family had to save up for years to do.

>>I can't help someone that wants to be a victim though

I would love to be rich like you, and I most certainly don't want to be a victim. That's why I'm getting IT certifications, so that I can hopefully get a job that gives me enough money to have excess that I can invest. But unlike you, I'm not going to delude myself that this is a sure thing, or that if I manage it that it's anything but luck.

>> No.4927136

well I expect you'll succeed with your goals, and I expect that success will make you happy.

you can blame that on luck if you like, but I won't.

also, while you're carefully, conservatively making a bit of money the usual way, I will be making as much money in a year as you do in your life.

the difference is probably just one of ideology. I may indeed just be lucky, but I see it more as a matter of persistence.

>> No.4927138

also, regarding the cost of moving-
my parents used to hitchhike across the country with five kids in tow. Once they got where we were going they'd pitch a tent at the local KOA campground and go off to look for work.

if you're really broke you don't live in need, you find freedom from need.