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4911608 No.4911608[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain what space-time exactly is please? I don't quite understand how you can put space and time together. Is space-time like a graph. I just don't see how they can be put together. Can someone please explain it. Thank you

>> No.4911613
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Looks like someone's 9th grade physics class just hit them

>> No.4911649

put simply space and time can "mix" together. if you are traveling fast relative to something, then what you see as a slice of space at a specific time is actually rotated to be a slice with each point at a different time (from the perspective of the one standing stil.) becasue of this it is better to look at time and space as a 4 dimensional space, this 4D space is spacetime.

>> No.4911667

<div class="math">Interval = \sqrt{(t_2 - t_1)^2 - (x_2 - x_1)^2/c^2 - (y_2 - y_1)^2/c^2 - (z_2 - z_1)^2/c^2}</div>

>> No.4912366

The theory isnt all its cracked up to be. Its really quite, simple, even obvious. The truth is that space/time is no different from the regular space you're used to. And einstein wasnt the first one to come up with relativity, he just coined the term "spacetime" and repeated it like a million times.

Ok, so imagine a point on a graph. Its theoretical, and supposed to be "dimensionless," but we know that that is impossible, because to be able to see a point, it has to have length/width etc.

Add another point, and you get a 1 dimensional line. The line can now be measured with some sort of arbitrary unit, it doesnt matter what you use so long as you keep using the same time. You see its meaningless to say objectively how long something is, it needs to be expressed in terms of something you have defined. The distance between two points can only be expressed RELATIVE to other predetermined distances. Distances can only be measured relative to other theoretical points.

Lets add another point. Now we have a Triangle, or it could be called a PLANE. THe area of the plane is determined by multiplying the length of the original line times 1/2 the height. The area of the triangle only makes sense WITH RESPECT TO THE ORIGINAL LINE.

Lets add another point, this time BREADTH. The volume of the figure can only be expressed relative to everything that came before. Now its the original unit of measurement, multiplied by how many times it appeared in the line, multiplied by 1/2 the distance from the 3rd point, multiplied by the distance from the 4th point.

>> No.4912371

Now heres where the big disappointment comes. So far I've explained space. What is space/time? Its space multiplied by how much time it has existed for. But now we need a new unit of time, since the "inch" we invented for the lines doesnt seem to work, right?


The only way you can perceive time is to perceive CHANGE. Change in what? WHY CHANGE IN ONE OF THE OTHER OBSERVABLE DIMENSIONS.

So space and time are relative to one another. We could not understand one without the other. The are always found together.

Thus, space time.
Fuck you Einstein.

>> No.4912386

Isnt it also like how high amounts of gravity will stretch spacetime warping the perception of both space and time to the observer.

>> No.4912410

That is a useless and retarded metaphor, and its the reason nobody understands this shit. Translate "warping" and "stretching" into terms that make sense with time.

>> No.4912429


Ever hear of a time warp? Seriously what the fuck? How can you not understand these words? Space warps along with time making time slow and space short.

>> No.4912455

time slow
space short

Slow Time? Short Space? You best be trollin' nigga.

AT BEST slow time goes with long space, and short space with fast time. Learn to physics.

Either way, they means the same thing. Absolutely nothing.

>> No.4912487

Basicly space and time go hand in hand in regards to the affect of gravity. There is point a and b, they are far apart. If you then put a high amount of gravity between the two points it will increase the distance between the 2 point. This is because spaceimes is like a fabric that can be stretched infinitly when under the necisary amount of gravity but once that force disapears everything will go back to normal. Since space and time are tied if stretch the spacetime in point a and not b and have 2 of the same clocks the clock in point a will go a different speed than the one in point b. Because it warps time too. Just imagine it as a fabric and metaphors make sense.