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4922604 No.4922604 [Reply] [Original]

>work in a pharmacy
>people hang onto your every word as if you're a doctor

Please don't do this.

I'm just making shit up as I go along.

>> No.4922605

yes because those people are on this board reading this thread

>> No.4922608

Pharmacist couldn't read Doctor's signature..

bottle says "Rusty McSwords" prescribed it.

>> No.4922613


To be fair, no doctor is able to write legibly.

It's a fact.

>> No.4922616

i work as a pharmacy technician too. i joke with people at the register about dumb shit and they think i'm being dead serious (no pun intended) and actually know what the hell i'm talking about.

shit people i'm just there to steal strattera and pink lortabs. give me a break god damn.

>> No.4922621

SWIM works at a pharmacy, and used to be anti-vac, pro-homeopathy, and believes all sorts of stupid shit. Sure I respect people at pharmacies for doing their job, but I don't think of them as experts on medicine.

>> No.4922628

how come doctors handwriting is absolute shit but pharmacists are the only people on earth who can understand their handwriting?

>> No.4922634

it's a mixture of guessing, certain doctors' letters, and looking at what that person has been on before. i would say 1 in every 100 prescriptions is misfilled (in the form of dispensing the wrong drug/dosage) and never corrected.

that being said, cvs extra care bucks are basically free money. so it kinda works itself out in the long run.

>> No.4922635

As a medical student I'm happy to see this. Pharmacists should refrain from giving pharmaceutical advice, no joke.

>> No.4922655

>implying doctors are any better
Do you even science?

OP, why does it take so long to get the pills to the customer? Do you have to register it in a database or something?

>> No.4922663


Why yes, I was implying that doctors are better. That's why we get to prescribe the medication and the pharmacist gets to retrieve it from storage and hand it to the patient.

I do science yes.

>> No.4922673

I meant in relation to chemists.

Inane tier arguments aside, is it true doctors get paid extra by pharmaceutical companies to prescribe their pills?

>> No.4922681

what do you mean give it to the customer? you mean, you hand me a prescription for

hydrocodone-apap 10-500
t po q4 prn

and want to know why i don't just break the tray out and count the shit right in front of you? well, son, you know we gotta type that into the prescription into the computer, then scan it so it can be easily accessed and legible. then we count that shit, put it in a bottle, then let the pharmacist look at it to make sure it's the right stuff (no he does not count pills), puts it in a bag, then gives it back to us to sell.

then we scan that shit at the register and you now have your pills.

>> No.4922711


I wouldn't know seeing as I don't work in the amoralistic sinkhole that is the american healthcare system.

I'm from Sweden where all doctors get from pharmaceutical companies are free lunches (about once a week, 8€ limit per meal) and assorted knick knacks (mostly pens and such).

>> No.4922722


It's actually about the same here in the US, except even sponsored lunches need to be covered as something an "instructional meeting" to keep everyone in the clear.

>> No.4922729


Cool, happy to hear that.

>> No.4922738
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>doctors are better

You mean "doctors pay more for school, work harder and get paid more," I think. In reality, biochemists and biotechnologists develop the medications, technologies and treatments that you use, and then you scribble their names on little pieces of paper.

>> No.4922756


Do you know what context means?

I doubt it because if you did you would have caught on to the fact that what I was saying was that doctors are better at giving pharmaceutical advice to patients than pharmacists are.

Nowhere did I say or even imply that doctors are the only people involved in combating illness, please look up what a strawman is.

>> No.4922762

To be fair I only appear to care about what the pharmacist says out of politeness. In reality I disregard everything you've said after you've gone.

>please don't confuse politeness with me actually giving a shit about what you say

Likewise I listen to what the woman in the shoe shop has to say and nod and look like it's relevant and interesting even though I know she's a retard and works in a shoe shop.

>> No.4922766

Which backwards third world country still has written prescriptions? Mine are always printed and the only thing the doctor supplies is a signature and maybe some ticks.

>> No.4922868

I have only experienced the same.

>> No.4922948
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Its not our fault ....

>> No.4922996

>working in pharmacy
>doesn't have doctorate of pharmacy


>> No.4923003

That takes 30 minutes?

>> No.4923006


Apparently you made the same mistake OP is talking about. Just because you work behind the counter at a pharmacy doesn't mean you're a pharmacist. I have a friend who used to work in a pharmacy in high school. Wore a lab coat and everything.

>> No.4923008

Is that legal?

>> No.4923024

>having a job

>> No.4923041

My understanding is
A. pharmacist must have doctorate
B. pharmacist must be state licensed
C. pharmacist must answer any questions about drugs dispensed

>> No.4923043

Maybe in Murrika.