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4901992 No.4901992 [Reply] [Original]

Why do humans not eat one another? At all, under any circumstance, there are no venues that sell that type of food in the Europe I know. Would it be the most addictive meat around, if it was available to purchase, for Sunday Lunches, and fast food restaurants? As we're related and are from the same species, would human-food, if distributed nation-wide, become the most ate food?

>Taken from how does human taste:google.
"It was like good, fully developed veal, not young, but not yet beef. It was very definitely like that, and it was not like any other meat I had ever tasted. It was so nearly like good, fully developed veal that I think no person with a palate of ordinary, normal sensitiveness could distinguish it from veal. It was mild, good meat with no other sharply defined or highly characteristic taste such as for instance, goat, high game, and pork have."

>> No.4901996

I would love to eat human meat at least once. Could probably even eat it casually just like I eat pork/veal/.. too though

>> No.4901998

I made a pact in highschool with a friend that stated: if either of us have a limb amputated for any reason that does not taint the meat, we will eat it.

>> No.4901999

It's political correctness gone global.

I see no moral problems with eating human meat, provided it didn't lead to mass slaughter for increased stock

>> No.4902005

There was those two guys that made a deal where one would be murdered by the other, and then eaten. He was pretty depressed, so he let a guy eat him.

He seems like a generous man.

>> No.4902004

Yup, it's those evolutionarily engrained morals at work. Same thing as incest with birth control, in which both parties come out emotionally and physically healthy. There's nothing inherently wrong with it. It's simply that we have a shared strong negative reaction to it, because back in the day this sort of breeding would lead to less healthy kids. Having a taste for human flesh could lead to negative outcomes if it lead to the slaughter of other friendly humans. There's nothing inherently wrong with eating human flesh. If someone dies, why not? It's either going to be eaten or burned anyway.

>> No.4902010

Enjoy your prions faggot.

>> No.4902013
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OP here:
Are there any health benefits from eating human meat? Whats' the nutrition value of it? What about other parts of a human (eyes, liver, kidneys, etc).

You are what you eat... If I ate another human for every day of my life....

>> No.4902014

Probably no different from any other well fed mammal.

>> No.4902033
File: 351 KB, 2560x1600, cannibalisim_it_does_a_body_bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except that you'd in all probability develop some bad prion diseases and die as a vegetable with a very badly deteriorated brain.

There's a reason why cannibalism is avoided by most animals except in extreme circumstances.

>> No.4902034

Things like this:

>> No.4902047


>> No.4902045
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Okay, so, eating regularly human meat is bad, but what about one-offs? Now and again, as part of a solid diet - are risks still there even if small?

What about blood types, and genetics, will these play any role in the nutrition side of eating human meat/parts?

>> No.4902052


Isn't the prion disease only linked with eating the brain?

Damn, moot, you promised that the captcha is only temporarily, you promised! Now probably 3 years passed and we still have the captcha!

>> No.4902054

Has it really been that long? I remember the first few days when I refused to post because it was just such a fucking pain.

I hardly even remember what it was like to post without this shit.

>> No.4902060
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OP here;
in addition to >>4902045

I'm jumping on this one,
what about the whole "you're soul is mine" concept, where I eat a human and its' genetics bond onto my own, is that even a possibility? After eating a multitude of human meat, as well as other foods, would their DNA merge with my own, over time causing me to take on some of my foods traits?

>> No.4902063

Eating humans generally leads to killing humans so you can eat them.

>> No.4902065

There's also the problem that human meat is incredibly unhealthy. Even fit humans are saturated with unhealthy fat and environmental pollutants.

It can also come from other nerves and bone marrow. Also, when prions have come, they stay. No way to get rid of them. They can even contaminate the ground for decades and the only sure way to destroy prions is in an oxy-plasma furnace. And that's why BSE and Scrapie are such a big deal.

>> No.4902083

>There's also the problem that human meat is incredibly unhealthy. Even fit humans are saturated with unhealthy fat and environmental pollutants.

That's one problem with feeding on apex predators.

The other problem is that apex predators can fuck you up. That's why we have a social contract.

>I digress, but is vegetarianism healthier for the above reason?

>> No.4902126


That's why you cook the meat, genius.

>> No.4902203

And your comment is why you should read the thread, like for example this post here >>4902065
which would have told you that cooking doesn't do fuck when it comes to prions.

The more you know, the less you are likely to make stupid comments.

