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4912029 No.4912029 [Reply] [Original]

So yesterday some anon complained about earth and how he would love to leave this fucking planet


Believe it or not, this is legit.

So there's a private firm that aims to send people on a FREE one-way trip to Mars to inhabit it...

>A new private space firm from the Netherlands called Mars One is attempting to to send four astronauts on a one-way journey to Mars in 2023. The company intends to create a ”habitable settlement” that will support settlers while they live and work on Mars. Every two years after 2023 an additional crew will arrive, enabling what they describe as a real living, growing community on Mars.

>The pitch is simple, a Mars mission that will allow the participants to emigrate to the red planet, never to return. The trip will be be one way, allowing those who go to live and work on Mars for the rest of their lives. The company says a ‘return ticket’ is pretty much impossible when talking about the Red Planet.

>This may sound like rather crazy scheme, but the company has attracted some fairly influential supporters including a Nobel Prize winning Professor, Dr. Gerard ‘t Hooft who says, ”Mars One is an extraordinarily daring initiative by people with vision and imagination.


Is /sci/ badass enough to take the one-way-ticket to mars?

>> No.4912038

>One way

Hell no, something always goes wrong. One way is beyond retarded

>> No.4912044

Mars Direct, erry day. Also, space crazies.

>> No.4912048

>Is /sci/ badass enough to take the one-way-ticket to mars?

Nope. And neither is anyone who is actually qualified to be useful in a mission like that.

This just shows how desperate the delusional space people are.

>> No.4912091


Also the earth looks so good from your dorm.

>> No.4912097
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>look at their website
>a lot of how the astronauts are chosen is "chosen by the population of the world"
>it's just a big popularity contest
>they are sending people into SPACE on a MISSION TO MARS based on how POPULAR they are

>> No.4912102
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I'm probably not useful for a mission like this (half a phd in logic likely isn't the most useful thing for the first mars colony), but I easily could have done a mission-relevant field of study. I don't think that would change the fact that as I stand right now I'd be more than willing to go on a one-way trip to mars, hell even if we had a limited life span of a month I'd still probably go.

>> No.4912103


Yeah, and sending Justin Bieber to Mars to establish the art culture would be a bad thing, right?

>> No.4912104
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though obvious this whole endeavor is flash-in-the-pan bullshit.

>> No.4912110


Sending justin beiber to mars would probably do more for public outreach of science than all of neil tyson's career.

Wanting to go is an automatic out. They need people who want to live. Not losers who just want the most expensive form of escapism since ever.


Nah, you never had the intelligence to be useful. Enjoy your mad libs.

>> No.4912118

I can't imagine they need people who "want to live," it seems more likely that they just need people who "don't want to die."

I don't really understand the mad libs jab

>> No.4912127

inb4 Austrailia 2.0

>> No.4912131


>I can't imagine they need people who "want to live," it seems more likely that they just need people who "don't want to die."

What's the difference?

>I don't really understand the mad libs jab

Formal study of logic. A > Q ∴ Q and so on and so forth and oh god that class was the biggest waste of time in my entire life how you could dedicate yourself to it is simply beyond me.

Basically, it's mad libs for people who want to seem smart.

>> No.4912137

They have no money. They have no technical plan. They have a team of 4, one business type, one astronomer/engineer, one PR person and a graphic designer. They don't have the expertise.
When people on reddit asked the leader of this project where his plan and money were he got defensive.
This is a fantasy, nothing more.

>> No.4912146

They better build in gyms too. I'd love to bench on mars.
Fuck your low gravity symptoms mothafucka.

Inb4 blindness

>> No.4912185


>What's the difference?

You don't understand the difference between active desire for X and apathy?

>Formal study of logic. A > Q ∴ Q and so on and so forth and oh god that class was the biggest waste of time in my entire life how you could dedicate yourself to it is simply beyond me.

..What? Do you assume all introductory courses are identical to their highest levels? Do you think your grade school algebra classes resemble modern abstract algebra?

Basically, it's mad libs for people who want to seem smart.

>> No.4912194

Ah, summer

>> No.4912198

I'd go, and I say that as someone who (like almost anyone) has dreams and ambitions that aren't attainable on Mars. Nor am I *completely* retarded.

I seriously doubt this project will go anywhere, but there are similar (more realistic) initiatives and I'm sure one will work eventually. Expect people to be knocking around on the red planet within your lifetime, anons.

>> No.4912209

Good idea, if only for the creation of a master race.

Let's face it: if they have thousands, perhaps millions of applicants for a limited number of positions, and they only pick the best and brightest for a one way trip so that they only have each other to fuck, with not one waste of DNA in the bunch...

...Genetic Utopia.

I'd volunteer but frankly I think my Irish scum genetics would taint the Martian paradise.

>> No.4912211

I applaud this initiative. Let the space crazies go, one-way.

I want to see them put their money where they mouths are.

>> No.4912213


>> No.4912226

The people that will be going aren't the people that are insane enough to try to fund it.

I'd be incredibly thrilled if governments stopped funding manned space flight, but I'd go it offered.

>> No.4912230

The difference between us and them is.. *shudders* night and day.

>> No.4912235


If that is the case then is everything in their video and on their website a pure lie? I can't say anything about the funding, as I do not have any info on it, but they do seem to have at least a general idea of how they want the process to go and how it would work.

I really hope this gets off the ground. I at least want to see what would happen instead of sitting around saying, "sounds impossible".

>> No.4912248

If I were them, I'd be very selective in terms of candidates. No hippies or artists. Only engineers and scientist. The premise of a one way ticket and this Mars population becoming an entirely knew world is promising. They could start a society of only the brightest and the best.

>> No.4912653

These folks' hearts may be in the right place, but I'm afraid nothing will come of it.

From what I understand, the "contestants" would all be pre-qualified for the mission. The popular voting would be more a matter of publicity than anything.

If this were suggested ten years from now after SpaceX and other companies had established commercial space travel, I'd be pretty excited. But this is way too soon. There's just too much technology to be developed.

>> No.4912751

so when we send astronauts to mars in the future, will we have pre-sent a cargo ship out there so they could resupply for the flight back?

the 7 minutes of terror video from nasa was beyond cool watch it. made me with nasa had a video camera to fill the landing

>> No.4912763


Scarce food and resources. Radiation. Millions and Millions away from help. No hope of ever returning.

Sounds like hell.

>someone post Glimmer Rats.

>> No.4912767

>private company sends people to Mars.
>billions invested
>some get rich
>all the people die upon reaching mars or on the way

Just as planned.™
>we said "one way trip" dip shits.

>> No.4912769


There will undoubtedly be a large pool of contestants to draw from. They could narrow it down to the 50 or 20 most suitable and then have their reality show type shit.

>> No.4912781


There actually is a camera onboard that's going to film the whole descent and landing. Looking down at the surface though.


>> No.4912795

yeah, the brightest and the best on a volunteer suicide mission.

I think you're going to have to settle for "subpar".

>> No.4912882

I'm interested, where do I apply?

>> No.4913164

Saging for scam.

>> No.4913170
File: 18 KB, 250x250, 1306002852886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you could go to Mars with 6 billion USD
>implying you could even gather 6 billion making a reality show
>implying this isnt just a pitch for a reality show based on a lie

>> No.4913172

>If that is the case then is everything in their video and on their website a pure lie?
Yes, it is a lie. I know space science is underfunded as fuck an people want to belive but this is a good ol' scam.

>> No.4913176

>reddit are able to realize this is a scam while /sci/ actually believes its real
My god is /sci/ this dumb??