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File: 27 KB, 400x400, brownie sundae 2 450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4913260 No.4913260 [Reply] [Original]

What's your opinion on dairy products? Is it unnatural to have adapted cow's milk for human consumption?

>> No.4913263

nothing wrong with substitute especially when it can be made safe

>> No.4913266

>>4913260 unnatural

>> No.4913271

>one species using things from other species
>implying op isn't an uneducated dumbass

>> No.4913274
File: 6 KB, 225x225, BM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was asking a question, but thanks for the namecalling. Shoulda just asked /pol/ instead.

>> No.4913277

Your question was stupid as fuck.

>> No.4913282

OP I'm pretty sure adaptive milk has been thoroughly tested for human consumption.

>> No.4913284
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>butthurt fattie detected

>> No.4913280

Dont think cows milk is much worse than human milk. What could be bad is drinking it past the point where a human child is normally weened of breast milk. What is definitely "unnatural" is all the hormones we drink via the milk, but that is an industrial problem, not a cow problem

>> No.4913285

What's your opinion on boats? Is it unnatural to have adapted metal and wood for human transportation?

>> No.4913341

Did you know the ability to digest lactase as adults is a relatively recent mutation? It's a cool example of recent human evolution.

>> No.4913355

Interesting. How recent?

>> No.4913392

I eat only roadkills because being scavenger is the most natural way to acquire nutrients.

>> No.4913400 [DELETED] 

It is not morally wrong.
What one considers to be natural or un-natural does not make something right or wrong.
It is not natural for humans to fly, but we can do this, and we do not consider it to be wrong.

It is natural to kill, but we do consider this to be wrong.

Cows milk is healthy and nutritious for humans, and the cow stays alive and does not suffer, so it is fine to eat it.

>> No.4913404 [DELETED] 

3000 years ago.

You mean Lactose, not Lactase.

Lactase is the enzyme that breaks down Lactose. Lactose is a sugar.

>> No.4913429

What's your opinion on wheat products? Is it unnatural to have adapted savannah grass for human consumption?

>> No.4913432

nothing is unnatural

ask if it is healthy

>> No.4913435 [DELETED] 
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>nothing is unnatural


>> No.4913439

I was making fun of OP. I see no reason why wheat products and milk products cannot both be healthy if consumed in moderation and in a healthy manner by an individual who is fit to digest such vittles.

>> No.4913443
File: 27 KB, 330x330, bananaphone3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some, man-made means unnatural.
>dem semantix
tl;dr bananaphone

>> No.4913442

I know. But not particularly well.

>> No.4913440

you are confusing man-made with unnatural.

>> No.4913444 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 87x125, 1342819206500s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using the word 'vittles'

>> No.4913445

Fine. do you want me to be funnier?

>> No.4913448 [DELETED] 

What the fuck else would it mean?
everything is made up of atoms, atoms are natural, therefore everything is natural.

which is kinda meaningless, so we use natural to mean 'coming from nature' without humans tinkering with it, and un-natural as a synonym of manmade, if we, like, add emulsifiers and preservatives and shit to food, or w/e

>> No.4913449

no, "vittles" exonerated you

>> No.4913450
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>not using the word "vittles"

>> No.4913453

>everything is made up of atoms, atoms are natural, therefore everything is natural.

exactly, the word is only useful to discriminate things from the supernatural. which obviously don't exist. if you see someone use the word "natural" in argument, reach for your gun.

>> No.4913454 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 221x298, countersage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do i even have this pic?

>> No.4913458

because blackman posts it all the time

>> No.4913457

The word suggest there is some difference between man and the rest of nature, which is false, so to use it brings a fallacy into any debate.

>> No.4913468

here we go. I think there is nothing bad with using milk as a source of mineral and calories, we do it all the time. If using milk is unnatural, then eating flesh of other animals would be unnatural too. I rage at fuckheads who say drinking milk is not good for us because no other animals do it. But that is just plain retarded.

>> No.4913473 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 635x525, novegans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but other animals do drink it.
humans drink human breast milk naturally, calfs drink cows milk.
i mean, i think humans are the only animal to intentionally drink the milk of another animal, but theres still nothing wrong with it.

also veganfags are fucking retarded

>> No.4913474
File: 145 KB, 700x530, facepalm&#44; EMH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying any of us give a fuck about what's "natural"

>> No.4913486

why don't humans just drink human milk? wouldn't it be better for us than cows milk?

>> No.4913492 [DELETED] 

hahaha, probably, but humans dont NEED to drink it, it's only babies that need it, and theres no way in hell you'd be able to generate enough of it, because:
1. cows have been selectively bred for high milk yield for hundreds of years, and are naturally a lot bigger than humans anyway, and make a lot more milk.
2: there is no way in hell any human female would want to be milked every day.

>> No.4913497

>there is no way in hell any human female would want to be milked every day.
women sell their breast milk all the time. and who says she'd need to be milked all day?

>> No.4913500

Humans have a need for calcium, particularly during childhood and adolescence. People get it not only from cows but other animals, particularly those that can be raised in large numbers. We always have, it's extremely fucking natural. I don't get your point OP. What's the more efficient alternative? I bet it's something synthetic and even more unnatural.

>> No.4913505

Oh, I don't know, like vegetables?

>> No.4913507

you'd have to eat a lot of veg to get the calcium found in a single glass of milk, it's not efficient at all. what exactly do you think is wrong with drinking milk?

>> No.4913524

What's your opinion on chemotherapy? Is it unnatural to have adapted natural chemicals for killing human cells?