>> No.4902567

Apart from being a moron, cooking human meat doesn't make it any less dangerous. As a lot of other dudes already have stated: Because prions. Hyper-stable protein structures that can change the configuration of other proteins which cause severe damage in brain tissue.

>> No.4902591

Saturated fats are actually a health vegetarian's main criticism, along with cholesterol.
>doesn't know what prions are
>can't even use google

>> No.4903316

But vegetarians are stupid. We can't expect them to make sound arguments.

>> No.4903321


that sounds kind of awkward. I mean how does a deal like that even work?

>Hey I feel kind of down today, why don't you just eat me?

>Sure let me just grab my butcher knife to chop you up. I gotta clean my freezer out so I have a place to store you.

>okay. i'll be in your bed overdosing. If I'm not dead by the time you're finished just give me a stab!

>> No.4903338

in addition to the potential prion disease, you're almost guaranteed toxic levels of heavy metals- particularly mercury and lead.

consider that humans are apex predators that eat other predators, so we ingest the accumulated metals of their entire food webs.

we live longer than any animal we eat, so we have far more time to accumulate metals. we live like 80 years compared to about 2 for beef cattle.

we pollute our environments and live and work right next to the source of our pollution.

we also have a relatively small body mass for the amount of pollutants we absorb. Not much meat, a lot of toxins.

so you could eat a person or two, but a steady diet of people would leave you insane and disabled in a few weeks from the metals content alone.

like eating nothing but tuna and salmon, only about ten times worse.

>> No.4903368

Depression with a severe vore fetish bordering on mental disorder itself.

There have also been less-publicized cases where people have voluntarily let parts of themselves be amputated(by professionals) to be eaten by themselves or others.

>> No.4903385

a year or two ago a pair of swedish (i think) news anchors agreed to amputate and eat a portion of each other's asses.

>> No.4903449

That sounds like swedish newsies all right.

>> No.4904072

Prion disease. Here's a biological reason.. perhaps THE biological reason not to cannibalize each other postmortem.
Apart from this, the only reasons i can think of would be societal or normative in nature.




>> No.4904592

Do you not welcome our Prion overlords?

>> No.4904598
File: 18 KB, 300x300, 51wi3wyMjYL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just a reason not to eat brains dipshit.

I'm ok with eating people.

>> No.4904599


read about it

>> No.4904644

You are dumb as hell. First of all, have you looked at the average american diet? It rarely contains predators. A lot of cow, chicken, and pig. None of those are predators. Chicken's are omnivores and eat bugs, but it is so insanely rare to find a farm that actually feeds chickens a natural diet containing insects, that I have only been able to find one source in my entire state.

The only predators that most westerners eat is fish and most barely eat any. Also, salmon is EXTREMELY low in mercury content (you're a cock).

>> No.4904655

Brains are where the prions are mainly concentrated. Not the only place to find it. Read the entire article.

>> No.4904681


Listen here you limp dicked piece of shit.
Here is me without respect, here is me being evil.

After being DEAD twice in my life and building myself back up over and over and over while praying with no help from your god, i DID turn to satan, and he DID help me.
He showed me that religion means nothing. The fact that i have ever been able to build myself from nothing, using broken tools is enough. I should believe myself and nothing else
Furfur has always been there to push me forward when i wanted to back away.
Evil is not a word to be slung around like shit from a monkey's ass. It is an intolerable insult that nobody should EVER let get to them.
>u mad bro?
I'm fucking furious. Your book , the bible is the longest lie ever written and it was all stolen from other religions, look up the cult of Elysium, it will sound really fucking familiar.

With sincerity, from the deepest part of my heart and soul, i hope everything you know and love is taken away from you.
Much like it was taken from me. Maybe then you'll realize that just because the light is really fucking pretty, doesn't mean it isn't blinding your sorry ass.

I wish you nothing but ill will, and suffering until the day you kill yourself.
>hurr its your true colors you're showing see he's evil
Damn right.
damn fucking right i can be evil, i try not to be but you decided to drag it out.

>> No.4904685

"That's a long text, should probably be copy pasta"
(Arbitrarily read a line around the middle)
>I'm fucking furious. Your book , the bible is the longest lie ever written

Insulting people won't make you right. If you search for mercury on food chain you'll stumble across data pointing out how high mercury toxicity is among humans. Much higher than other predators such as sharks, for instance. You should remember our bodies have no biological defense mechanism against heavy metals, and your body absorbs and keeps every single drop of mercury in your food.