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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4908355 No.4908355[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My understanding is that Hawking radiation is a theory used to explain how black holes conserve energy. For example, we think blackholes grow in size as they consume matter. Any particle that enters the Schwarzchild radius (SR) of a blackhole is absorbed. QM purposes that virtual particles in the quantum field 'pop' in and out of existence all the time, but that they come in particle/anti-particle pairs that quickly annihilate one another, thus conserving energy and momentum in the universe. Hawking used this notion to theorize that virtual pairs that happen to 'pop' into existence on the event horizon (SR), are split up and do not annihilate eachother as they usually do. One particle 'falls' into the black hole, while the other escapes and appears as Hawking Radiation. Since the black hole grows fractionally by swallowing one particle, and since the other particle in the pair is emitted as radiation, energy and momentum are conserved.
Is this correct, or have I made a mistake?

>> No.4908362

Shameless self bump.

>> No.4908364

You've got it backwards.

>> No.4908367

Look, if you're not going to take the effort to understand the math, then have some respect and focus your efforts somewhere else.

Goddamn science channel made everyone think they were smart without any work.

>> No.4908396


>> No.4908413

Except scientists who actually study that don't do it do they can chill on their high horse and tell everyone else they shouldn't try to learn shit about it because they don't have 10 years of advanced math. That's why you see those same scientists on those same goddamn shows hoping to spread their knowledge to others in an understandable way.

>> No.4908424

Not everyone needs to know the details, but it helps that more people have a basic understanding of it. Mathematics is a specific language that is not as commonly spoken as you may believe. In much the same way that a musician does not expect his audience to understand the theory used to explain how a piece of music sounds, scientists should not expect laymen to understand the formulae to explain what is clearly evident in many other ways. So if you can't cross the language barrier, you're better off not saying anything at all.

If we all thought like you, science would be witchcraft.

>> No.4908425


> That's why you see those same scientists on those same goddamn shows hoping to spread their knowledge to others in an understandable way.

Except the scientists don't write the shows. They're just talking heads on one part of the show. Science channel shows have been known for their inaccuracy and great stretching of the truth to fit it into an allegory that the LCD will understand.

Why is it so hard for teenagers to accept that there are phenomena in a 14 billion year old universe that a 2 million year old monkey brain cannot compute?

>> No.4908433

>If we all thought like you, science would be witchcraft

I like you..

>> No.4908448


> scientists should not expect laymen to understand the formulae to explain what is clearly evident in many other ways

And laymen should not expect to have everything spelled out for them in analogies so stretched that the layperson isn't really understanding anything at all.

Shit, it's like you're saying "Aunt minnie fell and broke her hip" should be understandable to an alien. Without context, without a LOT of context, that statement makes no sense.

Same with GR, magnets, QED, lots of highly technical things cannot be dumbed down or related to the average experiences of the guy who works at jiffy lube.

If you want to learn it, learn it. Don't be like some fool christian and just cherry pick aspects of the universe to know a microscopic fraction of and then act like you know how it works.

>> No.4908457
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>science would be witchcraft.

Can you explain the function of the complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor? down to the electron paths? without wikipedia do you even know what i'm referring to?

Guess it's witchcraft, then.

>> No.4908481

It's only witchcraft if I decide it's not worth learning about

ITT: people who think gaining knowledge isn't worth it

>> No.4908489

Faraday. That's all.

>> No.4908491


>World English Dictionary
witchcraft (ˈwɪtʃˌkrɑːft)

— n
1. the art or power of bringing magical or preternatural power to bear or the act or practice of attempting to do so
2. the influence of magic or sorcery
3. fascinating or bewitching influence or charm

Oh, okay. so you just make up your own word definitions just like you invent your own reality of half-understandings and cobbled together truths?

>people who think gaining knowledge isn't worth it

What makes it worth it? A better job is all. Or do people who die with a lot of knowledge go to special heaven?

>> No.4908495


>a dataset of one

That's some fine science work, lou.

>> No.4908500

For some people, just the understanding they gain is what makes it worth it

>> No.4908505


So it's a personal choice on what they value?

Shit, people gain comfort from reading the bible. What's the difference?

>> No.4908506


>What makes it worth it? A better job is all. Or do people who die with a lot of knowledge go to special heaven?

Holy fuck, did you actually just say that?
why are you even on this board

>> No.4908514

Why would there have to be a difference? Of course, religion isn't going to advance germ theory or put men on mars but if it helps with their understanding, I say whatever..

>> No.4908529


I'm sorry, i thought this was a science forum, not a pop-sci mythbusters fanclub forum where everything is SCIENCE and QUIRKY EXPLOSIONS WITH NERDS IN THICK GLASSES.

Christ, can't you defend your own statements without crying like a baby? You can say that you value knowledge and learning, but knowledge and learning by themselves are useless. Go ahead, try to get a job and reference wikipedia as the institution you graduated from.

>> No.4908530
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>implying christians actually read the bible

The bible is a huge pile of horse shit. It is written badly, and not considered good literature on any fucking level. If christians actually took the time to read the whole fucking bible they would become atheist.


>> No.4908533


ITT: new atheists and high school kids.

You can tell a new atheist by their inability to not take a shot at the bible whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Oh well. maybe in a decade or two you'll be interesting to talk to when you have your own opinions.

>> No.4908536

We're starting to veer dangerously close to axiology ITT. inb4 /sci/fags get buttdevestated over philosophy.

>> No.4908543



You mean the trolls are coming?

>> No.4908566


Actually im a totally different person then you were arguing with, I just really disagree with that statement..

I didnt get into my field to get a well-rounded, well paying job, i actually find learning about the universe to be genuinely gratifying all on its on.

Its just fucking sad that you cant wrap your head around learning to just to gain knowledge for the sake of gaining knowledge..

>> No.4908574


>Its just fucking sad that you cant wrap your head around learning to just to gain knowledge for the sake of gaining knowledge..

I do, actually. I just don't advocate it because, like stamp collecting, it is an inherently worthless thing to do and the only reason to do it is to feel smarter than everyone else.

Shit, people say you should fight for the same reasons, or scuba dive, or do anything. You can't advocate your hobby as something special. You might be good at jeopardy, but what else?

>> No.4908578

Dude was arguing with me but really he's just devils advocating...
Also fuckheads need to say the threads closed after their weak post.

>> No.4908635

Right, if you guys want to mince terms to feed your egos, I suppose this is the place to do it. I just hope you're different people in the meatspace, since it really doesn't matter what you know if you can't or don't care to share it.

Knowledge is only useful if it can be spread to other minds, and if you can't wrap your head around what you know enough to simplify it, you still have a lot to learn.