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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 65 KB, 467x616, 1342801511_james-holmes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4901302 No.4901302 [Reply] [Original]

Requesting 4chan' opinion on the nueroscience major james holmes.

in his studies he explored the phenomena of temporal illusions and subjective experience

he did say "i am the joker" right before he shot those 70 sum people.

>> No.4901311

i like his hair

>> No.4901313

Do we know if he had access to experimental compounds?

>> No.4901315



>> No.4901317
File: 14 KB, 320x350, varg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he wants to pass the judment onto the sinned people. god bless him and god bless america

>> No.4901318

get a new hobby and sage

>> No.4901321

He's kinda cute

>> No.4901358

I'd give him a handy.
I ain't even gay :/

>> No.4901365

>neuroscience major
He wasn't in school.

Deal with it.

The more you know!

1/100 because I fucking responded to cancer.

>> No.4901370

why is this on /sci/? you could get hundreds of bs replies to your cancer on /b/..

>> No.4901383

you forgot your sah-gay.

>> No.4901386
File: 17 KB, 794x1100, sci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not /sci/ related, gtfo!

>>>>/pol/ >>>/k/ >>>/lit/ >>>/x/ >>>/soc/ >>>/adv/ >>>/b/ are that way