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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 60 KB, 500x447, what-if-your-wife-orbits-my-dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4902527 No.4902527[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Serious question /sci/:

How big would your dick actually need to be for the average woman to be pulled into orbit?

>> No.4902530

If it helps at all, the average female weight is about 58.967KG

>> No.4902531

In an otherwise empty universe, any size would do.

>> No.4902539

Without knowing the relative velocity between the woman and your dick, we can't answer this question.

>> No.4902540

How close are they together?

>> No.4902534

>see picture
>almost click hide thread
>see post
>it's actually science
Have a bump

>> No.4902535


But then wouldn't a smaller dick end up in orbit around my wife? I know they would orbit each other, I mean how big would your dick need to be for the axis of orbit to be within my dick.

>> No.4902545


That depends on how far apart they are.

>> No.4902546


Can we assume that both your wife and my dick pop into existance in a vacuum at the same time at a distance ot 20m?

>> No.4902555


How about woman is travelling at about 2.4m/s (average storming off from an argument speed) and the man is travelling at 1.2m/s (average pelvic thrust speed), passing by at a distance of 20m?

>> No.4902561

If your dick has the same mass, it will become a two body system with the rotation center in the middle, if you speed up the woman enough. If the mass of your dick increases the center migrates towards the center of it.

Or do you want to know the speed they need, so they don't collide?

>> No.4902562
File: 28 KB, 714x616, wifeorbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diagram anyone?

>> No.4902563

> Can we assume that both your wife and my dick pop into existance in a vacuum at the same time at a distance ot 20m?

No. My wife and your dick both exist. So you have to get them positioned at rest as they are currently, or there would have to be an approach velocity. These are the starting conditions.

>> No.4902568


Preferably the conditions required such that a stable orbit is achieved, similar to a planetary system, with various peoples wives are in orbit like planets around my sun-like dick.

>> No.4902574


Basically how much mass would my dick need to gain, and at what speed would your wife have to be travelling past with at a distance of 20m to enter orbit.

>> No.4902587

escape velocity = SQRT(2*G*(Mass of Dick)) / Radius of dick)

Let your Dick have a radius of 1 m and 50kG and me using Woflram Alpha
you have to speed up the woman to 0.0002948km/h

>> No.4902617


Aweseme, new question: how much viagra would I need to increase my dick to those levels?

>> No.4902621

assuming to my emails only 1

>> No.4902631


>> No.4902734


i lol'd

>> No.4902781


Sameth fageth.

>> No.4902845
File: 107 KB, 300x330, dexter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why have women orbit your dick?

If anything, the better option would be for your dick to be massive enough to exceed the escape velocity of the average woman.

R = 2GM / v^2. For a black hole v would be the speed of light in a vacuum. (fortunately women don't run nearly that fast).
(R * v^2) / 2G = M

The average male penis is about 0.15 m long and has a radius of about 0.02 m. This gives us a cylinder with a volume of 188 cm^3, so we'll approximate the penis as a sphere with a radius of 3.5 cm. Average human running speed is about 6 m/s so...

If your penis had a mass of ~9.5 x 10^9 kg, women would be physically unable to escape it.

>> No.4902856
File: 53 KB, 750x294, mindblown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Schwarzchild dick
My god! What hath science wrought!?

>> No.4902859

I dunno, I'll ask your mom later today when I'm anally raping her.
BTW your brother? That was me.

>> No.4902860
File: 50 KB, 714x616, sci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4902867
File: 340 KB, 351x440, 5 star.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4902869

Wouldn't this only apply to women trying to escape from your dick? You still have to get them there.

>> No.4902874

All you have to do is get close enough and rip off your pants. Gravity will do the rest.

Though I have concerns about the tidal forces involved... they might tear the poor woman to shreds before coitus could be initiated.

>> No.4902882

>tidal forces
Good point. Also relativity would come into play. What would it even look like? Would you actually ever observe her reaching your dick?

>> No.4902886


What scale are you using? You haven't annotated it clearly.

>> No.4902933

would you be sucked into your own dick too?

>> No.4902953

No because your dick is attached to you, the problem would be that it wouldn't let other people escape, so you go into the mall and all the niggers start orbiting your dick.

>> No.4902968

This thread is fucking GOLD. Oh good golly gawd, my sides!