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4904337 No.4904337 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know what to get a degree in.

I'm thinking Chemical Engineering.

How's your college experience gone /sci/? Can you offer any words of wisdom? What can get me the "big bucks"?

>> No.4904343


>not getting a liberal arts degree

>> No.4904353


"A liberal arts degree" isn't a major, dipshit.

>> No.4904364

I read that ChemE gets a lot of money.

I also heard that it is WAY WAY more math than it is actually doing anything with chemicals, though.

>> No.4904365

Whatever you do just have in mind what you ultimately want to do with it. This is much more important than your actual degree. I graduated with honors in physics but haven't found a job yet. This is because I focused more on wanting to learn physics and get a degree than what to do with said degree.

That said, chemical engineering is an excellent field to go into. Very interesting, lots of varied job opportunities, good money.

>> No.4904370

>getting only a liberal arts degree
>not wasting four years and piles of money just to be unemployed forever

Pick one.

>> No.4904374


I am a chemE.

Chemical engineering is a great field, you can work in many many different industries. The advantage with ChemE is that your not as limited in what you could work as. However, petroleumE might require you to live in some remote place for months for work, but pays more.

If you want money, then you want either petroleum, mech, civil or chem E, will get you a nice job in oil and a nice pay check. Anything not oil will probably pay less.

Alternately, if you are gifted, you can try for actuarial science.

>> No.4904397

Keep away from Chemical Engineering.

I'm a chem Eng, and Mechanical Engineering is a lot better.
Chem Eng, if lots of maths and physic, as most Chemistry goes to pure chemistry guys.
You will work with stupidly cancerous material, in hazard atmospheres. One of My University teachers died due to cancer from exposure during her thesis. You never know if what you/we think is safe now, isn't going to kill you down the line.

Go do Environmental Eng, or Mech Eng, for the same stuff. They do almost all a Chem Eng does, with the exception of the retarded dangerous chemicals stuff you really want to avoid.

>> No.4904525
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this man makes a persuasive argument. You should also try electrical engineering. thats my major so far.

>> No.4904526

Can't you go into petroleum as a ChemE?

>> No.4904535

absolutely. interning at southwestern energy as a reservoir engineer. I do CFD and modeling. no chemical contact for me!

>> No.4904604

Stop being such a goddamn pussy, everybody dies.

>> No.4907046

how is environmental engineering?
like pretty much im asking what do how do,
im interesting in helping the environment but not sure how to begin in this path, money isn't too important but i'd also like to make decent and above.