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4920710 No.4920710 [Reply] [Original]

I don't understand how people can be stupid.

Like I mean, I understand how people can have a lack of knowledge. There is nothing wrong with that. It just means you never had opportunities to learn things.

But look at this picture for instance.

How the fuck can someone be that stupid?

I mean she has to be trolling right?

>> No.4920714

why? a degree does not mean a good job, especially these days.

>> No.4920720

Why do you think she's stupid?

>> No.4920725


I'm working labour just out of high school and I'm making six figures.

>> No.4920726


>Agree to a loan
>her response.

>> No.4920734

that apparently went over her head

>> No.4920747

congratulations. how does that have anything to do with what i said?

>> No.4920750

No you aren't.

>> No.4920758

So the only person responsible for a loan is the client, not also the creditor?

Everything would be better if the creditor actually paid attention to who the client is and to how he is going to spend his money.

>> No.4920760

I honesty just think there are more stupid degrees out there.
Even an art degree can get you a job, my girlfriend makes $40k a year as a photographer. She paid back her shit in like five years.

>> No.4920765


Don't need a good job to pay off that kind of debt.


12 hour shifts 4 of which are overtime hours, $21/hour, with only two days off every month. Every hour after 40 a week is counted as overtime.

Before taxes, that breaks $100,000.

>> No.4920763

this* money

>> No.4920767

Suppose you're presented with two options: 1) have your arm amputated, or 2) have your leg amputated. You decide to go with option 2), which you reason is the better of the two options. By your logic, you're not allowed to complain about it, right?

>> No.4920769


Why would you blame the creditor for making a profitable business decision?

>> No.4920772

> my girlfriend makes $40k a year as a photographer. She paid back her shit in like five years.

1. that's almost certainly bullshit.
2. when did she get a job?
3. who helped her pay her debt
4. how old was she when she took the loan? it's not surprising that 18 year old kids are getting ripped off with major loans like this.

>> No.4920774


Amputation =! Student Loan

Also if your paying for your education that means you not doing it right.

>> No.4920778

Pardon me then. You're a very hard working individual it sounds like and definitely deserve 100,000 for the hours you're putting in.

>> No.4920779

so basically you work a shitton? Cool man enjoy your early death.

>> No.4920775

so you're working an illegal amount of hours?

>> No.4920781

the credditors really go out of their way to screw you over and give you as little information as possible. she may not be dumb per-se, she is just not intelligent enough to see through their ruse. they give you 20 papers to sign, one after another, and will use a soothing tone while saying fuck-all when you voice any concerns. interest rates can change etc so it really is not "just" her fault, sort of like being raped she could have not gone out into a dark alley at night but that doesn't excuse the rapist

>> No.4920784

lmao she can just take another loan and pay the 80k

what a dumb bitch

>> No.4920785

!= *

>> No.4920787

Lending money to someone who is picking a liberal arts major and who will obvioulsy never be able to repay you is not what I call a
>profitable business decision

>> No.4920788


Yes, because everybody on the planet falls under your country's legal jurisdiction.


Just until I have enough saved for university, so I don't end up like the retard in the OP.

>> No.4920789


>illegal amount of hours?

Unless your a child there is no such thing you retard.

>> No.4920790

>Oh wow, art degrees can actually make money!
>b-b-but muh engineering

>> No.4920802

>what is the job market?
I'm pretty sure there isn't as much photographer positions than engineer positions.

>> No.4920800

no thanks. and answer the other questions

>> No.4920815

What's that? I can't hear you over the money I'm making by putting my government student loans in bank accounts.

1. Loan €560/month from the government at 2% yearly interest

2. Put money on bank account at 2.7% yearly interest

3. Too lazy to do math.

4. ???

5. Profit!

>> No.4920819

And how long is that awesome situation (lol 560/month) going to last?

>> No.4920858

How nice, except at an inflation of more than 1.5% your still losing money.
Try again.

>> No.4920867

Education is a right.

>> No.4920877

You sound socialist. Socialism is bad.

>> No.4920882

but if it's a right, how can i feel superior to the plebians?

>> No.4920880

Let me guess, you're American?

