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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4913945 No.4913945 [Reply] [Original]

>Going to school non /sci/ related.
>Want to major in something like astronomy/astrophysics>/cosmology.
>Suck at math
>Everything else in life seems irrelevant.
Wat do?

>> No.4913956

bumpin with wallpapers.

>> No.4913954

>Going to school non /sci/ related.
>Want to major in something like astronomy/astrophysics>/cosmology.

What? This seems contradictory. Are you forced by parents into some major?

Also, you can suck at maths in physics/engineering. I see people in these majors who do every day.

>> No.4913961

You don't need math for astrology.

>> No.4913966
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No i am not "forced" but I already kind of dedicated myself to it seeing that I have a lot of loans sunk into my college education already.

>> No.4913971

Ah. Does it cost more money for you to take courses outside your major curriculum?

>> No.4913972

In other words, you're in debt from a major you ended up not wanting to do?

Shit sucks man.

>> No.4913976
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I really just don't want to be a "fan" of science.. I have always had a passion for it even when I was younger.. It just seems that it is one thing that is consistent with me.. I find interests and they die out.. but science has always intrigued me.

>> No.4913989
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Yeah for the credit hours.. I do have to take a physics course and I need to take some science electives.. I'm just wondering how practical it would be for me to minor in something and finish it later?

More less.. Took a job I know I'd like and be happy with and practical.. Just not seeing it as I used to I guess.. I'd rather be looking at distant stars or figuring out how the universe works..

>> No.4913998
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I guess I'm just yearning for a connection to the universe. I mean honestly I can say I do things to impress people and have an ego.. Try to have pride in what I do.. but when I think about the stars and the planets.. I feel immensely humbled and genuine.. I wouldn't care if I lived in a one room apartment as long as I got to look into the cosmos every day.

>> No.4914001

Physics? Yeah, though depends on a the definition of "sucking". Astronomy/astrophysics? Will be a pretty damn big problem.

>> No.4914012

Its not that I am stupid or can't grasp mathematics.. I just have to back trace myself a little. I just don't know where to begin

>> No.4914011

You should still go for it. Unless you like feeling unhappy in life. I'm trying to figure out a similar Q for myself.

>> No.4914014

I mean that the kind of skill that is required for proving stuff in say, linear algebra, is much different from the skill of derivations like the ones we do in physics and engineering (to some extent, at least the more capable engineers do). A student successful in linear algebra will not do great in statistical thermodynamics just because he can prove multiplicativity of determinants or whatever.


Sounds shit, man. In Europe, I take all courses for free. I'm enrolled in an engineering major and do mathematics on the side, no charge for either.

>> No.4914022
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I understand a lot of scientific concepts and theories.. I don't know if that makes me any different than the regular jack off.. But i like to think that it makes me a bit smarter.
Like the sun converts elements with smaller atomic #'s into greater and heavier elements by using nuclear fusion.. the lost mass is converted to energy and photons yada yada = light and heat.. I can understand the concept but can't tell you mathematically or chemically how it works. I'm not gloating or acting like I am special I honestly want to know if that shows some form of scientific ability?

>> No.4914028

Get good at math with... PRACTICE!!!!!

>> No.4914029

Lucky. Over here in the "Land of the Free" you have to pay for everything.. A society that wants to be educated and advance wants to charge you outrageous prices for something that will only turn beneficial for everyone in the future.

>> No.4914033

I know man.. It's just kind of discouraging when I don't even know if what I'm thinking about is possible...

>> No.4914122

Fellow murrikan here.
I'm a poorfag and I'll have to end up taking out loans since financial aid won't cover my physics minor or even all of my chemistry major.
Feels major lack of sense, man.
I don't see why they don't at least make STEM minors free, they bitch and moan about useless degrees but don't help us get useful ones.

>> No.4914151

I'm in the same boat as you, OP. I'll spend hours late at night reading encyclopedia's on astronomy, chemistry, physics, biology, et cetera, but I'm majoring in Philosophy.

>> No.4914202

>mfw north britfag here
>mfw uni is free


>> No.4914352
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>mfw math is banned in Britain