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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 67 KB, 714x643, iambecomecompassmaster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4918310 No.4918310 [Reply] [Original]

have you ever accidentally done science?

I accidentally made a compass in my sink.

>> No.4918317

how the fuck did you "accidentally" make a compass?

>> No.4918320

Do you not have eyes nigga

>> No.4918323

Closest I can think is that I put ice cream in a bowl right out of the dishwasher and it shattered from the temperature change

>> No.4918407


that's cool.

>> No.4918415

Same here.

>> No.4918426

A wire got laid around a plasma globe and I bumped into the end of it and it scorched my skin.

>> No.4918436

no example ITT will have a control group so they don't really classify as experiments

>> No.4919144


No one said anything about experiments

>> No.4919147


i was smoking a hookah, took the coal off and put it in the ashtray, it was really cold that day and the damn thing exploded. pretty cool.

also : tinfoil + draino + 2 liter = bomb. but i didn't really find that out by accident

>> No.4919206

Maybe not often, but on some occasions, when I open up a jar of peanut butter I find a new lifeform inside.

>> No.4919221

When I was really young (no more than 5 years old) I accidently touched this electric wire you put next to your fence so your dog doesn't dig under it and passed out for a tiny bit.

>> No.4919231


>thread about doing science
>"no one said anything about doing experiment"

>> No.4919241

I touched myself when I was 10 by accident and learned about fapping.

I guess that was science. Biology or shit.

>> No.4919251

The OP says, "have you ever accidentally done science?"

"Doing science" seems pretty broad but the OP's example of making a compass is close enough I think.

More on topic though I remember a post on reddit (if someone has it saved please link it) where a guy was in his high school or college chem lab or something and he accidentally made mustard gas and go in a shit ton of trouble.

>> No.4919272

I put a porcelain cup of water in the freezer and it cracked from the expansion.

>> No.4919279

i opened a disposable camera when i was a kid then i pushed the flash button. i thought i was dead.

>> No.4919282

I acadentally made watr in my senk

>> No.4919287

What happened? You flashes yourself?

>> No.4919314

It shocks you.

I accidentally did the same thing a while ago at a camp I went to. I then proceeded to trick people with it.

>Hey anon, can you take a picture of me for my parents?
>uhh yeah sure, but whats up with your camera?
>Oh, I dropped it and the thing fell off
>oh, okay

Then the kid with the pacemaker decided to get into the fun....

>> No.4919365

I put a warm water bottle in the fridge so it could get cold fast, then forgot about it for like, 4 hours. I finally remembered, and opened up the freezer, expecting the water to be frozen solid. To my astonishment, the water was still perfectly in liquid form. I grabbed the bottle, but as soon as I applied the slightest pascal of pressure to it, it immediately supercooled and turned to ice, starting from the top to the bottom. Pretty cool shit. I had been watching Mythbusters that whole day, so the fact that I had accomplished something scientific was made that much better.

>> No.4919367

I put the bottle *in the freezer, not the fridge. My bad.

>> No.4919385

>no one points out that a spoon I'm a bowl will not act as a compas

>> No.4919418

Thank god, i was holding back so much rage. op is a giant faggot.

>> No.4919450

That is almost guaranteed not to have happened, you need so little friction for the magnetic field to be able to turn your thing. Even touching the side of the bowl will stop it, what is much more likely is that the bowl was tilting towards north, by coincidence, and that's what happened.

>> No.4919457

Oh god you are autistic.

>> No.4919460

Is OP's pic even possible?

>> No.4920188

i'm skeptical of OP's compass.

I think your sink is not level.

>> No.4920199

I accidentally made my mother give birth to me by making my father horny and doing AOE dmg to my -then, future- mother's vagina.

Shit wasn't cash, because they decided to keep me instead of selling me, and that's their greatest achievement, for i am, more of an extra, than ordinary.

>> No.4921689
File: 405 KB, 595x396, accidentally science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4921724
File: 8 KB, 400x481, 1318377177814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was mixing some cleaning products with some more yellow-ish blue-ish products and it turn clear. Got the job done.