>> No.4920886

By taking using your educated to your advantage through majoring in something practical instead of your hobby

>> No.4920890

I have 100k in student loan debt for a degree NOT in STEM.

come at me bro's

>> No.4920887

Did my excess weight and my inability to think in anything other than the binary absolutes fed by the corporate media give me away?

>> No.4920898

I have no idea how I posted something so inane.

>Making use of your education by majoring in something practical rather than your hobby.

>> No.4920902

I saw a news report of one woman who graduated with $125,000 in student loans, and was going to be a social worker in NYC. I think she was going to be paid $25,000/year, which is enough to share an apartment, and eat, but probably not enough for anything else, like pay back her debt.

College is supposed to be for smart people, but why aren't more people seeing, and planning, for graduation, and a career that would both utilize their degree, and pay back what they borrowed?

>> No.4920901

That's the problem, you shouldn't be able to get such a big loan for studying something that has a low chance to get you somewhere financially.

>> No.4920907

because these people go to college when they're 18. You can get straight A's and take AP classes but that doesn't mean you know dick about planning for the future or personal finance

>> No.4920909

although if inflation ever drops below .7% your good to go.

>> No.4920924


>> No.4920925

Fucking this. 4.0 in HS just drifting by, then all of a sudden holy fuck college is hard better major in something easy. Now 75k in debt with only a psychology degree to show for it and no job prospects. I never should have gone to college.

>> No.4920941
File: 21 KB, 496x496, 1342943666755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i can't go to school forever without eventually having to get a real job and pay off the loans in America.

>> No.4920962

Her intelligence was over-ridden by emotions. She wanted to impress her friends or adopt a lifestyle she saw on TV, maybe she told herself she would have to work hard but she didn't change her old habits.

>> No.4920988

Why do people give loans to people who can't possibly pay it back.

>> No.4920991


>> No.4920997

Yeah, that worked so well until 2008

>> No.4920998

the government guarantees their profits

>> No.4921002

its still working well for them. and it worked out just fine for the people giving the loans.

>> No.4921110

funny thing is that in my country we had free education until recently politicians said that schools need money to provide better education so every student should pay for school. Funny thing is that they stop giving schools same amount of money school received from goverment. And most daunting is that schools dont need fucking money, we have hi tech equipment nobody is using and overpriced computers that no one needs.

>> No.4921126

I think the OP is pointing out how stupid it is to take out a loan when you know that you won't be able to pay it off-- "ever."

Personally, I think anyone who asks for a loan is stupid. Don't buy shit with money you don't have, nignogs.

>> No.4921141

i find assholes like that chick hilarious for several reasons:
1. if you are poor you can get away with a free college education. i am poor and i completed three years of college so far debt free.
2. if you aren't a lazy sack of shit you can get scholarships.
3. you can work summers to help raise some money. you can also work before going to college to raise some money.

people like that fat cunt are lazy self entitled shitbags. she could have had a free college education if she wanted, but instead she was too busy getting high and enjoying her high school experience 2.0 to give a fuck until reality slapped her in the face.

>> No.4921164

One problem is that the the student loans cannot be erased with bankruptcy, so the creditor doesn't care nearly as much who gets the loan, that loan will be with them until its paid off or they die.

Of course the cost of education is rising very fast compared to the rise in wages, and other things.
so today it might be some typical 30K loan, 20 years from now, it could very well reach 60K loan and of course your income in dollars adjusted didn't rise nearly as much.

After all these years of telling people that higher education is the only way to be successful and gutting unions, you've reached a situation like this..

I'm sure there is a crazy cycle as well, that institutes will keep upping their prices as well, knowing that creditors will lend the money to 'anyone' and that debt can never be nullified.

>> No.4921210

I know this is not a /sci/ question, and you probably don't have an answer for me, but would it be possible to get a degree and then just move to another country that had high demand for your skills without ever repaying your loans?

>> No.4921214

Protip: if education isnät free, it isn't a first-world country.

