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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4910679 No.4910679[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are any of your friends into math/science? Do you get to talk about these subjects, on a respectable level, with people IRL (outside of academics) or do you only talk about them online?

>> No.4910686

I have no friends.

>> No.4910695

No, have not even come close to having a friend interested in mathematics. I wish I had actually, I would love to discuss mathematics and exchange ideas/develop intuition through discussion with friends.

>> No.4910703
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I've had one who is almost close enough to talk to about it, but even he doesn't seem as interested as me.

>> No.4910709

Until junior year of high school I always hung out with the stoners. Really helped my grades.

>> No.4910713
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>my friends are obsessed with stuff like video games and sports
>we talk about innovative strategies all the time, because it's cool to do that stuff and beat the other teams
>tfw you will never hang out with friends who are eager to explore new areas of advanced mathematics and try to come up with proofs
>tfw you will never even just talk about cool proofs with friends
>tfw you can't even find people who are genuinely interested in /diy/ stuff like homebrew biology, since those hobbies are rare unless they have something to do with /g/

There are people with these strange interests out there somewhere... but geography wise, I'll never find them.

>> No.4910717

Well, you can find plenty of great people who are willing to discuss science/math if you follow that field for graduation, but it's not easy to find them among regular people.
When I'm with my older friends it usually goes down to philosophy when they try to please me, and I'm not exactly discontent with it.

>> No.4910718

I have a friend in graduate school which we constantly discuss topics in physics and chemistry IRL obviously. It's pretty fun and thought provoking - if you can find someone who's on your same wavelength like that, I suggest doing it as often as you can. It can be pretty helpful with your own knowledge if you listen to someone else and their interpretations and understandings.

>> No.4910726 [DELETED] 

I do have friends in those fields but they are the kind of people that see math, physicis, etc... merely as enemies you need to beat on an exam and we dont usually engage in conversations beyond asking how we are doing and offering each other textbooks

>> No.4910732

I do have friends in those fields but they are the kind of people that see math, physicis, etc... merely as enemies you need to beat on an exam. We dont usually engage in conversations beyond asking how we are doing in those subjects and offering each other textbooks

>> No.4910733

No, my friends don't really understand when I try to talk with them about science.
If I try to talk with somenone who knows about the subject, they tend to be older than me and think I'm an adorable idiot.
I hate this borderline.

>> No.4910738

When I read Godel's proof, I was interested in the preface in which hofstadter talked about how he and a few friends spent a few hours a day discussing mathematical logic. There was also a section in Sync by Strogatz about how he and his adviser had fun doing weird lab shit.

I tried to look for people like that, but all I found were people who had marginal interest in pop science (I introduced them to those two popular books I just mentioned but nothing gave a lasting impression) and spent 90% of their time talking about movies. Feels bad man.

>> No.4910757
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all of my feels

>> No.4910765
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My school math department:
>Future teachers
>Future actuaries
>No plans on grad school, just took math because lolhatereading

>> No.4910771
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>I do have friends in those fields but they are the kind of people that see math, physicis, etc... merely as enemies you need to beat on an exam.

>If I try to talk with somenone who knows about the subject, they tend to be older than me and think I'm an adorable idiot.

>> No.4910785

I only have one friend who is into math. I'm starting college late and going into Physics so I think I will always be 2-3 years behind him. Doubt I can keep up with him even when I get to the good stuff.

The other friends are a mixture of pot heads, people that share pictures of cute 2D girls with each other, college dropouts who would rather start a family at the age of 21, or people who think every field of science is pointless when they could be watching Bad Girls Club on tv.

>> No.4910793

Most of my friends think that what I do is pointless. Little do they know that their shitty wage jobs are pointless too and on top of that pretty miserable.

>> No.4910999

I have many friends with whom i can talk about math cuz i'm(and they are) studing math. And only with they i talk about math cuz i'm not nerd, who talking to girls math stuf.
If someone says that study math is pointless that must be fucking idiot without any imagination.
Annoying is that most of people says that after mathematics studies you can be only future teacher. Of course it is bullshit. They just doesn't see applied mathematics.
Actuarial mathematics > all

>> No.4911004


>> No.4911034

doesnt anyone go to uni/college these days? I have a few uni friends also interested in maths and we talk about it together. Maybe its cause I take the more advanced subjects.

I also have one random friend from highschool who I sometimes discuss maths with, but recently he has gone to the dark side and has begun to move towards a chem major.

>> No.4911059



>> No.4911069

>chem major
>dark side

>> No.4911071

chem is shit tier

>> No.4911082


>> No.4911084

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.4911086

Oh man the forces of pure mathematics and theoretical physics have arrived, quick fetch the books on algebraic and differential topology.

>> No.4911128

I start Physics and Calculus next year, and well i wan't to know a little about what i'm going to be learning. The sad thing is i don't really know where to start so any help would be appreciated, thanks!

>> No.4911131

>underage b& high schoolers

>> No.4911148

Rudin: Real and complex analysis. If you can't get to the 2nd part after the first month of calculus, you have an IQ below 80

>> No.4911152

For calculus: Calculus for Dummies
For math: Any book on elementary set theory


>> No.4911166
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Yes, 95% of my friends are into math/science.
90% of them hold advanced degrees

I often talk to them about math/science on a Phd level, at bars/movies/hang outs/lunch/etc.