>> No.4913567

Are you retarded?

>> No.4913574

I'm not saying i agree with him, but why don't you formulate an actual argument instead of resorting to childish insults?

>> No.4913578

What's your opinion on caring for retards? Is it unnatural to keep around unfit individuals?

>> No.4913583

Yes, it's unnatural to keep them. Just look at what they do, when you allow them to live. For example they tripfag on /sci/ and make idiotic shitposts.

>> No.4913586

Forgive this post.

I'm new to /sci/ as was not familiar with this tripfag. After seeing a few more of his posts I realize there is little else to say to him.

>> No.4913588

Start a serious thread and you'll get a serious answer from me. For instance, I'm eager to talk about the effects of acidosis on cancer development that some dude posted earlier because that shit is straight up my alley. But no one responded to my post in that thread.

Here's my policy: shitthreads get shitposts.

>> No.4913589

would you also not use honey?

>> No.4913596

>fueling shit threads

Yeah sure, that's totally how you get rid of them, full retard .

>> No.4913601

>fueling shit posts by responding to trolls, tripfags, or idiots without saging.

Yeah, sure that's totally how you get rid of them

>> No.4913611
File: 62 KB, 700x600, XhxN2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It amazes me how many retarded people you can get on this website.

7 billion of certain specie harvesting another species "stuff" they make for their young.

I drink milk sure I just can't understand how can most of you not see how there can be something wrong with it. Christ you people can be stupid sometimes. I am not saying there is something wrong wit it or that it's good. I am saying you are influencing another specie on this planet

>> No.4913635

An organism uses another organism to survive? Well yhat sure is rare in nature

>> No.4913640
File: 2 KB, 187x147, 1323337253662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter what our "opinions" are. The facts say it's fine in moderation.

>> No.4913651

to survive?

also that would mean we are parasites

>> No.4913652

Yes, but I'm indigenous to the American continent.

>> No.4913699

Many more than 7 billion ants suck the sugary shit from aphid anuses.

>> No.4913703


I think you should discard "unnatural".
I know that I myself benefit greatly from not eating dairy products; I get more energy, I feel less tired, I am happier and more energetic.
I think that there are more people who has it this way but does not know about it.
If you in a balanced diet eat dairy and you do not suffer from it there is nothing wrong with it.
Ice cream is fucking delish.

>> No.4913717
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>Implying more than half your diet isn't full of manipulated substances from other species

>> No.4913721

Chart related.


Basically, the further east you go (in the context of human expansion) the less "natural" it becomes as only the westward humans adapted to it. Then again, using that definition of "natural" introduces other probable fallacies such as soy milk being more natural. Either way, due to the way people lose milk tolerance as they get weened, I don't think drinking tons of it into adulthood is what the body expects.

>> No.4913747

did you not read the paragraph above the graph?

it basically said that people who are not lactose intolerant have a greater shot at living longer. (something about alleles

>> No.4913745

holy shit. where do you report wikipedia articles? this is the most racist page ive ever seen.
fucking stormfront Nazis.
>hurr Dutch is the best hurr

im reporting your post too for spreading this shit

>> No.4913754
File: 391 KB, 560x558, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha, morons.

>> No.4913795

I assume OP doesn't drink alcohol, or the excretions of fungus as it is otherwise known.

>> No.4913796
File: 76 KB, 400x300, monsanto_milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beating around the bush

>> No.4913812

I assume OP doesn't drink cum, or the excretion of faggots as it is otherwise known

>> No.4914054
File: 723 KB, 900x1081, corn teosinte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know what either of you are talking about, Milk drinking is gross.

Here's something, the plant on the left that looks like modern wheat is teosintle and on the right modern corn (middle a hybrid). Ancient corn looked like teosintle. Through mesoamerican breeding methods it was evolved to look more like modern corn. What's the deal with wheat?

On a sidenote, there were streaks of malnutrition and disease breakout in Europe when they tried to start growing corn crops because they didn't know the process of nixtamalization (or ignored it) that the mesoamericans practiced.

>> No.4914094

you mean maize. corn is what wheat is.

>> No.4914128


Maize is just the taino word. Throughout the americas there are hundreds of words for corn, not to mention hundreds of varieties. I just say corn since maize sounds as pretentious as pronouncing Mexico with an h sound in english when the ancient mexica pronounced it more like meshiko. Elotl would be the proper mexica term.

>> No.4914132


I forgot, zea mays is the modern biological term.

>> No.4914130

"unnatural" is a stupid word.

>> No.4914137
File: 63 KB, 360x310, Food-Corn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is corn. It is food.

>> No.4914166

Nature has no will. So unnatural is a bullshit term. What people mean by saying something is or,is not intended by nature is something is or is not intended by a divin being. As there is no evidence for intelligent design thetr is no evi

>> No.4914530

The terms "natural" and "synthetic" refer merely to whether a consumable is engineered or augmented by man or not. It's quite clear that the atomic composition is no different, it's obviously "natural", in that everything that exists in nature is natural.

What people fail to understand is that we actually have a very rudimentary understanding of food science. Anyone who disclaims that health contradictions (especially in terms of assessing the health benefits in a nutritionally reductionist manner) have run rampant in food science since it's advent knows shit-all about food science. There is no consensus on an ideal diet, and consumables are still dichotamized and paired against eachother to this day (e.g., saturated fats increase your risk of heart disease, so consume less of those foods and choose foods with polyunsaturated fats! Oh wait, but people that consume more carbs actually have more issues with weight gain, so actually eat more fatty foods and drop the carbs! Oh wait, etc.)