>> No.4921226

i think it's only possible as long as the bank you got the loan from doesn't have a branch in the country you're residing in.

i'm not an attorney or even well versed in law, but i think it typically goes like this: first the bank keeps sending you mail that you are overdue on payments. if the sum you owe is large i think they summon you to court. if it's too small they typically sell your debt to a collection agency. i imagine the nice thing about leaving the country is that they can't summon you.

but in all honesty, if you are a poor college graduate i imagine it might be easier to just declare bankruptcy. since you plan on leaving the country the hit your credit score takes won't mean shit anyway.

>> No.4921231

i think it's only possible as long as the bank you got the loan from doesn't have a branch in the country you're planning on residing in.*

>> No.4921236

i've thought about it, but bankruptcy does nothing for student loans.

>> No.4921249

yeah then i guess you can just leave. if you aren't in the country then they can't serve you a summons. it's probably best if you don't leave any address in your name since they can try to dump the summons into a mailbox.

>> No.4921295


These. How damn hard is it to grasp the concept of a loan? She must have realized at some point that she is WILLINGLY SIGNING A LEGALLY BINDING DOCUMENT for tens of thousands of dollars that she knows full well she must pay back, whether she has a job/income or not.

But that would require her to take responsibility for her actions and choices. It's much easier to blame the government, corporations, and successful, hardworking people for all her self-caused problems.

>> No.4921299

My dad had signed for my loans.

He died of a heart attack.

60000 dollars forgiven.

>> No.4921300
File: 327 KB, 1600x2023, 1327256198088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw studying is for free here in Germany!

>> No.4921303

/pol/ visits /sci/ for a day
ad hominem everywhere
generalizing people
basically everything science says NOT to do
and it gets 233 replies omitted. Click Reply to View.

And you claim to be better than /x/.

>> No.4921304

Left wingers are retards, what do you expect?

>> No.4921310

>Implying you didn't just prove my point with your "generalizing everyone in a group" comment
You're no better than they.

>> No.4921330

>implying free education, at least for STEM fields is in any way retarded.
Yeah, free education is going really Shorty for every country that has it, huh?

>> No.4921335

Not sure why smartphones don't just fill in curse words.

>> No.4921346

They make more money from people who are stuck paying interest on the full loan for years.

>> No.4921347

yup yup. that's why the economy crashed, the reason it's taking so long to recover, and the reason it will crash again.

>> No.4921357

Yes it is. You make them pay off the debt with interest for the rest of their life at their McJob.
Thats a damn good decision.

>> No.4921358

How much does a fresh physicist make in the US if he gets a job in the field?

>> No.4921362

>tfw full ride
stay retarded and/or nonathletic

>> No.4921364

Feels good man. In the end I'm getting paid to go to my state's flagship.
Had to turn down UC Davis though which is the better school, but what the fuck it's only a B.Sc.

>> No.4921371

Im wondering, can you just get a hold of a cancer patient or someone in the ER and bring them to a bank with you and have them agree to say that they will be your benefactor?

>> No.4921375

>tell kids from the moment they're born that they need to go to college to "get a good job" and "be successful" (whatever that means)
>kids are told that they'll end up working shit jobs if they don't go to college
>looked down upon if you aren't planning on college by the end of Junior year
>colleges everywhere overprice their shit because "now it's extra education so you have to pay for it" (even though they've been brainwashed to think they NEED it) and because they can (it'd be like every grocery store jacking up the price of food because people will buy it)
>schools give out shitty financial aid even though they're rolling in dough, usually given out to "minorities" and "underprivileged" rather than those who deserve to be there
>people like in OP's pic end up having to take out loans to afford it
>they slowly realize what shit they've gotten themselves into by falling into this pyramid scheme with them at the bottom
>get upset with the people who have created and perpetuated this system
>society looks down on them as stupid and irresponsible

Is there anyone in the right here?

>> No.4921384

especially because they cant bankrupt out of it

>> No.4921391

The school is in the right because its not a bad thing to make a profit
The bank is in the right because its not a bad thing to make a profit
The people in the OP pic are in the wrong because they dont think about the long term effects of signing a legally binding contract. They dont take the time in highschool to take up a sport, join a club, or apply for scholarships.
They go into their senior year and go "oh shit." Fill out applications in the spring and bank loans in the summer. They jump right into college, and most dont even consider saving up some money and just starting college after some years of work experience and money saved.