>> No.4911169

i don't think you belong on /sci/

>> No.4911170

I used to, then I moved to Canada (midwest) three years ago. Most of the people I've met don't know basic science and many of them even believe in creationism. I just moved to a larger city though, so I have my fingers crossed.

Mathfag, btw

>> No.4911177

there is nowhere in canada that people refer to as the mid west. where are you actually?

>> No.4911180


>> No.4911183

>bars/movies/hang outs/lunch/etc.

>> No.4911186

Saskatchewan, Alberta. I've heard many people refer to them as the midwest. inb4 "those places are backwards, everyone knows that only british columbia, ontario, and sometimes nova scotia count as canada", hence the reason I pointed out I'm in the midwest.

>> No.4911188

No, one refers to them as the midwest. I live in alberta.

>> No.4911189

>implying humans are not social creatures

>> No.4911187

You got a problem with friends? or socializing?
Are you not a human? Are you some kinda bot?

>> No.4911198

Alberta I often times hear referred to as "Canada's Texas" or "Texas North". Which is ironic considering Texan's hate Canadians.

>> No.4911202


>thread intended for people with actual friends to post experiences
>looks like i dont have friends
>lets post irrelavant greentext while saging, that will express my disaproval of their practices.
>let me tell you under what conditions, which i just made up, you can belong on a science board,

>> No.4911213
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Yeah, sure. What specifically do you want to know OP?

WTF is the point of this thread? You just takign a poll? Asking for advice to make science friends? WHAT DO YOU WANT NIGGA!?

>> No.4911228

>Having non-science friends

Are you fucking retarded? Why would you have non-science friends? All you friends should at least be science-enthusists, anything less then that is actually detrimental.

You really think hanging around with fucking retards doesn't make you fucking retarded?

>> No.4911236

I think you can learn something from everybody.

But if you already know everything, then you're fine.

>> No.4911241


You seem to imply that people with non scientific interests are retarded

>> No.4911249
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>mfw there are hundreds of millions (at least) of people who enjoy talking about math and science, be it professionally, socially, or as a hobby

>mfw math and science bros are literally around every fucking corner

>mfw all you have to do is get off your ass and be social

>> No.4911263

I've tried. Tell me where they are hiding. If I ever find someone who doesn't scream "LALALALALALA" at the mere mention of math, it's usually some retard who thinks they're a genius because, "Hey guys I found out how to divide by zero!!!"

>> No.4911290
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What I mean is that you should choose your friends and associates wisely. Surround yourself with ambitious people and you will go far. Your relitionships will be benifical to your long term goals, and visa versa. Surround yourself with undecuated slackers, and you will probably end up no where.

Your friends are a direct reflection of you.

It is okay to have nonscientific interests, or even have freinds who have nonscientific interests, as long as they make up for it with somthing worthwhile.

Having freinds/assocaites who are anti-science, too religious, conservative, uneducated, or apathetic in general, is not healthy and will usually cause harm to your life and your scientific career.

>> No.4911300

You act like you can just walk out into the street and easily find reasonable, well-educated people wherever you go.

If you have friends like you described, then you're lucky. Not all universities are Harvard however.

>> No.4911315
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Well said. Especially if you live in the southern portion of the United States. The ignorance here is maddening.

>> No.4911358
File: 18 KB, 268x326, Einstein_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even in alot of backward parts of the US, there are literally univerities fucking everywhere, with science and math departments. I am sure you could go make some friends there, join some clubs or someshit.

Also, YOU NEED TO MOVE OUT OF DUMBFUCKISTAN! DURR! Why the fuck would anyone choose to live surrounded by dumb fucks?

You might even consider moving away from the USA. It is turning to shit faster then expected. It ~30 years it will probably be a third world country (sooner if they elect Romney).

>> No.4911362

>implying most univeristies don't have math/physics clubs

>> No.4911364 [DELETED] 

>liberal arts
>not retarded

>> No.4911368 [DELETED] 

You must go to a trailer trash community college.

It's the only reasonable explanation.

>> No.4911373

> nonscientific interests, as long as they make up for it with somthing worthwhile.
>Having freinds/assocaites who are anti-science, too religious, conservative, uneducated, or apathetic in general, is not healthy and will usually cause harm to

this reminds me of ''you are average of 5 people you spend time with most'' saying .. I think it's true

>> No.4911380


>In ~30 years it will probably be a third world country


>> No.4911383

>tfw studying in Saskatchewan

>> No.4911401

>spend a lot of time on /g/, /sci/, /diy/ /a/, and /tg/

i want to die

>> No.4911440

Do you not follow american politics?

>> No.4911510

If all of you want to have friends you can talk about science and maths that desperately, why don't you just add each other? Geez, don't make it so fucking complicated and frustrating.

>> No.4911592

ayo add me on facebook <3

>> No.4911618

lord aizen is a fag

>> No.4911753

My father is, just for the "ancient aliens" bullshit. And if I have to deal with the likes of him, I hope I can retire early from my Electrical Engineering and fuck off to /v/.

>> No.4912555

No, not studying. Why the fuck would anyone move to a commonwealth country to study.