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File: 186 KB, 1152x864, suicide booth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4904005 No.4904005 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/

You guys are the most intelligent open minded people I know. I was wondering if you would be so kind as to share you opinions on suicide.

>> No.4904008

stopped reading at intelligent open minded people

>> No.4904013

suicide is dangerous!

>> No.4904023

It could kill you!

>> No.4904033

big fan of any form of population control. i wish we could organize all of the suicidal idiots who are too dense to appreciate being alive and have them take out large factions of morons... too many of you faggots hang yourselves like its about you or try to get famous in the process by taking out randoms. so fucking gay. strap an H bomb to yourself and find a third world country in which to detonate it... or any ghetto locally

>> No.4904040

I don't think I count as one of those, "intelligent people".

Personally, I think the thought of permanently destroying your consciousness while you're functionally mentally at near 100% to be horrifying. The thought of dying scares me, and probably others for similar reasons.

forgive me for my grammar

>> No.4904044


... Let me try that again

[spoiler]forgive me for my grammar[\spoiler]

>> No.4904049


wait... you mean I can't spoiler in /sci/?

options, OP?

>> No.4904053
File: 33 KB, 500x333, Audience Laughing-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open minded

Intelligent because IQ tests, sure sure...

>> No.4904060
File: 275 KB, 2048x1536, 1334401321995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. If you can't appreciate the sheer beauty of your existence, you deserve to kill yourself.
Suicide is irrational.

>> No.4904073
File: 110 KB, 500x688, linklaugh2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people say we'd be better off if suicidal people just killed themselves
>mfw studies show that there is a disproportionate amount of "intelligent" people in the population of depressed individuals (causes of course are up for speculation)

Enjoy your society of redneck idiots when all the good people kill themselves to get away from the idiots.

>> No.4904081
File: 27 KB, 500x375, 1337020017099 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am intelligent and open minded.

Suicide is always morally Ok, but you're free to despise the act, it's your opinion.
Many idiots kill themselves for stupid reasons. But it's still their right.
I don't think we should try to revive them, they made their choice.

On the other hand it is not the responsibility of human society to help them do the deed.

>> No.4904096

Do you mean legally or morally?

Basically, we were never given the opportunity to choose if we wanted to be born. We cant do anything about that short of stopping birth completely, killing our race. What we can do is let the individual choose whether they want to continue life or not once they have developed enough to choose go themselves at, say, 18.

>> No.4904119



>> No.4904143

not really, you are assuming there is beauty in everyone's existence. if your life is genuinely unenjoyable, and there is no hope of it improving, it would be less rational to keep living.

>> No.4904148

Existence in itself, I meant. Not what that existence entails.

>> No.4904159

Watch some Alan Watts videos

>> No.4904167

i was referring more to your statement that suicide is irrational. some cases (probably most) may be, but i don't think the act is inherently irrational. as in, that kid who killed himself over an ipod may be irrational, but only because of the reason he chose to commit suicide not the act of suicide himself. why should you keep living if your don't enjoy it (and assuming your death doesn't hurt others) ?

>> No.4904169

suicide itself*
if you don't*

sorry..i'm tired.

>> No.4904183

You need wisdom not intelligence, ask the wisest board:

>> No.4904192

Well, you have the freedom to cease to exist rather than deal with your problems. It's an option for weaklings, but if you wanna take that road I'm not holding you back.

>> No.4904196

>not wanting to stay alive and take awe in your existence as the universe
I take it back, though, in all honesty rationalization of it is subjective in every case.

>> No.4904207

No shit.

This guy does more things for me regarding my existence than Christianity from age 2 to 16 ever did. I think it helped that he was trained as a Christian Missionary before he converted to Zen...he lets the Christian cat out of the bag a few times regarding consciousness vs. reality and its helped me deal with the undealable.

>> No.4904213

Give a logical reason to live beside "it feels good". You can't.
And since feeling good is worthless, living is worthless.

>> No.4904218

You only have one life, why waste it? Especially when you're eventually just going to die anyway.

And since you're going to be dead for all eternity, you might as well get the most out of the brief time you were lucky enough to have.

>> No.4904232

Why do people in third world countries whose lives consist of nothing but suffering, starvation, pathetic indignity, and watching those they love wither and die, not commit suicide?

Because they're not spoiled faggots like you OP.

>> No.4904233

This logic>>4904218

shoots down THIS logic. >>4904213

Ok, OP? Go put a bird on it then...

>> No.4904240

well it is subjective for outsiders, but i think the person himself has an objective view of whether he should keep living or not. it doesn't really matter if others think a certain life is liveable if the person himself doesn't think so. whether a certain person enjoys life or not is not subjective, only they get to decide that. this is of course assuming their unhappiness is not temporary, and in most cases it is.

>> No.4904248

If you have such disregard for yourself, you can make your life and death worth something to your species.

Just volunteer for as many clinical trials as you can.

Fear and pain might make you feel alive for a change, or being really fucking rich might.

Don't forget to sign documentation donating your body to science.