Nobody is holding a gun to anyone's head and forcing them to go to college if they dont have the funds to. People just get retarded and sign up because there's a big 4 year long party on the side.

>> No.4921397

>Go to bank
>apply for loan
>go to college
>become finance major
>apply for internship during college at a bank
>get a job at a bank
>start giving away loans to liberal arts majors
>they pay off your loans and more for the rest of their life
seriously, its not that hard

>> No.4921402

Society also told everyone it was okay for children to smoke cigarettes for the longest time and that Asian women have sideways vaginas. Its best to just look things up for yourself and think about what you are going to do before you do it.

>> No.4921441

>Asian women have sideways vaginas
what kind of propaganda do you listen to?

>> No.4921447 [DELETED] 


i was also told this about azn women

>> No.4921443

>and that Asian women have sideways vaginas
LOL, never heard this one.

>> No.4921457

>Free Education.

>> No.4921461

Its not as prevalent nowadays since our culture is more open to interracial relationships, but back in the WWII era and the decades that ensued, a common myth was that Asian women had sideways vaginas.

Go ask your grandfather about it.

>> No.4921476

Wow. I'd hate to see that douche when he wants to buy a house.

>> No.4921485
File: 54 KB, 475x360, 1254172884282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when easy military job, free ride, and decent pay.

>> No.4921486

> Its best to just look things up for yourself and think about what you are going to do before you do it.

i agree. but the problem is our country allows children to go out and get massive loans. I think the ones that got screwed should just suck it up (i am) but we should make hs kids take some kind of class about personal finances and how loans in general work. Most schools offer this class as a remedial math course but it should be mandatory.

>> No.4921487

TFW ineligible for military service :(

>> No.4921494

>that feel when a murdering welfare queen

>> No.4921499

Most definitely. I believe it's a shame that schools take pride in graduating kids that have wasted their money on upwards of 6 or 7 AP Exams when most of their graduating class doesn't know how to so much as go into a bank and talk with a worker about setting up a bank account.

>> No.4921501
File: 116 KB, 652x541, 1333283619480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW civilian contractors for the military get upwards of 2x as much pay as you do for doing the same job.
TFW you get shot in a pointless war.
MFW you get hailed as a hero for being shot rather than shamed for your failure.

>> No.4921508

Best part is you can get deployed, shoot yourself in the foot, come back to the States on an injury and get paid extremely well for the rest of your life.

>> No.4921520

he could be in the navy or airforce. The u.s. tends to avoid wars against enemies that can counter air or sea attacks. plus both those branches don't usually see actual combat.

>> No.4921523


I'm an intelligence analyst. I have a non-combat job. The only time I've touched a gun was in basic training. I won't even leave CONUS. Most contractors were prior service (experience). The funny thing is you can make more working for a private company than you can contracting, which I plan to do, considering I TS/SCI security clearance.

>> No.4921527

to get grants without your parents income factored in, you HAVE to be in the military, homeless, or 24, otherwise your fucked, even if your parents disowned you and you cant get a cent from them youre fucked.

>> No.4921544

oh boy, another welfare queen bragging about his 6 figure job which he doesn't yet have.

>> No.4921546

are we reading the same post here?

>> No.4921550

>The funny thing is you can make more working for a private company than you can contracting, which I plan to do, considering I TS/SCI security clearance.

>> No.4921604
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I didn't mean to come off as bragging. It was mostly as a response to
who was implying that I was wasting my time when other people make more than me, When really they all worked up to that point from similar situations.

Also, I've heard the welfare queen/baby killer thing a million times and I'm not even slightly offended.

>> No.4921622

These people fucking sicken me. No one forced them to take on debt, they elected to do it. Any investment is a risk, if they wanted insurance they should have fucking worked some out with a financial institution. Now that things go sour they just whine "I made terrible decisions now everyone else should prop me up because I'm entitled to a free ride". Fuck these arseholes.

>> No.4921630

quit bumping this thread. the same questions with the same answers have been asked multiple times already. read the thread or let it die.